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New character idea - Capt. Henry Morgan - 06-19-2008

For a little while now, I've been noodling this idea around in my head for a Bretonian character, but it's a new idea and I want to see what the community at large thinks about it. I plan to post a fleshed out RP story for it before making it if the community responds positively. No sense in going about that if nobody thinks it's a good idea.

What I'd like to do is have a character who is a Lord and Captain in the Bretonian Armed Forces who also believes himself to be the rightful King of Bretonia. He might even be right, but I wasn't really planning on filling in that detail. For his flagship, I was thinking of a Bretonian Destroyer, the HMS Sovereign, with a BAF tag/ID. I've also considered using either the terrorist or pirate ID's, neither of those really fit as well. For his diplomacy, he'd act just like any other member of the BAF as relates to foreign interactions. His primary opposition would be from the various player factions dedicated to specifically to Queen Carina (QCO, QCR, QCRF, etc...), while the majority of the BAF (npc's) would remain neutral and wait to see who wins in the end. In the face of outside opposition, like Kusari forces, he would side with any Bretonian ship first, including those of Queen Carina. I also envision having a handful of loyalists who believe his claim and have dedicated themselves to King George claiming his rightful place on the throne.


New character idea - Tenacity - 06-19-2008

I like it, the Brets probably wont.

It's interesting portraying an insane or obsessed character to the extreme. Someone who's entirely convinced that he's the real leader of bretonia, even though he isnt, would be fun =)

New character idea - bluntpencil2001 - 06-19-2008

He would be opposed by the entirety of the BAF, not just QCRF, I'm afraid. Attempted usurping of the throne wouldn't be a 'let's see what happens' job.

New character idea - Capt. Henry Morgan - 06-19-2008

' Wrote:He would be opposed by the entirety of the BAF, not just QCRF, I'm afraid. Attempted usurping of the throne wouldn't be a 'let's see what happens' job.

That's why I was considering the terrorist or pirate id's, as well. I was thinking that his claim might be just convincing enough for the majority of interested parties to stay out of it. Then again, it might not either.

Of course, I did open this thread for opinions. I do have a lot of credits to earn before I can put this in motion, so I've got plenty of time to hammer out the flaws.

New character idea - worldstrider - 06-19-2008


Monarch + Anarchy

New character idea - Asymptotic - 06-19-2008

Nope, faction in the spanish civil war. +1 for attempt at originality though.

I legitimately think something like this would get more flak than what it's worth RPwise.

New character idea - Zapp - 06-19-2008

I like it, it gives Bretonia some action. If you could RP it good enough. I'll reserve my judgement for later. And yes, his position might be such that some of the BAF would follow him, and he could promise the Mollies full independence if they'd help him gain the throne (and then maybe go back on his word, making the Mollies pirates again - and distrustful ones, at that.

1500 posts yus!

New character idea - Tenacity - 06-19-2008

' Wrote:I like it, it gives Bretonia some action. If you could RP it good enough. I'll reserve my judgement for later. And yes, his position might be such that some of the BAF would follow him, and he could promise the Mollies full independence if they'd help him gain the throne (and then maybe go back on his word, making the Mollies pirates again - and distrustful ones, at that.

1500 posts yus!

ooh... good idea.

Get yourself nuetral or allied with the mollies and gaians. Promise the mollies their independence like zapp said, and promise the gaians that their precious planet will be left off limits, in return for their help in overthrowing the queen.

New character idea - Capt. Henry Morgan - 06-19-2008

allied to the Mollies and Gaians isn't a bad idea. It would give me a place to base my ships without using BSF bases.

Also, I had a thought while I was out doing some PT. What about the generic Military ID and no tag? If a group came out of this (at least a fighter and bomber piloted by myself for circumstances where I wouldn't want to risk the Sovereign), i was thinking of tagging them as [KGL] which stands for King Georges Loyalists. The flagship would then be [KGL]HMS.Sovereign.

New character idea - Niezck - 06-19-2008

Generic military ID wouldn't allow the use of a Destroyer ...