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In response to recent GMG - KNF diplomacy - Printable Version

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In response to recent GMG - KNF diplomacy - BaconSoda - 05-03-2009

' Wrote:ditto

The removal of lanes and making buoys to Aomari is actually a pretty good idea. I like it.

The most progressive statement in this thread yet. I'd like it as well.

' Wrote:How do people feel about leaving the Honshu->Okinawa gate under the condition that when the Sigma-19 connection to Okinawa is competed (4.86 hopefully) it is realigned to Nagano? Then the gate in Okinawa could be removed, or moved to near Fujisawa and redirected to Nagano. (If it's necessary)

I don't like this idea. If there is a jump gate in Kusari, and Kishiro is working in Okinawa, it would make more sense for the Jump Gate to just remain, as it's a much more efficient want to get to Honshu than going through Sigma-19. I don't believe anyone in their right mind would just shut down a fully functional jump gate in that position, especially since the GMG is still friendly to Kusari (despite this thread). There is almost no reason to close it....

In response to recent GMG - KNF diplomacy - Friday - 05-03-2009

So this whole annexation incident.

Is it just sabre-rattling to get mod changes made around Okinawa, or are there going to be continued tensions regarding this system?

I would really like to know if there are going to be more of these little surprises coming our way.

There seems to be a great deal of emphasis about the new Okinawa system. What is being completely overlooked is the far more dangerous issue of the sizeable Guild population on Honshu.

Guild Citizens are returning to Honshu and then commuting to work. Some Kusari citizens have a fear/mistrust of them - but most embrace their cousins as equals.

This planet-side populace has been giving the Guild a chance to breed and expand its numbers. There would also be significant family and cultural ties on Honshu. It is here on this planet that pro-Kusari and pro-GMG feelings would be at their highest.

If the Emperor is too heavy handed against the guild, it would cause unrest on Honshu. In times of war, the usual treatement of civilians from hostile parties is interment - or worse!

The Guild is often considered to be small and insignificant. In fact it would be like comparing the giant superpowers to a small handful of Gulf states.

This view of the Guild being solely a corporate entity seems to be coloured by a modern globalised perspective - in which there are States and Multinational Corporations. So from my perspective, Kusari is Kusari - and the Guild is the OPEC of Sirius.

Take off the modern glasses in which the Guild is viewed - and you will have a chance to see the history and culture that is in development here.

In response to recent GMG - KNF diplomacy - DeathsOverture - 05-03-2009

' Wrote:I don't like this idea. If there is a jump gate in Kusari, and Kishiro is working in Okinawa, it would make more sense for the Jump Gate to just remain, as it's a much more efficient want to get to Honshu than going through Sigma-19. I don't believe anyone in their right mind would just shut down a fully functional jump gate in that position, especially since the GMG is still friendly to Kusari (despite this thread). There is almost no reason to close it....

I think Kusari was expressing discontent with the idea of having to travel through Okinawa to make the Nagano<->Honshu transit without governing Okinawa. Zelot made a thread a bit back about switching them.

By the way, I didn't propose the idea because I like it. If Kishiro has say in the government, yes they'd probably want to connect Honshu to Okinawa, but I am sure that Samura would have more say in the matter, and want to connect Honshu to Nagano. Faster routes is more profit, right?

Alternatively, can we put a gate North of Honshu to Nagano? That would make Honshu a link to many systems, but also bypass the need for Samura to transit Okinawa, which is clearly in the best interest of the government.

EDIT: (not quality)
[Image: proposition_11.png]

In response to recent GMG - KNF diplomacy - Orin - 05-03-2009

Quote:I don't believe anyone in their right mind would just shut down a fully functional jump gate
Not the point, is it? What's in question is if the gate makes sense being there in the first place. This is a beta, remember? If it's agreed that it shouldn't have ever been modded in, it gets taken out; or as suggested; changed to Nagano.

I agree with Vince's proposal completely.

Quote:GMG is still friendly to Kusari (despite this thread).
Thanks for disregarding just about everything I said.:mellow:

In response to recent GMG - KNF diplomacy - DeathsOverture - 05-03-2009

I guess I wasn't clear, I confused some people. We cannot make a connection between Okinawa and Sigma-19 in this version because the map does not have one.

