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Inferno - Ryummel - 05-07-2012

"And just as he who, with exhausted breath,
having escaped from the sea to shore,
turns to the perilous waters and gazes."
Divine Comedy
[Image: 2rw22p2.png]
Cruise engines deactivated, thruster working at top speed plus a prototype EM emitter were the only passport to ensure a somehow calm travel through the hostile enviroment of Omega 11. Radiation, Hessians and dense asteroid fields. Fortunately, the Rosenheim could take advantage of the latter, sliding carefully past each asteroid, sometimes sitting behind one of the irradiated rocks as a distant unknown ship flew by. The crewmen on the bridge could barely appreciate the apocalyptic looking of Planet Schutz anymore, instead, it was Planet Deidus slowly showing up as the gunboat approached the southern sectors of the system.
"Set course out of the inner belt, the radiation deflectors are reaching critical levels. We will fly behind the field containing the 54 anomaly and then we will re-route into the belt again. If our guest isn't playing stupid at all, we will reach our objective in two hours. Right, Agent Zähler?"
The bridge was flooded with the orange tone emitted by the red giant, giving the Korvettenkapitän insignia of Oskar Heidrich a rather appealing glitter. A Marinenachrichtendienst agent was standing next to him, gazing at the asteroids the gunboat was approaching, and immediately turned to Heidrich as the captain addressed him.
"I'm sure my prisoner will change his opinion very quickly even if he still has energy to pull any other trick. Unioners' connection with Blood Diamonds is more than enough to get the necessary intel of this system. Diamant is there, whether we approach it succesfully or not isn't my issue."

Inferno - ChillerMiller - 05-07-2012

[Image: 992ce0.png]

Omega 11 has always been a system filled with mysteries and surprises for those who passed it, and the crew of the Rosenheim would not be spared by that fact. While the Gunboat followed its set coordinates, the sensors began to pick up an emergency signal, which was about twenty klicks away. The crew was of course ordered to change the course in order to check the signal.

What they found was something that grew confusion in their heads, the signal belonged to a damaged Wraith, whose engines were completely destroyed, and it appeared that its life support was the last system that was still halfway functionable. About two hundred meters away there was the reason for the crew's confusion, another Wraith, that one however, was completely obliterated and everybody was sure that its pilot had already died. Due to the lack of traces of a possible Hessian ambush, the crew started to believe that those two pilots had fought against each other.

Inferno - Ryummel - 05-09-2012

[Image: 2e3zv9w.png]
Heidrich approached the bridge's window to take a look by himself at the two Wraith ships floating between the asteroids. The Rosenheim moved closer to the ship which had the beacon still online, alongside its life support.
"I'm quite concerned about the very tight timeframe of this mission, especially when a Hessian patrol could spot us anytime while anchored here."
"Your concern has been noted, agent, but let me remind you about the chain of command aboard this gunboat. I trust my crew, and I trust they will keep the vessel invisible to the Hessian electronics in the mean time."
Zähler gave Heidrich a suspicious glance as he left the ship's bridge, down to the containment cell where his prisoner was apparently held. The captain shrugged and mumbled something, maybe cursed. Then he raised his voice at the crewmen.
"Tow the ship in front of us to the closest airlock, check for survivors, examine their status and take them to the infirmary as last resort. Extreme your precaution, we will depart in fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes, I said."

Inferno - ChillerMiller - 05-09-2012

Once the Wraith was towed into the vicinity of one of the airlocks, the crew ran some scans in order to find out if the pilot was still alive. The crew waited patiently for the results, and some of them hoped the pilot was not dead, as they only could imagine how cruel it would be to be trapped in a crippled ship and slowly dying a horrible death.

"The pilot is still alive, prepare to board the ship!"
One crew member shouted, reminding them about their strict time frame, while some others began to prepare themselves. Two minutes later two of those crew members began to board the ship, quickly heading to the cockpit of the Wraith, where they found a woman sitting unconsciously in her seat. They carefully moved her out of it, and headed back to the Gunboat, where the others were already waiting.

"Bring her to the infirmary and report to Korvettenkapitän Heydrich!"
Not even a second passed before they carried out that order, placing the woman on one of the beds once they had reached the infirmary, letting the ship's doctor take over for now.

Inferno - Ryummel - 05-10-2012

"Unexpected change in the schedule? Why can't I hear the bloody noise coming from the engine room anymore?"
"Are you in a hurry, Herr Nussbaum? That trash you call Arbeiter is no more, so be glad you earned a free trip aboard a Rheinwehr gunboat."
"Hah. Deal still stands no matter the odds, right? I mean, you get to see Diamant, you tell your buddies and then call the heavy artillery. All of that while I stay away from Rheinland, right? RIGHT?"
"That was the deal, indeed. Don't do anything stupid during the rest of the trip and maybe the deal will happen as we agreed."
After checking the status of the prisoner, Zähler left the cell, moving back to the bridge. In the way back he asked one of the Rosenheim's crewmen about the survivor found in the Wraith ship. Little information was given to him due to the standard protocol where only the first in command of the vessel could be in direct contact with the doctor. Knowing that, the agent rushed into the bridge.

