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Rules need change. - BloodTree - 02-03-2013

5.8 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not attack the enemy (player or players involved in the death) with any of the characters on his/her account(s) for 4 hours. Self-killing during a PvP fight is counted as a normal PvP death.

1. When you kill pirate he is leaving zone to next zone you both can`t fight 4h but he can shoot other well if you have to watch how pirate keep killing trade ships after you killed him and you can not do anything coz he telling you that if you will shoot him he will report you.

5.6 Fleeing from combat and then docking at a station or planet while you are in range of the ship you were fighting counts as PVP death. Transports and freighters are exempt from this rule.

2.No logic in that.
If big ship like BS is attacked by small ship and he don`t have any fast gun to kill that small ship and he lands on planet that means that he is dead even if small ship can`t take down that ship?

5.2 All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. "Engaging" is not sufficient. An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Being hit with a CD is not considered an attack. If a player is attacked he has a right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking.

3.When someone is going to kill another is he need telling him that he will kill him or something like fire or halt? It means that you have to tell him that you going to shoot him but why? No logic in that at all. If you can hide by using Cloaking Devices and you see near enemy of your faction that means you have to tell him that you going to attack him before you do. It`s not RP if your RP is like assassin.

4. When you do PVP with your friend it means that you have to play by thus roles or not?

5.If player starts shoot random players for that he can get bann from server? Can you get bann for that you just playing game?

RE: Rules need change. - Remnant - 02-03-2013

On 5.2, The reason is that the server is meant to be ROLEPLAY. Why would you not add a rule in that hopefully may get some Role play into the game instead of just straight engagement. That is the purpose of the server. Not to shoot everyone when you see them, but to have interactions.

5.6, how would you like it if you were attacking someone, and they just dock in front of you. That will get really irritating, and plus from a true point of view, you really couldn't dock easily if you were under fire.

5.8 Constant re-engagers is not something that is looked well upon. If that were the case, if you were trying to invade something you would constantly be attacked by the same ships over and over as they respawn.

All in all, these rules are there for a reason. And I think they are good ones at that.

RE: Rules need change. - BloodTree - 02-03-2013

Because there are no need for thus roles at all.
Thous roles don`t make gameplay better at all.
I like simple things witch brings fun not some kinda i don`t even know how to call it.

RE: Rules need change. - Ruken - 02-03-2013

Pew pew go to Conn, RP the rest of the systems.

That will do it i think

RE: Rules need change. - Hone - 02-03-2013

All you guys need to actually learn the rules before talking about them.

5.8 does NOT stop you from attacking someone you've already killed, only the LOSER, from attacking the WINNER. Feel free to go shoot that pirate again as much as you want, you just have to let him leave the system after you kill him. Follow him and kill him in the next system if you want.

5.6: Its so people cant just dock on a base, restock, and attack you again, then when they get damaged, dock, repair again, attack you again, ad infinium. In Real Life, youd blow that base up if it happened. This has been discussed, and i think that gameplay restrictions should be introduced to replace this rule.

5.2: Again, wrong. You do NOT have to tell someone you are about to shoot them, you simply have to say SOMETHING. Something INRP, that justifies the attack. E.G: Pirate - Give me your cargo. BAF - You're breaking the law pirate, ect.

4: If you want to play with your friend and not follow rp, I advise going to connecticut, dock, empty your cargo hold, and type /conn. That said, if your playing normally, and your play doesnt affect others Id say you can agree on your own ways to attack each other.

5: Yes.

RE: Rules need change. - Redon - 02-03-2013

BloodTree Wrote:
Quote:5.8 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not attack the enemy (player or players involved in the death) with any of the characters on his/her account(s) for 4 hours. Self-killing during a PvP fight is counted as a normal PvP death.

1. When you kill pirate he is leaving zone to next zone you both can`t fight 4h but he can shoot other well if you have to watch how pirate keep killing trade ships after you killed him and you can not do anything coz he telling you that if you will shoot him he will report you.

This rule does not keep you from killing the same pirate again in another system - it only means he cannot attack you anywhere for 4 hours unless it's in self defence. Reappearing in every next system after you've been killed in another is pretty poor form though, I'd say.

