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GRN feedback thread - Daedric - 05-24-2012

' Wrote:You're a military faction, involved in a war with another military faction, one that has great activity levels on the official side and great participation with their indies, and it's not even like it's hard to get a fight started.
Log on, get to Leeds, and I guarantee you, the BAF war machine will roll out a fleet for you to go pew pew with.
Trust me.
I'm a Molly.

When I was in GRP/GMS and in Gallic HC, this was one of the reasons people didn't want to log in. Ganks. While I could really careless if 15 people kill me because I'll just go play Diablo 3, log OSI/XA/Reaver, or watch some TV. Some people do enjoy a good balanced PvP brawl. GRN didn't get that most of the time from what I was told. They got gank squads after them made up of people who don't like Gallia in an ooRP fashion and thus think it cool to make it no fun for those who play Gallic stuff.

Perhaps a running event or something between GRN/BAF/Exiles is in order. I'm not a huge pvp ace and pvp isn't the only thing that floats my boat here. I do however rather enjoy group pvp. Its why I'm a Reaver and a Xeno. If the GRN, BAF, and Exiles could organize weekly or bi weekly events that I could manage to make.......they'd find themselves with a new member if they would have me. I'm sure there are many like me. Food for thought Jerm.

GRN feedback thread - Jeremy Hunter - 05-24-2012

' Wrote:Jsut wanted to drop this here:

Be sure that people working on bounties are not hostile to you. Vice-verse goes to Reavers, but they just't have feedback thread.

EDIT: Ignore my idiotic spelling. :lol:

I don't know how to fix another player's rep. It's a game mechanic or something. Sorry, but I don't have a way to rectify that.

' Wrote:Jonh, your feedback looks more like it isn't specifically about the GRN| and more about the fact that you and some others don't like the fact Dab is still there. I was in Gallic High Command chat for months. Guess what? It was utterly dead. Not just GRN| not talking. No one talking, including you and the other official faction leads.

The GRN has always, always had activity issues. They don't have solid activity levels like the [LN] do, they have highs and lows. This is due to a variety of issues. I can't speak on dealings as of late because to be honest, I left Gallic High Command as I wasn't needed there, didn't have the time to help the people there, and didn't have any desire to be part of another leadership cadre. When I was there, while Dab was the leader we all worked on things cooperatively. I remember working on the laws for Gallia very well. It was fun.

As for Jeremy, you ask why he took the leadership seat without knowing what he was doing. I answer that by saying that most of us took up leadership roles within factions without knowing what we were doing. If we all waited till we knew 100% of what the job entailed there'd be a ton of leaderless factions.

I'm willing to bet part of Jeremy's mood is having you come here and blast him and the GRN| when you could have easily taken all this to him in private. Is this the place for this? In part yes, in part no. A good deal of your issue seems to be personal dislike and personal anger because you're not being included. The rest is decent insight into what you view as wrong. The former doesn't belong here; the latter does and should be taken into account by Jerm & crew.

This is why you're awesome Daedric. Thanks.

' Wrote:I've stopped reading after Dab's wall of text because... too long. I've been a faction leader and I know the hardships of being one. When I was the Molly leader I made sure that there is atleast one or two people online and we'd always have fun (people logged in after they saw us ^_^). You know, flying patrols can be fun. People see you logging and doing patrols and they'll come after you, people are always there waiting to gank you!

Jeremy, you said you got RL problems and can't fulfill your leader duties - pass the baton to someone else that's not Dab/Justice League/Neil Barnes. GRN needs to form a proper HC because right now all the wrong people got it and it's killing the activity, leadership that sucks will kill activity.
That attitude sucks, you don't make a faction by yourself so deal with it. It's your job to make sure that the faction's activity is within acceptable limits not somebody else's. What Phoenix did is to give you a wake up call to rise from your beauty sleep and do something right, Gallia fails because of GRN's failure to be a proper faction.

I can fufill the duties of the forums and skype, but not ingame. And I am holding this sinking ship because, if I pass it to anyone else, things will just get worse.

As for a proper HC, I have plans for a HC shakeup, so exercise patience.

' Wrote:Gallia fails because very few people want to be there.

If its so bad then make an indie GRN group and fill the void.

