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A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Printable Version

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RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 07-13-2014

Psychology wasn't a strength of Docs. He saw her as more than a girl from a Rogue base but didn't know how to convey it in a positive light. To many, her past was shady but by what he was learning, it wasn't her first choice. Regardless, he saw past it.

"If I thought you were intruding, I wouldn't have invited you here," he answered, "I still think that you underestimate yourself."

The splash of water fell short of him. "Yes, it is," he answered of the water. Standing on the rock, he dove in. As he was underwater, he grabbed her feet and playfully pulled her under. He was grinning when he surfaced and wore it for a short. Once she was surfaced, he splashed her and began back stroking towards the shore.
Once over the sandy area of the water, he stood, awaiting for her to get in.

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 07-13-2014

She didn't see it as underestimating herself and she couldn't see why he thought she was. Eventually she shrugs, not wanting to try and make sense of it. "Maybe."

The sun was setting as she got back to shore, the colors reflecting in the lake which was once again still. She stood next to Doc and looked out across the water. She spoke quietly. "As if it weren't beautiful enough before..." Her lips were slightly blue, and she was trying not to shiver. While it wasn't necessarily cold, she was still use to the temperatures on the Rogue bases.

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 07-13-2014

He walked over for their towels, handing her hers, "Let's head in."
Then for a moment, he stood next to her and looked out, "Now you know why I come here to unwind and clear my head. Night is just as pretty."

He escorted her inside where he went to his room to change. A pair of sweats and a t-shirt with his sandals on his feet and his hair worn over the shoulder as he went to start some food prep while she changed. He had some fresh meat to grill, wild vegetables and grains. Simple but healthy and fairly tasty. He then poured himself a small glass of cognac, just something to wet his palate.

He headed out to start the fire, smiling at the stairs that led to where she was. Some kindling and tinder were all he needed as he started the fire in the pit outside in old world fashion. He waved some air over it to bring it to life, the wood smell bringing a smile to his face. Satisfied, he headed back in to further prep dinner.

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 07-13-2014

All of the clothes from her suitcase were pulled out and spread over the bed. She had dried off, and was deciding what to wear. Eventually she decided on a light jacket, black t-shirt and the same blue jeans from earlier. She brushed her hair, trying to tidy it a little bit. She gave up after she had got all of the knots out, knowing she wouldn't be able to make it look any better. She shyly walked down the stairs, she felt strange, it was the first time she hadn't worn makeup since she had moved to the unlawfuls side.

She quietly made her way out to the fire pit, warming her hands. She looked out across the water again, lost in thought. The sun had almost set and stars were beginning to show, she had missed seeing them from the safety of a planet. The stars seemed to loose their beauty when no one cared to see them, the Rogues were always too busy to take the time to enjoy the small things. Shaking her head slightly she looked down at the fire almost as if she was waiting for a snide remark about her wasting time again.

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 07-14-2014

Doc came out with a large sheet of food for the grill. Setting it on a stump next to the pit, he placed the grill over the top and set out some cooking utensils nearby. He gave a quick smile to Ashlea as he worked.
The tray had some prime cuts of red meat, aluminum wrapped potatoes and a tin with vegetables in a dressing.
"I don't know what you like but you can bet that you will enjoy this," he said as he put the food on the grill. As he stood up, he took a look out over the landscape as the sun had set. Still the light of dawn was there and the fish were jumping to eat surface bugs on the water.

He took another look at Ashlea. Her natural look got his interest. He wondered if she knew how attractive she was but said nothing. He then sighed and headed back in. After a couple of steps, he turned to her, "Would you like a drink and if so, of what? I have quite a collection here?"

He just waited for her response.

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 07-14-2014

When he returned, she smiled, genuinely happy to see him. Ashlea took an interest in what he had been doing. She had never seen anyone cook on an open fire before, the idea of it intrigued her. "I'm not fussy, and it looks good."