Inferno - ChillerMiller - 05-10-2012

The doctor began the examination of the new passenger, but since she did not show any physical injuries, he only focused on trying to figure out how much radiation she might have experienced, while being trapped in her Wraith. Once he was done with the test he checked the result and was pleased with it, she was only exposed to a rather small dose of radiation, it would not cause any issues for her health.

"Guess you had a lot of luck out there."
The doctor mumbled, assuming she did not spend a lot of time out there in Omega 11. He checked the uniform she was wearing, it was an old uniform, usually worn by a Fähnrich, though the old uniform was not suspicious for him. Then he checked below the rank insignia, hoping he would find her name there.

"Hmmmm...Vivien Schmitt...can't remember hearing of that name."
He said, noticing how she was slowly opening her eyes. Vivien observed him for a while and seemed rather confused about the situation she found herself in.

"Where am I?"
Vivien then asked, while she looked around in the room, realizing she was in an infirmary.

"You're on a Rheinland Gunboat, the RNC-Rosenheim to be precise. We found you trapped in your Wraith and rescued you."

"Guess I was lucky..."

Vivien replied, watching how the doctor walked away from the bed over to a little table where he took some notes. He then turned around.

"I'll have to report to my Kapitän, I'll be back shortly."
The doctor said and left the room, leaving Vivien alone. After a minute she stood up and looked around for something, it did not take long before she had spotted what she was looking for, the medicine cupboard, where all the medical equipment was stored, but also surgery tools, and that was what she wanted. After a minute of looking into the cupboard, Vivien grabbed a scalpel and stored it in her pocket. She then lied down in the bed again and closed her eyes.

***...It has begun...***

Inferno - Ryummel - 05-11-2012

[Image: 5y6ii1.png]
One of the screens in the ship's bridge flickered, showing the doctor addressing Heidrich. The Korvettenkapitän listened to the doctor's brief review on the Rheinwehr pilot now resting in the medical deck. Zähler only managed to catch the name of the pilot before Heidrich dismissed the doctor and turned back to the navigational chart.
"By your speechless reaction I can guess you already heard that name, agent. Or was it a rash conclusion of mine?"
"It's been long since I heard her name, that's all. We were assigned to the same battlegroup back when the conflict between IMG and the Rheinland government arose. By the time we pushed our forces into Omega 3 against the Bretonians I couldn't get any news from her anymore."
"You sound deep. Shall I assume that I will have a calm travel if I allow you into the medical deck so you and that pilot can revive old memories together?"
Heidrich made his sarcastic tone evident, grinned at Zähler and then he stood in the middle of the bridge, addressing the crewmen there.
"Time is almost up, reroute the energy from the pulse emitter to the engines. We will be departing in one minute. Save the coordinates of the ship wrecks and we will submit them to the High Command after we are done in this hellhole."
After the order was issued, Zähler sticked to his routine aboard the Rosenheim, sitting in a corner of the bridge, silent. However, Diamant and the prisoner weren't the only things he was thinking on. Now he could have the chance to talk to one of his very missed wingmates. Time passed, the ship began moving, but at a relatively lower speed. The gunboat spent too much time in the same spot for almost fifteen minutes and even Heidrich himself couldn't trust the efficiency of the pulse emitter, since said device could only hide the ship from scanners and assorted electronics, but not from the human eye.
"I think I was pretty clear when I said we needed to reach Diamant in less than two hours. Why are engines stuck at 60% yet?"
"Mein Kapitän, I've been reporting the issue to the engineering deck over the past 30 seconds but I'm receiving no response!"
"Excuse me? Did you contact the lower deck security assets?"
"I did, mein Kapitän. No response either. Medical deck is also on blackout!"
Heidrich could notice the rest of the crewmen staring at him, slightly nervous. He glared at Zähler, who also raised the look at the captain.
"Agent, I believe it's time to check the status of your prisoner once again."

Inferno - ChillerMiller - 05-13-2012

Some minutes before...

The doctor went back to the infirmary once he had reported to Heydrich, he wanted to talk with Vivien in order to find out why she was in Omega 11 and why she got into problems. A simple doctor would not appear frightening like Agent Zähler or Kapitän Heydrich.

"I guess you're tired."
He said after entering the infirmary again where he saw that Vivien had closed her eyes.

"The light is hurting my eyes."

