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Smugglers and Mooring Rings - JakeSG - 10-02-2008

' Wrote:Not to mention even if they escape you, you will have had time to screen shot their cargo as proof of their crime to post in the law enforcement message dumps and thus be able to use it to stop them on sight to fine them the next time you see them. I am sorry but too often law enforcement try to fine or destroy a smuggler without any proof they commit a crime. You just get told "I know you had contraband" if the cop could even tell me how much i had i would pay the fine and get some RP out of it.
But most just want the cash or the kill and that's all.

We DO screenshot it. They say "Scanner malfunctions" "What Artifacts" and anything along the same lines. We can't KoS them because that's against the rules. We can't fine them if we don't catch them in the act, and that includes if they dock, sell and take off even if we took a screenshot, because unlike pirates we get sanctioned. To go with LA-384's rather accurate description, most of the time they just cruise by and give us the finger.

Smugglers and Mooring Rings - Grimtooth - 10-02-2008

Then if they do that post a sanction report for OoRP with the screens of their cargo as proof they were busted.
Personally if i am stopped and the cop has any kind of proof even if he just scanned me and wrote down the amount of cargo i will pay the fine and RP some. Those who do not are OoRP and the Admins will nail them for it just as they would anyone else for being OoRP.
Smugglers are getting lumped all together because of the ones who are not playing for the RP and manipulating the game mechanics to stop them is not fair to those of us who wan't to RP.

Smugglers and Mooring Rings - bearlee89 - 10-02-2008

' Wrote:Every LPI, LN, LSF etc member knows what its' like to be sitting outside Manhatten, idly scanning cargos, when all of a sudden you see some Adv. Train or Pirate transporter hauling a huge shipment of Cadamine or artifacts, or some such.
Immediately you scream for them to halt, but they don't listen. They're too close to the planet for you to blow them up in your poor Liberator, what can you do? It's very OORP for a smuggler to dock with a lawful base after being sprung for contraband goods. I've been an LPI officer for about a week or so now, and I see it nearly every day.
(By they way, saying "what cardi?" is the oldest, and most used excuse ever, try coming up with something original.)
So once the persons docked, there's nothing we can do, they won't pay the fine, they're safe, and just log out and wait for all the lawmen to go away.

Hmmm... Do patrols and catch them before they get near Manhattan (it's called a train cruise disruptor for a reason). And as for it being OORP for a smuggler to dock on a lawful base after being "caught"? Must smugglers would be wanting to dock as fast as possible, run with their goods and get them out of their hands as soon as possible so there is no evidence. The easiest way to get them would be to take screenshots of what they are carrying when you scan them, if it's contraband, halt them, if they don't halt, tell them you have evidence. Most smugglers will RP with you while docked/undocked after they drop their goods, but only if you approach them like a human being and not some berserk bad cop guy who threatens them every other sentence typed. Very unproffessional. And if they still refuse to pay the fine (if you really do have evidence) then put them on a list for the LN, LPI, LSF to check on the boards and make sure that they are stopped upon entering the system...not upon entering the 2k proximity of the mooring bay.

So here's my suggestion, I believe it would have benefits not just in Liberty, but right across Sirius. Make Mooring Rings able to be temporarily disabled, like tradelanes. This will give lawfuls an actual chance to stop Smugglers from docking with their bases. If your not slippery enough to get by unseen, then you should get caught and have your cargo destroyed. Hell, my smuggler ain't been sprung yet, and I've shipped hundreds of millions of credits worth of Cardamine into Liberty.

And how would this effect the people trying to undock? Hm? And with Manhattan being the starting planet (till the mod) what do you think the random new player in a starflea is going to do once they see they can tick you off in a heartbeat? Exactly. And as you know, shooting the docking ring on a planet causes it to go hostile with you. And with routine patrols of Dreadnaughts and cruisers (NPCs) do you honestly think you'd want to be halting a smuggler while being shot at by a few cap ships?

Now, every smuggler and his dog is going to jump on this and try to shut the idea down, but lets not listen to them, they ain't looking for RP, they're just looking to make cash. There are smugglers out there who do it for the fun and the RP, like me. But they're vastly outnumbered by all these other oorp smugglers. As an LPI recruit, I just have to wonder sometimes, whats even the point of telling a smuggler to stop, you know they ain't gonna, might as well just make Cardi, Artifacts, etc legal.

Notice: at LEAST 85% of all OORP smugglers are doing the diamond/niobium run. And telling a smuggler to stop doesn't really do crap. Your words won't disengage my cruise. Do what pirates do, catch em before they can get close to docking, CD them, tell them to halt, RP out a scan, take an SS, tell them that you know what their carrying etc... RP it all out, and keep them CD'd away from a jh/jg/dockable item. Call in reinforcements if you need to. and TADA! You caught a smuggler.

