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revision of the ZONERS faction - to avoid yearly discussions - Printable Version

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RE: revision of the ZONERS faction - to avoid yearly discussions - Aazalot - 01-22-2014

I agree with alot o what summer has said.

Think about what the Zoners are all about, its about living in the more remote parts of the galaxy, surviving the harsher parts of the systems. To get away from politics and house rule.

This would mean that Ships, like the neph, would for the most part be Home vessels, ships with countless many familys living on it. Its not made to go into battle, its made to protect these people. The corvo is the same, its a research vessel, maybe used to locate ideal areas to build Freeports and act as scout ships for the larger nephs and Carriers.

So make the ships about defense and escape, if anything make them better at taking on bombers. Make the ships about keeping out of danger rather then getting into it.
The fact is even if the Zoner Rp has changed, the Lore is still there, Zoners are trying to keep away from house struggles and live in the more dangerous parts of space, and despite claims from Tel about how diplomacy doesnt exist, i think you will find it does. Thats why The Order and other such organisations havent attack any of the other Zoner Factions who use Diplomacy.

If a Zoner faction wants to have bigger firepower, then it should use the firepower built by others.

One other suggestion i do have is making a new fighter to compliment the Osprey mk2. a Bomber version and call it the vulture.

RE: revision of the ZONERS faction - to avoid yearly discussions - puppytaste - 01-22-2014

This AGAIN!?!?!?!?

Devs, can you just leave us poor Zoners alone? There is nothing wrong with any of the Zoner ships or their functionality. I'm not quite sure if its mentioned in the prior ten pages, but WTF do you expect us to use against a Marduk? Neph with 24 transport turrets?


Out of the 30 or so ships I own, 25 of them are Zoner related. I know I speak for several others out there that if these ships become even more nerfed or you decide to turn my nice Cap ships into some kinda cargo vessels, I know that many will out right quit this server and I know that I will seriously re-examine how much time I spend here.

If your goal here is to drive yet another nail in DiscoveryGC's coffin, then by all means nerf away. I'll just play Endless Space all day and wait for Star Citizen to be released. However, if you would like to see the continuing of great Zoner RP that everyone loves (or loves to hate) leave well enough alone.

RE: revision of the ZONERS faction - to avoid yearly discussions - Spud - 01-22-2014

Youw thig showth that you awe a vewy bad thonew who should not be lithtened to.

RE: revision of the ZONERS faction - to avoid yearly discussions - lIceColon - 01-22-2014

(01-22-2014, 11:43 AM)Aazalot Wrote: So make the ships about defense and escape, if anything make them better at taking on bombers

BETTER ARC'D secondary slots
MORE Armor
DUAL shields
NO primaries
HIGHER maneuverability + HIGHER impulse
WEAK power core

Nonono, on second thought, diplomacy right?

Then: Give zoner the ability to call in Order protection NPC squad.
SOS call made! Allies arriving in 1 minute

RE: revision of the ZONERS faction - to avoid yearly discussions - RedEclipse - 01-22-2014

... a-a-and nothing changes. Is this somehow prevent from Zoner drama? Silent trader acquires belovely zoner cap and here we go. Such nerfing only raise more problems.

Order nor GMG ain't Zoner militia never been or will be. Though, in Phoenix we have long standing relationship even it does not mean they should be like our bodyguards, they have own tasks and goals and obviously not unlimited fleet.

RE: revision of the ZONERS faction - to avoid yearly discussions - Mímir - 01-22-2014

if you'd read the thread you would realize that for a lot of us the issue isn't seeing an indie zoner nephilim floating around in pennsylvania, it is rather about seeing a nephilim full stop.

for a faction claiming to be neutral and be focused on diplomacy and roleplay, you concern yourself an awful lot with security and weapons.

could zoners be roleplayed a different way?

RE: revision of the ZONERS faction - to avoid yearly discussions - djordje_petrovic - 01-22-2014

Put zoner caps that thez fullfill one narrow role excelently , but in mean of tactic and combat situations its uniqueness is its weakness.
And those roles are described in previous posts by many people in general very good. Just a question of balance.

So in any fleet engagements zoners are while possesing superb solo operating ships are not tactically flexible to answer any house military. #Ice Colon gave some good review from recent post. Some similar ideas are as good as this, but whatever derive from all of it in mean of balancing i think would be good.

RE: revision of the ZONERS faction - to avoid yearly discussions - Spud - 01-22-2014

(01-22-2014, 03:34 PM)Mímir Wrote: if you'd read the thread you would realize that for a lot of us the issue isn't seeing an indie zoner nephilim floating around in pennsylvania, it is rather about seeing a nephilim full stop.

for a faction claiming to be neutral and be focused on diplomacy and roleplay, you concern yourself an awful lot with security and weapons.

could zoners be roleplayed a different way?

Yes they can.

If you follow the logic that they can't the only factions to have anything larger than snubs apart from a "stolen" cap should be Liberty, Bretonia, Kusari, and Rheinland navies, and Gallia should have a bunker at the dark side of Pluto.

RE: revision of the ZONERS faction - to avoid yearly discussions - RedEclipse - 01-22-2014

(01-22-2014, 03:34 PM)Mímir Wrote: if you'd read the thread you would realize that for a lot of us the issue isn't seeing an indie zoner nephilim floating around in pennsylvania, it is rather about seeing a nephilim full stop.

for a faction claiming to be neutral and be focused on diplomacy and roleplay, you concern yourself an awful lot with security and weapons.

could zoners be roleplayed a different way?
If you read the thread once more you would realize that wouldn't happen.

Also, haters gonna hate.

RE: revision of the ZONERS faction - to avoid yearly discussions - Mímir - 01-22-2014

who hates what?