How is this?

For 4.85:
  1. Delete the lanes from the Okinawa Gate to Planet Honshu, replace with buoys to Aomori. Players can roleplay trying to add the lanes in, rather than it just happening.
  2. Add a borderstation or a battleship on the Honshu side of the gate.
  3. Don't forget all the other changes Dab planned.
For 4.86, generally:
  1. Connect Nagano directly to Honshu, either by replacing the Okinawa gate (less preferable), or adding a gate in Honshu north of Planet Honshu.
  2. Connect Okinawa to Sigma-19 with a lane and a gate, depending on the events of course.

In response to recent GMG - KNF diplomacy - Orin - 05-03-2009

Sorry, that's what I "agreed" with.

In response to recent GMG - KNF diplomacy - BaconSoda - 05-03-2009

' Wrote:
  1. Delete the lanes from the Okinawa Gate to Planet Honshu, replace with buoys to Aomori. Players can roleplay trying to add the lanes in, rather than it just happening.
  2. Connect Okinawa to Sigma-19 with a lane and a gate, depending on the events of course.

I like these things.

Nagano being connected to Honshu, well, that would make an already system rather crowded. As much as I like the thought of easier access to Nagano, Honshu was, well, very well occupied in vanilla, and with the Okinawa JH/JG in there as well now, it'd be a little more crowded as well.

What I just thought of just now regarding Nagano is the thought of making the Chugoku Jump Gate Site is that because Samura has experienced such difficulty in getting to Chugoku from Hokkaido, they have switched the route of that gate from Chugoku to Nagano. Not everyone knows about Chugoku, mind you, so covering up the fatal flaws in trying to get to Chugoku wouldn't be all that hard on Samura's part. Don't know the exact physics involved in Jump Gates, but, it'd make Hokkaido much less crowded than it would be with another gate, and leave Honshu the perfect gem of a system it was in .84 (At least with some buoys in it).

In response to recent GMG - KNF diplomacy - DeathsOverture - 05-03-2009

As I said, we can't connect Okinawa and Sigma-19 until 4.86. It'll also give the GMG and Hogosha time to roleplay out the gate construction. (Super-awesome)

Also, I talked to a few devs, and apparently messing with the alignment of gates is bad for the game engine... so any ideas involving that might be a no-go.

And convincing them to make even the 4.85 changes will be tough because we didn't ask earlier. Well listen here devs, fact is there are more minds thinking here now.

I think Nagano was going to connect to Hokkaido via gate already.
' Wrote:And the concerns about Nagano; It will be connected to Hokkaido next version via a Samura Jump Gate. Possibly a JH there as well. Then a KNF base monitoring the hole to Tohoku (because of the increased Nomad activity and emergence of Kusari Wild), Samura base or two in the system, terraforming going on for the planet, and FA base. Lastly a JG into Okinawa, which will connect it to Honshu.

I think Kusari leadership has an issue with having to go through Okinawa to make the Honshu->Nagano run. These aren't things that apply to 4.85, but should apply to 4.86. But you are right, Honshu is already pretty crowded, and adding a gate there is probably not feasible. I just don't understand why, in RP, if the Kusari government wanted to go from Honshu to Nagano shorter, they wouldn't create a gate in Honshu rather than try to take over Okinawa and place a gate there - or why the GMG would agree to putting a gate to Nagano which would undoubtedly increase Samura/KNF/KSP traffic.

In response to recent GMG - KNF diplomacy - Friday - 05-03-2009

I tend to be a 'glass is half full' person.

I do hope this is a serious attempt at roleplay - not a cynical stunt to push through mod changes...

In response to recent GMG - KNF diplomacy - Jien Kogen - 05-03-2009

' Wrote:I tend to be a 'glass is half full' person.

I do hope this is a serious attempt at roleplay - not a cynical stunt to push through mod changes...

Thank you Friday, I am now done with conversation. We were not the ones who started this, we were not the one's who kicked someone out of territory, and we are not the ones who started this ooc thread. Personal attacks against the motives people have in the discussion is in no way productive, and I am not going to sit here and take part in a discussion when I am being personally insulted.