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141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 05-17-2012

[Image: w3dacfzdo2ie.png]

Bella, zhis is Davids.

I hope you know what you are doing and maybe I should remind you of what happened last time when you
were seen flying your brother's bomber as ein order agent. Should we get any complains about zhis again
- or worse, zhe Corsairs try to hunt you - you will be forced by us to scrap it and all technology aboard it.

Remember, you have been cast out of Gamma and despite zhe fact zhat we had some fights against some of zhe
Corsairs, I do not want to increase zhe tensions between us and them. Moreover our technicians at Evora may
not be able to do repair any damage on zhe bomber as you may be used to it from Crete.

Do you understand zhis matter?

Davids out.

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]

141| Internal Channel - Eduard - 05-20-2012

[Image: b84n61.png]

Bonjour monsieurs et mademoiselles, Forlorn d'Autoine l'ici!
I came to notify you about a number of important events that ocurred to day
The first thing I want to tell you is that the Prototype Resheph named as ,,Malediction" is a success.It's an honour pour moi to serve the Task Force at the command of it.
But now, let's head to the more important matters...I don't know how to start this, but I can tell you that a Red Hessian Cruiser approached Meskhenet station today.I saw it with my eyes...Rather unbelievable I must say.
The captain of it's ship kept told me that it was looking for something secret...And then it vanished...Unfortunately, I didn't had the enough resources, and firepower to stop it in it's tracks
Though, I managed to gather a few data about the said cruiser: *

Later the same day, I decided to enter Omicron Mu, and right after I left trough the Jump Hole, I noticed a Bounty Hunter Mako at the other side...Right in front of me.
It tractored me, and scanned me for nomad remains, which is an odd action, especially that the captain has done it in Omicron Mu!
Our members of the Task Force shortly appeared.And fortunately, the captain allowed me to return to space after he ,,examined" moi.Our force then destroyed the same Mako for trespassing our space.We then managed to capture a total of 47 Nomad Fighter Remains which happened to be onboard that ship.

Even more later this day, I received confirmation from monsieur Maximus Corzelli that I can start a search operation in Omicron Iota with the Malediction.
Later, I arrived in Omicron Iota, together with mon escort.We decided to approach the sun and scan it, before resuming our initial operation.After that a number of Ion Storm came in and I lost contact with the escort.I decided to continue the operation alone as I couldn't leave it there.I approached something of what appeared to be Altair Research Complex.There I managed to find some depots containing nomad weaponry, exactly what I came for!
I tractored the weaponry, and gave a closer look to the base.I was astonished to spot two Marduks: *
I decided to anihilate them as they seemed to have been inoperative, on that complex, but somehow, my weapons didn't even manage to scratch them!I don't know, but, last time I checked, a Resheph has enough firepower to hurt a Marduk.But this time....Non, I couldn't even damage them

After this, I decided to return, yet I was surprised, that when I returned, I saw two ships closing, a Bullhead and a Bounty Hunter Bomber...It was the 77th.I seemed to have caught them in the middle of some sort of an operation...And, more surprisingly, they opened fire on moi!What is surprisingly?Well the fact that I never saw them doing such a thing...I started to regret for saving one of them, though the feeling about the intel obtained then managed to calm me.
Malediction was close to be destroyed, but I managed to fall back, and got it into one piece...After all this, I couldn't let the poor ship collapse and the whole crew getting lost in that...void.What surprised me is that the 77th stopped their fire and retreated.Maybe the fact that I told them that I would order the execution of the two stranded individuals on our planet...Thing I didn't even planned to do, but when firepower can't match the opponet, you have to outmaneuver him with persuasion...And it seemed to have worked

I decided to leave as well...and soon after, I returned Zeta, and left the nomad weaponry at the Star Fortress, leaving the scientists there to analyze them, as maybe we could use them to suit our own...needs
After that, I returned to Meskhenet, where I stationed the Malediction for repairs.

This was Agent Forlorn d'Autoine. Au Revoir!

[Image: dwvv9f.png]

141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 05-23-2012

[Image: w3dacfzdo2ie.png]

Colonel Davids hier.
Interceptor wing has accomplished a recon mission into Omicron Alpha to update our information regarding zhe system:

' Wrote:#5 here.
Took out agents #2 and #9 out for a little walk, route was southeren Omicrons, Sigmas, then Omicron Beta
and finally Alpha. In Theta we met a corsair transport near freeport 9, hauling some pharmaceuticals for
crete I think. Said captain wanted to know what we were doin in the hear of THEIR empire.
Really, and I thought I was megalomaniac.

Anyway, after our little talk, our recon wing set course to Sigma-19, #9 suffered a malfunction on his fighter
and had to head back, so only #2 and me were left to finish the job. And we did!

Omicron Beta guncam: * *
Omicron Alpha guncam: * *

Well, after some time, the house lords got wind of our sightseeing tour so they unleashed their little dogs at
us. Lucky for us, we got backup from the primary fleet and the Hathor vessel OCV-Sabaton. And with that
#2 and me gave the outcasts and their puppy Samarran Raiders something to think about.
Despite that we had to perform a fighting retreat into the Taus, as the outcasts were calling for battleship
support to take out the OCV-Sabaton. Later on a jelly showed up and joined our party.
Really good job, really, made it a lot easier for us to take out their fighters.

