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A "Target Closest Target" Button PLEASE - Printable Version

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A "Target Closest Target" Button PLEASE - Veygaar - 03-07-2013

So yeah, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE a target closest target button, much like the target closest hostile one.

The cycle up and down target list does not work at all in the way I'd want it to.

So my question to you, great hoard of voices, is can any of you edit the "Target closest hostile to change to "Target Closest Target." Or can you, DEVS, create such an option?

Thanks lovely people Wink

RE: A "Target Closest Target" Button PLEASE - Jack_Henderson - 03-07-2013

Please, yes!

(Or give me an easy way to Freelancer-IFF to red. QQ)

It is an absolute pain to target anything not-red in turretzoom/steer fighting..

RE: A "Target Closest Target" Button PLEASE - indy.miner1 - 03-07-2013

good idea, i suppose also that any ship that shoots at you turn red llike NPC's do when you shoot them, then you could use target nearest enemy

RE: A "Target Closest Target" Button PLEASE - AeternusDoleo - 03-07-2013

Why do I get the feeling you want this so you don't need to be hostile to the factions you intend to attack...

I have no idea how to do this regardless. Find someone who can do FLHook for requests like this.

RE: A "Target Closest Target" Button PLEASE - Jack_Henderson - 03-07-2013

AD, Caleb mentioned it bc we were training in Conn. CR Cruiser vs. IMG bombers. The Cruiser has no chance if he cannot intuitively select the targets, which is not possible because they are not red/hostile. So... Caleb has no bad side thoughts here. Smile

Also it would be nice bc in fights, e.g. all Freelancer IFF are not hostile and thus it is a pain to select them. So it would work for both sides. Smile

Hey, I am defending Caleb. WTF is happening? *must go to bed*

RE: A "Target Closest Target" Button PLEASE - Veygaar - 03-07-2013

Freelancer IFF, and the growing number of "No IFF" ships are annoying as hell. Most of my ships are already hostile to Freelancer IFF.

But a feature that either makes ships turn "hostile" after you CD/Shoot at them (like NPCs) or a "Select closest target" option would be awesome.

Jack <3

RE: A "Target Closest Target" Button PLEASE - Veygaar - 03-13-2013

No brilliant minds willing to give this a go?

RE: A "Target Closest Target" Button PLEASE - Jack_Henderson - 03-13-2013

Quote:Most of my ships are already hostile to Freelancer IFF.

How do you manage to get them to red? I need that on my trade ships, too.

RE: A "Target Closest Target" Button PLEASE - TheCompany - 03-13-2013

Why not just leave it as is? Being able to not have a aim thing by changing or adjusting your IFF is a way of avoiding the already powerful zooming capitals.

RE: A "Target Closest Target" Button PLEASE - TLI-Inferno - 03-13-2013

(03-13-2013, 10:56 AM)TheCompany Wrote: Why not just leave it as is? Being able to not have a aim thing by changing or adjusting your IFF is a way of avoiding the already powerful zooming capitals.

No. That is a completely OORP way of fighting.

And, no, it doesn't "balance the plate", either. When your targets are freelancers, even if you're not zooming, it still screws you over. Targets only pass you for about 2-3 seconds. Every time you switch targets, you're losing the most important second of that time, when the target is flying towards you. This is one of the reasons CGS is able to so easily gank everything -- They're freelancer, so everybody has a tough time switching targets between them to keep constant fire.

And if you can't keep switching targets, then everyone but your primary target can simply tag along your ship SNACcing.