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BHG| recruitment - Printable Version

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RE: BHG| recruitment - Dashiell - 02-04-2013

:: Incoming Transmisison ::


That year of absence wil be taken out of your vacation days. get to Sheffield asap.
Contact me on private neural network to sort stuff out.

Laura Lovelace

RE: BHG| recruitment - Flashâ„¢ - 03-06-2013

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Ronny "Flash" Johnson
-Ship Details: Bounty Hunter Bomber, Manta, maybe a Sea Serpent.

Hello dear Bounty Hunters. My name is Ronny Johnson, or Flash for short. I am 24 years old, born on Planet New London. Both my parents are retired BPA officers. I am a independent Bounty Hunter, maybe you hear of me maybe not, who knows. I work for Liberty for long time, and recently joined Bretonia Bounty Board. I am looking to expand my Bounty Board, and I look to help the Bounty Hunters Guild Officials. Flying almost alone all the time, except my good friend Kai Dressel, and maybe sometime Navy, I look to be in a group of Hunters, working alone and in group. I have seen many of you in Liberty, I have fought alongside with Mr Sieber, good pilot for sure. Anyways, I want to join the officials to help The Guild out, and to expand my Bounty Board more.


-End of Transmission-
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RE: BHG| recruitment - meoshi - 03-09-2013

-=Incoming transmission=-

Ronny Johnson,

Its nice to see someone with experience come to use for work, and we welcome that. Since you've already got experience hunting this will be easy. Just report to Sheffield fill out a few forms and contact me over the S.K.Y.P.3 channels for your hunters license.

Guild secretary,
Ron Roberts

-=Transmission ends=-

RE: BHG| recruitment - t0l - 04-01-2013

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Joseph Petrie
-Ship Details: Manta, Bottlenose

Y'know, I was born in Bretonia. Leeds, to be exact. Came here to Liberty for some business, ran a nice little company that dealt small arms. You know, Arsenal Industries? It's a pretty vague company, still coming up. Or, was.
I was running a cute little shipment of our latest repeater, and my money was riding on my shipment. Out of no where, these Xeno bastards come out of the asteroid field in Colorado and the next thing I remember, is a pack of LPI officers who took me to Denver to get medical treatment.
After I was released, I figured they cleaned up the remnants of my ship, and that my weapons and cash were all space dust. Boy, was I pissed off. My face was probably redder than the engines on a Manta. Heh.
I managed to scrounge up some credits and bought a little jewel; a Renzu corp Heavy Fighter, if I recall. I armed up and sent out after those bastards. I eventually found them drinking up a storm at Ouray base, and when they launched, I swooped in to kill them. I got one, and the other one escaped.
Now, I'm sitting here on the Newark Station bar, drinking my life away and with nothing else to do in my life.


Joseph Petrie

Hit me up on 5.K.Y.P.3 at talsushi.

-End of Transmission-
--Data Connection Lost--


RE: BHG| recruitment - Evo - 04-03-2013

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Grace Havinworth--
-Ship Details: Standard Issue AP-18100 "Manta" Bounty Hunter Very Heavy Fighter, readily available standard issue AP-12400 Bounty Hunter Bomber with slight customizations, such as choked barrels for the antimatter cannon as to get a smaller and slightly more focused projectile

Criminals killed my mother, my father, my grandpa, my sister, and flushed my goldfish down the toilet and now I want to kill everything.

Hm.. Where should I start? Ah, em. Never good with these things. Right, uh. I was born somewhere in Rheinland space, not on a fancy planet or anything like that along with my twin brother. We grew up doing pretty much everything together. Wherever I was, he was soon to follow. It was really rare to not see us together, but that was back then. Now.. I don't really know what happened. I guess he got tired of people seeing us as just a single person instead of two individuals. Or he's just a jerk. Either one.

Hm, what else? Oh, probably how I got into this. Hell, this is fuzzy. Uh, well, **Sighs heavily** I guess I got into this sort of this thing because I just had nothing better to do, if that makes any sense. While everyone else was choosing what they wanted to go to college for and making plans, I just really couldn't be bothered. I don't see the worth in it at all. Why throw away so many years of your life learning things you're just going to forget? It's not like piloting. Piloting you just.. never quite forget. I think it's called muscle memory or something? Anyway. I just feel at home in ships, it's like my hands just naturally know what to do without me having to tell them. It feels nice, I guess.

