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Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Liberty (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=71) +----- Forum: XA- (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=512) +----- Thread: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) (/showthread.php?tid=7195) |
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - JakeSG - 11-03-2008 Incoming Report Source: Jack Swift, Hatchling Location: Ouray Base Well, I have recently been given the green light to join the Xeno Alliance. To celebrate, I decided to take my ship out for a spin in New York, hurling insults at the lawdogs and such. ![]() ![]() ![]() I cruised up a few K above the Debris fields, hoping they wouldn't spot me. After a few minutes I saw some of my brothers fighting Liberty Rogues (//NPC fight) so I thought I'd see how my Starblazer copes and give them a hand. Several minutes later, my scanners detected the LNS-Ironhide rapidly approaching. I moved to flee, but he was soon upon me. When I executed a maneuver to try and cause confusion and put more distance between us, he hit me with a CD. Knowing that a Blazer can thrust faster than a Gunboat, I fled on thrusters alone. He however proceeded to cruise to my position and fire missiles. My starblazer was soon destroyed, but the friendlies mentioned earlier were able to retrieve me before the scum could take me back to Huntsville. Brave Liberty Gunboat, harassing an honest Xeno Starblazer who was practically helping the Libertonians eliminate the Rogue scum. I bet he feels proud hiding behind his Gunboat. Being blown out of the skies on my first day will not cause me to coil in fear, however. They have just inspired my wrath, and once again proved that Liberty is corrupt. End of Report Connection Lost Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Tanker - 11-22-2008 ****INCOMMING TRANSMISSION**** COMM ID: Jonathon Jones RANK: Hatchling SUBJECT: after action report LOCATION: Ouray Base, Colorado. Yesterday was the day I was able to begin paying Liberty back for all of it's past wrongs. This, my first venture as a new xeno recruit left me exhilarated! Me and some of the boys ,Sidewinder, Rat ,encountered the open com messages sent towards us, from a pilot,callsign Durutti, questioning why we do what we must. We set him straight. Hopefully he will take it to heart.(screenshots attached). We then proceeded to California, to enlighten the traders that they are only helping the downfall of Liberty. We emptied 1 cargo ship and brought 1 home to Ouray with 999 units of food.However,this was after his sensors were blinded to our location. The synthfoods pilot saw the blessing this food would give to the people on Pittsburgh and Houston. However he did need a little encouragement. We had also earlier encountered a gunship which didn't like our presence. We then proceeded to show him the error of his ways. I do apologize for the lack of gun camera footage for the previous 2 encounters..It appears that there wasn't enough memory installed to capture what was intended. I shall talk to the ship techs about this. Jonathon Jones ...end Transmission.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Chucc - 11-23-2008 ****INCOMMING TRANSMISSION**** MESSAGE TO: Sidewinder COMM ID: Rand 'Moccassin' Y'Bashtad RANK: Juvenile SUBJECT: [A]Returning to active duty, [B] New ordanance available, Proto-type. LOCATION: New Haven, Connetticuit MESSAGE ORIGINATION: Jagger Gear Emporium; R&D Dept. Greetings Sir. [A] I have decided it is time to return to the feild, and to move my work to fully protected Xenos territory. Connetticuit has been profitable, but it is no longer safe. Therefore I am asking for my wings back, and clearance for The Alamo Research Facilities for my research. More information is included in [B]. I still have all my ships sitting in dry dock. I can and will purchase or trade the armory for all my gear and armaments. I've missed the feeling of flying with the boys. I've heard great things about the men, and I miss the excitement. I await you word. [B] As always I will get to the point. I have finally completed the modifications to mount my privately aquired, Outcast 'Inferno' on vessels that we currently use. I can't make these guns, but I have a functioning and strong modification mounting bracket. I have tested this fully and found that it works sufficiently enough to bring it to you personally. I only have the one Gun currently. I am trying to find