Battle guncams: * * * * * * * * * *

Although we were quite outnumbered and suffered three losses, we were able to scrap some of those
damned sniffers' ships, especially as we got backup by one Blood dragon fighter and one Colonial Capital
taking out one Tridente.
Sad to say that damned jelly was able to escape our gunfire as more outcast battleships were setting course to us.
Thus, we got rid of anyone following us and docked at the next neutral base. So right now I am at freeport 6.

Over and out.

Due to our recent encounters with zhe pirate group Samarran Raiders, all One Four One agents are ordered
to treat zhem as hostile towards zhe Order and its allies.

Davids out.

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]

141| Internal Channel - Full Metal Oboist - 05-24-2012

[Image: LongstrideSO.png]

This SO Longstride on the 141|Terminus-Minor
We detected a trace amount of nomad activity at the O-100 Jump hole and are currently locked in combat,
so far its nothing we cant handle but more nomad ships are uncloaking we may need some assistance*Static*
*Frantic shouting* Longstride: All weapons to primary target we have to bring that th*Static*

Please respond we are heavily out gunned and out numbered we need back up now!
*large explosions are heard, and then silence.*

[Image: End.png]

141| Internal Channel - Saberuneko - 05-27-2012

[Image: juichi.png]
This is Lancing, we have received a high priority transmission from our home, Junnator.
Though we haven't received any details, I think our presence there could be neccessary,
as something important or dangerous could be going on.

I am requesting permission to go there to investigate what's happening. It might not be so
important as it looks at first instance, but lack of intel could give us serious future problems.

If you grant us permission to do so, a Flowna transport will pick us up and hyperspace us
there directly, after reaching Omicron Lost system. We'll just be absent for 2 weeks or so.
[Image: endgx.png]

141| Internal Channel - Eduard - 05-28-2012

[Image: b84n61.png]

Yesterday, I was attending the operation I was made responsible with...Due to the fact that it was made Top Secret I am not going to tell anything more about it for security reasons.
I was however, disturbed by a squadron of nomad fighters, and so, I was forced to flee to Zeta...There, I grouped with two members of the interceptor wing.
A part of the nomad intercepting force followed moi all the way, and so...well....hmmm...we...we managed to force them to retreat back to their systems!End of story...
However, one of them...Showed me a vision, that vision, showed me the king, and the entire officers and important figures of the GRN infected by them...I decided to tell this to you, as I doubt this is a matter worth of ignorance

This was Forlorn d'Autoine...Au revoir

[Image: dwvv9f.png]

141| Internal Channel - Saberuneko - 05-28-2012

[Image: juichi.png]

This is Lancing, to Forlorn...

The vision you talk about is an interesting phaenomenon... how did it happen?
I had a similar contact, long time ago in the past, but from some infectees...

Interestingly, they play around with your mind, twisting your wishes into offers of "something beautiful"
or trying to scare you out... I guess the aliens managed to read into your mind, and tried to exploit your fears...

In my case, they showed me youngsters of my kind, united happily around some golden figures...
I know that they were offering fake freedom to our people,
as they would just act like the Baal that make our people suffer.

Though this could just be an attempt to scare you off, we should stay alert,
we don't know if it was that or a indirect suggestion of a menance.

**After this transmission Lancing retransmits his previous one to high command**

I am repeating my request, I am asking for permission to travel to Junnator,
the Flowna might arrive soon, and we need an answer about our issues.

Juichi Lancing, out.

[Image: endgx.png]

141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 05-28-2012

[Image: w3dacfzdo2ie.png]

Colonel Davids hier.
Special Operatives Lancing, you are cleared for departure. I just hope we will see you again soon.
In zhe meantime, Interceptor wing will be briefed for a long range reconnaissance mission.
Wether zhe vision of d'Autoine might become true or not, we should investigate zhis matter.

Davids out.

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]

141| Internal Channel - Eduard - 05-29-2012

[Image: b84n61.png]

Monsieur Lancing, I assume you have already set course to the desired destination of yours, but I hope that you will find this message when you return.
The nomad, sent me that vision while I was with the interceptor wing in Omicron Zeta, it closed in front of mon ship and started to talk with me trough telepathy saying that the ,,message" is for moi and only moi.
And after that, I had the visions I told you before
Sincerely, I doubt that the nomad only wanted to ,,play with my mind" , as it had countless occasions before that moment, but it chose to ,,show" me at that given moment.
Something I forgot to mention to you, a member of the Interceptor wing managed to scan the nomad...The results were...unexpected
If the data is still intact, I will arrange to have it sent to you after your arrival.

This was Forlorn d'Autoine.Au revoir!

And also, I would like to wish you good luck in your travels, monsieur!Safe flights!

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]

141| Internal Channel - Eduard - 05-31-2012

[Image: b84n61.png]

Bonjour monsieurs and mademoiselles, Forlorn d'Autoine l'ici
I have sent this message to announce you that the operation has begun, I will leave starting now and follow the objectives as planned
Also, I will try to keep you updated on a day by day basis so you won't be worried about mon condition or any...unfortunate surprises
And, the Malediction will be temporarly set out of commission with it's crew on stand by until my return

That is all, mes amis, I wish you the best... Au revoir

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]