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Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Carlos_Benitez - 09-05-2008

-----------------------Incoming Transmission-------------------
To: JG and Corsair Tequila Sunrise
Comm ID: Don Carlos Benitez, Commandante of Benitez forces.
Source: Myrtos Villa (Benitez HQ), Planet Crete

Senors, it appears there may have arisen some confusion as to our policy and stance with the Jupiter Guild and their tradeships.
I have been apprised of the incident in Omega-5.
From my point of view, it appears as though both pilots involved where doing their jobs.
The Jupiter Guild should understand that whilst their philanthropic efforts supplying our nation are acknowledged, there may be individuals who, for a range of reasons, may not regognise Jupiter Guild tradeships as anything other than "fair game".
The nation does appreciate the efforts the Jupiter Guild make in supplying the empire, and seasoned pilots such as those in the more historical organisations within the empire would be unlikely to consider pirating a Jupiter Guild train.
However, claiming the protection of Benitez and OPG in that situation was an unwise move on the part of your pilot. Whilst we would not attempt to interfere with your trade opperations, and would support any convoys of resources heading to our homeworld, the Benitez cannot commit to protecting Zoner transports. To do so would not only lead to our operatives becoming over-stretched, but also raise questions within the empire about where our loyalties lie. The Jupiter Guild pilot's decision to diffuse the situation with a small donation to the empire to prove the Guild's selflessness was a wise one, however.
Please be aware that whilst there exist waged operatives within Zoner organisations (such as JG pilots) who go about their business supplying allies such as the Corsairs, there do also exist selfish indipendant traders of Zoner blood who exploit the needs of the masses for personal gain, and who ultimately benefit only themselves. It is these individuals who vigilant Corsairs such as Tequila Sunrise seek out, and try to ensure the money generated from their trade reaches a good cause (ours). Hopefully in the future, such Corsairs will recognise the Guild's symbiotic relationship with the nation.
I have no doubt that both parties where acting with the best intentions, and I am sure this incident was simply a misunderstanding.
Keep up the good work, everyone.

Carlos Out.

---------------------------Transmission Ends---------------------------

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - roadrunner - 09-06-2008

Incoming Transmission
To: The Benitez
From: [\JG/]Roadrunner(IC)
Subject: OPG/JG protection
Priority: High

Message reads: Greetings Hermanos,

As Jupiter Guild Elite tradewing Commander i am angry.
That JG[T] do not understand the deal we have. With OPG.

JG[T] Is not even a part of our Elite trade wing.

But I as Elite tradeWing Commande must excuse for his behavior

When i last talked with Gentle We. Had a aggrement that JG ships could pass O5 and not pay OPG.

Seems like JG[T] did not understand the JG- OPG deal part.

This was not to Be misused, and i will make sure that it is not

JG-IC Elite trade Wing Commander

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Gentle - 09-06-2008



Hola Carlos this is Gentle. Yes you remember me hermano. I call you hermano once more Carlos. Do you hear that hahaha. *Sips Whisky* Not only do I call you hermano but I come here today to deliver what I promised a long time ago. Before I 'Betrayed' you. The OPG has its desires and holds the seats it wished for. And with petitioning from Myself, Laowai Shephardi and Pedro Maniaco. We have now got what you desire. 3 Seats have been put aside at the council amigo. For the Benitez. I congratulate you on your familia's recent efforts. All corsairs can see your growth and re integration into the core of corsair society. Accept our goodwill and sit with us once more. The corsairs can once again be united on one council. One voice and sharing of power for all. Our dream Carlos is to be realised. Do you still dream like me amigo?

I await your decision and hope that the future holds the Benitez family on the council of Elders.


*****Comms Closed*********

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - bluntpencil2001 - 09-07-2008

To: That idiot
Comm. ID: Ares, of course
Subject: Reprimands for foolishness

---Transmission Initiated---

Hahaha, just a small question...

