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Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Printable Version

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RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - SummerMcLovin - 07-16-2013

[Image: MurdoStewart_zps4bcc75b1.png]


Do I know you from somewhere? Probably just me spending a bit too long working on these ships. Onto your request, one of those ships is a brand new Nyx for you, without any external equipment or a powercore. You'll be able to fit your own, but of course it'll not quite get up to optimal output. I doubt we'll be getting any political repercussions from our good friends in the TAZ, so whenever you can pop through to collect it, the fighter is yours to move through to Sedona for a refit.

Have a nice day,
Murdo Stewart
Colonial Defence Industries

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Giggle Snort - 08-11-2013

.::Incoming Transmission::.
.:Big Grinata Link Established::.

.::ID: Richard Rowling::.
.::Location: Coronado System::.

[Image: oFOViyG.jpg?1]

Good day Colonials,

I must say I'm very new to the republic but so far, I'm loving what I see. Matter of fact, I've even signed up to join the military reserves. Being a small bunch of people, I'm sure word gets around here very quickly.. So you may or may not have heard my name. You're probably thinking why I'm telling you all this. Well. . that's because I need you to trust me for the request I'm about to make. I'm looking for one of them "Thanatos" Colonial Cruisers.

I know the sale of such a ship must be restricted, but I can assure you that this ship will be used strictly under the military ID, and even then for defense purposes only.

Why do I want this big a ship? Well, lets just say it's nice to have some firepower behind you at times when it's most needed. The Gallic Navy is building their ships by the hundreds at their abundant shipyards. One more capital on the side of the colonials would help defend our world.

As a sign of my seriousness, I'm willing to hand you the supplies to build one. Make it easier on you. Even as we speak, I have a shipment docked at your port with 6 of the 10 needed materials to build this ship. I just need the green light to deliver them and get the rest!

I will be willing to pay the said 25 million credit fee of course, although any concessions you could make for a military personnel would surely be welcome.

As proof of my sincerity, I'll send you the cargo log files below:

.::Incoming Cargo Manifest::.
.::Scan Complete::.

.::No Malware Detected::.
[Image: th_ResourceDelivery1_zpsd68eaf74.jpg] [Image: th_ResoueceDelivery2_zpseae5cb14.jpg]

.::Transmission Terminated::.
.:Big Grinata Link Lost::.

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Core_One - 08-12-2013

Name: Chloé Girard
Affilation: The Conseil
Location: Roussillon, Toulose Planet
To: Sabah, Colonial Defense Industries
Subject: The Nyx

[Image: Chloe.JPG]

Bonjour my Coronado friends,

My name is Chloé Girard, Le Conseil defense fighter. Maybe you know me Monsieurs et Ma'ams, maybe not. Well, now why am I contacting you??? I think about your "Nyx" fighter long time and yesterday I saw it in the battle and I must say, I would like own one of them. I would like use your "Nyx" fighter in Tau battles, maybe in Bretonia or Gallic Border world systems like Languedoc.

Well, my sister Eveline can deliver important commodities or I can pay full price of your fighter. I hope, everything will be fine with construction or with my request.

Au revoir, Chloé.

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - SummerMcLovin - 08-20-2013

[Image: MurdoStewart_zps4bcc75b1.png]


Well I must admit to be impressed to get such consideration from one of the Fleet Officers. Some of them tend to just expect us to build and patch up their ships with magic. We've already got a couple almost finished , so if you can finish off the majority of the supplies that'd be great.

The Military command can then christen the ship and supply you with your orders.
Good luck out there in the meantime, sir.


It's been a while since your leaders contacted us with the order for a large set of Nyxes and I'd have thought you'd all been able to patch them up when needed. There should still be one available for you so we'll have no problem for you to be flying in one; if the Council wants to discuss further ship deals I'd guess high command'll be looking for a different arrangement though.

Have a nice day,
Murdo Stewart
Colonial Defence Industries

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Giggle Snort - 08-21-2013

.::Incoming Transmission::.
.:Big Grinata Link Established::.

.::ID: Richard Rowling::.
.::Location: Coronado System::.

[Image: oFOViyG.jpg?1]

Good day Colonials,

Thank you for your kind words. These supplies were not easy to acquire, but here they are nonetheless. Please find the attached resource documents below.

As a show of good faith, I've acquired some extra ship hull panels for you (as many as would fit in my cargo) I hope you'll put them to good use!

.::Incoming Cargo Manifest::.
.::Scan Complete::.

.::No Malware Detected::.
[Image: th_ResourceDelivery1_zpsd68eaf74.jpg] [Image: th_ResoueceDelivery2_zpseae5cb14.jpg] [Image: th_ResourceDelivery6_zps9383611f.jpg] [Image: th_screen4_zps8ef5c818.jpg] [Image: th_ResourceDelivery5_zpsf5081f70.jpg] [Image: th_ResourceDelivery4_zpsa669c3ae.jpg] [Image: th_ResourceDelivery3_zpsa92078e1.jpg] [Image: th_screen3_zps407002ed.jpg] [Image: th_screen2_zps60232be8.jpg]
.::Transmission Terminated::.
.:Big Grinata Link Lost::.

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - t0l - 08-22-2013

..: Incoming Transmission... :..
..: Signal Identified... :..
..: Message Received :..

Comm ID: Doctor Raymon Wallace, Solar Runners, Republic of Hospitals
Subject: "Thanatos" Colonial Cruiser
Priority: Medium
Encryption: High

Greetings, Colonials.

