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Bounty Hunter actions regarding piracy - Raekur - 04-20-2008

In Sigma 13 there was a pirate that was accousting traders. I was informed that Bounty Hunters are not a Sirius wide police force. So question is since bounty hunters are lawful can they attack a pirate if he commits a crime in front of him or is the only targets a bounty hunter can engage are those listed on a bounty?

6.15 Owners of Bounty Hunter/Mercenary/Freelancer IDs have a right to attack:

- Pirates
- Traders ships carrying smuggled goods and refusing to drop them
- (not for FL ID) Lawful and unlawful players with a bounty on their heads

Bounty Hunter actions regarding piracy - Jinx - 04-20-2008

the answer is a bit complex...

a BHG can do it, and then again, may not...
firstly - a BHG has the right to ask a trader who carrys contraband to stop. - but in contrast to a real police/navy guy, the trader doesn t need to stop. ( so its no lawbreaking not to stop ) -

about the reasons for a BHG to do it...
a BHG does not get rich by stopping a trader and asking him to drop the stuff. - unless he has a contract about it. but! - a BHG may... if he catches a smuggler red handed ask the smuggler to drop the stuff and tractor it in to sell it himself ( in the end its only evidence ) - but should do so at a nearby police base. ( so, no hauling the stuff to the highest bidder )

a BHG should not do it, when there is police around, cause thats the polices job.- if he forces the trader to drop his stuff ( or even destroys the trader ) he should make sure the police doesn t see it, cause its a criminal act. ( the police has fines for smugglers, - and only executes a death penalty, when the trader does not comply, the BHG has no authority to rightfully kill people....... but if there is no law enforcement around... no one will know )

in the end, what will the smuggler do ? run to the police and complain about a BHG taking his cardamine? - so its a grey area of justice that the BHG can exploit.

Bounty Hunter actions regarding piracy - tfmachad - 04-20-2008

I think Jinx put it quite nicely.

Think of it this way: The BHG is an organization both governments and the law enforcing agencies put up with as a necessary evil. They do help keep the criminality at bay, but they can't really endorse them as an aligned since they haven't really any ties with those governments. A BHG will try and fly bellow the radar when there's police/military around, because acting as law enforcement while these people are there will make them look bad, and then the BHG will risky the already little support they have inside the Houses.

Also, one could say that the BHG "pirate" and "terrorize" those that aren't law abiding citizens (pirates and smugglers) and would only make their problems worse should they call upon the law enforcers to deal with the Bounty Hunters.

One problem I see is that the BHG shouldn't really care about the law to any extent that goes beyond their own gains. After all, they aren't in the job for the glory or for the recognition, they are in it for the money - or at least I think it should be like that - be it through contracts with the governments, be it extorting smugglers and/or pirates (I can picture a BHG extorting a smuggler to keep quiet about them), be it pursuing bounties against unlawfuls that managed to grab some special attention to themselves.

EDIT: Some BHs seem to think the police/military should be thankful and cordial to them. I don't think it's necessarily so. Specially in the case of some of the more rigorous agencies. After all, every successful BHG action inside House territory casts a bad light over the government agencies that should be there to do the job themselves.

Bounty Hunter actions regarding piracy - mjolnir - 04-20-2008

a bit out of topic here but anyway...

' Wrote:6.15 Owners of Bounty Hunter/Mercenary/Freelancer IDs have a right to attack:

- Pirates
- Traders ships carrying smuggled goods and refusing to drop them
- (not for FL ID) Lawful and unlawful players with a bounty on their heads

EHm.. did I miss something?

BHG ID says: ...."cannot participate in any unlawful actions"

So how come they can attack lawful players with a bounty (from unlawful) on their head?

Bounty Hunter actions regarding piracy - pchwang - 04-20-2008

Gronath is completely right.

I personally get a little ticked off when BHG try to do anything lawful pro bono, and I try to compensate them for all their actions.

Bounty Hunters really should care mainly about their financial gain, but it would be a generalization to say that they have no morality whatsoever. Guildmembers enjoy some benefits, but not many.

I agree that the lawful organizations, for the most part, would be annoyed at Bounty Hunters, but the thing is...who can't use an extra wingman?

@ Mjolnir

Quote:EHm.. did I miss something?

BHG ID says: ...."cannot participate in any unlawful actions"

So how come they can attack lawful players with a bounty (from unlawful) on their head?

The bounties don't necessarily have to come from unlawfuls. They can be taking the bounty from Manchester, and going to Kusari to kill a top ranked KNF official. Since they are taking it from the BAF, it would be a lawful bounty. I think that there should be a clarification, however, saying that BHG cannot take bounties from unlawfuls.

Bounty Hunter actions regarding piracy - Thexare - 04-20-2008

' Wrote:BHG ID says: ...."cannot participate in any unlawful actions"
So how come they can attack lawful players with a bounty (from unlawful) on their head?

What's stopping one lawful from putting a bounty on another? I believe the obvious example would be a Kusari posting a bounty on a Bretonian, but it could happen in other ways too.

Edit: Bah, elgato beat me to it.

Bounty Hunter actions regarding piracy - mjolnir - 04-20-2008

Well attacking any lawfull is an unlawfull action which is against the ID description.. no matter who pays.

Bounty Hunter actions regarding piracy - tfmachad - 04-20-2008

I'm with Mjolnir in this one. I thought the one thing that separated the Mercs from the BHG is the ability to operate in both sides of the law. The compensation for this is that you don't see the Houses really barring BHG, while Mercs are generally distrusted everywhere they went.

EDIT: True, there's nothing preventing a lawful from posting a bounty in another lawful. But the thing is, if the BHG goes about collecting that bounty they cannot any longer claim being lawful anymore, they're merely guns for hire and that would impact in their general reputation not only inside the House they commited the illegal act, but in the others as well. As soon as word spread out that the BHG is taking bounties against lawfuls they'd start being treated as the Mercenaires are.

Bounty Hunter actions regarding piracy - Spacewolf - 04-20-2008

BHG can kill pirates anywhere the difference between them and the police and military is that they dont need to do anything they can chose to turn a blind eye if the person isnt offereing them enogh money to help.

Bounty Hunter actions regarding piracy - sovereign - 04-20-2008

' Wrote:BHG can kill pirates anywhere the difference between them and the police and military is that they dont need to do anything they can chose to turn a blind eye if the person isnt offereing them enogh money to help.

Technically yes. If you actually do that you'll be having MONSTROUS bounties on your head though, because its bad roleplay. Read up on the origins of bounty hunters- they're ex-cons who want more money than their old people gave them, so they use their knowledge to hunt their own kind. For money. And their NPCs are junk, they attack battleships for the admirals, so don't point to them. Hell, they attack their own bases, too...