How the hell did your rookiee punks think they could get away with invading Omega-52?

I mean, really, you know us better than that, don't you? You should really keep your boys on a short leash in case they get in trouble. Again. I enclose some humorous data.

[Image: O529-4-08.png]

Now, tell your little band of thieving malcontents to go bother the Bretonians some more. I wouldn't want them getting hurt now, would I?


Your hermano,


---Transmission Terminated---

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Chico - 09-07-2008

Comm ID: Chico Benitez

Subject: Coalition interlopers - on the SECURE channel......

Mia familia, what a glorious night. This night saw three Benitez light fighters face up to a coalition gunboat no less in New London. After a brief exchange, the gunboat, ID 'Aurora', realised he was outclassed and withdrew.
Shortly after that, a Bretonian 'rozzer', Constable Sweeney engaged us. Whilst he actually 'stayed' to fight, rather than flee, he was only a little more successful. He managed to cripple Roques fighter before he to met his match.

I believe the Bretonians know we are among them now. These damn constables keep turning up. As for the coalition, they got their fingers burnt this night.


Benitez Secure Comm Channel - BaconSoda - 10-15-2008

|Incoming Transmission|
To: Benitez Message Centre
From: Sousuke Patro
Subject: Weapons Deal Confirmation

Konnichiwa Benitez-san,

I have to thank you for your generosity in our weapons deal. It was much obliged, and we assure you that the weapons we have received from you will be put to very good use, as I can imagine our return shipment will be. I would like to extend our hand of friendship further at this, by saying that if you ever require anything else of the Artisans of Kusari, we will be happy to help.

~Sousuke Patro

|Transmission End|

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Chico - 10-19-2008

Comm ID: Chico Benitez

Subject: LoA

We may have some less than savory persons amongst us. A corsair cruiser, The Royal Fortune challenged and then engaged a Liberty class cruiser, The [ASF]Goran which had Navy IFF and was ID'd as a bounty hunter. During the chase and demise of said ship, the Royal recieved an odd transmission.

The LoA move freely amongst us. We would do well to be more wary. I will try to investigate this further.


Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Chico - 10-26-2008

Comm ID: Chico Benitez

Re: Food traders and the tax collectors.

A new GB pilot, FreeFalcon attempted to tax a food transport. The JG tagged trader advised the commander that food was exempt but still he persisted. I then asked him to stop. I explained the trader was carrying food. His response?

I look forward to the councils resolution.


Benitez Secure Comm Channel - roadrunner - 10-26-2008

Today the [\JG/]Fionia(IC) was lost in Gamma.

She was onroute to Planet Crete with Food Pharmacutical and light arms as descriped, in the statement from Corsair Counsil.
The ship was Approced by a Indie Corsair named Freefalcon who did not give a darn and as Captain Harrington of The ship did not want to pay a tax to deliver Much needed supplyes to the people on crete, the ship was destroyed with its cargo.

The Crew of 5 was saved by Chico_Benitez and brought to medical care planet side.
1 crew member is in a really bad shape but we cross our fingers that she will make it.

The crew list
Captain= Harrington
engineer= Cech
Astronavigator= Larson
loadmaster= Runnels
comm officer= Knight

Astronavigator Sara Larson is the one in a bad medical state.

[u]On behalf of the Jupiter Guild we would like to express our thanks to Chico for his swift rescue of the Crew.[/u]Untill the Corsair Counsil can guarantee completly safety for us when we fly supplyes to Crete,
All JG ships have there scheduled deliveries to Gamma Canselled.


Jupiter Guild Elite Trade wing Commander

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - roadrunner - 10-26-2008

Tonight at 19:26 Astronavigator Sara Larson passed away from the wounds she suffered in the attack on Fionia By Freerunner.

i will ask Benitez to help arrange a funeral we need to bring Sara back to her birth planet Grand Canarai.
All Corsairs and Zoners are welcome.