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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - bluntpencil2001 - 11-07-2008

---Firewall Message---

You may be receiving this message due to a lack of clearance to access this channel.

If you are a BAF officer, contact your CO ASAP.

If you are a civilian or foreign representative with a diplomatic or similar query, please contact Fleet Admiral Nelles.

If you have a complaint, call your Member of Parliament. We aren't the sodding National Health Service.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Blodo - 11-07-2008

Transmission to: BAF Command
Comm ID: F. Hopkins

Attention, sirs! Code begins:


[Image: r01ch4.jpg]

The seashell has been violated and photographed. Moonshine fermentation complete. Whiskey not yet depleted!

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Derkylos - 11-08-2008

--Incoming Transmission--

--Comm ID: Ensign Aldwyn--

Transmission reads:

Attachments (3)

--opening attachments--

Ah, good day, high command, Mr Aldwyn senior here. I hope you don't mind my using this channel, but a rather odd chap was encountered in Leeds today, and I felt you should be made aware. The Derwent was idling in orbit above Leeds, when a luxury liner flying under the callsign "PotatoSmasher" exited the lane from Edinburgh. Being a nosy chap, my pilot scanned the cargo...and found it to be full to the gunnels with Deuterium. Naturally, I was intrigued as to it's destination, and was rather surprised when the blighter brazenly stated that he was headed to Honshu! I advised him that such was a bad idea, but he ran off into the trade lane shouting something about "not messing with the Potato". I report this to you in the hope that appropriate action can be taken against this ruffian, who obviously works for Kusari, and, as such, is an enemy of the Queen. Footage from the Derwent's on board recording units is attached.

I remain, sirs, your humble servant, J. Aldwyn (BBA, DGM, ETC)


--transmission ends--

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dieter Schprokets - 11-08-2008

"Wing will March Past in Column of Root, Move to the Right in Column of Route, Right... Turn!"

"By the Left, Quick, March!"

The Warrant Officer's voice somehow carried over the roar of the engines of the Templars flying in formation overhead.

The parade ground was filled with Bretonian Pilots and Aircrew. The Wing was on parade for good reason. Promotions.

The review took some time. The BAF Marchpast blared from loudspeakers, not particularily doing the song justice, and Fleet Admiral Nelles stood at the dias, frozen in salute. Squadron after Squadron, Flight after Flight. He was sober. Good thing; it was hot out.

The marchpast complete, the Warrant Officer saluted, then retired to his position. Nelles began.

"Today we honour our men and women of the Bretonian Armed Forces, who have acquired skills and talent to match their bravery and devotion."

"Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant:"

"John Rico, Christian Hart, Kicon Kijin, Basil Liddel Hart, Jack Frost, and Aileen Fowl"

The new Lieutenants came to the dias, one by one, and received their rank insignia. Some marched awkwardly. In war, parade drill was sacrificed to instead provide flying skills.

"Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander:"

"George Harrington, and Neville Hughes"

Cheers now. These men were popular leaders. They received their ranks, and returned to their Squadrons.

"Promoted to the rank of Commander: John Redmond."

More Cheers. The pilots were especially happy with that.

"And Promoted to the rank of Captain: Stanley Nelson, and Aubrey Mainwaring."

Now the pilots were all cheering and whistling. Not very orderly, but the Fleet Admiral had no intention of stopping it. Nelson and Mainwaring marched crisply to the podium. They had been in the Armed Forces for some time, going back when they bothered to teach pilots how to march. They received their rank insignia, and returned to their commands.

"Now, for other awards, of great significance, to those who have served Bretonia beyond the normal call of duty."

"Firstly, a young lady, whose name now strikes terror in the hearts of the Kusari, Gaians, Corsairs, and the Mollies. Bretonia, ladies and gentlemen, has a first-class female ace."

The Fleet Admiral paused.

"The Distinguished Flying Cross is hereby awarded to Lieutenant Evyn Hunter."

A shocked looking Evyn Hunter came to the Dias and received her medal. It was rarely given, but then, rare talent needed recognition.

