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System Modding - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Discovery Development (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=7) +--- Forum: Discovery Mod General Discussion (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=37) +--- Thread: System Modding (/showthread.php?tid=7605) |
System Modding - Dab - 04-09-2008 This Guide is still In Progress/Under Construction First thing you need to know. Any and all modding can be included or excluded by Igiss when submitting. He has final call on anything you send in. I suggest reading this beforehand; System Editing Tutorial, tips & hints Discovery system editing tutorial Greek Alphabet Systems in Freelancer Explorer For system & ship developers, new information - please read New checklist for systems, plus design document and infocard templates file Mission Tutorial, how to set up and test missions SECTION 1 - Modification Files File Locations: The files you need to edit are located in the Freelancer Mod Manager/mods/(Mod name)/DATA/ folder. I would suggest that you name the mod name after the system your editing. For example, when making Omicron-74; mods/Omicron-74/DATA. This is also useful when your working on more than one system at a time. For editing Discovery systems, you'll want to copy the version that is currently out, rename it, then delete everything but the EXE and DATA folders. If you don't Freelancer Explorer won't open the folder, and on the mod manager program, it'll also show up as Discovery 4.85 and you won't be able to tell the difference between it and the official mod.. Suffice to say, logging onto the server with the mod your editing rather than the official will have bad results.. When modding a system the files you should need to use are; (Files are placed according to the difficulty of the modding the file is used for) Basic DATA/Equipment/market_commodities.ini (Commodities on each base) DATA/Equipment/market_ships.ini (Ships on each base) DATA/Equipment/maket_misc.ini (Ship Equipment on each base) DATA/Interface/Infocardmap.ini (Used for linking base stat and description infocards [Explained in section 3]) DATA/Solar/ASTEROIDS/ (Contains all asteroid field .ini files) DATA/Solar/NEBULA/ (Contains all nebula cloud .ini files) DATA/Universe/Systems/ (All system folders. [example; EW85 for Omicron-74]) DATA/Universe/Systems/system code [EW85]/system code [EW85].ini (The entire contents of a system. [SystemInfo, Encounter Parameters, Texture Panels, Music, Dust, Asteroids, Nebula, Ambient, Background, Lightsource, Object, Zone] Advanced DATA/Missions/mBases.ini (Base NPCs, such as Bar NPCs) DATA/Missions/news.ini (News Reports, where they are found and what they say) DATA/Ships/loadouts_special.ini (NPC ship loadouts, mostly capital ships. do not edit existing entries) DATA/Ships/loadouts.ini (Similar to the loadouts_special.ini file, mostly fighters and freighters. Do not edit existing entries) DATA/Ships/loadouts_utility.ini (Similar to the loadouts.ini and loadouts_special.ini files. Utility ships such as transports, repair ships, etc. Do not edit existing entries) DATA/Solar/loadouts.ini (Loadouts for all bases and objects such as docking rings, trade lane rings, jump holes, jump gates. Do not edit existing entries) DATA/Solar/solararch.ini (Planet, Sun, jumphole/jumpgate, and object composition/make-up. Name, ids_name, ids_info, type, mass, etc. Do0 not edit existing entries) DATA/Universe/Bases/system base code [EW85_01_Base].ini (Base info; Nickname [EW85_01_Base], starting room [should always be deck or cityscape], Rooms) DATA/Universe/Bases/Rooms/system base room code [EW85_02_Base_bar].ini (Room composition) If any file appears as edited when using CSDiff that is not on this list, you may have edited a file you should not have. In that case you should open the file with CSDiff and see what was changed, to make sure it is something that needed to be changed. SECTION 2 - Freelancer Explorer First, deactivate any mods you have on in FLMM. Never have anything activated when using Freelancer Explorer. Get Freelancer Explorer. Freelancer Explorer Tutorial Its a must-have for anyone starting to make systems. As you begin to learn system modding, your need for it will diminish until the point where you use it for roughly 10% of the work, and do everything else in .ini files. Contrary to what I said when I began this tutorial, I will be making a Freelancer Explorer guide/walkthrough as my old links to the last one died a few months back and I have yet to be able to find another. They seem to have faded into history.. Freelancer Datastorm Empty .dll Bini QC/QDU The tutorials should start you with using Freelancer Explorer. Dark Dragon says in the tutorial that he hopes you already know how to use FLE.. While the program isn't too difficult to use, your not likely to know how to yet. Don't worry, thats not a problem. Dark Dragon describes each step that the times you will need