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Memorial thread - Vergil - 11-09-2010

Jura II - The best 101st leader to date.


Yoda - The God of Indies.


Memorial thread - Denelo - 11-09-2010

Woops, forgot to mention Sn!p3r. Name sounds like a lolwut? Yeah, well don't judge the guy by that. He single-handedly turned the LSF from a horde of flying targets in carriers lolwutting around Liberty into a horde of RPing fighter pilots in a matter of two months. He also did an excellent job coordinating with unlawfuls of every stripe; he actually came to me (at the time, the leader of the Hellfire Legion) about cooperating out of character for mutual feedback within days of taking leadership. This came as a huge surprise, as up until that point, no Liberty lawful had ever done anything but lolwut at us. I provided him with information on what his guys were up to, and Sniper did the rest. Best and fastest turnaround I've ever seen. Like I said, they went from worse than your typical lolwutting LNS to to level of roleplay and fighterswarming they're at today in a matter of two months.

And boy, was that guy good in that Liberator. I mean, sheesh. That was ridiculous.

Memorial thread - Jazz - 12-04-2010

Angelfire will always hold a special place in my heart:)So will BulldogNK and Kindred, those two helped me immensely back when i first started.

And Nizzy <3 Niezck went out with a bloody bang, but i still like the guy

Memorial thread - Switchback - 12-04-2010

I Miss Kaz. Once i got to know him i found out he was a great guy. Mad he ragequit and Blocked Disco
sites from his Web Browser.:(

Memorial thread - 'Ends' - 12-04-2010

Oh and,I miss DL's posts too.
Incidentally,DL was last active in the forums on my b-day D=

Memorial thread - Death.RunningVerminator - 12-04-2010

' Wrote:Angelfire will always hold a special place in my heart:)So will BulldogNK and Kindred, those two helped me immensely back when i first started.
And Nizzy <3 Niezck went out with a bloody bang, but i still like the guy
Angelfire still pops in every now and then, i believe. And Kindred is still here, isn't he? Doesn't he go by a different name though?


Memorial thread - kindred - 12-04-2010

' Wrote:Angelfire will always hold a special place in my heart:)So will BulldogNK and Kindred, those two helped me immensely back when i first started.
And Nizzy <3 Niezck went out with a bloody bang, but i still like the guy

' Wrote:Angelfire still pops in every now and then, i believe. And Kindred is still here, isn't he? Doesn't he go by a different name though?


Kindred reporting in! I ghost at times but holding on.
Tony was good times unfortunate the bitter end of things for him.

Memorial thread - Varyag - 12-08-2010

Nightblade - considered him a good friend. Met him after I went to revenge kill NovaPG in my synth foods avenger with nomad guns and a tizzy turret in sigma 13. (it was 4.83... things were different) He was the only one on. Had an hour long fight and ended up just hanging out and chatting for a while after.

Ironwat.... everyone in the RHA misses that guy I think.

Yoda - how could you not love the meandering battlestar

Onyx Wolff - We were like the Dynamic Duo of New York

Victor/Johnny_knockville - he gets on from time to time. No matter what people say about his lolwuttiness he is an awesome guy to chat with on TS and makes ratting an absolute blast.

Cawdor - All you can say is awesome

Spear - best guy to get lolmissilepwned by. Freaking Hilarious when he was drunk on TS

Wise - again, freaking great guy, great fun to chat with on TS.

Gronath - we had some great fights. I miss all the staged fights vs. the Varyag we had in Rheinland. And we had the same B-Day!

Scornstar - Just another good dude. Always had a good attitude even when a fight went horridly wrong.

FPSDoug - I have never had as hard of a time vs. a bomber as him. My god he was good. We would always have a good chat after a 2 hour cruiser vs. bomber bout that was a toss up every time who was going to win.

Maybe it is too late or something but thinking about all the fun times we had makes me sad. The TS crew dropped my GPA a solid point.

Memorial thread - SMI-Great.Fox - 12-14-2010

Tinkerbell...I wish I had met the guy...He sounds like a god to the junkers...

Salem...The first Furry Freelancer I met...Got me where I am with my skype friends...

Memorial thread - Widow - 12-23-2010

Might not be a permanent loss, but he has left for an unknown length of time.

Quote:G'day, The names Barry and thats all you need to know.

For years now I have been working as an independent contractor, hauling freight throughout Liberty and the surrounding colonies. As anyone who knows the industry well could tell you, piracy is everywhere! Spreadding like a giant cancer across Sirius. Too many times I have been extorted, blackmail, robbed and have even been fired upon, whilst simply trying to do my job. It has to end. It has to end now!

The Police and Navy seems content to remain reactive to the current situation. I however see the need to proactively take the fight to the enemy! and to purge Sirius of all the filthy, scum sucking bottom feeders.

- Barry, Pilot of the ~VH~Huntsman

Saved my ship a fair few times, Thanks for that :nyam:, Was awesome to have him as part of the Vigilante Hunters, Just isn't the same without you:(

Hopefully you will return before too long 'coz we miss playing with you!!!