Nelles noted that the young pilot seemed unwell, and appeared to feel.. guilty. Common really. Those so awarded often feel that way, since so many die. It must be that.

The Fleet Admiral continued.

"Bravery is not always found on a battlefield."

The parade ground was silent.

"For valour behind enemy lines, resulting in his capture by the enemy, and subsequent detention and torture in a Kusari Prison Camp, and then receiving a sentence of death for trumped up war crimes...", Nelles paused to gain his breath.

"and ultimately, for his bravery, skill and wit in facilitating the rescue of himself and his fellow prisoners, Lord Commander Sir Roger Brinkley is awarded the Carina Cross."

A surprised and uncomfortable looking Sir Roger came to the dias, saluted stiffly, and politely took his medal. The pilots cheered greatly. The eccentric blue blood was quite popular.

Sir Roger's award was the last presentation.

During the final Marchpast, the parade members were treated to a special experience. The Templar's flew past again, then left for the horizon, and it grew quiet, for a short time.

Then an awesome sound began to grow. Like dozens of freight trains, being lifted into the air by as many tornadoes, while a hurricane passes by. It grew into intensity until it was unbearable. The units that had made it off the parade square and had been dismissed looked up into the sky in awe. A huge shadow swept over the side of the square. Wind was swept up, and it became hard for the units still in formation to keep their order.

The Pendragon passed overhead like a flying mountain, belching flame from her thrusters and thoroughly impressing all present. The media ate it up, and got excellant footage. A Dunkirk less than 200 feet above you has a way of making an impression.

Then her forward guns opened into the sky with a deafening roar. A salute of biblical proportions.

Fleet Admiral Percy Nelles smiled to himself. THAT surprise had been his idea.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - pbrione - 11-10-2008

[The Officers' Mess at the BAF HQ, and a news article from Liberty suddenly grabs the attention of all officers present]

--Bretonian Embassy in Liberty Attacked, Severe Casualties Feared-

Today in the skies above Manhattan, a most tragic and terrible event has occured. The Bretonian Embassy ship, the HMS-Britannia, has been attacked by a force of suspected Lane Hackers and Outcasts. The attack comes only hours after the Bretonian Ambassador, Lord William Henri Braterford, hosted a major diplomatic summit onboard the Britannia. The summit had been preceded by a sumptuous dinner party at which many senior Liberty and Bretonian officials attended, and which had been warmly received by the Liberty community. At the dinner party Lord Braterford gave a speech to the people of New York, in which he praised the close relations between the two nations and expressed hopes of closer cooperation on many key issues, which received heartfelt applause from all present. Only hours later, however, the luxurious Bretonian Royal Liner Britannia lay in smoking ruins on the surface of Planet Manhattan, after crash landing following a sudden and unprovoked attack from Liberty terrorists.

=Camera zooms in on an image of the burning wreck of the Britannia, in the midst of a Manhattan district with many buildings succumbing to raging fires=

The attack was totally unexpected, with the Liberty Navy having to rush to the scene to help defend the stricken Embassy. They succeeded in destroying many of the attackers, but it was too late for the helpless Britannia, which plummeted towards the planet's surface and crashed into a major residential district. Official figures released put the number of dead currently at 27 from onboard the Britannia; 15 crewmen, 7 Bretonian officials as well as 3 visiting Liberty citizens, an ex-convict seeking a Royal Pardon and a journalist from Rheinland. Of the Bretonian officials dead the most senior was the Hon. Robert Walker, Parliamentary Secretary of State for Industry. He was visiting Liberty as part of a BMM and Bowex trade delegation.
The Bretonian Government has reasured citizens of Liberty and Bretonia that the Ambassador himself was unscathed in the attack, being jettisoned in a specially-designed escape pod shortly after the attack commenced. He is currently recovering from shock and is being housed at the residence of Liberty President James Powell. Unconfirmed reports indicate that the most senior Bretonian officials present for the dinner and conference, including Bretonian Admiral Whittlington and several Ministers, had set off back for Bretonia onboard a Liberty Navy ship only minutes before the attack began.

