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System Ideas - Genma - 02-23-2007

' Wrote:Asymp, LAST TIME. We are currently editing the empty systems. Stop telling us to do stuff to them. Things can't just be done NOW because you think they should. A single system takes many many hours to make. No, that doesn't mean 5-6. That means a couple dozen.

You and Tank need to take a SERIOUS DOZE of valium and back off a little. In no moment is Asymp telling what to do, he is giving suggestions like everyone else, and what was actually the point of the thread for the first time. You guys are always on him, I dont really know him so Im not the friend helping him out, but this "You are new and shall not do this and that" attitude is getting kind of old. Get over it homie.

System Ideas - TankTarget - 02-23-2007

Excuse me? I haven't made but one post in this thread...Watch yourself there buddy I haven't said anything to Asymp. Genma you need to put your finger down and stop pointing it people's faces. And as for Asymp, he is somewhat pesky (sorry man it's true, just be calm in posts take advice from people who have been here a while. And understand they are making replacements for empty systems not editing vanila systems)

And I got mad at Marauder today but he deserved it.

System Ideas - Korrd - 02-23-2007


Go back to topic, or the duck dies

[Image: 1157386727fhx9.jpg]

System Ideas - Qunitinius~Verginix - 02-23-2007

I really dn't see why Dab is getting mad at the comment he posted as Quote from. He made a suggestion about editing the Guard/New and empty systems and You shot him down. I don't see why.

Back on topic, Commodore, could you PM me some pictures?

Verginix out

System Ideas - Dab - 02-23-2007

I got mad QV, because thats the THIRD time he has told us to do soemthing to the empty systems. Each time, we are telling him we ARE, and he goes and posts the same thing a day later. He isn't just giving us ideas. He is coming out and saying us modders need to do the empty systems. We told him we are and he can't back off. We KNOW to add asteroid and nebulas into empty systems. We KNOW to add bases. Give us ideas, not go and tell us to do something. In case you didn't notice, we've added a few systems to vanilla already. Such as Angel's Munich and Newcastle systems. TAKES TIME. BE PATIENT.

System Ideas - BestFlyerHere - 02-24-2007

Dab... about those Spyglass patrols... And could you PM or e-mail me the most recent version of Vespucci?

Thx mate.

System Ideas - Commodore - 02-24-2007

I will soon send you the newest version of the new system, QV.

System Ideas - Asymptotic - 02-24-2007

Right... there's a big difference between the imperative and conditional forms of verb, in case you hadn't noticed. I'm suggesting that you do certain things to certain systems. If you don't *like* my suggestions, you have absolutely NO right to flame me, but you reserve EVERY right to ignore them.

System Ideas - Commodore - 02-26-2007

puerto rico is finished!

DL here:;6809960;;/
SOME Assembly required.

System Ideas - Mickk - 02-26-2007

Here is something I saw in another mod that I used to play (Evo) and it really made the point that Freelancer is a THREE DIMENSIONAL game.

There is a system where the trade lanes, instead of all being on the same level as each other, go UP and DOWN.

To make it clear, they start at the 'normal' level and go up -or- down from there.

It was quite nicely done and while the system was fairly small in size, it packed quite a bit into it without seeming to be 'overcrowded'.

From what I've read so far, this looks like it would take a *lot* of work, possibly more than a 'normal' system would, but it is something I haven't seen discussed in this thread yet. :)