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Discordian Q & A - Printable Version

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Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 08-29-2008

' Wrote:Well this is all very interesting but it's doing my head in.......think I'll just lie down on the floor and keep calm..........there that's better........*waits for mgt to sort it all out*

John Dillinger did indeed die for our sins..

..but if you're waiting for the Mgt to sort it out, you'd best pack a lunch.


Discordian Q & A - Lucend - 08-29-2008

Firstly, very interesting thread you have here Mal.

Secondly, I would like ask - do you support the tenets set about by Aneris?

Discordian Q & A - Zelot - 08-29-2008


not that there is anything wrong with that.

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 08-29-2008


My grave.. I can dig it if I please.. heh.

The "Aneristic Principle" is as vital as the "Eristic Principle". Without the Hodge, the Podge is meaningless.

Discordian Q & A - Zelot - 08-29-2008

Mal, I have this feeling when I read your posts, I am not sure if I am more confused or less confused after reading them:P

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 08-29-2008

' Wrote:Mal, I have this feeling when I read your posts, I am not sure if I am more confused or less confused after reading them:P

There ya go then. Our mission here is to verify that the Universe contains a "Maybe".

Confusion is the first step towards accomplishing that mission. To the Cantina!

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 05-05-2009


Don't anyone tell, but I'm hiding the answers to our recent entrance exam over here, so I won't forget em either.


Who was the original "greyface"?:

(The prophet Wilson, in his historic work "Illuminatus!", further identifies Greyface as "Gruad", leader of the "Party of Reason" on Atlantis.)

What did the Dogon and Bozo know:,M1
(Chapter 9, page 170 on.)

Was Tom Robbins in on it?:

(Wherein the Bozo and Sirius B are specifically mentioned.)


Sign the Waiver?: No. Don't be an idiot.


Discordian Q & A - Dieter Schprokets - 01-24-2010

Cuz Zonerish peeps are looking at it.

And I have never before practiced Forum Resurrection.

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 01-24-2010

' Wrote:

Cuz Zonerish peeps are looking at it.

And I have never before practiced Forum Resurrection.

Why Dieter.. Zonerish peeps may be lookin' at that bollocks, but Discordians are looking at the true horror:

See.. there's a subtle yet important difference.


Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 02-21-2010


When will I ever learn that stationing a missionary/recruiting vessel ([TAZ]Pineal.Outreach) in Liberty is about as fun and rewarding as snorting a pile of red ants...?

When, most of the answers are right here, if you dig hard and deep enough.

Grok. Then push the Apply button in my siggy.

Even a cabbage can do it!