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[Combat Event] The Purging of Drake - Printable Version

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RE: [Combat Event] The Purging of Drake - Dan. - 07-01-2020

CR-FV-Chimera, 1

Accomplished Attacker to @Dan.

Done ~ Ramke

RE: [Combat Event] The Purging of Drake - Venkman - 07-01-2020

- Oscar-3|Aoi, 8
- Oscar-5|Aoi, 2

I would like sci-data to be put on =LSF=Concord and Purple eyed tittle on @Stefz .
Thank you.

Done ~ Ramke

RE: [Combat Event] The Purging of Drake - Czechmate - 07-01-2020

OCV-Ra 1 kill
Promethae 1 kill
CFV-Proktos 2 kills
Znysh'chuvach 3 kills

100 Sci-data to

Cleared with Ramke that I can combine chars Smile
I did play the event a lot

Done ~ Ramke

RE: [Combat Event] The Purging of Drake - Burning - 07-02-2020

Justiz|Aoi, 1

Light's Harbinger to this account please

Done ~ Squad

RE: [Combat Event] The Purging of Drake - Kampanom - 07-02-2020

Fuck that, give me that lousy role.

Mahi, 1 blue.

Done ~ Ramke

RE: [Combat Event] The Purging of Drake - Shokanshi - 07-02-2020


I pretty much only existed to fly around and get shot by =CR= but hopefully that worthy enough to at least get a participation title to make it look like I actually was a good combat pilot when I aint.

You know, I thought we were doing well in this combats in the Wild snub hunt against the order battleship.. till the two Gunboats came and blew us all up. gg =CR= Tyche.

Light's Harbinger please.

Done ~ Ramke

RE: [Combat Event] The Purging of Drake - Lambda 4 - 07-02-2020

I was Lambda-4|Aoi, Light's Harbinger title for this account and 100 Data to Andrei.Lebedev ship

Title changed. Must have 5+ kills for science data reward. ~ Ramke

RE: [Combat Event] The Purging of Drake - Cortana Clark - 07-02-2020

~{VD}~Harpies no kills sadly

Light's Harbinger would it be for me

Please confirm participation via PM or discord Title donated by @Nepotu ~ Ramke

RE: [Combat Event] The Purging of Drake - Nepotu - 07-02-2020

~{VD}~Chimera, 3

Give my title to Cortana

Done ~ Ramke

RE: [Combat Event] The Purging of Drake - Sarwar - 07-03-2020

Sharkom, 1
gib Light's Harbinger to @Mercuery

Done ~ Ramke