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RE: The K'Hara Rebellion - Soul Reaper - 10-24-2012

They're actually a bunch of minds that make up a big mind. There is some individuality to nomads but just a little bit, that little bit being able to ''download'' into those blue organic things that you see. And even when inside them they are always connected to the mindshare, there isn't actually like..a solid server or anything. Think of it as the Internet. The Internet exists only because of all the computers connecting to each other, if there were no computers, there would be no Internet. When a nomad ''dies'', as in, its body, it just becomes a part of the internet (not really doing anything) until its downloaded into another body.

RE: The K'Hara Rebellion - Echo 7-7 - 10-24-2012

Reaper, that still doesn't answer why a Nomad would attack someone with a Cloak (regardless of derivation) since there are no identifiable nomad bio-organisms contained within the device.

(Yes, study of Nomad bioelectric processes would assist in the replication of a DK sourced Cloak concept, bit that's a tangent.
PS. Don't lecture me about Valhalla 1. 8] )

What a Nomad should 'detect' is a vessel with abilities possibly similar to their own, yet which is obviously not Nomad. Where's the motivation to attack because of this?

RE: The K'Hara Rebellion - Soul Reaper - 10-24-2012

Err..''attacking because they have nomad'' stuff was the old excuse to kill people. We don't really need excuses anymore, if you're a human, chances are you're going to die.

RE: The K'Hara Rebellion - Remnant - 10-24-2012

The Rebels may be slightly more forgiving and lenient then the K'Hara, but still.. there is a large chance you will die if you tick the rebels off.

Having cloaks included.

RE: The K'Hara Rebellion - Echo 7-7 - 10-24-2012

(10-24-2012, 09:54 PM)Soul Reaper Wrote: Err..''attacking because they have nomad'' stuff was the old excuse to kill people. We don't really need excuses anymore, if you're a human, chances are you're going to die.

Ah, so MoveIt's comment above is nearly completely irrelevant. Is he actually part of K'Hara?

RE: The K'Hara Rebellion - ai_ascendant - 10-24-2012

Regarding cloaks and the like: Their emergence after the introduction of bioneural packs is one way to approach them. Human have begun to synthesize technology that can replicate some Nomad functions. The Gallics didn't have Nomad tech and they introduced bioneural packs, cryocubes, etc. so I would see cloaks, surveys and jumps as human inventions possibly based on observation of Nomad devices. Once Sirius and Gallia were opened to one another, these developments shot forward.

RE: The K'Hara Rebellion - Remnant - 10-24-2012

Yes I am part of the K'hara, but you seemed to be confused of the ways things go with the Rebels, that was merely stating that, that part was the same. There are many differences, but a nomad is a nomad so some features remain. There are more reasons for a rebel to kill someone then the K'Hara does (usually)

RE: The K'Hara Rebellion - Echo 7-7 - 10-24-2012

What are those reasons?

@ ascendant, I would hardly consider Gallia and Sirius open to each other, particularly considering the former is at war with half of the latter.

RE: The K'Hara Rebellion - ai_ascendant - 10-25-2012

You guys aren't getting my meaning.

"Opened to"--Once Sirius was exposed to Gallic technology and could get its hands on some of it and vice-versa--that would be a place where technological innovation occurred--particularly as it happened as a time of war.

Being K'hara shouldn't give you carte blanche to decide for all factions that "cloaks and jump drives are from Nomads"--it's possible that others might disagree. I would as an example argue that there can be alternate explanations developed--such as the one I gave.

Claiming that Nomads dissolve to useless goo when killed, that derelicts and artifacts are function less and then saying advanced tech comes from Nomads is having your cake and eating it too.

I understand "Nomads are Nomads" but was just making the point that a "different parts, different functions" approach gives some room for some difference in Nomad activities and purposes--pretty much like a program subroutine.

RE: The K'Hara Rebellion - Timbuktu - 10-25-2012

(10-24-2012, 06:23 PM)Soul Reaper Wrote: If you actually keep tabs on modern neuroscience (which I don't, though my father had written a thesis about the brain due to his PhD stuff so I got somewhat interested in it as well and checked stuff out), you'll know that even though there are extraordinary amounts of people actually doing neuroscience and they still don't know -how- the brain works, they know it works but don't know how, not even 'roughly' as you put it.

Well they don't know EVERYTHING about how it works, but they know a lot. I'd almost say most of it. In a nutshell, the brain is a bunch of neurons, the center of your nervous system, with different regions specializing in different tasks. We know how neurons work, and how they were formed during evolution. We actually know most of which tasks are handled by which region of the brain, and how they interact and pass each other information. We know why certain regions develope faster at certain points in our lives (babies learning motoric skills, teenagers learning to think for themselves). We know that we are motivated to do certain things by a system of rewarding certain regions of our brain with chemicals, we know what these chemicals are, and which glands produce them, and how. We know why certain things are rewarded and other things not. We even know how to affect our brain-reward system by taking drugs, and sometimes we do it in a way that helps us, sometimes we do it in ways that do the oposite of help us, by just handing ourselves the feel-good reward with a drug, without doing the things that are necessary for our wellbeing, which would normally make our brain give us the reward.

But that's getting off topic, so here you go if you wanna:

The point I was making was, that if we know all this, its pretty unlikely that the nomads are dumber about themselves than we are about them, or than we are about ourselves. Considering what you said about them being so clever and stuff.

(10-24-2012, 06:23 PM)Soul Reaper Wrote:
Who says nomads have DNA and are biological? I do, Nomad players do. Why? It's in the lore that's been around for years and -we- choose what our lore is, not you, not anyone else.

