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Field of view - Printable Version

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Field of view - Redon - 09-19-2012

Basically, I feel like the field of view Freelancer offers me by default is really small, and the fact that there's no option to change it bothers me.

[Image: GQtih.jpg]

I come from a community of a fast-paced, quake-inspired shooter game called Sauerbraten. The field of view value is freely adjustable anywhere from 30° to 150°. Like many players in the community of Sauerbraten and similar games, I became accustomed to playing with a wide field of view. I see it as nothing but usual, as a human does have a visual field of over 180°, as opposed to the 80° Freelancer offers.
It's not something I would see as unfair advantage either, but a thing of personal preference - a bigger field of view on the screen does make objects in front of you appear smaller, as demonstrated with Sauerbraten below: (and assuming you're not going to use some kind of fish-eye lens visual field)

80° - Freelancer default
100° - Sauerbraten default
130° - My preference in Sauerbraten

I'm thankful Minecraft allows me to change its ridiculous default of 70° and ram the FOV slider all the way up. Freelancer/Discovery doesn't offer that option. That brings up a couple of questions:

- Is it possible to implement such an option in a future update without the source code in the first place?

- Are there Freelancer files that allow me to change the field of view myself? How would I go about doing that?

- Would modding the field of view cause the anti-cheat detector to go nuts?

Field of view - Ursus - 09-19-2012

Vanilla handled all that stuff with cameras.ini file but disco implements its own camera and does not use that file.

Lots of things intertwined here--widescreen support requires different camera modes, a big fisheye let you shoot beside the ship in some cases, etc. Probably fixable with some code changes, probably wont happen.

Field of view - Hone - 09-20-2012

Doesnt turret zoom work?

Field of view - Data Minion - 09-20-2012

' Wrote:Doesnt turret zoom work?

I think this includes majorly snubs...

Field of view - Ninefour - 09-20-2012

At pvp a bigger field of view would let you see the opponent for a longer time than he sees you, so you'd be able to shoot at him at better angles when he doesn't even see you on the screen. This would give you an unfair advantage. Widescreen partially gives it for you but it is allowed for the sake of enjoyable gameplay for widescreen owners.

Field of view - Hone - 09-20-2012

How would it be unfair? They could use it too if they wanted.

Field of view - Redon - 09-20-2012

' Wrote:At pvp a bigger field of view would let you see the opponent for a longer time than he sees you, so you'd be able to shoot at him at better angles when he doesn't even see you on the screen. This would give you an unfair advantage. Widescreen partially gives it for you but it is allowed for the sake of enjoyable gameplay for widescreen owners.

I don't really see this as a problem. I want to be limited by the firing arcs of my guns on a fighter, not by the size of my screen. This would obviously be more of an advantage to ships that rely on turrets, but these usually have a bigger advantage with turret steer anyway.

Field of view - Jihadjoe - 09-22-2012

Yes this is cheating, particularly in snubs. It's known as Fisheye.

Field of view - Govedo13 - 09-22-2012

' Wrote:I don't really see this as a problem. I want to be limited by the firing arcs of my guns on a fighter
Even with limited arcs you would be able to land more hits on the enemy like that.

Field of view - Prysin - 09-22-2012

' Wrote:Even with limited arcs you would be able to land more hits on the enemy like that.

for once, you nailed it right at the head.

the problem is, short of bomber snac arcs, a fighters guns can fire nearly 90 degrees to the side in some cases.

this means that alot, if not ALL the fighters would have to undergo a strict arc-limitation, and such scrutiny would take a while. If such a mod was implemented, even as a standard feature, you would have to redesign, and rebalance pretty much all the snubs in the game, and i mean ALL of them.