additional help or time to figure it out on your own will be small and few between. But I'll give a brief overview of the different effects you can do with FLE and what they do. First I'll give a layout of the editing view of FLE. This is without patrols, tradelane, or zones shown on the map. Vespucci Blue Dots: Would mean trade lanes, but there are none in Vespucci to see. X's: Wrecks and Lightsources. (Lightsources are white X's, wrecks are red) The grey-ish tall X's are Weapon Platforms. Planets: These are easily recognizable.. Filled White Circles: Suns, neither is seen in either picture, they are outside the zone. This second one shows patrols, tradelanes, and zones). Galileo Red Lines: NPC Patrol Paths (Show up as blue lines when zones are selected and patrol paths are not. Red Circles: Damage Zones (Radiation zones, atmospheres, sun coronas). Blue Circles: Population Zones, Jump Hole/Gate Zones, Asteroid Fields/Nebulas (Large Blue circles/ovals are pop zones and asteroid fields and nebulas. Small ones inside of Jump Gates and Jump Holes are system-changing zones. Never move a jump hole or jump gate because of these zones. Always delete and replace, not move. Make sure to delete both the JH and the zone from both systems that are connected via that jump hole. Do this before replacing). Green Circles: Mission Zones, Exclusion Zones (Green Circles with dots in the middle are mission zones with exlcusion zones that appear only when missions in that zone are in progress). Grey Lines: Trade Lanes (Appear as blue dots when zones display is turned off). Tip: If your mouse has a scroll wheel, using it you can zoom in and out of the map, to make small movement and placement changes. Edit System Properties: You will use this relatively early in the tutorial, so you should already know about this. Allows you to edit space, ambient, and lightsource colors as well as music, stars, and nebulae. Ruler: Just a ruler. Used to determine in-game distance (K.) between objects or locations. Tradelane Traffic: Used to put NPC ships into trade lanes, such as transports, freighters, etc. Input encounter type, then which factions. Can put multiple encounter types and multiple factions per encounter type. Encounter types can be any % value from 0 to 100. Total faction % value should not exceed 100%. All other variables will be explaned later. Lightsource: Provides another lightsource for the system, to add a different color and/or from a different direction. Should usually be used with a sun. The lightsource should be placed inside of one. Color should be same as the sun it is placed inside of. Range should be roughly 75,000+. Most of the time you will use direction lighting at a value of 0, 0, 1 with dynamic lighting checked. Exclusion Zone: Excludes a zone inside an asteroid field, nebula, Zone Pop, or a combination or all of each. Explained in Section 6 Other Objects: Mostly self-explanatory. You select an object and preview it (Preview can also be zoomed in and out with mouse wheel), then name it. Rotation does NOT have the object rotate, but determines the direction it is pointing towards. Rather than point, say, 'South' you can change the X, Y, and Z values to have it pointing in any other direction, be it 'Up,' 'Down,' or to the 'Side.' Use nearest base as parent will have it be owned by the same faction as the nearest base to it. For example, if I put an object next to Freeport 9 and selected nearest base as parent, that object would be owned by the Zoners. Later I will explain how to set an affiliation for an object without using this option, which is useful if it is owned by someone else than the nearest base is. Mission Targets: This area would be where a mission taken from a station's bar will place a mission target. Base, NPC group, assassination target, etc. It will be placed inside the limits of a Mission Targets zone. I do not know how to get a base to send missions to a different system, because this is more of a bug than a feature.. Vignette type selects the enviroment of the mission. Exclusion is used for when a mission takes place inside an asteroid field or nebula and you do not want the asteroids to be in the way. It also removes random NPC patrols from stumbling upon the mission. It might also, though I do not know for sure, contain missions that do not provide NPC backup for the mission taker (player). Open means that it will use whatever enviroment the area already contains. If in an asteroid field, the asteroids will still be there, and no exlcusion sphere will be created. It also allows other NPCs to become involved, and again, may contain missions that provides NPC support to the player. Field I am not too sure about. I believe it provides a small dust or asteroid field for the mission to generate around the mission target. Mission type tells which type of faction offers a mission against which other type. Unlawful, unlawful gives missions that have an unlawful faction (Mollys for example) giving a mission out against