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Gateway Shipping Recruitment Office - Printable Version

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Gateway Shipping Recruitment Office - Gateway Shipping - 09-21-2012

[Image: mo9Gy.png]

Gateway Shipping Recruitment Office

Hello and welcome to Gateway Shipping. If you've found your way here then you're already off to a good start, it means you've already decided to join one of Bretonia's largest and most prestigious firms. If not, then perhaps you need a little push in the right direction?

Well, that's exactly what we're here for. For You.

What exactly is Gateway Shipping?
We're everything that people need us to be, Gateway is not only a highly respected and very well known firm in Bretonia, but in all of Sirius. There is not a single house which we don't have any business in. Sirius is our playground to make profit. That's what you're here for, no? Money. The universe revolves around money and Gateway Shipping makes money by shipping in raw materials to not only Houses that require them, but even to far out groups in the borderworlds.

Dangerous? Yes, very much so. But the rewards are very well worth the dangers. If you decide to take that first step into Gateway you won't find yourself alone, you will find others just like you, people who have made a choice to face those dangers head on just to reap the benefits. We have all kinds of people and people from everywhere. Bretonian, Libertonian, Rheinlanders, Kusarians and even Gallics. Ex-military pilots, CEOs, captains and commanders. It doesn't matter what they were or are, they're here to make money and so are you.

What we offer:
We offer the chance of working with successful men and women such as yourself, people who have chosen to amount to something more. We offer the chance to make insurmountable amounts of credits. Are you willing to face the dangers of space with your cavernous cargo hold? We have access to transport ships from all around Sirius, small or large we have what you want. Like we said before, you won't be alone, our Security Division has access to military grade ships and equipment, they'll be there to make sure you get to where you want to get to without a scratch. Maybe you want to in fact be one of our brave security pilots, well, no one's stopping you.

What we require:
Dedicated and resourceful employees that are willing to take that extra step or work those few extra hours to make sure Gateway looms above all competition. People willing to even shove away ethnics to get what they want and make sure Gateway gets what we want. It's not an easy job, but it's worth it.

* * *

Gateway Shipping Recruitment Form

[color=#330000][b][size=14]Gateway Shipping Recruitment Form[/size][/b][/color]

[b]Name:[/b] [i]Your full name[/i]
[b]Age:[/b] [i]Your age[/i]
[b]Nationality:[/b] [i]Where do you come from?[/i]

[b]Interested Division(s):[/b] [i](Currently Shipping and Security divisions are available)[/i]

[b]Short Biography:[/b] [i]A short biography giving some history about your character.[/i]

[align=center]* * *[/align]


[b]Are you willing to act as a part of a team? If not, stop right here and close the page.[/b]

[b]Any specific reason as to why you want to join?[/b]

[b]How active are you on Discovery? How often do you play?[/b]

[b]How long have you been playing Discovery? A month, a year? Five years?[/b]

[b]Whats your Skype profile name? And yes, Skype is mandatory.[/b]

[b]Anything else you'd like to add?[/b]

* * *


How are you different from other trading factions?
We play nice on paper, sure. But we will do everything to flatten the competition, including having them killed.

Why are you so special?
Gateway fufills a specific niche for Bretonia in that it is a trade faction that isn't connected to it's house government, because of this Gateway is in the role of a corporation that is struggling under the weight of it's much larger competition, Bowex. Gateway and Bowex have a strong rivalry that you'll be able to represent in game, via roleplay, and in some cases, via guns.

So you have more freedom then?
Yes, we're not directly connected to the Bretonian government, neither lore or player wise.

Are you allowed to use capital ships? And will you be willing to use them anyway?
No, our ID doesn't allow us. Perhaps, in time.

Do I really have to have Skype?
Do I really have to answer that?

Can I have a 12 year old admiral character?

Can I make a scaley character?

Can I make a furry character?

What if I gave you a billion credits?

RE: Gateway Shipping Recruitment Office - Havok - 10-25-2012

Gateway Shipping Recruitment Form

Name: Markus Fischer
Age: 26
Nationality: Rheinland

Interested Division(s): Logistics

Short Biography:

Born on Planet New Berlin, Markus grew up to Middle-Class Parents, His father was a trader, his mother owned a local store. He attended the Normal School system and on the Weekends he would join his father on trade runs. When Markus turned 20 his father passed away and left Markus his Train. He had to spend a good while renovating and fixing the ship but would soon carry on his fathers job and provide for his Family.

* * *


Are you willing to act as a part of a team? If not, stop right here and close the page.

Any specific reason as to why you want to join?
Trade, Make Money.

How active are you on Discovery? How often do you play?
Very. Often.

How long have you been playing Discovery? A month, a year? Five years?
A year and 12 Days

Whats your Skype profile name? And yes, Skype is mandatory.

Anything else you'd like to add?