Doctor Wallace here, requesting the purchase and use of a "Thanatos" class Colonial Cruiser. Apologies for the lack of color quality, the transmitters on the Calibrator are fairly dated. Trying to get any sort of color would involve quite a bit of painstakingly long work for such a short message.

As my, or should I say our, knowledge via research expands, so do the needs for space, and as such, I have found the cargo bays on the Corvo research vessel rather unsettling;we have only managed to operate at a calculated 56.78 percent efficiency. I see that the specifications for the Thanatos lists it as having 300 more cargo space than the Corvo, allowing us to more effectively conduct research among the expansive cargo bay.

Unfortunately, as our research grows, so do the risks of obtaining materials to conduct said research. While extracting rock samples in Omicron Delta, I came under fire by multiple nomad contacts. Luckily, I was able to escape the gunship-level energy blasts that they fired at me.

Along with the risks of obtaining research materials, Sirius is a cold and unforgiving place. As such, the extended armor and weapons arrays will help me and my crew defend ourselves and our research from any aggressors.

I can arrange for my associate Ruby Leone to drop off materials via her Dromedary freighter at any arranged time. Of course, her craft will need the docking coordinates for Sabah, if necessary.

Over and out.

..: Signal Lost :..

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - SummerMcLovin - 08-23-2013

[Image: RogerAnders.png]


I've recently just overseen the completion of the cruiser whose components' delivery you organised. Christened the Intrepid, she and her crew will be a proud asset of the Crayterian Fleet. She awaits your command.
Your orders are nothing new as I'm sure you'll have learned by now, deploy to the Taus and form with the Hades. Support our forces against the Maltese and Royalists, protect the Guild, and divert to the Leeds front if required.

For those we left behind.

With all due regards,
Commander Roger Anders

[Image: MurdoStewart_zps4bcc75b1.png]

Dr. Wallace,

Another Zoner looking for a Thanatos, who'd have thought it? In fact I heard that the last one ended up with the Runners too, care to confirm? You have found an effective vessel to use, cargo space and armament both considered - there is a listing problem for that first point though, only 700 units of space on our cruisers. You might actually want to consider a Sagarmatha from the Guild if you really want the cargo space.
Either way, you should be able to see the parts list and construction fee already. Have any transports coming in to have a word with the Guild, they'll send word to the dockmaster on Sabah and the Orion won't shoot them down. Once it is all finished, confirm it here and we'll get that thing finished and diverted your way.

Have a nice day,
Murdo Stewart
Colonial Defence Industries

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Giggle Snort - 08-24-2013

.::Incoming Transmission::.
.:Big Grinata Link Established::.

.::ID: Richard Rowling::.
.::Location: Coronado System::.

[Image: oFOViyG.jpg?1]

Good day again!

I went to the yard yesterday and to my awe, I saw the beauty sitting there, awaiting a firm hand.
Sir, I must congratulate you. It is known that we colonials are low on resources and need every piece of scrap metal we can get our hands on. To be honest, I was expecting some clunky ship put together by screws and bolts *laughs*

To my astonishment this cruiser looks like the work of a sculptor and feels like the greatest accomplishment of an engineer. The turrets operate efficiently and never get jammed and the controls are smooth as melted chocolate and Summer cherries.

Last but not the least, the crew, as expected, is well trained and disciplined. They take orders well, but I get the feeling they won't hesitate to say "no" to an order that'll put the colonials at danger.

In all, this ship and its crew brings a tear to my eye... at the thought of laying waste to Gallic brutes, and for those we left behind.


.::Transmission Terminated::.
.:Big Grinata Link Lost::.

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Caconym - 10-15-2013

Name: Guillaume DeVersailles
Affilation: Le Conseil
Location: Planète Toulouse, Système Roussillon
To: Colonial Defense Industries
Subject: The Nyx

[Image: CouncilLogo_zps8c256841.png]
My name is Guillaume DeVersailles. I doubt that you have ever heard of me, as I am quite new to the Conseil.
As my collègue, Chloé Girard, I would like to request a "Nyx" Colonial VHF. Given the nature of the request, I understand extra costs might be included; I am willing to pay for any extra expenses involved in the development of the ship. I would also like to inquire if it would be in any way possible to have a pre-mounted class 8 Universal Armor Upgrade (again, I am willing to pay for this upgrade). Please also install a Discovery-class scanner, as these are harder and harder to come across these days. Please state the full price and when construction can begin, and the credits will be en route as soon as you wish.
Merci for your attention and au revoir.

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Core_One - 05-08-2014


[Image: 4HJayxN.png]

CommID: Santou Kaisa Taruko Ishibashi, Gas Miners Guild Paramilitary
Location: Battleship Daishouri, Sigma-59
To: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries
Subject: Request

Kon'nichiwa honorable members of The Colonial republic.

I'm Taruko Ishibashi, member of the Gas Miners Guild Paramilitary division. I would like to ask you for one of your space crafts... It would be Evo 29 "Nyx" Very Heavy Fighter. Reason... Maybe it sounds weird, but I can't find a good Very Heavy Fighter for myself. All what I can use is Eagle or Wasupu fighter and I must say, I don't like them. I'm ready to pay 15,000,000 Credits or if you don't mind, I would deliver or needed commodities.

Arigato for your time,
Best wishes,
Taruko Ishibashi, GMG Paramilitary