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Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Printable Version

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Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Pacific - 06-12-2010

She Smiles Aaa well i Have 3 brothers and a Father my mother died 18 years ago.smiles Well your Last name sounds Bretonian to me did your parents move? sha takes breath And what is your brother working now? She awaits Elena to answer

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Rodent - 06-12-2010

Brotha? He's workin' for them DSE I think. Naw, Ma family is Liberty born, Yea the surname is kinda wierd, but still, we're Libertonians. Sorry 'bout your mother..... She shook her head.

Leaning back in her chair a little, she fell into her own thoughts, awaiting Angelina's response.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Pacific - 06-12-2010

ahh i was very little when she was died but i look just like her if you see picture of her you will see. She takes breath So why did you join the navy ? she awaits Elena response

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Rodent - 06-13-2010

Why did Ah join da navy? Lemme think.....Ah was plenty attracted by those brave stories and all, and even if Erie is not technically Liberty....Ah still felt a lotta love for it, and wanted to pay it back, and fight for da ideals it stands for....aye? What 'bout you? She said, smiling.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Asgardian - 08-04-2010

Jack darted through the bar door, almost slamming into the counter as he lent over towards the bartender, who was cleaning some glasses at the time.

"I'm not here." He splurted out before slinking into the nearest bar seat, his dark-blue hat covering half his face.

An official-looking, but somewhat confused woman entered the bar, walking straight upto the bartender

"You there, seen Captain Malrone around?" said the woman, the bartender pausing for a moment before replying,

"Uhh, nope. Tried his office?"

The woman didn't answer, simply huffing and storming out of the bar. Moments after, Jack walked upto the counter, thanking the bartender and ordering a drink.

"Cheers for that, Joe. If I have to sit through another LSF interdepartmental meeting I may just space some Recruits"

Immediately, all the recruits glanced towards Jack, rolled their eyes and went back to their drinking games.

"Half of 'em are getting chucked out tomorrow" He murmured, swirling the gin he ordered.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Dashiell - 10-25-2010

Redline limps into the bar

'Never knew this place was still open...'

'I should trip more often. Now that I can't fly my snubcraft I have so much free time...'

He spots a few young female cadets and limps over to them, grunting and moaning excessively in 'pain'

He sits down next to them and starts to brag about his 'war wounds'

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Zomane - 10-25-2010

Arthur Mark walks into the bar,orders a beer, grabs it and sits down in a corner, sipping it slowly, looking at the people around him, awaiting someone to talk to.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Dashiell - 11-01-2010

Virgil Redline still sits in the corner, alone, with cobwebs on him and watches tumbleweed roll past

'I hate this place'

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Total.Absolution - 11-02-2010

*Jacob Beumont walks in and scans the room*

Hmm, this place is a little.. out of place.

*walks and sits at an empty table*

*gets back up and walks to the bartender*

Got a some Liberty Ale, Joe?

*sits down on a stool, and scans the room*

Funny place....

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Pacific - 11-04-2010

' Wrote:Virgil Redline still sits in the corner, alone, with cobwebs on him and watches tumbleweed roll past

'I hate this place'

Angelina went to Redline with a Cup of orange juice in her hand and ask'd the Commander. Commander is this Chair free sir? She raises a eye brow and points at the chair witch is in front of Redline.