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"Kalashnikov's", Zvezdny Gorodok - Printable Version

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"Kalashnikov's", Zvezdny Gorodok - Shagohad - 01-17-2010

A rather uncomfortable Angie walked into Kalashnikov's. Her right eye was still rather swollen; the black ugly bruise her reminder of the price she paid to gain entrance. Her dislocated shoulder had been relocated rather nicely after her papers were made official. People looked at her curiously, to which she returned their gazes. After being a ruthless predator, you never lost the animal's instinct.

She nodded at the bartender who happily placed a bottle of vodka and a shot glass in front of her. Instead, she just took the whole bottle, walking to an unoccupied table and slinking down in the chair. She didn't even look about the room as she uncorked the bottle, taking a deep chug.

"Kalashnikov's", Zvezdny Gorodok - arvg - 01-18-2010

Katz smiled while lighting yet another cigarette, nodding to Ben as he came into the bar.

The Klash was kicking that night, as the barmaids were hurrying about to clean up the mess, Katz was getting extremely drunk and mixing yet more un-wieldy concoctions together like some kind of archaic potions master in his lab of sin.

The uniform suits you, Katz said with a nod as he poured a generous drink, sliding it across the bar to his old friend. Glancing up in irritation as a couple of people were yelling and cursing. A former Outcast and a former Corsair, both drunk as skunks and forgetting that everyone was Comrades there.

He paused as he smiled wolfishly, Benji grab a pack of cards will you and clean off that large center table there. Ill be over in a minute for a game of poker he turned to Nichole. Would you care to join us?

He chuckled as he rounded the bar, taking a couple of bottles of AKDOVODKA with him, setting them down on the table and sitting down.

The table had once been the sensor parabola of an old Bretonian capital ship, felled to Coalition guns. One of the great heroes of the revolution turning it into a large round table, perfectly suited for cards.

He spotted Lt. Commander Lanakov sneaking across the bar and whistled at him loudly, Oi Lana, get over here and join in. You have some hard earned credits to loose tonight he sat down, arranging his glass as Benji set out the cards. Noting the empty seats at his table.

Lt. Broch, you he pointed to one chair. Glancing around the bar for anyone else. One more seat and it should be filled and no Psi-ops guys allowed!

"Kalashnikov's", Zvezdny Gorodok - Shagohad - 01-18-2010

Angie flashed a smirk at Katz, "I didn't make it, but it is nice." She eyed the contents of the glass, not really sure of what she was drinking. With a quick tip of the glass she downed a bit. She spat the contents back into the glass. "Alvin, what poison is this?!" She said rather annoyed. "I thought you weren't going to kill me."

With a sigh, she took another sip, stomaching it this time. With glass in hand, she stood up and quickly sat down in the seat. "And the name of the game is...?"

"Kalashnikov's", Zvezdny Gorodok - Tabris - 01-18-2010

Ben nodded back and accepted the drink, thinking that it was very good he was not flying tonight, he downed it fast, coughing slightly as it seemed to burn the back of his throat.

As Ben grabbed a deck of cards at Alvin's request he opened it's packaging and started to shuffle them as he walked over towards the table, taking a seat and continuing to shuffle them rapidly in his hands, his Combat reflexes paying off as his hands moved at lightning speeds.

"Better hope you still have the luck of the Devil Alvin, because i'm gonna try to clean you out tonight" he jokes lightly with a grin at Alvin before shrugging at Angie.

"Depends on what Alvin has in mind, personally i'm hoping he has poker on the brain." he comments.

"Kalashnikov's", Zvezdny Gorodok - Lanakov - 01-19-2010

Lanakov was, once again, deeply absorbed by the sight of a good-looking brunette at the bar. He barely heard Katz calling him to come and play. His voice had a different tone, that he could explain by looking at the empty bottles surrounding Alvin.

He walked sluggishly to the table, bringing out his wallet.
"Ah. The women from our nation. They never cease to amaze me."
He took a seat and only at that moment noticed Angie's presence, along with her wounds. He winked at Ben, whom he had heard and read about during the Ontario mess-up.
" Judging from your reports, I knew you liked it rough, Libertonian. But here, you should chill out..."

He then slowly shuffled the cards with an amused yet concentrated look.

"Kalashnikov's", Zvezdny Gorodok - arvg - 01-21-2010

Katz drew one of the silver revolvers from its shoulder holster, setting it down on the table with a light thud.

"Quit your bragging, and start dealing the cards Comrade," Katz said evenly as he watched Lanakov dealing the Poker game.

"Five card Texas Hold-em, nothing wild. Minimum buy in at three thousand credits, table limit is one million..." he raised an eyebrow. "Any questions Nuggets?