[Image: screen101fe1.png]
A Photograph of the attack taken from a Manhattan sattelite

Her Majesty Queen Carina of Bretonia has issued a statement on behalf of the Bretonian government. It reads as follows:

Her Majesty wishes to express her severe regret at this most tragic of incidents. We strongly condemn the unprovoked attack upon an unarmed vessel with Diplomatic Immunity, and wish to point out that the diplomatic nature of the Britannia has meant that those killed and injured have been of many different nationalities, not just Bretonian. Attacks of this kind strike at the very heart of international diplomacy and peace efforts, and that perpetrators of them demonstrate their lack of all moral decency, sacrificing any sympathy the public may have had for their causes. Her Majesty also wishes to express her gratitude to the Liberty Navy for their swift response, and the Manhattan authorities for their vital aid in rescuing surivors and minimising casualties. The next day has been declared a national day of mourning for both Bretonia and Liberty.

==End of Broadcast==

[The officers stare at the now blank screen in absolute shock. One Leuitenant is heard stuttering disbelief at the news, whilst a Commander is seen openly sobbing]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Fellow Hoodlum - 11-10-2008

If anyone else posts in here uninvited, there will an ingame sanction equivalent to an OORP one, with a loss
of credits for every word used. That goes for anyone thinking of gate-crashing message dumps ...


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Koolmo - 11-10-2008

Transmission to: BAF Command
Comm ID: Lord Sir Reginald Notworthy III

My Lords, I am please to report that I have declared the winner of a Duel Occuring today in Her Majesty's Territory of Leeds, against the Captain of the HMS-Churchill, over insults regarding the Honour of the Queen. Sir Andrew Stuart, my second, declared a Win by Default after the aforementioned captain and his second were absent from the field for twenty minutes after the appointed time, sending no word of their lateness, and then departed the system without explanation.

The man in question, who's real name and rank are unknown, made the following statements, as follows:

[Image: 15y9kc7.jpg]

Followed by my challenge, then digressions on my career in the Marines:

[Image: o0o01j.jpg]

After the 'Captain' went silent, there was some discussion of his heritage:

[Image: 30w89he.jpg]

And, eventually, the declaration of Victory:

[Image: 2mcu1xh.jpg]

As you can see, this man is plainly a yellow-bellied scumbag, and thusly serves no purpose in the Queen's service, especially not if he's going to level insults like that! I hereby vow that if I, Lord Sir Reginald Notworthy the Third, ever encounter that blighter, on or off the field of battle, carrying marque or not, whether drunk or sober, dressed or nude, armed or not, I shall slay that man. No-one levels such insults at the Queen in front of me!

No One! In the Service of the Queen, Notworthy out!

Transmission Ended

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - bluntpencil2001 - 11-10-2008

To: BAF Command
Comm. ID: Knight-Admiral Andrew Stuart

---Transmission Initiated---

I know that it doesn't exactly fall within our remit, but recently a certain individual under my direct command has gone above and beyond the call of duty in winning not one, but two duels in defence of the honour of Her Majesty Carina, the First of Her Name.

Admittedly, said individual won said duels by default, neither gentleman challenged having the stones to back up their hideous accusations with steel, most likely due to their dresses, stained with coward-urine, being unfit to fight in. Rather lacking in valour, considering that they had their own choice from a selection of weapons, such as the cutlass, the foil, the pistol or, the age-old favourite - balloons and blunderbusses.

Anyway, I would humbly request suggestions on how best to honour this most deserving man of the hour, for his willingness to challenge these bed-wetting pukes to the death on matters of a most deserving Lady's honour.

He already has a Knighthood, and I think that a medal wouldn't be entirely fitting, due to the lack of military flavour to the actions in question. Perhaps a parade in his honour? I'd most undoubtedly love to have Lord-Commander Sir Roger Brinkley's opinion on this!

Standing strong,

Stuart out!

---Transmission Terminated---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MarvinCZ - 11-10-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Commodore Mark McKenna]

Engagement report
Myself and Admiral Stuart were scrambled to intercept a pair of Corsair pirates in Cambridge. I was scouting ahead, Stuart followed. I found no Corsair presence in Cambridge, but our patrols reported the blighters in the neighbouring Omega 3 system.