another avenue for them as my former coulleage has disapeared. I would like to begin producing these brackets on Alamo. These will not be distributed randomly or freely. I will produce as many as you feel we may need, no more. I am also looking into trying to break the technology used to make these. I would like to set up a raid to obtain an Outcast Engineer. Or two. Prisoners to help me understand the process. I do not know if I would be trusted to lead such a task, or given clearance to get volunteers for such a run. However I would greatfully and gladly fly on such a mission. I believe these actions would further the power and efficiancy of hte Alliance. I have sofar gathered over a dozen of Liberty's minds and hands to bring this research this far. We have been doing quiet work in Connetticuit and observing the comings and goings and interactions. All follow and are willing to die for the freedom of Liberty workers and prosperity for the people. I believe that with the staff on the Alamo and a couple Outcast prisoner scientists I can successfully duplicate this technology. Hopefully yours, Rand Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Laowai - 11-23-2008 Station Log: Ouray, Colorado. User ID: Greerson, Adam. Greetings my friends. I know it has been some time since i last filed any kind of log... forgive me for that, my movements of late have been hectic and time has slipped away somewhat. The Retribution suffered some damage in a skirmish in New York between myself and several Bounty Hunters and their Liberty Navy overlords, luckily at this time she is fully serviced and spaceworthy once more. We have taken her out for a broadcast into New York where all systems checked out and over the last few days have seen action in cargo interception in the Colorado systems itself. This morning, we destroyed a Junker Vessel - "Serpent-Trader" or something or rather - i see so many names across my desk now they all tend to blend in - laden with many thousands of tonnes of Cardamine no doubt bound for Rochester.... My disgust at these Junkers grows daily, there are like a Cancer that sits in the heart of Liberty and i firmly believe we must constantly be aware of them and their movements - they bring nothing but filth to our people and pollute their minds and bodies with that despicable drug. Yesterday i was also contacted by a director of the Lane Hackers.... one "Phate" who in a veiled threat warned us to discontinue our efforts in California... typical hacker - we're concerned with the salvation of our people and this man wants a turf war. I for one have paid no heed to his warnings, when i see Lane Hackers giving back to Liberty and getting off the Maltese drug-train then i might pay heed to what they have to say. Last week i was invited to speak at several rally's on California - i also met with a union leader there who might be interested in working with us, i shall continue these negotiations further to see if they lead anywhere. Most of these people lack the courage to back up their convictions but we cant let that hinder what we do. Greerson Out. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Dusty Lens - 11-24-2008 "Ah, so what we've been seeing is a sharp increase in smuggling traffic through these two corridors, primarily Outcast traffic, of manufactured goods bound for Rogue bases through this channel here and cardamine through this channel here. The reduced military presence in the sector due to Texas buildups in conjunction with speculated Spa and Cruise pressure on the LPI has almost removed any lawful presence from the Cortez - California gate, so nearly the entirety of *cough* our contacts have been coming from there, rather than any connecting jumpholes. Slide." The small assembly of glassy eyed officers muttered amongst themselves as the aid in attendance worked with the antiquated machine, attempting to unstick one manner of jam or another. David Chambers wasn't sure what sort of reward leading a somewhat successful front line unit granted a body, but if sifting through reports to digest their briefings for the brass was his golden prize... The notion of what came your way if you ****ed it up was unsettling. With an an unhealthy clunk the next slide came into place and he waited patiently as the books propping the machine at the correct angle were resettled. "As a result our interdiction efforts have been chiefly centered around Colorado jumphole, which we've been successfully maintaining as a choke-point for trade