another unlawful (Corsairs). Both are unlawful factions. Unlawful, lawful is an unlawful faction (Mollys) in a mission against a lawful faction (Bretonian Police Authorities). Unlawful is an open mission type. It gives a mission from unlawfuls against anyone, be it lawfuls or unlawfuls. Lawful, unlawful is a lawful faction (BPA) giving a mission against an unlawful faction (Mollys). None I am not too sure about, for I have never used it. It could be open, as in any (lawful or unlawful) can give a mission in this area against any other type (lawful or unlawful). Lane Access Zone: This works similar to an exclusion zone, except that it is a tunnel-like zone, rather than a sphere or square (the two shapes an exclusion zone can take). The LAZ will be described as a rectangle in the .ini file. I do not know if other shapes are used or can be used, for I have never found another LAZ that uses anything but a rectangular zone. If you remember Zone-21, the big opening in the minefield is basically a Lane Access Zone. It removes the asteroids (in this case, mines) from that zone and makes it empty for you to travel through. Again, these can single out asteroid fields, nebulas, NPCs, or combinations to be excluded from the zone. Field: This is where you make an asteroid field or nebula. Making a combination field will be explained in section 6. You will select the center of where your field will be, then the shape (right click changes) which can be a circle (sphere in-game) or oval, then you set the direction you want it to expand. After that you use the mouse to set the distance/size of the field. After that the field properties will appear. Explained in Section 6 Zone Population: Similar to the Fields. Select the center of where your field will be, set shape, and set direction and distance. This is used to set random NPC spawns, rather than defined patrols. Very useful to use near planets for defense forces (police, military) and near bases and pirate outposts. If used correctly, zone pops can replace the use of patrols, as patrols are a large cause of game crashes. Zone properties; Explained in Section 6 Planet: Used to make planets.. Just select where you want the planet to be. Planet Properties; Name; The name, obviously. Spin; Spins the planet. I'd advise you to use numbers from existing planets, as you won't want your planet revolving once every 3 seconds, except in certain special cases. Orientation; The direct the planet faces. Not particularly useful, and you aren't likely to use it, unless your system's sun is above or blow the X/Z plane, you might want your poles facing sideways, rather than at top and bottom. Type; The 'template' you wish to use. Most names are self-explanatory (green, ice, gas, etc), but you might want to experiment around to find the one that fits what your looking for. Burning Color; You won't use this except for ice and gas planets. Other than that, all it'll do is make your planet look odd.. Atmosphere Range; The atmosphere.. It is not what damages ships. Damage Zone Size; The part inside the atmosphere that damages ships. Must be a smaller number than the atmosphere. Recommended that it is between 100-200 distance. Damage; The amount of damage the zone does. Recommended between 10,000-100,000. Ring Type; Type of asteroid ring around the planet. Ring Size; First number is distance from the center of the planet (therefor, must be larger than atmosphere), second is extent. Distance from one side of the ring to the other. Third is the thickness, or distance from the bottom of the ring to the top. Patrol: Makes NPC patrols. Click where you want each turn of the patrol, until you have it as you like it. Then double click at the endpoint, or the startpoint if it is a circular continuous path. Patrol properties; Lane Patrol; Patrols the tradelanes, lawful only. Attack patrol; Attacks a specified base or planet, lawful and unlawful. Trade; A trading patrol.. Trade ships, freighters, and fighters carrying commodities. Docks stations that are at the end of its patrol path, lawfuls and unlawfuls. Field patrol; Ordinary patrol, patrols its path, engages hostile units, lawfuls and unlawfuls. Encounter type; The types of ships and patrols that fly along the path. Chance; The percentage chance that a patrol will be found along the path. Toughness; The difficulty of the patrol. Dictates the ship, weaponry, and shields the patrol will be using. Eligible for missions; Mission zones intersecting with patrol paths have a chance of providing friendly support to mission runners. Max Battle Size; The maximum number of ships that can be found in the patrol. Repop time; The amount of seconds between each spawn of an NPC patrol along a path. Relief Time/Sort/Density; TBA. Sun: Used to make suns. Place where you want sun to be. Sun properties: Sun's Name; The sun's name.. Ambient Color; The color objects hit by the sun receives. Will mix with object's color. Size; The size of the sun. Can be edited in .ini files. Explained in Section 5 Type; The sun type. Color, size, etc. Burning Color; The color the sun appears as. Mixes with Type color. Corona Extent; Same as planet atmosphere, except it should be much farther from the sun than the atmosphere is from the planet. Damage Zone Size; Same as planet's. Damage; Same as planet's. Should be a much higher number. 