I could never be one of those fancy, uptight mercantile ship pilots or a slave to a corporation. I despise big corporations, everything loses individuality there. It's just a huge clump of people doing whatever without any depth. It bores and repulses me. I don't quite have the heart for petty thievery or piracy, either. I wouldn't call it a moral or ethical code, just.. I think I'm far ahead of the pathetic people that need to make their living off others scraps.

This might be weird, but I remember the first time I killed something, even though it was just an insect. Harmless little spider, but it filled with me.. Clarity? Something like that. Just to know that whatever ones purpose might be in this world, you can still have the power to change the world around you. In a moment, I did just so. Sapped the life force from that spider, and squished it into a little pile. It felt.. good.


Grace Havinworth

Message End -- Original Draft from 5KYP3 Protocol -- thatthirdguy.. AKA Darius "Evo" Blackwater

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RE: BHG| recruitment - meoshi - 04-03-2013

-=Incoming transmission=-

Joseph Petrie, Grace Havinworth,

Greetings to you both, I am happy to see the recent increase in house hunter applicants. And we are always in need of new blood for house bounties.
I am happy to inform you both that you are being accepted into the guild, Report to the S.K.Y.P.3 Office on planet Houston for orientation and official bounty hunter hats.

Guild secretary,
Ron Roberts

-=Transmission ends=-

RE: BHG| recruitment - 1cecold - 04-15-2013

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Tristan.Cold--
-Ship Details: Raven's Talon -- Currently Docked in Manhattan awaiting custom fittings

-S.K.Y.P.3 CommID: d3-1cecold

I am currently a freelancer that mostly does escort missions while trying to get listed as an official Bounty Hunter, I was brought up on Planet New London and have always had excellent hand-eye coordination and thought I would love to get rid of the scum of the universe while making some serious cash. I then caught wind of you guys here at BHG is incredibly sufficient and being the go to place if you are ever in need for someone to "disappear" for a long time and would love to be apart of that


Tristan Cold

RE: BHG| recruitment - meoshi - 04-16-2013

-=Incoming transmission=-

Greetings Tristan Cold,
I am happy to inform you that you are being accepted as an official hunter, I need for you to report to Sheffield station in Manchester for orientation an training.

Guild secretary,
Ron Roberts

-=Transmission ends=-

RE: BHG| recruitment - Anaximander - 04-23-2013

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Paul Cryton--
-Ship Details: AP-18100 "Manta" Bounty Hunter Very Heavy Fighter; IMGF-15A "Nanda Devi" Bomber if it is possible to obtain-

***A male and distinctly Bretonian voice is heard, muffled and distorted by the helmet he can be seen wearing***

[Image: 24o3bqf.jpg]

My name is Cryton. Age 42, born on Planet Cambridge. No next of kin. No formal education. I don't drink. I don't do drugs. I never committed a felony. I keep a straight edge.

I spent the better part of the last two decades hunting bounties and doing mercenary work planet-side in every remote corner of Sirius, but my body is starting to fail on me from the sustained injuries I have taken. The doctors told me zero gravity might do me good, and I suppose space is as good a venue as any to be disposing of criminal trash.

I'm not the kind of sap to believe in any grand causes, I merely claim scalps to cover my medical bills and continued treatment. All that matter to me is the next paycheck, and I understand that The Guild pays well and also spare their Hunters from the usual bureaucracy when it comes to killing legally.

I shan't lie, I do take pleasure in ridding Sirius of various scum - perhaps too much for some people's taste - but it is what I do. It is the only thing I excel in. With space pirates seemingly more numerous than ever, I suspect you could use another set of guns to balance out the equation.

My S.K.Y.P.3 handle is "Anaximander.Discovery", I can be reached there if you require more information.


Paul Cryton

-End of Transmission-
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RE: BHG| recruitment - meoshi - 04-23-2013

-=Incoming transmission=-

Greetings Paul Cryton,
I am happy to inform you that you are being accepted into the guild, We are always in need of more battle hardened pilots. I am gonna need for you to report to Sheffield station in Manchester for orientation an training. Once there i will contact you over S.K.Y.P.3 protocols.

Guild secretary,
Ron Roberts

-=Transmission ends=-