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Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Printable Version

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Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - aznremix416 - 05-25-2009

watch us all have battlestar losts when we log back in >.>

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - frozen - 05-25-2009

instead of spamming an announcement, i suggest a mod/admin locks this thread for all our sanity. the message has gotten through, and people who -need- to spam can do so in flood x.x

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - jdftheman - 05-25-2009

frozen, your a partypooper

On a more serious note, I have faith that the admin team will be able to resolve the issue, and for the mean time, lets have some fun doing something useful with our lives instead of playing freelancer:lol:

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Discovery UK - 05-25-2009

' Wrote:instead of spamming an announcement, i suggest a mod/admin locks this thread for all our sanity. the message has gotten through, and people who -need- to spam can do so in flood x.x

You can't stop people talking about it! Someone has taken away a great server! Locking the topic is just not fair. . .

I know I would want my players discussing what could be done about it.

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Dra1003 - 05-25-2009

*facepalm* ...that is all

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - deepak - 05-25-2009

' Wrote:You can't stop people talking about it! Someone has taken away a great server! Locking the topic is just not fair. . .

I know I would want my players discussing what could be done about it.
Rightly said DiscoveryUK.

Server hack can also be possible by perhaps a group of people who are jealous of Discovery's success and the fact that we have more then 100 people playing on here at any given time and the membership on this server boasts of more then 35,000 players. Maybe they are some new modders vying for more playership on their servers.

Its stupid and mindless to attack a gaming server. They should have tried hacking Yahoo chat servers instead, haaa!!!

Script kiddies grrrrrrr :nono:

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Discovery UK - 05-25-2009

' Wrote:Rightly said DiscoveryUK.

Server hack can also be possible by perhaps a group of people who are jealous of Discovery's success and the fact that we have more then 100 people playing on here at any given time and the membership on this server boasts of more then 35,000 players.

Its stupid and mindless to attack a gaming server. They should have tried hacking Yahoo chat instead haaa!!!

Script kiddies grrrrrrr :nono:
Thanks. People used to DDoS my CoD4 servers all the time. . . that's why I make my hostname dynamic now. Can change with one server reboot. . .

About Yahoo! chat - could've picked something a little more challenging. . .


Go f*** off and hack NASA!! Go on!! Try!!!


No, but it feels that hopeless sometimes.

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - ophidian - 05-25-2009

This is one of the best topics ever, please don't lock it up:DIt will surely busy us while the thing is down:)

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - joshua - 05-25-2009

too bad the servers down, i was about to get on my bretonian...

wait, i can just go on the USA server. MWAHAHAHAHA, USA now has meaning!

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Patriot - 05-25-2009

Im strong,and im tattoed,who are that scum,im gonna crush is head whit my bare hands.:P