It was surprising for him, because Omega 11 was much brighter than the light in the infirmary. He walked closer to the bed and looked at Vivien, who had her eyes opened again. He then wondered if it would be a good idea to actually ask her something and walked closer to Vivien's bed. Vivien kept the scalpel hidden and the doctor had no idea what would soon happen to him...

She sat up after a moment and looked at the doctor, who seemed rather surprised.

"What's the mission of this Gunboat?"

"I'm not authorized to tell you."
The doctor said, wondering why she would ask that. As response, Vivien only shook her head, which was rather confusing for the doctor.

"You're not useful for us"
He did not even have enough time to reply, Vivien pulled the scalpel out of her pocket and rammed it into his throat. It was a cruel picture, once the scalpel had cut a wound into the throat, blood immediately shot out of it. She watched him when he collapsed and smiled when she saw him gasping for air. Her uniform was soaked in blood and the floor slowly changed its color to red. Vivien walked past the dying doctor and pulled the scalpel out of his throat. There was no time to waste, people would soon notice what had happened. The chaos that would be generated was her goal, she would use that moment to make sure the rest of the crew members share the same faith like the doctor.

Vivien was already walking through the hallways when she heard the voice yelling. For now she would hide somewhere on the engineering deck, waiting for the chaos to evolve.

Inferno - Ryummel - 05-16-2012

[Image: NI9tc.png]
"Mein Kapitän! Contact with the engineering deck has been re-established. They have reported several issues with the pulse emitter when re-routing the power back to the engines, which also caused the comms jamming. It appears we're 100% functional now."
"How was the pulse emitter supposed to affect our internal network? I wasn't told about any critical side effect."
"Perhaps the High Command didn't find it 'critical', mein Kapitän."
"I'll make sure to submit a complaint to the HC should you be right. Did the security team report yet?"
Zähler had already left the bridge when the crew in the bridge could hear the shouts coming from the corridors linking to the lower deck, followed by the communications officer replying to Heidrich in an agitated tone.
"Security team reported a casualty in the medical deck!"
"What? What the hell is going on down there!?"
The containment cells aboard the Rosenheim were located close to the engineering deck, right below it. It's unknown whether such sinister location was chosen so the sound of the engines could keep bothering the existance of the prisoners, or in case of being forced to evacuate the ship, the autodestruction systems attached to the engines would leave no undesirable survivors behind. While the rest of the crew were becoming more agitated, Zähler could barely hear any shouting or voices coming from the upper decks, given the noise of the engines reached the highest and usual peak.
"Did we reach Diamant? Did we? Did we? This noise is going to drive me crazy!"
"I will be keeping an eye on you here since there's troubles with ship's electronics. Won't risk anything."
"Implying I'm unable to keep my word? It's a safer bet than hoping to be recovered by a Hessian patrol in the middle of this radioactive hole! Even machines and computers can't handle it, ha-ha-ha!"

Inferno - ChillerMiller - 05-18-2012

[Image: ca3cq.png]
Vivien heard steps coming closer, from what she could tell it were two men, their pace was rather quick. It was a chase, one that would decide between life and death. The murder of the doctor caused confusion. The confusion caused chaos, and the crew members began to blame each other and tried to find a culprit. Their confusion only was something that hid the truth in the shadows, making sure the crew slowly began to kill each other. While at the beginning it were just screams around the engineering deck and the medical deck, soon there were shots to be heard and chaos was ensured.

"Traitor! I'll kill you for what you've done!"

"Idiot! It wasn't me, open your eyes god damn it."
It were his last words, as he was shot down shortly after. Two crew members, former comrades on the RNC-Rosenheim, which has become their grave, and it would only need time before every crew member would share the same faith. The survivor looked at the dead body and still held the weapon in his hand, he seemed rather confused about what happened. Vivien had watched everything from a safe distance, and once one of them was dead she showed her face, but remained in the shadows to make sure he could not see her completely.

"Well done, soldier. You really make the Kanzler proud."
Vivien said, knowing his mind was already broken, it would only need little effort to completely change his allegiance. Soon he would act as a tool of what was in control of Vivien. He was no threat for her, though the death of his comrade somehow grew doubts in him.

"Was it really necessary?"

"Yes. And he's one of many on this Gunboat. It should be your mission to defend Rheinland. Kill them all. Kill the traitors."
He nodded and turned around, followed by a loud painful scream before he ran away. It took some minutes before more shots were heard, and after some more minutes they became silent. He was just one man, one puppet that was supposed to die. But even the weaker puppets had some use for Vivien. She was merciful and let him taste the sweetness of a quick death, something that could be considered as lucky on the cursed Gunboat.

After another minute, Vivien finally left the shadows, in which she was hiding. There was no longer the need to stay hidden. The crew had been thrown into chaos, and now the remaining ones would soon be given the chance to leave this world. Vivien walked through the hallways, she followed the sound of the screams, it would be a perfect lead.