Instead of joining the official faction, which could use the activity and honestly could use fresh blood? I'm willing to take anyone on who will promise activity and also is willing to pool ideas. I'm going to revamp GRN, so please.

Give me time.

' Wrote:I'd suggest you take a gander at the GRN's activity. They are fufilling their requirements as laid out by the server administration. Claiming Gallia fails because of a single faction's troubles is an idiotic statement.

As you said, it is the faction leader's responsibility to make their factions active. Blaming a faction's inactivity on the GRN| fully contradicts what you said. You're also completely ignoring the fact that their inactivity isn't merely the result of leadership. Other Gallic pvp factions have the same issues. This, as already pointed out by everyone is in part due to Gallica's poor set up.

Jeremy's point is simple. Quit complaining about activity. The majority of Gallia's factions have activity issues due to a variety of reasons. Some he can fix and has already said plans are in the works. Others he has no control over. Give them man a flipping chance to make the fixes people are wanting; instead of railing at him that he sucks and can't do crap right. That is what sours people's attitudes and makes them have responses like he has.

Jeremy - I agree with Charos that you need a HC that is filled with capable people that are active. That way if RL hits you in the face, they can hold the fort while you take care of it. This is how OSI stays afloat when one of us decides we're taking a Disco hiatus. I know many other factions operate in the exact same fashion.

I know, hence why I am currently searching for people to handle this. The most active people in GRN| are in my HC...which says alot.

' Wrote:Remove certain ship restrictions (Rank'n'stuff) so more people can flood in instead of going their own ways and create indie faction like me...

Ranks are more to show that you have put time and commitment into the GRN| then give you ships; I threw out rank restrictions.

As for the "sous-lieutenants in Valors" stuff...that's their rank in the faction. Ingame, their character is like, weapons officer or cabin boy of said cap.

' Wrote:When I was in GRP/GMS and in Gallic HC, this was one of the reasons people didn't want to log in. Ganks. While I could really careless if 15 people kill me because I'll just go play Diablo 3, log OSI/XA/Reaver, or watch some TV. Some people do enjoy a good balanced PvP brawl. GRN didn't get that most of the time from what I was told. They got gank squads after them made up of people who don't like Gallia in an ooRP fashion and thus think it cool to make it no fun for those who play Gallic stuff.

Perhaps a running event or something between GRN/BAF/Exiles is in order. I'm not a huge pvp ace and pvp isn't the only thing that floats my boat here. I do however rather enjoy group pvp. Its why I'm a Reaver and a Xeno. If the GRN, BAF, and Exiles could organize weekly or bi weekly events that I could manage to make.......they'd find themselves with a new member if they would have me. I'm sure there are many like me. Food for thought Jerm.

I'll see if I can get together said factions and start planning some events - those would come in handy so much right now.

Thanks for the feedback.

We're working on it.

GRN feedback thread - Dab - 05-24-2012

I'd like to point out the concerns about GRN cap use are groundless considering we've had a very lax cap policy for the last year already. The formal removal of all restrictions also doesn't mean that Jeremy isn't going to keep an eye on things. If people are doing stupid things with caps, he'll do something about it. But cap policy isn't always necessary in every faction, and GRN| has never had much problem in that department.

GRN feedback thread - Silver - 05-24-2012

' Wrote:Jsut wanted to drop this here:

Be sure that people working on bounties are not hostile to you. Vice-verse goes to Reavers, but they just't have feedback thread.

EDIT: Ignore my idiotic spelling. :lol:

Well, i did required a rep change to the ID to get our contractors at least at white.

And to change the lulzy line on the ID.

And to change one of the cells.

After all, all that thingamabob of getting an ID was to finally fix the fracking problem with the 190 diferent reps we have on the ships.

Still waitin'.


GRN feedback thread - SMI-Great.Fox - 05-24-2012

' Wrote:The fix coming that I mentioned is designed in large part to solve these problems. We all know that traders = Pirated = Navy = Traders/More pirates. You've pointed out the biggest problem with Gallia, in that pirates cannot fulfill their role given the way the systems are setup. The dev team noticed this as well. Hopefully the solution will remedy this problem. When I did the whole trade thing with my GRN, I too noticed how incredibly easy it was to avoid people. It felt almost like cheating.

Dab. For once we agree on something.

The sooner fixed. The better.