leading in to Rochester for some time now." As David wondered to himself if today was Tuesday or Wednesday, and what would be served in the mess. "But has in turn been the site for increased conflicts with the Hackers and the Rogues, doubtless pressured by either the Junkers or the Outcasts to work to ensure that cardamine shipments are allowed to proceed unhampered. Slide." "Ah, thank you Mr. Chambers. But that will be fine, the report has been filed. Thank you for your time." With a brisk salute he snatched up his folder and strode from the smokey ready room and into the noise of Refugio's bustling flight deck. Mechanics of all ages flowed across ship frames, repairs intermixing with manufacture while groups of huddled students watched as instructors demonstrated the finer points of making the saddest assembly of ships in the Sirius sector into something that could hold a pilot and an engine without one flying in the opposite direction of the other long enough to blow something up. It was by far his favorite spot on the station, if it weren't for the noise he'd simply move his cramped office down here. Moral was always high, a room full of men and women who were back to doing what they loved, putting their hands to work. A day's work that meant something. The life was hard, but it wasn't a dogtown on California Minor and it wasn't a work camp on Houston. Both places most all of the people here would, or had, have seen more than once if they didn't have a place here. It was a nice removal from dryly describing the deaths of his fellows to men who spent all day listening to dry reports about people dying. As he passed the desiccated wreck of an Eagle, the barely discernible sigil of a serpent emblazoned on its tail he spotted a mechanic passing by with what looked like meatloaf. Guess that meant it was Tuesday. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - obnoxious1 - 12-04-2008 ****INCOMING TRANSMISSION**** COMM ID: Al Bundy RANK: Hatchling SUBJECT: after action report LOCATION: Ouray Base, Colorado. Honurd leader & fellow bruthers, As I'm yet a new hatchling, I may have over stepped me bounds a lil. I wen thru that jumphole thing a ma bob into the New York system, I hid me self in that floating junk that be circling around just to see what me might learn. Iz ovah heard some of those corporit butt kissin lawfulls harassin a transport ship with out just reazon & it got me blood to boiling. Iz turned on me talkie box & spoke up to those slacker navy fools & tryed to tell that freight ship that he should support us Xenos cause we stick up for the peoples & detest those paid off law dogs. twuz about that time some fool pilot from the LFB come a sneakin up on me whilst I was spreading the word of the Xeno to all dat would listen, Dat dirty fighter jockey dun told all those law dogs where me be sitting & he callz in for some help. So I tells him "You wont live to see back up" & engaged that vermin. Shots him down I did!! Just as I told him so! then all a sudden, thar be LNF & LN & Bounty huntin ships all round me firing like crazy, Iz tried to fightz em back, damaged a few of em me did, but out numbered I waz, I knew I had had it when the bounty dogs pulled up in a croozer & some wants to be ignernt lawful helper named Micheal Fox, he's gotz in a lucky shot before i could escape & blew me ship out from beneath me! Eject I did, they no find me pod. A pilot who has care for our cause picked me up & brought me home to Ouray. I recovered me flight box, & shows me killing that lawful but good. ![]() If Iz done wrong Iz not do it no mo, but doze lying paid off poleece up sets me so. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - centauri5pirate - 12-15-2008 ***** INCOMING TRANSMISSION***** COMM ID: JAKE.CUTTER RANK: HATCHLING SUBJECT: DE-BRIEFING SOURCE: OURAY BASE, COLORADO TRANSMISSION COMMENCING..... My first day, and already a mission. After getting assigned my Hawk in the docking bay, a report came in almost immediately from a long range recon patrol spotting a new space station being constructed by the Bounty Hunters nearby. My CO gave a laugh and said,"It's about time you get your feet wet." Eager to prove my worth, I set out alone to eradicate this threat. After reaching the area of the coordinates, the station and 6 weapon platforms appeared on my long range scanners. Going into a dive, I came up from underneath and targeted the stations power plant. Being a reinforced hull, it did not crack easily, so I had to make a few more