Upon entering the system, I learned the two were extorting a merchant. I sped towards them and tried to get their attention away from their victim. Unfortunately he didn't get the cue and that brought his demise.

The enemy was located at the Omega 7 Jump Gate. I engaged the scum, fortified by an expressive and apt speech by Admiral Stuart, of which a recording is attached. If they didn't realise the hopelessness of their situation yet, the course of battle showed them their error. Their impotent fire was unable to harm our ships, yet our guns tore at their hulls. Finally [OPG]SpiderPig realised he can't prevail and performed a last attempt to save his skin, but I quickly finished him off at the gate.

It didn't take long before Scout realised the battle was lost. He fled the scene and during the ensuing chase Admiral Stuart again colourfully depicted the enemy's pathetic character and lineage. The pitiful performance of these scum shows the deplorable state of the Corsairs. It is an insult when the enemy sends such pilots into the Queen's domain. They'd better think twice before venturing on our turf again.

Attached logs:
[Transmission terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Athenian - 11-10-2008

' Wrote:To: BAF Command
Comm. ID: Knight-Admiral Andrew Stuart

---Transmission Initiated---

I know that it doesn't exactly fall within our remit, but recently a certain individual under my direct command has gone above and beyond the call of duty in winning not one, but two duels in defence of the honour of Her Majesty Carina, the First of Her Name.

Admittedly, said individual won said duels by default, neither gentleman challenged having the stones to back up their hideous accusations with steel, most likely due to their dresses, stained with coward-urine, being unfit to fight in. Rather lacking in valour, considering that they had their own choice from a selection of weapons, such as the cutlass, the foil, the pistol or, the age-old favourite - balloons and blunderbusses.

Anyway, I would humbly request suggestions on how best to honour this most deserving man of the hour, for his willingness to challenge these bed-wetting pukes to the death on matters of a most deserving Lady's honour.

He already has a Knighthood, and I think that a medal wouldn't be entirely fitting, due to the lack of military flavour to the actions in question. Perhaps a parade in his honour? I'd most undoubtedly love to have Lord-Commander Sir Roger Brinkley's opinion on this!

Standing strong,

Stuart out!

---Transmission Terminated---

Comm. ID: Lord-Commander Sir Roger Brinkley, CC

---Transmission Initiated---

It was wisely said by someone, name escapes me, that honour (with a u, I might add, for our colonial friends) is its own reward. None of your gene-splicing or bio tomfoolery can instill it in a man, much less a foreigner or a working-class person. It is a medal one wears in one's manner and demeanour. It is a power best demonstrated through the thrashing of persons of alien origin and the edification of our own countrymen as regards their station in life and society. And in the occasional and violent rogering of vermin such as the charmless half-wits who had the gall to insult Her Majesty.

Having said that, presenting oneself as the Queen's Champion takes balls the size of Brimingham. Truly, the office of Queen's Champion is an office we (by which I mean my good self, my immediate family, my cousins and several other people of breeding among the noble classes) have long hoped to resurrect.

In previous times, the Champion was rewarded with a gilt, covered cup, the King or Queen Regnant having first drunk to the Champion from it. I am certain Her Majesty would be well-disposed to reviving this fine ceremony as part of the proposed celebration. I would be proud to wear the old regimental colours and have the Band of the Cambridgeshire Army Cadet Force play a rousing rendition of "Rule Bretonia".

Another point: traditionally the grant of an estate accompanied this much-respected office. If said individual were to be suitably disposed to beating servants and delegating the administration of said demense to a desk-Johnny, I would recommend the long vacant castle and manor of Tamworth and the Manor of Scrivelsby. It is held in trust and provides a fine, though not extravangant, income, mostly from the stables there.

Postscript: Fine work, Commodore McKenna. Jolly good to see those cannibals getting a sound what-for. The chaps in the mess gave you three "Huzzahs" at elevenses this a.m.

Brinkley out.

---Transmission Terminated---