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What is a pvpwhore? - Printable Version

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What is a pvpwhore? - Shryke - 05-14-2011

* Shryke points at my sigbar.

Had it.. oh for a while now. The best way to tick those off that use pvp whore in a derogatory manner (which always makes me laugh), is to own it, and take it away from them.

PvP whores of Disco, unite!

What is a pvpwhore? - casero - 05-14-2011

' Wrote:[font=Comic Sans Ms]
I have come to acquire this point of view from listening to various parties raging. Please note that I am not knocking player vs player combat. Disco would be an extremely boring place without that. Nor am I knocking those who enjoy a good fight.

From what I, myself, have seen, "PVPWhores" are, as thingy put it, Sadists. They may not be particularly good at fighting, but do take pleasure in seeing and inflicting suffering upon others.
Do note that this is my personal opinion, and as with the differing opinions in this thread, it is not right or wrong, it merely is.

Inflicting suffering through a video game? Or rather the "pvpwhore" in question has some magical powers to do that, or the "victim" has to learn it's a video game, and he must not suffer for it.


Not all the PvPwhores want to make other people suffer, like in every aspect of life, there's people who do that, and there's people who don't do that.

A PvPwhore, is just someone who fights... and fights... and fights... and fights... and fights... and fights... and fights... right or wrong, justified or not, winning or losing (with 1 "o"), laughing or crying, congratulating or whining.

What is a pvpwhore? - Jihadjoe - 05-14-2011

' Wrote:[font=Comic Sans Ms]Please note that I am not knocking player vs player combat.
No... You're knocking a specific player.:D

What is a pvpwhore? - Dennis Jameson - 05-14-2011

A pvp whore is a person who allows out of character spite to taint the normal behavior of his character, as well as the kind of person who looks out for his, or hers, enjoyment and that enjoyment alone.

Somebody who is looking for a good fight is not a pvp whore, not even close to it, but since we all have a hard time telling the two apart: One is a parasite, and the other is not.

Sorry, Joe. But I won't heil, I won't heil, right in der admins face.

What is a pvpwhore? - Tobi44 - 09-09-2012

Lol what this Hell is this above me its long long for me to even be bothered to read. Anyway a PVPwhore is something like a the reavers who RP is largly invovled in Combat or military groups or just normaly freelancers.

What is a pvpwhore? - Werss™ - 09-09-2012

' Wrote:Lol what this Hell is this above me its long long for me to even be bothered to read.
Ye, it's BOT attack... someone kill it with fire pls! (antibot software fail?!)

What is a pvpwhore? - Corsair - 09-09-2012

I'm a pvpwhore. I like to fight. That's three quarters of why I'm here, after all. If I wanted to just talk at people all day I'd stick to forum roleplay.

What is a pvpwhore? - JayDee Kasane - 09-10-2012

' Wrote:Ye, it's BOT attack... someone kill it with fire pls! (antibot software fail?!)

What do you mean by that?

What is a pvpwhore? - Thunderer - 09-10-2012

By the definition, I am a pvpwhore, as well! And a capwhore! And even an RPwhore lately! I'm so into Bretonian RP that I started imitating British accent on my English classes...

What is a pvpwhore? - Zukeenee - 09-10-2012

' Wrote:What do you mean by that?
What he means by that is that this thread got dug up by a spambot or something. The discussion here ended about a year and a half ago.

The end.