passes, dodging platform missile fire. Then, to make matters worse, 5 Hunter ships came blazing in on my 6 o'clock high. I flew directly at the station, getting the Hunter scum to follow me. I passed next to the power core and dropped a mine, veering off sharply to my right. The mine bounced off the hull and slammed into the engine of my pursuer, exploding instantly. The pilot crashed into the hull of the station, and the whole base went up in a blazing ball of white hot metal. ![]() I then flew directly back into the Silverton field during the choas, and managed to evade pursuit; returning to Ouray to rearm my ship. -HATCHLING Jake.Cutter out. ......END TRANSMISSION Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - D56 - 12-15-2008 ***** INCOMING TRANSMISSION***** COMM ID: Bob Marrick, CODENAME-Xenopelits SOURCE: Ouray Base, Colorado *Incoming video signal* "Is this thing on?" *pokes the screen* "Alright, here goes my inspirational battle against Lawful dogs, Sir!" *raises banjo* "Old Xeno went riddin' on a dark and windy daaaay As he flew trough NY he met trader along his waaaay A Bounty Hunter spot him as he raged up trough the sky He saw his guns coming hard, and heard his vengeful cry Yipiaeeeeeh, yipiaeeoooo Xeno rider in the sky. Hunter scattered everywhere and trader ran awaay Lawful dawgz called backup fast, there's nothing left to saay Just before he jumped back to system he camed from He shouted out that famous line, with sweet vengeful tone Yipiaeeeeeh, yipiaeeoooo Xeno rider in the sky." *cough* "That'be it Sir! True storey, will see ya in space soon!" *Salutes* ***** END TRANSMISSION ***** Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - obnoxious1 - 12-15-2008 **Incoming Transmission** Comm ID - Al Bundy Rank - Hatchling Target ID - Xeno Command Subject - engagement report ,Durn Bounty Hunter! *BOINK* Dis durn talkie box workin?!?! I was floatin around Ouray and talk to me bruthers in arms, Jimmy Hartford & Jake Cutter, we waz talkin bout wimmens & beer & more about purdy wimmens & Oh Jimmy got him a shiny new Eagle.. gosh it purdy! & oh.. hell , anyway.. We sittin thar mindin our own when on the skannur jumps up a bounty hunter! we done tell him he better be skeedaddlin our we be shoostin at him, but he pay us no nevah mind. So we load up & go after him. Bout dat time we discuvah, he aint no baby bounty hunter, he a biggun! un of doze battle croozer ships! We gotz ta thinkin maybee it waz a bad idea to go & upset that big a ship wif no bombur support but he was gettin awfully close to Ouray. We figgured we aint skeered & gave him un moe warnin to skat or we shoost him full a holes! Again, he pay us no nevahmind.. so we let outs a yell & purceed to let eem have it but good! Ya know what? dem croozer ships haz a lots a guns on em.. show do! & they hurt like the dickens when dey hit ya! Jake got his ship blowed out from sunder him first.. wern't purdy, but he eskaped in his pod. Then Jimmy zapped that fat ship with one of those fancy inferno thingies, so I zoomered in and gave him a whack wif me missiles & a nukie mine.. didnt even dent that durn thang.. Then all a sudden.. BOOM Jimmy's new purdy Eagle was floatin about in lil pieces all about the place & his pod scampered off towards Ouray. Thinkin me alone against that big ole ship may not be good thinkin.. I decided to git! but doze big guns a plenty on dat ship have some purdy good range too! cause show nuff. he blasted me right outt me seat! I barely made it to me pod with a printed picture of his ship & me icebox full o beer.. But learned Jimmy had dun took me beer before we left Ouray.. durn had to drift along with out me beer! anyway.. I be needin a new ship now.. mine kinda all blowed up like. I'll send that picture wif this tranzmishun so youz can see what we'z was up against. Err how you send dat picture thang?.. "HEY you! yeah nerdy lookin fellar.. howz ya send one of these picture thagies on this here device?!?!" ![]() Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - torchwood - 12-15-2008 *incoming Transmission* *Opening Xeno Private Comms* Comm ID: Joseph Stinger Jeese! we realy need to do somthing about this bounty hunter activity. it doin ma head in! And can you believe that they use there weedy battle cruisers on somthing as "trivial" as us? *spits* people discust me! even so this does not make our job easier. they defend traders...not good. in my opinion we need to do somthing about it. Joseph Stinger out :transmission ends: :closing Xeno comms: |