RE: Gateway Shipping Recruitment Office - Soul Reaper - 10-26-2012

|:: Incoming Transmission ::|

Transmission Source: Gateway Central
Identification: Automated V.I. Harmony
Target: Markus Fischer

Good day Mister Fischer, I am the Virtual Intelligence known as Harmony, I am sending this transmission on behalf of the Crewing Agency here to inform you that your initial application to Gateway Shipping has been Accepted. Please report in to Kensington Shipping Platform as soon as possible, you will be met by employees of the Crewing Agency on your arrival and they will process you in through the last steps of your application.

Thank you, and have a nice day.

Gateway Shipping
V.I. Harmony

|:: Transmission Terminated ::|

RE: Gateway Shipping Recruitment Office - Immortality23 - 11-05-2012

Gateway Shipping Recruitment Form

Name: Lydia Adams

Age: 22

Nationality: Bretonian.

Interested Division(s): Honestly,I can cope with both. I have some combat experience, ex-BAF reserve fleet and both my parents work on trading ships. I've worked with them on them in between working for the reserve fleet and now.

Short Biography:

I was born in All Saints Market, Planet Cambridge. I still live with my parents, in between work. They're pretty average as far as parents go. Pretty average income, enough to get by comfortably.

I left school aged just 16 as I was never interested in civilian life until now. When I left school, I started to begin training for the Armed Forces, but wasn't allowed into the main fleet. Not really sure why.

Either way, I served my time in the reserve forces instead. Made it to Lt. Commander in the three years I was in. Which isn't too bad.

Anyway, I'm now working with my parents in between looking for a new career, and was hoping Gateway could offer me what I wanted. Some combat, and the chance to make some money.

* * *


Are you willing to act as a part of a team?

Any specific reason as to why you want to join?
Yeah, to steal Roxanne. And 'cause I can. And because you haven't stopped nagging me to make an app for you to deny it Wink

How active are you on Discovery? How often do you play?
Pretty active. I usually log something once a day. Some weekends I'm on a lot.

How long have you been playing Discovery?
Year. Give or take.

Whats your Skype profile name?

Anything else you'd like to add?
I need a dollar, dollar!
Dollar is what I need.
And if I share with you ma story,
Would you share your dollar with me?

RE: Gateway Shipping Recruitment Office - Soul Reaper - 11-05-2012

|:: Incoming Transmission ::|

Transmission Source: Gateway Central
Identification: Automated V.I. Harmony
Target: Lydia Adams

Good day Miss Adams, I am a Virtual Intelligence known as Harmony, I am sending this transmission on behalf of the Crewing Agency here to inform you that your initial application to Gateway Shipping has been Accepted. Please report in to Kensington Shipping Platform as soon as possible, you will be met by employees of the Crewing Agency on your arrival and they will process you in through the last steps of your application.

Thank you, and have a nice day.

Gateway Shipping
V.I. Harmony

|:: Transmission Terminated ::|

RE: Gateway Shipping Recruitment Office - Nosferath - 11-18-2012

::: Incomming transmission :::
::: Source: Freeport 6, Tau-29 :::

Greetings. This is Matt Jones, speaking on behalf of myself, and Derrick Skanes and Thomas Hattaway. We all would like to apply for a job in Gateway shipping, as we usually work together as a team.

Gateway Shipping Recruitment Form

Name: Matthew R. Jones
Age: 31
Nationality: Libertonian. (New Westlake, Planet Los Angeles, California System)

Name: Derrick J. Skanes
Age: 37
Nationality: I was told I am Bretonian, supposedly from New London. All my papers were long lost.

Name: Thomas D. Hattaway
Age: 29
Nationality: Libertonian. (Sutton, Planet Manhattan, New York System)

Interested Division(s): We are all interested in Shipping as we got our own Stork.

Short Biography:
Matthew Jones: I went to the University of Manhattan at the age of 16, where I studied and got a master in Economics and Management. I founded my own freelance shipping company. I hired Thomas when I was 24, and together we saved enough money in order to buy a big transport.

Thomas Hattaway: I went to the University of Manhattan with Matthew, we studied the same, but we didn't know each other much until he hired me after we finished our studies.

Eventually, the company was bought by USI, by whom we got employed. During one of our shipping to Bretonia, we met Derrick, who happened to be an excellent engineer and mechanic, and, after we resigned from our jobs, he joined us as Independent Shippers.

Derrick Skanes: I don't remember much about my childhood. I spent most of my youth working with my uncle Karmus (who I consider my father, as I never met mine) at his repair centre in New London. I got hired several times by the Junkers, in order to build and maintain some of their ships in Trafalgar. Eventually, I got tired of that and returned to New London, where I met Matt and Tom, who needed their ship to be repaired.

After about four years, we got hired by Synth Foods, and Luxury Food from Stuttgart to L.L. Hawaii for a year. An economic crisis in Stuttgart forced us to leave the company, and return to Independence, which did not last for a long time as the IMG hired us. Thanks to them, we earned enough money in order to buy a Stork. We left the IMG as the economy of Helium went down, and now we are in look for a new job. We are very experienced in dangerous cargo shipping.

::: Transmission Terminated :::

* * *


Are you willing to act as a part of a team? Of course I am.