50,000-250,000 Hazard Buoy: Places a hazard buoy, same as nav buoy, but with a warning in the infocard. Trade Lane: A Trade Lane.. Name is Trade Lane. Ring Count is automatically set to default number for distance. However, you can make fewer or more numerous rings. It will put the rings closer together, instead of the default 7km. Everything else is self-explanatory. Depot: A storage depot. The type is the commodity the depot contains. The Reputation is who owns it. Surprise: Ship wrecks (such as those with codenames). Name is the name, obviously. Rotation is the direction it is pointing, you won't need to change this. Type is the type of wreck.. Li-Liberty, Rh-Rheinland, Br-Bretonia, Ku-Kusari, Co-Corporate, Ge-Generic (Zoner/Civilian ships), Bw-Border Word (Outcast), Bh-Bounty Hunter, Or-Order. Loadout is the loadout.. Damaged Object: Simply a damaged object, such as destroyed buildings. Base: A base, station. Explained in Section 4 Debris: Debris, such as capital ship debris. Rotation dictates the direction it points, which is useful for connecting bits of wreckage. Docking Ring: A planet docking ring. There must be a planet to connect it with. Always have a mooring fixture attached to it. Reputation is who owns it. Voice is the voice of the dock manager. Make sure you don't give it a female voice with a robot or male body.. Difficulty level is the strength of the turrets. Docking character is obvious. Base template is the same as base templates.. Always use a planet's base template, so that you start at a cityscape, rather than inside a room. Start In should always be set to cityscape. Copy all NPCs will copy the NPCs from the template station, rather than making your own. Weapon Platform: A weapon platform.. Type is how it appears. Most are self-explanatory. Reputation is owner.. Loadout is the type of turrets it uses. Difficulty is the amount of health it has before it gets nocked offline, and the damage of the turrets. Black Hole: Never use. Jump Gate/Jump Hole: Positions Jump Gates and Jump Holes. After placing it, it will ask for destination system for jump gates, then it will bring up a map of that system for you to place it. It will then ask for Type, legal path, and reputation. Type for Jump Gates will only be Jump Gate and Nomad Gate.. The second should only be used after getting permission from Igiss if this system will be added to Discovery. Legal path will simply allow the gate to be used when setting inter-system waypoints. Reputation is the owner.. Will not be available for Jump Holes. The author has you test on an MP LAN server as often as in OpenSP. I'd suggest you test it in SP more than in MP like he suggests. But its up to you. No matter what, you'll need to test it in MP every time you make a large modification/addition. Get Ioncross Server Operator Ioncross Utilities And in case you don't have OpenSP; OpenSP Now, the author tells you to zip it up to test it.. Its not really needed, you can test it without it being zipped. But for those of you who never had, or have lost their CDs, like me, you will have trouble testing.. For this, simply paste a copy of the Discovery mod folder's contents, except for the DATA and EXE folders, as you should already have those in your folder. Once you do that, activate your mod with FLMM and open FL to use it. Don't use the official Discovery server. Big no-no.. Use Ioncross for making your own LAN or Internet server when testing on an MP server. Before trying to open it up again, remove all the files you added. Make sure not to touch the .dll file you have in there for your own modding. It should be in the EXE folder, but if you allowed FLE to make it for you, it will be outside the DATA and EXE folders. Now, in the tutorial it is showing you how to make your system more custom.. For your first couple systems, I don't recommend you do that. Find out what kind of background and space colors, etc that you want and find out which already-existing system has the properties you want. Please do make it fit though. No ice nebula backgrounds in the middle of Rheinland please.. But go find that system, go into its properties and write down all of the properties. Do not change any of them. Go back to your system's properties and use everything the other one had, including space color. Do not use the same music, ambient, or lightsource colors though.. Music should fit the place your in. If your system is in Liberty, use Liberty music for the three choices. If your in the Omicrons, use Omicron. If in any Omicron systems that are infested heavily by nomads, use Nomad/ST system music. Ambient light should be similar to the color of your sun. I'd recommend