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Can we please change the snub changes back? - Printable Version

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RE: Can we please change the snub changes back? - Jack_Henderson - 02-28-2017

Come on!
Get guided missiles back into the game!

The system has been working, and these weapons were equaliziers which 80+ percent of the players need in order to not be totally usless in snub combat.

Snub combat has become even easier for veterans, and even harder to access for new players.

That's exactly NOT The formula that a game that needs new people should use.

Furthermore, even the snub elite ruins their own game by denying noob-tubes because the current system forces tons of people to avoid snubs. So they either leave after constant snub-frustration (unable to overcome the learning curve), or they get GBs, Cruisers... and solaris the hell out of snubs.

RE: Can we please change the snub changes back? - Foxglove - 03-01-2017

(02-28-2017, 11:55 PM)Jack_Henderson Wrote: Come on!
Get guided missiles back into the game!

The system has been working, and these weapons were equaliziers which 80+ percent of the players need in order to not be totally usless in snub combat.

Snub combat has become even easier for veterans, and even harder to access for new players.

That's exactly NOT The formula that a game that needs new people should use.

Furthermore, even the snub elite ruins their own game by denying noob-tubes because the current system forces tons of people to avoid snubs. So they either leave after constant snub-frustration (unable to overcome the learning curve), or they get GBs, Cruisers... and solaris the hell out of snubs.

I completely second this. I wouldn't call myself a particularly good PvPer, but I'm not bad, and since these missiles were removed, it had just become ridiculously easy to kill many people. The guided missiles were also a good way of countering shieldrunning, which is exactly what we would need to not draw out snub combat into infinity. The Maxim Chaingun is a nice addition, but it should have been that: An addition to what was already there.

Not to mention HFs have become completely redundant at this point, which is more than just sad. I like my Switchblade or Carabela.

RE: Can we please change the snub changes back? - Inferno - 03-01-2017

Actually due to this thread being bumped, when are those other missiles coming into the game? Like that bulk missile launcher?
Also plz, weak, guided missiles if you have to.

RE: Can we please change the snub changes back? - Wesker - 03-01-2017

Bring back starkillers

RE: Can we please change the snub changes back? - Stone21 - 03-01-2017

(03-01-2017, 12:01 AM)Inferno Wrote: Actually due to this thread being bumped, when are those other missiles coming into the game? Like that bulk missile launcher?
Also plz, weak, guided missiles if you have to.

They have this weak guided missile in game currently. Smile Smile Smile Hilarious...perfect for you, 1 hull damage - weak enough?

[Image: zbCffeb.jpg]

My suggestion is to start by adding back all the removed missiles and balance them according to the original FL design
Why we need tracking missiles back? Because they're part of this game since it was created, those being removed, the game is no longer what it was.

As you can see during the game's storyline, missiles are VERY USED. I can give you more than 10 examples where the TRACKING MISSILES WERE USED in the game cutscenes with the purpose of showing the players the fun of this game and a good way to RP with them, for example doing an assassination like the guy near California jump gate - who dies due to Moonstalker missile Navy execution.

They should all be brought back and balanced like this:

"Javelin family caused the highest amount of damage.
Stalker family has higher tracking capability than other types.
Eraser family specializes on shield damage."

Bring back all the missiles and balance them.
Slow tracking - > hard damage, Fast tracking -> small damage, slow & fast tracking -> shield damage.

RE: Can we please change the snub changes back? - Calo - 03-01-2017

Maxim Chaingun is failure for the very same reason on why capital weaponry got their firerate reduced: lags. Mount two Maxims on SHF and fire - and players around you will get ping chokes.

Some said that removal of missiles balanced PVP, which is not true as n00bs are killed even easier now, because veteran players have perfect aim. Sure, it got removed because it could be used by good players - but also by the ones who can't aim and relied more or less on this boost. Now?

The gap is even bigger than it was before. And Devs really need to take into account that PVP is indeed affected by skills but also by used hardware. There is a serious difference between a guy who uses 2015-standard PC with 120 fps and pro multibutton gaming mouse and a guy who plays on pretty much 'office' low-end PC, barely getting over 60 fps and having standard three button mouse.

RE: Can we please change the snub changes back? - Stone21 - 03-01-2017

@Calo I agree with you but always keep in mind that Freelancer was designed to work missiles. Guided missiles of 3 types and 2 types of torpedoes all were balanced with good logic.
Some are not capable enough to fire those 100+ countermeasures, fly in circles and do evasive maneuvers to avoid some missiles. Therefore those few missiles we still had have been removed.

RE: Can we please change the snub changes back? - ASimpleMan - 03-01-2017

How about we keep the current setup with the Auxiliary weapon as is? Since the vote won? Like, this thread should be closed at this point.

RE: Can we please change the snub changes back? - Haste - 03-01-2017

More Auxiliary weapons will be added and some of the current ones will see some review. Catapults and Paralyzers come to mind. The latter will very likely return to being a regular tracking missile.

I would prefer avoiding a straightforward hullbuster, tracking missile. If I were to add one it'd likely have extremely limited ammo - which with current CM capacity would make them rather pointless.

And yeah, the Maxim needs some work, but I'm not sure how. It's actually pretty solid in duel situations, but it's very hard to hit a target reliably in groupfights due to the force ori. Turning it off will make it "just a 7th/8th gun", though, which I don't think is ideal either. Maybe turning force ori off but increasing the spread (and damage?) will help give it the noobtube-ish role it was meant to have?

RE: Can we please change the snub changes back? - Sombs - 03-01-2017

(03-01-2017, 03:57 AM)Haste Wrote: I would prefer avoiding a straightforward hullbuster, tracking missile. If I were to add one it'd likely have extremely limited ammo - which with current CM capacity would make them rather pointless.

Why don't reduce the CM ammo? Are straight lines of CMs spammed by people trying to escape using CMs with the mouse wheel so much better than tracking missiles?