Any specific reason as to why you want to join? I really need a faction for my money-making character, and I hate power trading/non-RP-based trade.

How active are you on Discovery? How often do you play? Lately, I haven't been active because of my last year of school, but now vacations begin and I'll be playing everyday, or almost everyday.

How long have you been playing Discovery? A month, a year? Five years? I've been here since late 2009, so 3 years.

Whats your Skype profile name? And yes, Skype is mandatory. ahknos

Anything else you'd like to add? Let's bring it on.

RE: Gateway Shipping Recruitment Office - Soul Reaper - 11-18-2012

|:: Incoming Transmission ::|

Transmission Source: Gateway Central
Identification: Automated V.I. Harmony
Target: Matthew R. Jones

Good day Mister Jones, I am a Virtual Intelligence known as Harmony, I am sending this transmission on behalf of the Crewing Agency here to inform you (and your crew) that your initial application to Gateway Shipping has been Accepted. Please report in to Kensington Shipping Platform as soon as possible, your group will be met by employees of the Crewing Agency on your arrival and they will process you in through the last steps of your applications.

Thank you, and have a nice day.

Gateway Shipping
V.I. Harmony

|:: Transmission Terminated ::|

RE: Gateway Shipping Recruitment Office - Julia - 11-20-2012

Gateway Shipping Recruitment Form

Name: Chloe Hawkins
Age: Twenty-Six
Nationality: Bretonian

Interested Division(s): Security and Shipping

Short Biography:

I was born and raised on Planet New London. Have a moderate educational degree, and I'm following in my parents footsteps as they both were in the corporate business, my mother being an escort pilot, and my father a transport captain. When I was eighteen I passed both basic and advance piloting, so I'm qualified to captain a transport, or fly a fighter.

* * *


Are you willing to act as a part of a team? If not, stop right here and close the page. Yes.

Any specific reason as to why you want to join? I want to experience a new level of RP within a trading faction.

How active are you on Discovery? How often do you play? Practically everyday.

How long have you been playing Discovery? A month, a year? Five years? A year.

Whats your Skype profile name? And yes, Skype is mandatory. juleslabloy

Anything else you'd like to add? Nope.

RE: Gateway Shipping Recruitment Office - Soul Reaper - 11-20-2012

|:: Incoming Transmission ::|

Transmission Source: Gateway Central
Identification: Automated V.I. Harmony
Target: Chloe Hawkins

Good day Miss Hawkins, I am a Virtual Intelligence known as Harmony, I am sending this transmission on behalf of the Crewing Agency here to inform you that your initial application to Gateway Shipping has been Accepted. Please report in to Kensington Shipping Platform as soon as possible, you will be met by employees of the Crewing Agency on your arrival and they will process you in through the last steps of your application.

Thank you, and have a nice day.

Gateway Shipping
V.I. Harmony

|:: Transmission Terminated ::|

RE: Gateway Shipping Recruitment Office - Chase - 12-05-2012

Gateway Comm Channel: Open
To: Kensington Shipping Depot
From: Gateway Captain Walter Godwin
Subject: Reinstatement

Good evening board members, managers, and Mr Pierce,

If you have followed any of the actions of the Interstellar branch of Gateway you'll remember that I was indeed Director of Trade Operations there. In the past 6 months I have been coping with my dear mother's passing and had taken a leave from my position to be with her on Cambridge. Now that she has passed and I've had significant time to get my affairs in order I wish to resume my duties within the company. I have been a loyal employee since the Rheinland conflict in 800AS and I do hope that you consider my reinstatement in a position where I can resume relations with our foreign partners.

I am of course content simply resuming full-time trade captaining in the Agincourt if that is your decision. Otherwise, I will speak with you lads in our offices at Kensington upon my arrival.

Walter Godwin
Director of Trade Operations
Kensington Shipping Platform

Gateway Comm Channel: Standby

Downloading Attached Files...

Gateway Shipping Recruitment Form

Name: Walter Godwin
Age: 61
Nationality: Cantabrigian, born and raised.

Interested Division(s): Foreign Relations

Short Biography: Look in the corporate files if you'd like a bit of history. The short end of it would be that I was born in Cambridge, I am a former Armed Forces reserve pilot and I was on active duty from 783AS to 790AS. As I stated earlier I joined Gateway as an escort pilot shortly before the Rheinland conflict in 800. During my time with Gateway Interstellar in 815 I was promoted to Director of Trade Operations and have held that post since.

Please prepare the reactivation of my corporate pass, all associated accounts, and Shetland class transport Agincourt's docking permissions.

* * *


Any specific reason as to why you want to join?
My involvement with the previous Gateway Interstellar.

How active are you on Discovery? How often do you play?
I have just recently decided to return to Disco - It should be fairly steady assuming I get involved with diplomacy again.

How long have you been playing Discovery? A month, a year? Five years?
Three years on Disco - Many more prior with Freelancer.

Whats your Skype profile name? And yes, Skype is mandatory.
In Profile.

Anything else you'd like to add?
You will never have to worry about my roleplay or behavior on the server, you have my oath.