DNA is deoxy-something nucleic acids, which is combinations of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and phosphore, which you find in abundance on our nice cozy planet called earth, and the DNA is really comfy here on earth as long as it stays somwhere between 0 and 100 degrees celsius (probably a more narrow range, cant be arsed to look it up).

In space, its not so comfy.

High energy particles! radiation! buzzing around... tearing it to shreds. Ouch! Ouch!
Temperatures waayyy below freezing level. Brrrr *crunch Im a sperm bank now, try talking to me again when its warner*
Temperatures getting like... real hot... suns and friction and propulsion systems... tsssssss making it puff up to vapor real fast.

Not the kind of thing that will resist the kind of energies needed for a spaceship's propulsion system (what ever it is)

Or any other spacey conditions, unless there are reaally really thick non-living walls to shield it.

Also not the kind of thing that you are gonna have your slightly-above-neanderthals remote-controlled goffers build for you.

Which brings us to the next point.

(10-24-2012, 06:23 PM)Soul Reaper Wrote:
Nomads are grown not mechanically manufactured (if you actually read even the old nomad lore you'd know that). Rheinlanders had nothing to do with it, they were just tools that the nomads had infected. Anything to do with the Marduks in the SP had nothing to with Rheinland technology or government.

Yes, nomads are grown (at least, the blue dildo-like things that you see everywhere),

I beg to differ, and would ask you to look here:

See those scafolds? Those are human artifacts used to construct stuff, its not a nomad tree growing nomad battelships.

Of course not with rheinland technology, you know very well I didn't say that.

Rheinlanders are uber-neanderthals acting under the guidance of the nomads that shoved a remote control device down their throats. The bastards!

More proof that the cloaks don't simply grow when baby nomads reach puberty?

Here... cloaking rheinland ships at 2:30

You telling me they grew on those too?

Here Van Claussen says that an informant supplied him with CONSTRUCTION blue prints for ships of alien design, at 8:00

After that they go shoot the nomad battleships which were growing on nomad trees which looked like rheinland scaffolds.

(10-24-2012, 06:23 PM)Soul Reaper Wrote:
the essence and existence of a nomad (you can call it their soul I guess) is transferred into the body from the Mirrorshare.

I see your mirrorshare is BSG-Cylon compatible. Personally, I wondered why the cylons didnt just make a backup copy of their guys&gals instead of all that soul-downloading to the hub and stuff. Probably that would have been boring. But we are getting off topic again.

(10-24-2012, 06:23 PM)Soul Reaper Wrote: [b]
If you relate to Einstein's theory then yes everything is actually a form of energy.
No, I was relating to the fact that our brains work with neurons and, well, basically, electricity.

(10-24-2012, 06:23 PM)Soul Reaper Wrote:
But as humans are totally carbon made, nomads aren't.

Which you seem to have forgotten when you advocated nomad DNA.

(10-24-2012, 06:23 PM)Soul Reaper Wrote:
They biological parts perhaps yes, but most of the nomad is raw energy (heat, light...something) which it can use to perform different stuff that it may want.

And we are heat in our bodies and electric fields in our brains. When those are gone, we're just dead meat. Which probably gives us something in common with what you said about nomads, but which you could only understand if you knew something about biology and physics, other than repeating stuff that sounds cool to you.

(10-24-2012, 06:23 PM)Soul Reaper Wrote:
As for feelings. The Nomad mind is far more advanced than a Human's. Anything they can do with their brains, we can as well.

And with "they" you mean not you but humans, and with "we" you mean not humans, but you, the nomads?

Ok. Didnt know were RPing here, my bad.

(10-24-2012, 06:23 PM)Soul Reaper Wrote:
We can choose to have emotions at our pleasure. Nomads don't fear death, if a nomad dies, it's ''soul'' is transferred back to the mirrorshare, and then back into another body that is grown on a nomad base.

No offense, but I dont think you understand what emotions are. Emotions are instinctual reactions that compell you to do stuff, which control you on the most basic level. Wouldnt call that "advanced". If it was your dog would be more advanced than you, cause he's WAY more emo than humans, and is controlled mostly by his emotions/insticts, and very little by that primitive human thing called deduction and planning.

(10-24-2012, 06:23 PM)Soul Reaper Wrote:
I don't make up things as I go. I know the lore, you don't. Don't babble stuff that people actually look at and might take it as a serious part of the lore.

You know what I think the problem here is?

It's that you place what ever some guy on discovery wrote above common sense, and above what the Nomads in freelancer really were.

For all we know he put his favorite BSG and Startrek stuff in there and didnt even remember the game properly, nor did he know anything about phyics or biology, nor was he any good at common sense.

And then you go and call anyone who didn't memorize what ever lore you are talking about, but follows the logic of the vanilla nomads (which is obviously in contradiction to the lore that someone wrote) an ignorant babbler.

(10-24-2012, 06:23 PM)Soul Reaper Wrote:
As for the answer to your question. Aurora simply wishes to take another path instead of killing the humans....actually, I think the first post explains that, or haven't you read that as well?


Well if I hadnt read it I wouldnt be asking why she wishes to take that path. Cause thats all I wanted to know.

I'm asking "why is she taking that path" and "what motivates her".

I think its a legitimate question, concerning the topic of this thread.

But all I get is "OMG PEOPLE HATE US CAUSE WE BLEW UP THEIR TRADERS" and some stuff about DNA that doesnt make sense and humans not knowing about their brains and "we" are able to have all the useless emotions that "they the humans" have if "we" want, and nomads growing and not being built.

You know, just forget it. I gave up on trying to get an answer.


In conclusion, I would like to say that your nomad RP might actually benefit if you were a little less aggressive and full of yourselves and a bit more open to what other people say. You might learn something too. Good bye.