Again, these oorp smugglers are ruining the point in RPing contraband within systems. This modification won't make it impossible to smuggle, it will just make it more of a challenge. Give you more RP oppurtinities than just "What cardamine? What artifacts?"
If you're only smuggling for the money then you're in the wrong route. This isn't about making our jobs easy, this is about making our jobs possible. At present the only real way to stop a smuggler flying in and speed docking with Manhatten is to park a big ol' battlecruiser in front of the mooring ring and shoot anything carrying contraband. Its nearly impossible to give a smuggler fair warning before blowing them up, without them docking before you can finish, in all my time as an LPI officer, I have never seen an inbound contraband shipment stopped outside of Manhatten.

Granted, I haven't been stopped, but that was mainly because they were all chasing me and I knew I could make it...HAHA! But I did undock, demand that evidence be shown, and then I paid the fine. And I honostly don't know what you're complaining about. Pirates can only pirate in GB's, fighters, and bombers. Where as, the lawfuls can 'halt contraband" (pirate smugglers) in ANY ship they want.

My opinion: Try harder, catch em sooner.

Once again, I believe making Mooring rings able to be temporarily disabled will be a great asset to RP right across Sirius.

~Joseph L. "Sky_Jocky" Truman of the Liberty Police Inc.
Who's with me?!

Smugglers and Mooring Rings - bearlee89 - 10-02-2008

' Wrote:We DO screenshot it. They say "Scanner malfunctions" "What Artifacts" and anything along the same lines. We can't KoS them because that's against the rules. We can't fine them if we don't catch them in the act, and that includes if they dock, sell and take off even if we took a screenshot, because unlike pirates we get sanctioned. To go with LA-384's rather accurate description, most of the time they just cruise by and give us the finger.

Sorry to shoot at you like this Jake, but that's a load of crap.

I've been screenshotted with cardi in my hold, on my way to manhattan. I docked and sold my cargo and came back out. I asked for evidence, the provided it, I paid the fine.

It's just like real life police work, you get the evidence, you examine it, you catch the bad guy and they pay.

Its more IN RP than alot of things that go on in this game.

Smugglers and Mooring Rings - Jihadjoe - 10-02-2008

Ok, I roleplay both a liberty navy, and a smuggler. As a smuggler I would regard it as utter suicide to even attmpt to land on manhattan. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Go to rochester, beaumont or buffalo (the last only if you're running cardi) it's better RP and the profit margins are almost the same. Your fellow players will love you for it and it'll make you popular with the opposite sex.

As an LN character, I know for a fact that it is -extremely- difficult to stop smugglers. And those that I have caught have complianed at me bitterly ooc afterwards, when they have refused to pay a fine or drop their cargo and I have blown them up. Calling me a fascist and a bully.

How about you folks (yes you LolPenguin) get a liberty navy or police character and try it for a day?

I can guarantee that without a fair ammount of practice you will utterly fail to catch any smugglers at all. Plus there is no way we can be in 30 different places at once. If I am the only LN character on I am often far more comcernaed by the rampaging rogue gunboats, each with a pair of dragonfly missiles (made by the dragons, so how they got hold of them god only knows) which can blow my ship up in a single volley.

Yeh, "before you criticise your neighbor...."


Oh yeh... and the "what artifacts" bull is -really- boring now. I've heard it about a million times and frankly the next person who says it is getting a torp in the nuts from me.

Smugglers and Mooring Rings - JakeSG - 10-02-2008

' Wrote:Sorry to shoot at you like this Jake, but that's a load of crap.

I've been screenshotted with cardi in my hold, on my way to manhattan. I docked and sold my cargo and came back out. I asked for evidence, the provided it, I paid the fine.

It's just like real life police work, you get the evidence, you examine it, you catch the bad guy and they pay.

Its more IN RP than alot of things that go on in this game.

You're what? One guy. I respect you if you really do pay the fines. However, spend some time in the LN's boots, whether as an indie or an official. I guarantee, very few smugglers will stop, jettison and pay the fines, but the ones who do earn so much respect I feel tempted to just let them slip by.
Of all the screenshots I have of smugglers, last time I checked it was 27, only three of them paid the fines, and I've only been on duty two or three weeks, with breaks in between.

Quote:Pirates can only pirate in GB's, fighters, and bombers. Where as, the lawfuls can 'halt contraband" (pirate smugglers) in ANY ship they want.

So, what you're saying is, we should all make LABC's? Because that's what starts flame wars and such on the forums.

Smugglers and Mooring Rings - bearlee89 - 10-02-2008

' Wrote:Ok, I roleplay both a liberty navy, and a smuggler. As a smuggler I would regard it as utter suicide to even attmpt to land on manhattan. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Go to rochester, beaumont or buffalo (the last only if you're running cardi) it's better RP and the profit margins are almost the same. Your fellow players will love you for it and it'll make you popular with the opposite sex.

