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Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Printable Version

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Reduce the Prices on Battleships - reisiger_duke - 07-04-2009

Hm... I like the prices as they are... both for ships and armor upgrades... capital ships are ment to be group achievements, not something a sole pilot would easily get.

But(t) while there's many - including me - who one day want to fly a battleship... I do think that those 'upgrades' offer too much bonus for no other 'penalty' as the amounts of cash required and would need a different penalty aswell - i.e. as mentioned before, a reduction of turn rate, thus making it a armor bonus vs agility question -, and that battleships should be given only to official factions - thus players who work in a team.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - reavengitair - 07-04-2009

I vote yes. Why? the same reason everyone else wants them down..

Id say lower them about... 100m? maybe a bit less.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - El Nino - 07-04-2009

' Wrote:the population of the bad battleships would be cut down if they d cost 1.8 billion. of course ... it cuts down this part of the population that some people consider to be the "good part" - while it leaves the "bad part". turning it around ( making it cheaper ) doesn t solve it - but only allows the "good part" to get what the "bad part" has.

Well, How about awarding say 500mil to factions that have great roleplayed events, good forum rp and such. Let's say a faction roleplays the entire construction of a new battleship, ingame + forums.. 500mil to their couse by the admins...

Also, if 4-5 people trade for a battleship than it becomes really cheap so better organised factions should really have an edge here...

If anything battleships would be best of if their price was doubled alongside their hitpoints... and then a faction budget for caps, let's say that admins would help each faction to buy one battleship....

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - triple88a - 07-04-2009

All the posts that say "battleships can be taken down by couple skilled bombers" crack me up because they are completely false. I've taken down 6-7 bombers with my bs easily, i have never been brought down by a bomber, or 3 bombers or 7 or whatever. Solution? I have a setup that is made for rp group battles with like 20-30 other players, not pvp setup full of slow powerful guns vs another bs in a pissing contest while everyone around me stays still and watches.

Using the excuse that bs prices should be lowered because they can be brought down by 3 bombers is just ridiculous.

As far as armor.. keep it where its at.. let see if this makes more sense... I personally would like it to be up higher. To add an inch of armor to your bs, you dont need to mod anything but the walls. To add 2"s you may need to do couple things.. to add 2 feet of extra steel, you require great modifications that usually cost much more than the previous upgrade.

If you have ever modded cars, you will know what i mean. To add a 10psi turbo, you only need to do couple things. To add 12 psi, you may need to completely redo the entire engine so it holds.. thats not cheap. Keep them where they are at or make them even higher. Not every one should be flying with a fully upgraded fortress after 1 week of game play.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Eppy - 07-04-2009

' Wrote:All the posts that say "battleships can be taken down by couple skilled bombers" crack me up because they are completely false. I've taken down 6-7 bombers with my bs easily, i have never been brought down by a bomber, or 3 bombers or 7 or whatever. Solution? I have a setup that is made for rp group battles with like 20-30 other players, not pvp setup full of slow powerful guns vs another bs in a pissing contest while everyone around me stays still and watches.

Using the excuse that bs prices should be lowered because they can be brought down by 3 bombers is just ridiculous.

As far as armor.. keep it where its at.. let see if this makes more sense... I personally would like it to be up higher. To add an inch of armor to your bs, you dont need to mod anything but the walls. To add 2"s you may need to do couple things.. to add 2 feet of extra steel, you require great modifications that usually cost much more than the previous upgrade.

If you have ever modded cars, you will know what i mean. To add a 10psi turbo, you only need to do couple things. To add 12 psi, you may need to completely redo the entire engine so it holds.. thats not cheap. Keep them where they are at or make them even higher. Not every one should be flying with a fully upgraded fortress after 1 week of game play.

...who are you again?

Yeah. I COULD rig my Battleship so it's somewhat decent for taking down fighters. The only problem is that it then becomes a Battleship for nothing but, and then you get forum wars. Battleships aren't MADE for hunting fighters. That's a BattleCRUISER. And the truth? It's still not that good.

EDIT: Also, six or seven is ridiculous. Only seen one person take down four, and that was in 4.84, and it wasn't you.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Elsdragon - 07-04-2009

Again. I will throw this out here. Sacrificing Realisim for playabiltiy is a time honured tradion in games.
Its always been like that. Why? Because game that forgot they were games collapsed under there own weight. Too many people are OOOOOOH ITS REAL SO MAKE IT LIKE EET! you have to do whats best for playability

REMEBER: REalizim<Playability

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Birdtalon - 07-04-2009

The one BS per person rule should apply to all cruiser and above

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Elvin - 07-04-2009


To the explaining.
I would also like to have BS for purely RP purpose, but I simply don't want to spend hours and day with trading... Yet I say no... Why? A WHOLE LOT of people also want BS to go around and "pwnzor all lulllz roflcopter" ... and the price can delay them, or even make them turn around and stay in cruiser, or when we are lucky, leave the server.

So, what can we do? I would even vote to reduce price and make battleships Special RP requests only. It would kill whole Bounty Hunter faction, but whatever (Aww, sorry *gotta stick da fing* in you guys).

But under our circumenstances, reduce price and in week you'll have half of server in BS, doing really ugly things.

EDIT To Birdtalon above me: Heh, why? I Like capship, most of my chars have cruiser. And what? I never abused it, I honestly dislike PvP and big ship often allows me to talk out of situation instead of fighting. Ok call me a capwhore, I don't mind, but it's like forcing someone who loves top-graphic-no-story FPS play Baldur's gate.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Elsdragon - 07-04-2009

Quote:To the explaining.
I would also like to have BS for purely RP purpose, but I simply don't want to spend hours and day with trading... Yet I say no... Why? A WHOLE LOT of people also want BS to go around and "pwnzor all lulllz roflcopter" ... and the price can delay them, or even make them turn around and stay in cruiser, or when we are lucky, leave the server.

A dedecated capwhore powergamer thinks nothing of grinding endlessly. RPers do. the Best thing, would be getting Admins/faction leaders to give BS liscences. Yet it was shot down. Why? no one trusts faction leaders.In that regard. yet it would remove BS spam. and we can have cheaper BSes. Yet OORP Whores cant have it. But no one decides to trust them with that power.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Elvin - 07-04-2009

' Wrote:A dedecated capwhore powergamer thinks nothing of grinding endlessly. RPers do. the Best thing, would be getting Admins/faction leaders to give BS liscences. Yet it was shot down. Why? no one trusts faction leaders.In that regard. yet it would remove BS spam. and we can have cheaper BSes. Yet OORP Whores cant have it. But no one decides to trust them with that power.

Well you got a point there I guess, those who want it for purely " lulz owned lol" purpose prolly don't mind trading few day 24 hours a day to get it... Yet I rather go and anjoy some RP with cruiser than grind-grind-grind till my brain vaporises to get the BS I would really want... Over the two years I'm around, i never found the bravery in me to go and grind to get the BS...

Well as I said under the quoted thing, reducing the price GREATLY and make them Special RP only (= Admin approval).

I would be aginst faction leaders tho, because I had my personal quarels with a lot of people and I don't think they would like to approve my ship after that, yet that I don't like another person (in RL) doesn't mean I have bad RP and no right to have ship I want. But I would really give all my love to admins if it was made admin approval only... Can you remember why it was shot-down? Guess something about freedom eh..?