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Freelancer: Aftermath - Printable Version

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RE: Freelancer: Aftermath - Apollon - 09-26-2019

(09-26-2019, 01:55 PM)Goliath Wrote: Where do I sign up for Alpha testing?

Join the Discord and forums and you'll know when that happens, if it will.

RE: Freelancer: Aftermath - Dark.Star - 11-15-2019

tis looks interesting
i hope we can keep our ships somehow, moving them from disco to aftermath

RE: Freelancer: Aftermath - Laz - 04-09-2020

Been a while since I gave this an update, so I thought I might as well kick one of the many things I'm working on this way.

RE: Freelancer: Aftermath - Lythrilux - 04-09-2020

You can only play as white males? I guess Aftermath isn't a very progressive Freelancer mod...

(looks good great work)

RE: Freelancer: Aftermath - Dhomie42 - 04-09-2020

I'm quite sure that Freeworlds: Tides of War has a very similar feature of creating new characters.

RE: Freelancer: Aftermath - Laz - 04-09-2020

That's where I got the idea from actually (well, Procyon did it too). I feel like my version is a little more refined thanks to the regions though.

RE: Freelancer: Aftermath - Username removed - 05-29-2020

(08-13-2019, 09:10 AM)Lord Rhemalak Wrote: I dont like the idea of trying to split an already small community, and im sorry TLAGSNET on the main menu? how is this even remotely useful? this looks like a bunch of fluff thrown together and I wont be looking forward to this.

You quit the dev team and left now your back making your own mod? You could have brought your ideas to an already established community and made this one better with your ideas.

It's called freedom. I don't know if you have it wherever you're from.

(08-13-2019, 09:38 AM)Lord Rhemalak Wrote: EDIT: If anything, this looks like a monstrous betrayal and you should be ashamed.

I don't remember signing a loyalty contract when I joined an online space simulator. What the fuck do you think you are?

If you want to stay with Discovery, again, you are free to do that. And people are free to create new stuff. Deal with it.

RE: Freelancer: Aftermath - Champ - 05-29-2020

Oh hi! You're right, this thread is messy and inappropriate. So much so that now, because it's bumped, it's probably worth cleaning it out.

I don't mind you being upset about what was said, but I'd encourage you to calm down and recognise that that is from *counts on fingers* 9 months ago. I'd also encourage you to be very, very careful about swearing at people out of character.

Hopefully this thread, free of some spam that should've been smacked, will be rededicated to the interesting and voluntary work that Laz is doing.

Edit: I have decided that, given it is old, it can stand testament to the petty foolishness of the respective members, and they can edit their shameful posts away by their own hand. Also editing out stuff with good points vs. stuff without while maintaining the integrity of the thread is difficult and mostly pointless here.

RE: Freelancer: Aftermath - Username removed - 05-29-2020

You're right, Champ. I would've applied the sandwich rule if my dietary options weren't limited to canned beans and cornflakes. (lockdown *coughs*)

I'd like to mention that I have no quarrels with Rhemalak personally, but I singled him out on this occasion because he provided a prime example of what is wrong with this community.

He's been attacking Laz personally for taking an initiative that anyone else, even persons who never even heard of Discovery, could have taken anyway, and boasting about being a US Army vet, in the annals of a gaming forum? Like, how is that relevant to anything? It is, because it shows the "quality" of the people who stuck here.

I fell in love with Discovery when I started back in 2010, but over time, it's been turned into a mental asylum, here is why I chose to call it that:

This guy honestly believes that his real life job entitles him to special treatment, from a bunch of gamers, on a gaming forum that he chose to be a part of.

The sense of entitlement is disgusting, and plainly delusional, and he is only one of the many examples you can find here.

If this community is so fragile, that the mere idea of a new mod is enough to harm it, is it really even a community? Not as far as I am concerned.

Discovery today is not the same DiscoveryGC that I joined and fell in love with back in 2010, that is why you don't see me online anymore, and I believe it's the same case with the other 200 players that used to be online all the time.

Normal people who just want to be part of a gaming community and play space simulators already moved on to other games like Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen, No Man's Sky, etc, because this game, with this mod started feeling less as a community and more like a religious sect that barely tolerates newcomers, and god forbid you have different ideas, that's asking to be torched, as this thread has shown.

If someone from the community that provided me with a decade of fun is taking on the initiative of creating something new and refreshing, I'm standing up for them, because I've seen people, on this forum, with less ambitious goals being shat on and this mod lost out on tons of exciting stuff because of that.

Coming up with an idea in this mod is like trying to grow potatoes in concrete dust.

But what of the people who really like the Freelancer universe in particular? Currently they don't have an alternative.

I stopped playing Freelancer entirely, because there is no alternative mod. (Let's be real, Crossfire is hardly even Freelancer)

Laz is providing that alternative, and people will choose whichever is better.

RE: Freelancer: Aftermath - Hemlocke - 05-29-2020

People are entitled to their opinions even if you don't agree with them, people are allowed to express their feelings on a matter in a thread designed for feedback upon that very matter. You don't have to like it, but it's the respectful and adult thing to do to not take cheap shots and continue the endless cycle just because you're bored and looking for some trouble.

Go write, read a book, mess around in singleplayer, log the server, draw, the sandwich rule isn't literal, it can apply to anything, go do something else.

This raging gravedigger aside, considering we haven't seen an update on this thread, they probably won't give one, so i'd advise locking it to shut Ivan up on something that happened 9 months ago since he didn't get the hint from Champ.