BloodTree Wrote:
Quote:5.6 Fleeing from combat and then docking at a station or planet while you are in range of the ship you were fighting counts as PVP death. Transports and freighters are exempt from this rule.

2.No logic in that.
If big ship like BS is attacked by small ship and he don`t have any fast gun to kill that small ship and he lands on planet that means that he is dead even if small ship can`t take down that ship?

Firstly, docking within range only counts as PvP death once you have been engaged, and an engagement counts as an attack that has brought the victim's shield below 50% - If the attacker can do that, I think it's safe to say he can take down your ship. A starflea nibbling on your shield will not do that. Secondly, I'm pretty sure this rule is in place for balance reasons, to keep players from constantly resupplying with regens and repairs. Imagine you attack a player who docks every time he is about to lose and comes back fully repaired. Sounds like fun?

BloodTree Wrote:
Quote:5.2 All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. "Engaging" is not sufficient. An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Being hit with a CD is not considered an attack. If a player is attacked he has a right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking.

3.When someone is going to kill another is he need telling him that he will kill him or something like fire or halt? It means that you have to tell him that you going to shoot him but why? No logic in that at all. If you can hide by using Cloaking Devices and you see near enemy of your faction that means you have to tell him that you going to attack him before you do. It`s not RP if your RP is like assassin.

As Moveit56 said, this is a roleplay server, a minimum of interaction is expected and required before you get right to the pew. In some cases, a one-liner can be enough, but the more interesting you make an encounter for your opponent, the better.
Whether you want to play an assassin or not, I'm pretty sure most players wouldn't be happy about being attacked with no warning anyway.

(02-03-2013, 05:01 AM)BloodTree Wrote: Because there are no need for thus roles at all.
Thous roles don`t make gameplay better at all.
I like simple things witch brings fun not some kinda i don`t even know how to call it.
If you find roleplay unnecessary and even consider it to be an obstacle, I doubt you'll have a great time on this server.

RE: Rules need change. - Hone - 02-03-2013

Thankyou Redon, I forgot to mention that the shield has to be below 50%.

Also blood, you should learn the difference between RULES and ROLES.

RE: Rules need change. - Lonely Werewolf - 02-03-2013

(02-03-2013, 04:47 AM)BloodTree Wrote: 5.2 All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. "Engaging" is not sufficient. An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Being hit with a CD is not considered an attack. If a player is attacked he has a right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking.

3.When someone is going to kill another is he need telling him that he will kill him or something like fire or halt? It means that you have to tell him that you going to shoot him but why? No logic in that at all. If you can hide by using Cloaking Devices and you see near enemy of your faction that means you have to tell him that you going to attack him before you do. It`s not RP if your RP is like assassin.

Also I have a further point to add to what others said about this. If silent engaging was alowed there would be absolute anarchy. And rule 6.9 would be harder to enforce. Why? Well because say your sitting there doing nothing or ming or trading or whatever. And some random player turns up. And they shoot and kill you. Especially in systems busy with players, you won't be scanning everyone once they are within range. If this guy instakills you, sure maybe he was bounty hunter or freelancer killing you (a pirate) or maybe a pirate attacking your navy player etc.

But he could also have easily have been someone who isn't allowed to shoot you. Could have same ID as you or an ally. When busy you don't see every change of player and can't be paranoid and scan em all (but it's adviced to scan whoever you meet anyways). But if someone starts RP'ing or talking to you, you at least get a warning that they are there and have noticed you so can scan ID. That way you know who they are and why they killed you. If no need for RP you'll get killed by folks all the time, who could even be allies but you'll not know who they were and can't report. Hence this rule is essential!

RE: Rules need change. - BloodTree - 02-03-2013

Before you attack anyone you scan him and i think anyone do that even your target scan you. And it means both side know what will happen.
If you are afk there are NPC too who can kill you it`s same.

I don`t think when i met pirate i have to explain why i am shooting him.
It`s only ID and RP thing. Both side know that if player have pirate ID that he will be shooded by NPC or players with lawfull ID. When i chose ID I expect that what is written on ID.

If you sometimes don`t play by thous rules and kill players when you want and players report you can you get ban for that?

RE: Rules need change. - Hone - 02-03-2013

(02-03-2013, 06:29 AM)Hone Wrote: 5: Yes.