"Kalashnikov's", Zvezdny Gorodok - Nichole.Schmidt - 01-23-2010

Having completed some paperwork, Nichole slipped into something to go out in.

[Image: sarahyba-2.jpg]

She went over to the card table, smiled and took a seat, "Deal me in, Soldier."

"Kalashnikov's", Zvezdny Gorodok - Capt. Henry Morgan - 02-21-2010

Lieutenant Thacker.... Lieutenant Commander Thacker (he was still getting used to his new rank) was sitting at one of the tables farther from the bar. He acknowledged a few of his comrades as they walked by, but he didn't feel like good company at the moment. He had just returned from leave, and was due to back on duty tomorrow. For now, though, he sat in the bar, holding a datapad. A drink sat in front of him, almost forgotten. On the datapad was a half-finished letter to his brother Glenn back in Liberty, which he had been working on during his leave on Gran Canaria. They hadn't spoken since Robert left the Xenos to join the Coalition. The last argument between the two left little opportunity for reconciliation, though Robert was at least willing to try. They were the only two members of their family still alive, after all.

Quote:Dear Glenn,

I know that we did not part on the best of terms, and that you don't agree with my decision to leave Liberty for the Coalition. For my part, I still haven't changed my mind, and I doubt we'll ever come to terms with each other about that. Still, though, we're brothers, no matter what else happens. That has to count for something, at least.
Robert stared at the words on the datapad. He had to say more, but he wasn't sure what.... he was never good at this sort of thing. He continued after a moment. Glenn needed to know about their older brother Gary's disappearance.

Quote:I feel you need to know what I've found out about Gary. It took a little research, but a Zoner that I met at the spaceport remembered seeing him up at Freeport 11. After checking the records there, I found out that he was indeed there. He ran up a large bill for room and board, and was kicked off after not being able to pay. He left there without filing a flight plan, though the Freeport's records indicate he flew off in the general direction of the Omicron Iota system. I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but he's been declared missing and presumed dead.

Please, Glenn, get back in touch with me after you've read this. You and I both lead dangerous lives, and I would hate it if our final words to one another were words of anger. I know mom and dad wouldn't want that, either.

He hesitated a moment, before putting it into the queue for outgoing messages. He knew it would have to be reviewed by Security before being sent, so he didn't expect any answer back for at least a week or two, if one was to be forthcoming at all.

With that business finished, he set the datapad down, and remembered the drink sitting in front of him. He lifted his glass in a toast to his missing brother, and downed it in one gulp.

"Kalashnikov's", Zvezdny Gorodok - Nichole.Schmidt - 03-18-2010

After processing the last group of refugees to the new colony and filing her paperwork on Zhukovsky, she made her way to Kalashnikov's for a drink and a breather. The long day and work had worn on her and it showed.
[Image: 0,,20795862-GDV,00.jpg]

"Vodka, please," she said to the bartender, "straight up over the rocks."
He set the glass on the counter, "Rough day, Miss Schmidt?"
"Yes, very!" she answered.
He added the ice and then poured the red Coalition Vodka. Once finished, he slid it to her, "there you go, Miss. Just let me know when you are ready for your next one and I'll bring it to you."
She picked up her drink and smiled at him, "Thanks, Sweetie!" and found a table to sit at. For now, there was no one that she knew so she kept quiet, stirring her drink. It was then that she realized just how tired she was. A song began on the jukebox to which she just closed her eyes, rested her head on her clasped hands and rocked it to the rythm.

For a few minutes anyway, she sat totally relaxed. It had been the first time in days.

"Kalashnikov's", Zvezdny Gorodok - Tabris - 07-24-2010

*Several months later...*

Ben walked into Kalashnikov's, having recently gotten back from Omicron Minor, he had dark bags under his eyes, as if he hadn't slept very much for quite some time, his black Uniform sporting it's Captain insignia and a TT-33 at his side, a radical change from when he first came in here with a Lt rank and a combat knife...

He weaved through the patrons, various people from all over Sirius, Corsairs, Libertonians, Rheinlanders, native Coalition, A few Bretonians, even acouple Kusari, Ben finally made it to the Bartender and gave a nod.

"Vodka, Neat." he requested, his tone suggesting he was somewhat tired and stressed, when he received his beverage he took a small drink from it, trying to savor it and melt his troubles away. His duties as the Commandate was difficult at times, lots of paperwork, dealing with the common people of Sirius, Aliens intent on doing nasty things to you... A small chuckle is heard as he shakes his head...Reminded him of Liberty somehow...

As he stood at the Bar, drinking his Vodka in peace and trying to relax he thought of Liberty, wondering how it was faring in this most recent Ion Storm...