As an LN character, I know for a fact that it is -extremely- difficult to stop smugglers. And those that I have caught have complianed at me bitterly ooc afterwards, when they have refused to pay a fine or drop their cargo and I have blown them up. Calling me a fascist and a bully.

How about you folks (yes you LolPenguin) get a liberty navy or police character and try it for a day?

I can guarantee that without a fair ammount of practice you will utterly fail to catch any smugglers at all. Plus there is no way we can be in 30 different places at once. If I am the only LN character on I am often far more comcernaed by the rampaging rogue gunboats, each with a pair of dragonfly missiles (made by the dragons, so how they got hold of them god only knows) which can blow my ship up in a single volley.

Yeh, "before you criticise your neighbor...."


Oh yeh... and the "what artifacts" bull is -really- boring now. I've heard it about a million times and frankly the next person who says it is getting a torp in the nuts from me.

Just to inform you, I DO have an official LN character, and I have stopped a smuggler before. CDing them and disrupting lanes helps alot, or doing the occasional patrol behind the planet where the colorado jh is. And if you're more worried about rampaging gunboats than a smuggler carrying contraband, then you shouldn't be stressing over stopping the smuggler.

' Wrote:You're what? One guy. I respect you if you really do pay the fines. However, spend some time in the LN's boots, whether as an indie or an official. I guarantee, very few smugglers will stop, jettison and pay the fines, but the ones who do earn so much respect I feel tempted to just let them slip by.
Of all the screenshots I have of smugglers, last time I checked it was 27, only three of them paid the fines, and I've only been on duty two or three weeks, with breaks in between.
So, what you're saying is, we should all make LABC's? Because that's what starts flame wars and such on the forums.

Yeah, the 7mil fine hurt a bit, but not too bad. And when you take the ScreenShots, post em on teh "known contraband carriers" thread for the officers in liberty. If there isn't one, make one. Keep an updated list of known smugglers, if they change their name, just keep adding every new found smuggler to the list and keep it in alphabetical order so you can find the name easily. And if you see join the game, keep tabs on what system they are in, have your "contraband smugglers" window open, alt+tab, search the list, come back and halt them if you find them. Use "long range scanners" to figuire out where you're going to place yourself.

It's not going to happen in an instant. Sometimes, most of the time, organization takes time.

And there are enough cap ships in liberty that if you call for back up and tell where you are or what you need it for, most of them will come because theres a chance they can blow something up. It's like....extortion.

And again. I have my own pair of LN boots thanks.

Edit:: and mind you, this is just my personal oppinion, and me stateing how and what I think and feel about all this. Don't hate me personaly, I love you guys. =]

Smugglers and Mooring Rings - HunterZero - 10-04-2008

no offence but i think the idea is kind of dumb, if that was possbable then it would take the fun out of the "unlawful" side which means every one would be obeying the law and not break and of the rules. and its honestly dumb, you can have good with out some of the bad, and cardi, and artifacts are put in the game to be used like that on the black market, and if you just cut that out then theres no sense on even playing here anymore if you want to be an unlawful because it completely destroys the fun of being smugglers, pirates, or what ever. so the ID's would be useless the ships would be useless.. dude honestly, the idea is good but.. it wouldnt work.

Smugglers and Mooring Rings - Asgardian - 10-05-2008

I think this is a top-notch idea! Pirates shouldn't be able to dock at a lawful base if they are carrying illegal items. In RP, we would call ahead to have the docking ring locked down, so the pirate/smuggler would have no where to run. And i disagree HunterZero, no matter what you do, people will always smuggle; it turns over such a high profit! I mean, ive caught the same guy 5 times in the span of 3 hours trying to smuggle goods into New York. It really annoys me when they simply dock, sell their goods and deny ever having the contraband on board. When they undock, we charge them with a $4mil fine (or whatever it is), but they still make a profit from selling the contraband. Wouldn't it also be good to send smugglers away to prison for repeat offenses...:P

Smugglers and Mooring Rings - Grimtooth - 10-05-2008

There is a little thing called proof if you have it and they pay your fine (and they should) that is about all you can do. The game does not have any way to impose a prison sentence on a player so the best you could hope for would be some Class A role play and get the smuggler to agree not to come back for a set amount of time to reflect a prison term. maybe even getting them to not use that ship at all for say a week or what ever can be worked out. But you would be required to post proof in the form of screen shots of their cargo.
Not just saying that they had X amount and wanting them to take your word for it. As i have said before i have been told to halt by lawfuls who just scanned my ID and had no idea what or how much cargo i was hauling and i am sorry but the line "well i know you had contraband you hot docked" just doesn't cut it i hot dock regardless of what i am hauling