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Outcast x Corsair equipment and ship balance - Othman - 01-20-2008

' Wrote:I would so own you if you did that kress ...:P
Haha!! I have doubts about that :crazy:

Outcast x Corsair equipment and ship balance - RingoW - 01-20-2008

McNeo, hm, :secret:You have forgotten the Nomad and Code weapons within your weapons list, which match perfectly with Corsair shieldbusters. And a lot of Corsairs are using them.

Lets have a look what Corsairs and allies will get. At least 2 new VHF, which will be custom models, without wireframe. 1 freighter, which i do plan to outfit it for the use as a raider vessel too. A compareable ship to the Turanic Raiders freighter. The Cruiser will be overworked. Maybe i get a good design idea for a smaller Corsair GB, which can hold the same stats, while the handbag can become a "Corsair only" transport with 8 turrets and the same holdsize of the BW Train, but i hope with better agility. Would be the perfect artifact runner.

I have excluded the Order, because i think they wont sell their hightech to anyone else than Zoners for their own use.

@ Dopamino: You have mentioned, as soon as OC's get a GB, they should use this only. Good. Would you demonstrate this statement by forbidding the Red Catamaran within the OC's you have influence. They already have their own bomber. No need to use other equipment.


Outcast x Corsair equipment and ship balance - McNeo - 01-20-2008

I prefer my fighter inferno and 700 m/s guns over codes... and nomads which TBH dont use...

And why are we getting two new VHFs? Even one more new VHF is a bit much... >.<

to be honest I'd rather have the Unioners (who aren't even affiliated to the Corsairs now) and the GC get their own VHF's. They kinda need them, as they are both second largest, but still pretty large in their respective areas. I would imagine those two having their own VHFs more so than the Corsairs having Three VHFs!

And AoM... I feel like pointing to the Osiris, which sees to have been given to the Corsairs to build...

Outcast x Corsair equipment and ship balance - Othman - 01-20-2008

' Wrote:to be honest I'd rather have the Unioners (who aren't even affiliated to the Corsairs now) and the GC get their own VHF's. They kinda need them, as they are both second largest, but still pretty large in their respective areas. I would imagine those two having their own VHFs more so than the Corsairs having Three VHFs!
Ah great point! *Rolls eyes over AoM*

Outcast x Corsair equipment and ship balance - RingoW - 01-20-2008

Sorry, but you have not read correctly. Corsair and their allies. One of the VHF's the Hogosha will get.
The other one Xing is working on, because many other Corsairs than you want it.

Inferno on Corsair fighter? and 700 m/s guns? Ok, i will search the story for as i have promised to Razr.

The last sentence i don't understand? If everything is going right, i hope the Osiris will be removed from Tripoli.


Outcast x Corsair equipment and ship balance - Othman - 01-20-2008

Well even the Hogosha will be getting their own vhf and shipyard workers not? Sad to hear this..

Outcast x Corsair equipment and ship balance - McNeo - 01-20-2008

AH, the "and allies" part I missed.... :mellow:. Where did the Black Dragon Hogosha faction go anyway...?

And I meant that I would, from a stat point of view, prefer to have a sabre with the Outcast loadout rather than a Titan with a Corsair loadout. But I don't. Sorry for the confusion there...

Also, we Corsairs use the Osiris as a support battleship, much like the Outcasts use the Dragons bs and the Outcast bs... Im not to keen on losing it to be honest...

Outcast x Corsair equipment and ship balance - bluntpencil2001 - 01-20-2008

' Wrote:Well even the Hogosha will be getting their own vhf and shipyard workers not? Sad to hear this..

They may still get their own...

Plus, if they didn't get their own, you could always request that the Eagle be sold on Pacifica, saying that the Unioners bought/stole the design and made it themselves.

Outcast x Corsair equipment and ship balance - Epholl - 01-20-2008

And what about this: Weakest faction in Sirius (hm...okay, Xenos are weaker), worst pilots, they have nothing... Exept a LF, HF, VHF, freighter, transport and a GB. Yes, rogues. If rogues have so many ships, why not Unioners? Why?

Outcast x Corsair equipment and ship balance - bluntpencil2001 - 01-20-2008

' Wrote:And what about this: Weakest faction in Sirius (hm...okay, Xenos are weaker), worst pilots, they have nothing... Exept a LF, HF, VHF, freighter, transport and a GB. Yes, rogues. If rogues have so many ships, why not Unioners? Why?

Because they don't cobble together scrap, and make real ships... like Eagles.:P