RE: GRN feedback thread - Vrabcek - 02-06-2013


I would like to ask you on your relations to these groups, in order to have clear view on things:

1. Rheinland military
2. Das Wilde
3. Nomads

After answering this question I would also like you to update your faction information with it, thank you.

RE: GRN feedback thread - Wolfs Ghost - 02-07-2013

(02-06-2013, 09:57 PM)Vrabcek Wrote: Hello,

I would like to ask you on your relations to these groups, in order to have clear view on things:

1. Rheinland military
2. Das Wilde
3. Nomads

After answering this question I would also like you to update your faction information with it, thank you.

1.) As the leader of the Rheinland Military, you should be very much aware of the relations between Gallia and Rheinland. After all, there is a trade treaty and a visit to Rheinland by the Prince himself in the works. If you didn't know any of this, then I suggest you talk with the other Rheinland leaders.

2.) The event that took place in Leeds where a GRN tagged ship fired upon the two Wilde vessels who were attacking a civilian ship was perfectly acceptable in character, and fits rightly into Gallic role-play.

3.) See number two.

RE: GRN feedback thread - Vrabcek - 02-07-2013

Yes as the leader of Rheinland military I am aware of the growing relations between Gallia and Rheinland, that is also one of the reasons I have posted in here to be sure whether its really working or not. That is also why I do not understand the action in Leeds. Lets get through the whole situation again:

Two Rheinland military wraiths equiped with Rheinland military technology talk with a Bretonian trader who is headed to planet Leeds. The trader did not talk too much and our patience was over after some minutes. So we decided to lower his shield in order to make him speak. But in the same second the GRN| had the urge need to attack the Rheinland military ships ( lets talk about Rheinland military, because as far I know Das Wilde did not have any encounters with the GRN| yet, so the GRN does not have much or most likely any information about Das wilde.). He saved the Bretonian trader, so he could fly safely to Planet Leeds, but it seems that was not really the goal.
The goal was to destroy the both Rheinlanders.

So I am sorry but your explanation is not satisfying...

RE: GRN feedback thread - ChillerMiller - 02-08-2013

Well, Mr.Das Wilde member,

It’s up to the respective GRN players if they wish to play along with the ‘undercover pilot story’ or not. Just because there is some nomad stuff related to the GRN, it doesn’t automatically mean that every GRN will ignore nomads/wilde or treat them as ‘friends’. They can choose to shoot or not to shoot you, I’m fine with both. Accept it or not, life’s not easy.

Now Mr.RM leader,

Why do you believe the GRN would accept two Rheinland Wraiths actively shooting Bretonian targets in Bretonia (in that case, however, it was an unaffiliated civilian), even though the GRN knows that Rheinland isn’t at war with Bretonia? Looks suspicious, don’t you think so? And especially if those Wraiths were equipped with nomad technology? (Yes, nomad thrusters and lasers count as equipment too, believe it or not.)

Now we can imagine what we, the GRN, could do in that situation. We could contact the RM and ask about this incident, if they know something about Wraiths shooting stuff in Bretonia. What answer would I possibly get and what consequences would it have for the RM?

A: No, they are rogue ships.

=> Nothing happens, the ‘undercover pilots’ will either be treated as a pack of pirates or w/e else you can think of, ooooooor they will simply be ignored. I said it before, it’s the decision of the GRN pilot witnessing the situation.

B: Yes, they’re ours but please shhhhhhhhhhhhhh (This is something I won’t expect, unless Das Wilde suddenly controls the RM High Command or the Rheinland Government, which they don’t afaik.)

=> Pretty simple here. GRN would ask the RM to increase their support, which would lead to another war with Bretonia, and I doubt you’d want to see that happen. So be careful if you really wish Das Wilde to be counted as pure RM pilots.

RE: GRN feedback thread - Pancakes - 02-08-2013

If you have Wilde IFF you aren't undercover in my eyes. GRN might not know Das Wilde and only think of them as a terrorist organisation - doesn't matter. It's the same as saying that if I am in LN eagle that have flashpoints you can't tell I am part of the Navy - oh wait you can.

If someone don't wish to play along with the undercover RP his choice you can't force your RP on him - if you want to go TRUELY undercover I don't see the problem for you to have FL ID'ed wraiths.