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Streaming Disco around the 'verse! - Printable Version

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RE: Streaming Disco around the 'verse! - diamond1 - 01-23-2019

You hear that? it's time to Siege a base! Also the Arpee is Pretty great too!

RE: Streaming Disco around the 'verse! - diamond1 - 01-24-2019

Working on the roleplay and prize pool for an upcoming Player made Event!

RE: Streaming Disco around the 'verse! - diamond1 - 01-25-2019

Once again, gathering cash. Doing some arpee, Switching names to prep for the Roleplay and positioning ships!

RE: Streaming Disco around the 'verse! - diamond1 - 01-26-2019

Making a little more credits to prepare for the event, Doing some roleplay, Generally chilling out

RE: Streaming Disco around the 'verse! - diamond1 - 01-27-2019

Some roleplay, A little mischeif. And a couple of credits!

RE: Streaming Disco around the 'verse! - diamond1 - 01-28-2019

Disco stuff, mishcheif, and the usual.

RE: Streaming Disco around the 'verse! - diamond1 - 01-30-2019

Mischeif and RP. This is disco, Y'know

RE: Streaming Disco around the 'verse! - diamond1 - 01-31-2019

Random stuff. Mischeif. The usual

RE: Streaming Disco around the 'verse! - diamond1 - 02-01-2019

Mischief on the ship. And plenty of cash with it!

RE: Streaming Disco around the 'verse! - diamond1 - 02-04-2019

Just relaxing, Thinking of the next script. Disco stuff