"I... sure. A drink would be nice." She turned and looked at him standing in the doorway, she shook her head slightly, he made it hard to think straight and she didn't quite understand why. After a moment she answered his question "Do you have a Sauvignon or something... If I recall correctly, that should work well." She bit her lip and added quickly "It's been a while, so I might be wrong."

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 07-14-2014

Within a few minutes, he returned with two glasses, one of a red wine and the other of sauvignon. In a back pocket was a hairbrush as he handed her the glass of sauvignon and took a seat on the stump next to her.
"I had a wine room full of Gallic wines," he explained, "I had many of them delivered to me by various smugglers and Junker traders," he finished with a chuckle.
He then raised his glass, "to some good ol' fashion peace and quiet" he toasted. With a clinking of glasses, he drank his toast and then put it down next to him. Squatting before the fire, he turned the meat over, stirred up the veggies and turned over the potatoes. They all grilled slowly but tastily surely. He then sat back next to her.
As they sat and the dusk began turning to night, the land and water around them awoke. Crickets chirped, frogs sung there songs and a distant Loon sang it's song. Doc smiled with approval as the fire light gave it's glow. He again turned the food over on the grill and took a deep breath before drinking from his glass. He then turned his attention to her.
"We doctors get a bad rep because of shots, large pills and scalpels," he joked as he pulled out the hair brush, "but a good doctor sees someone having a problem and can fix even simpler things." He quickly ran his fingers through his own long mane, "I have that problem often so if I may help you, I would be honored."

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 07-14-2014

She nodded "That sounds fancy." She drank to the toast also, and watched him cooking, the warmth of the fire was comforting and the noises of the night were relaxing. The peace was easier to deal with then she had originally thought it would have been. The one thing she feared coming here wasn't going to be a problem.

She looked at the hairbrush slightly confused before nodding "If you want to, you are more then welcome." She had never had anyone offer to do that, not even her father who was always too busy. She took another sip of her drink before slipping her jacket off, it wasn't as cold as she had expected it to be. The scar on her throat was just visible in the light of the fire, as were a number of smaller ones on the inside of her right arm. "As long as there are no needles, I'm happy." she answered, moving slightly closer to him.

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 07-15-2014

Doc seized the opportunity to run a brush through her hair. Girls liked those kinds of things and it was the least a doctor could do, assist a young lady with a hair problem. He began brushing from the bottom underneath as he gently started working on the snarls. "Goodness," he said softly as he inadvertently pulled her head back a bit when the brush got caught. Using his free hand, he held a lock of hair and brushed it out so that it wouldn't least, not as much. Still, it was tough. Excusing himself, he ran inside and returned with a spray bottle and some hair grease. But, before he continued, he turned over the food on the grill and stoked the fire a bit. He then returned behind Ashlea and continued.

He took the water bottle and sprayed the back of her hair and began to work it slowly. This helped some as her locks started to smooth out. For a moment, Doc felt like he was brushing his daughter's hair as he had so many times before but he maintained his focus, not wanting to think about how much he missed his children.
Before too long and another flip of dinner on the grill, her hair was smoothed out except for some right at the bottom.
"I'm sorry for this," he said as he took a little hair grease in his hand, worked it in to the problem area and smoothed it out. He put the brush down and smiled at her as he came around to her side, "the grease will wash out fairly easy but it will help keep that from happening again." He patted her shoulder and got to his feet to tend to dinner. As he checked a cut of meat, he said, "Just a few more minutes."

He then finished his wine and looked to her, "Need a refill?"

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 07-15-2014

Occasionally the brush pulled at a knot, she didn't mention it, the pulling wasn't necessarily painful, and she was enjoying her hair being played with. "You don't need to be sorry.... I'm not complaining" Once he had finished, she moved some of the hair out of her face. When her hair wasn't knotted, she looked less like one would expect a Rogue to. She ran her fingers through it and smiled "Thank you. That's much better."

She looked at her glass, which was now empty. "Please. That would be nice." Moving closer to the warmth of the fire she watched the flames, looking content.