a little darker or lighter color. Usually darker is best. For yellow I'd make it a bit closer to white, and white should also be white. Everything else should be made a bit darker than your sun, but not so much that its obvious. Lightsource color should be the same color as your sun, as closely as possible. Now since the systems we submit are pre-existing systems that Igiss put in for future modding, this process is only for personal mods or making systems as a learning process or for the fun of it. Also, it might seem tedious and annoying, but DO back up your mod as often as the tutorial tells you to.. You wouldn't believe how many systems I've had to redo because of corruptions. After your done with the .ini files and FLE, check in the game to make sure everyone shows up correctly. This is a test to make sure that bases, asteroid/nebula fields/clouds, wrecks, and zone pops (NPC spawns) are located and work correctly. After that you will need to work on base names and base infocards. SECTION 3 - Infocards For this we will need to get; FLEd-ids Also, a list of which systems use what set of numbers can be found on these templates. This will take an inputed text and put it into your modded folder's files so that your bases, wrecks, objects, etc show their correct name and infocard. For submitting systems to Discovery, this is actually not necessary, as you will submit your names and infocards as a; ###### ids_name = Name ###### ids_info = Statistics; Population, gravity, base class, etc ###### Description Description; Basic information about the base After you have made the three infocards, go to InfocardMap.ini. You'll see something like; [InfocardMapTable] Map = 463312, 463313 You'll notice all numbers are only 1 off.. Theres a reason for that.. 463312 is the number for the Quote:CLASS: RepairInformation. 463313 is the code for the Quote:San Jacinto Station is the primary repair and refit dock for Virginia. Capable of fitting Liberty Dreadnoughts and Assault Battlecruisers into its docks, it also sustains many of the Texas and Californian fleets.Information. On a station you will see the first one above the 2nd one, all on the same window. (F9 button, information window.) The way the game does this is by binding the two infocards together. If you were to use 463320 and 463321 (don't, as that is the codes used in Virginia) all you would have to write in the Infocard Map Table is; Map = 463320, 463321 In base and planet .ini files, you will only need to write 463320 in the ids_info = section. This is why the infocard map table exists, so that you can connect the two together. When putting the infocards into a notepad for submission or into FLEd-ids for testing, you will need it in a special format. The Class, etc section; Quote:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TEXT>CLASS: Repair</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>GRAVITY: Complete </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>DOCKING: Yes</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>AMENITIES: Yes</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>POPULATION: 350</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>I'd suggest simply copying that, then replace the information with the correct information of your base, without touching the <BRACKETS>. The 'background' section; Quote:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TEXT>San Jacinto Station is the primary repair and refit dock for Virginia. Capable of fitting Liberty Dreadnoughts and Assault Battlecruisers into its docks, it also sustains many of the Texas and Californian fleets.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>Again, I'd suggest copying that, and just replacing the normal text with your own info without touching the <BRACKETS>. Entry into a normal notepad text file and put it into the zip folder you send to Igiss. This is because you won't be sending any of the .dll or .exe files to Igiss, and thats where name and infocard information is kept for the game. Igiss then enters this himself. However, I use this program during testing. To make sure I have numbers that work, and simply that the information is being put in correctly. Plus, its just easier and better to be able to see the names of the bases and objects when doing the rest of the testing and modding. SECTION 4 - Bases/Stations Under Construction SECTION 5 - .ini file editing Under Construction SECTION 6 - Fields/Zones Under Construction Field Properties: Name: This is obvious, its the name of your field. Field Template: This is slightly more complicated. When making a field, its best if you know what type of field you want and which system it is already in. Lets take the first entry. br01_cornwall_rock_asteroid_field. This means it is in Bretonia (BR), in New London (01), Cornwall Field (Cornwall), Rock Asteroid Field (Rock_Asteroid_Field). BR: Bretonia, BW: Border Worlds, EW: Edge Worlds (Omicrons), HI: Hispanic (Corsair/Outcast Omicrons), IW: Independant Worlds (Intermediate, between the houses), KU: Kusari, LI: Liberty, RH: Rheinland, ST: Nomad systems (Nomad-infested Omicrons). ##: System number, 01+ per system region. Rock Asteroid Field: Rock asteroid field, one for each type of field (cloud, rock, asteroid, ice, etc). As I said, its best to know an already-existing field that you can find on the list and select. It will come out almost identical except for any variables you set yourself. Comment: This doesn't really matter, so ignore it. Max particles: I think this is how many asteroids you can see loaded at a time. From afar you see specks as an asteroid field. Each particle is the close-loaded asteroids you can bump into, the small moving ones you can shoot and destroy (mining), etc. Sort: I am unsure of what sort is for, so I suggest keeping it at default level. Max Battle Size:: The maximum number of ships in NPC patrols spawning for the asteroid field. Toughness: The level of the NPC patrols that spawn in the field. Density: Refer to Max Battle Size. Generally 1 or 2 higher than MBS. Repop Time: The 'Repopulation' Time I would guess. The time between the spawning of one NPC group and another. Keep on default. Relief time: The time between NPC spawns. Similar to Relief time. Keep on default. Damage: Radiation damage. Damage done per second to all ships, NPC and PC in the field. Interference: The sensor dampening effect. But do not do it in this window, I'd suggest doing it in the .ini file. If you do it in here, you type a number between 0 and 0.9. Setting it to 1 will reduce your sensors to absolutely nothing.. Meaning you can't select anything, even if your bumping into it.. It has to be a decimal number. Fog Color: Colors your dust or cloud. Does not effect asteroid color. Particle Type: The kind of dust/clouds you fly through. Such as Golddust is what you see in Dublin. You can shoot them to have them drop gold you can tractor in. Stuff such as touristdust is what is used in nebula clouds where you have nothing to shoot and mine from. Nebulas can have lootable particles if you wish, but its best to make a nebula, then put an asteroid field inside of it that is lootable instead. Not all particle types will work. Refer to Igiss' dsy_design.xls for further details. Lootable Field: This option is self-explanatory. Will particles drop material to mine? What is dropped is dictated by your field template. When using a lootable field, the small rectangle will display a word, be it water, gold, etc, which is what will be dropped in a lootable field. Encounters: Explained in Zones. Zone Population Properties: Comment: This doesn't really matter, so ignore it. UNDER CONSTRUCTION System Modding - Xing - 04-09-2008 awesome dab. I'll read it in whole later, might get interested in system moding since I'll never have the necesary tool for ship moding... System Modding - sn!p3r - 04-09-2008 Ah perfect! I might try this out, this will save me quite a few hundred million on modding a system System Modding - GhostFace - 04-09-2008 Good guide...i will probably use this in a future. System Modding - Bass_masta992 - 04-09-2008 If someone does try modding, and can create larger objects and things, please try this: Arena's in conneticut System Modding - Niezck - 04-09-2008 Very nice tutorial Dab, nevermind FLE though, .ini editing all the way! WOOOO! *dance* I mean uhm...yeah...you've just lost me a couple of jobs with this:(Damn you!! *shakes fist* ~Niezck System Modding - Dab - 04-09-2008 Thanks. As it says in the post, its still under construction.. It looks dull and boring because most system modding is dull and boring.. Anyway, its only about 1/3 of the way done. I'll have limited access to my computer for the next few days, but I already had all of the FLE tutorials and most of the tools you'll need for it, so I posted what I had done so far. In the next week or so I should have it fully finished. Most likely this coming weekend will be when I finish it fully. It'll also have links to important threads, such as Igiss' system submission guidelines and others, including a tutorial made by someone else at Lancer's Reactor in how to make planets and suns larger. Unfortunately (@Bass) you can't make a specific building any large than it already is. You can however, add new objects to it to make it look customized (this is how shipyards are never the same), and this will be covered in the final version of the tutorial. System Modding - Edge - 04-10-2008 Cool... but I'm lazy:P I'll just hire someone to mod something for me, can't be arsed to do it myself...:D System Modding - Dab - 04-10-2008 ' Wrote:Cool... but I'm lazy:PYeah, this is to help those who DO want to mod.. Else you'd have no one to hire to do it, except me and Hyperion.. And my costs are probably beyond your income.. System Modding - Equinox - 04-10-2008 Nice work Dab... This could be counter productive though, if people start making there own they may not require your services, but I guess there is lazy people like me and Edge!.. |