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Eppy's Current Projects - Eppy - 06-07-2008

Ta da!

[Image: z-OCBSandDread.jpg]

They're both finished, and Yuri has both models in his in-box for when he wakes up. I expect to be getting Skype calls about my sister raping his mother's goat shortly, but until then, par-tay!

[Image: Z-OCShipCompChart.jpg]

Handy-dandy scale comparison chart. The two current Outcast capital ships and their successors. No stats necessarily need changing, though it'd be nice to see the firing arcs on the BS improved. The Dreadnought probably won't need anything changed, but I've included 21 turret mounts, just in case:happy:Could certainly go for that extra 50K armor, too...

Eppy's Current Projects - sovereign - 06-08-2008

21 turrets? Power-tripping, are we?:lol:

They look great, good work. Yuri might be unhappy to have to do the pair but, eh, economy of pain, right?

Please don't kill me Taurvi.

Eppy's Current Projects - Dusty Lens - 06-08-2008

Eppy, if you re-make the dessy you will have constructed every cap in the Outcast fleet!

Eppy's Current Projects - AdamantineFist - 06-08-2008

' Wrote:Eppy, if you re-make the dessy you will have constructed every cap in the Outcast fleet!

Good Idea. I don't like the destroyer. It doesn't fit at all, and the colours on it are horrible. At the very least put a more fitting colour on it.

Eppy's Current Projects - sovereign - 06-08-2008

' Wrote:Good Idea. I don't like the destroyer. It doesn't fit at all, and the colours on it are horrible. At the very least put a more fitting colour on it.

I agree. Kuraine might kill you if you make it less broken, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to have you make. One of the most whored ships in Discovery should be a shining example of modeling ingenuity.

While you're at it, why don't you re-invent the entire Outcast shipline? Finally make the Borderworlds ships actually Borderworlds, and make replacements from the ground up. A new Dagger, Stiletto, Sabre, even a new Falcata model. Then you ARE the Outcasts. :lol:

Eppy's Current Projects - Eppy - 06-08-2008

Well, I know Yuri's working on a Falcatta model, he said it'd be done tomorrow, in fact... as for replacing the Destroyer, I'm working on that, too, but the simple fact of the matter is it's very, very difficult to design a ship that thin. Like, it's hell in more ways than I can think. It has to fit the old hitbox for balance reasons, and it's so damn THIN... Personally, I like the Hiigaran Battlecruiser, but I'm working on it, let's say that. My current project, a Battleship for the Phantoms, has precedence at the moment.

As for redesigning the whole BW line, I don't think so. Retexture, maybe, and maybe even an Outcast-specific version with Maltese crosses on the sides, but as far as the actual models go the only thing that isn't perfect with them are the noses, and I'm plenty willing to overlook that. It'd take too long, anyways...

Eppy's Current Projects - sovereign - 06-08-2008

' Wrote:Well, I know Yuri's working on a Falcatta model, he said it'd be done tomorrow, in fact... as for replacing the Destroyer, I'm working on that, too, but the simple fact of the matter is it's very, very difficult to design a ship that thin. Like, it's hell in more ways than I can think. It has to fit the old hitbox for balance reasons, and it's so damn THIN... Personally, I like the Hiigaran Battlecruiser, but I'm working on it, let's say that. My current project, a Battleship for the Phantoms, has precedence at the moment.

As for redesigning the whole BW line, I don't think so. Retexture, maybe, and maybe even an Outcast-specific version with Maltese crosses on the sides, but as far as the actual models go the only thing that isn't perfect with them are the noses, and I'm plenty willing to overlook that. It'd take too long, anyways...

Redesigning the whole BW line was a joke. Haha. Funny. Its like reinventing the wheel, but it makes more sense.

Redesigning the Destroyer, however, would be fine. Awesome, actually. Does it really have to have that same weird hitbox?

Oh yeah, if you do retexture the BW line, make sure you submit a flower-power Sabre as the new admin ship. I can probably hook you up with the textures, pink flowers aren't hard to work with.


Eppy's Current Projects - Barracuda - 06-08-2008

' Wrote:Well, I know Yuri's working on a Falcatta model, he said it'd be done tomorrow, in fact... as for replacing the Destroyer, I'm working on that, too, but the simple fact of the matter is it's very, very difficult to design a ship that thin. Like, it's hell in more ways than I can think. It has to fit the old hitbox for balance reasons, and it's so damn THIN... Personally, I like the Hiigaran Battlecruiser, but I'm working on it, let's say that. My current project, a Battleship for the Phantoms, has precedence at the moment.

As for redesigning the whole BW line, I don't think so. Retexture, maybe, and maybe even an Outcast-specific version with Maltese crosses on the sides, but as far as the actual models go the only thing that isn't perfect with them are the noses, and I'm plenty willing to overlook that. It'd take too long, anyways...

AWESOME!!! That Destroyer doesn't quite fit in, although I love that thing, its my pet. Its by my side when ever I need it. Yes, It doesn't quite fit in with the the others so... It should be re-done...

P.S... Just wondering but, Was it once said that that will never be

EDIT; Nice work with them battleships, look nice.... Can I have one for my fleet? It will fit well.

Eppy's Current Projects - Dusty Lens - 06-08-2008

Are you sure it needs the same hitbox? I thought all manner of things can be adjusted so long as the hard points remain constant, resizing the BHPwnship for example.

I'd think that the dessy wouldn't be ill served by finding itself reforged as the shortsword of the fleet!

Eppy's Current Projects - Eppy - 06-08-2008

The idea is to make a better-looking model with the exact stame stats. If we decide to go through with it it'll have a new hitbox, obviously, but it should match the old one as xlosely as possible, which is how I'm designing it. Consequently, it's a beyotch, because the thing is so damn FLAAAAT. -.- The thing that gives it its combat performance is also its greatest fallability, appearance-wise. It's not a real priority, though, at the moment I want to get this damn Phantom Battleship over and done with, I've been hacking away at the thing for six months...