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Enlistment Office [Recruitment] - Printable Version

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Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - LoTeK_ - 04-06-2009

<< Comm ID: Taishō Sulu, KNF High Command >>

well said Sensei.
Kira Chinmoku' application is accepted but weapon system is to be reviewed.


Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - kirachinmoku - 04-07-2009

TO: Chusa Alex Sasaki (And all others relevant)
FROM: KiraChinmoku
SUBJECT: Re:Application to Join KNF

I will try to sort my weapon configeration out asap.


Unfortunatly i dont think my freelancer updated properly and so some item names appear as IDS? and some appear blank so i need to sort that too


Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - the predatore - 04-13-2009

Hi my name is Fredrik i was borne in rheinland 20 yers ago.
My parents moved here when my father got a jobb in samura industries 2 yes ago.
I aplied to the Kusari Navy 1 year ago one weak ago i gradueted topp off my fighter class.
im wery glad to be exepted in to kusari this quickly. my kusari is still not so good but im working on it
every day.

190cm tal
blue eyes

I prefer flying smaler ships like fighters and bomber but i have flyed my fathers big transpot so
biger ships is nothing i cant handel.

Im a calm person that dosent speak when its no nead for it.
But if im cornered i will explode in anger so any Pirates unlawfus or Enemi's off kusari whats out.

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - LoTeK_ - 04-14-2009

...From: Taishō Sulu, KNF High Command
...To: Fredrik
...Subject: Joining the Kusari Naval Forces

your application is approved.
Don't forget to open your personal file here and to complete the recruitment process entirely, as fully described in the Join flyer (first post).


Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Brutus-Jackson - 04-16-2009

To: Kusari High Command

Subject: Application

From: [KNF]Seiichi.Takeshi

I grew up with my family and my friends on a small trading base in new Tokyo, my father had run a fairly good trading businesses and we were very rich. I have always respected the KNF, and feel that I should now fight for the emperor, along with a little revenge.

Growing up on a trading base when I was in high school I was able to fly Large traders for my fathers business, and when I turned sixteen, they bought me a very nice fighter, of course I only assisted KNF with it.

After high school, I went to Krusari state university. I passed all my classes, and still had time to hang out with friends. I always wanted to join the KNF. Unfortunately one of my best friends had joined a few years ago, [KNF]William.Sasaki, He had been shot down by BAF, when he came back, he was never the same. He was put in solitary confinement, and released after he had gone insane. He is now a very rich and powerful man, but he is undercover and not known to anyone that previously knew him, he even had his name changed. Now I want to join KNF and fight the forces that did this to my close friend. I still am in contact with him today, but he will never be the same. I also have one other thing, when I was in high school. Another student stole my girlfriend. I am mad at both of them, now my ex is part of the GC, and the man that stole her from me is a Blood Dragon. In closing I feel it is my duty to protect the emperor but also to get vengeance for the Blood Dragons, BAF, and GC.

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Alex135 - 04-16-2009

To: Seiichi Takeshi
Subject: Re:Application
From: Daisa Alex Sasaki


Konnichiwa Takeshi-san,

I knew of you aswell from my brother, and i think it would be wise to bring you into the ranks of the KNF.
If the High Command has no objections, you will stay in the KNF, but for now i am recruiting you in.

Remember to post your personal file here so that we can add it to our records.

We will begin the setup of your ship as well as flight evaluation and training immediately.

-- Daisa Alex Sasaki

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Mayhem - 04-21-2009

****Incoming Transmission****
Message to: KNF High Command
From: Tadashi Sakamoto

Konichiwa Honaroble pilots

I'm from a small island on Planet New Tokyo. I always used to hear about the great victories we had acheived in the news. All my life I have wanted to serve with the Honorible and Elite of our Nation. Now at 20 years of age I feel its time for me to do whats right, to pick up my sword and fight for our nation. With my sword I will bring honor and pride. I will defend Kusari and the Emporer with my life and i will not give up untill Kusari has destroyed the savages of the Bretonian Foreigners, and i will never give up untill Peace is restored in our Great Nation.

End Transmission

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Crash2Burn - 04-21-2009



Hmm...Seems like it was ages ago.... Cold silence... very cold, but yet my heart burning from inside.... I can only feel my body decay..... They where smiling, and then parents.... they are gone.....dead, and i was just standing.... so weak....Bretonia....Word that has become synonym for death and tears.... But then a white angel come from haven....Hinata was here name...all my hate was gone... it was so strange after many nights of crying, i am sleeping, so peaceful, her love made my whole again... She is an KNF officer....Now i am turning a new chapter in my life... cold was replaced with warm... and hate with pride.... pride and honor... Honor to be KNF officer....Defending Kusari space, so that nobody would feel like me.... !!!

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - LoTeK_ - 04-22-2009

...From: Taishō Sulu, KNF High Command
...To: Tadashi Sakamoto, Yoji
...Subject: Joining the Kusari Naval Forces

both applications has been approved.
Don't forget to open your personal file here and to complete the recruitment process entirely, as described in the Join flyer (first post).

Recently a 10th step has been added, to speed up and help new pilots integration.


Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Black Widow - 04-27-2009

****Incoming Transmission****
Message to: KNF High Command
From: Diablo
Subject: Application

Konichiwa Honorable Sir, I am an ex Pirate know only as 'Diablo' as i never grew up knowing who my parents were on yanagi depot, I lived pickpocketing off other pilots for money so i could have food, soon after I was 17 an Outcast captain recruited me aboard his Dreadnought the 'El Captana' as a cabin boy, through which over the years I rose to the ranks of Elite Fighter Pilot amongst the Captanas Squadron of Sabre VHFs flying 1000's hours of Combat and Recon missions against arguably some the greatest pilots in all of sirius. by the time I was 23, the Captana had seen many years of service and was in great Disrepair so Malta High command decided to have her Permanently Docked in Omicron 85 where she was to remain a Symbol of Malta's Proud Naval History for Evermore. The Crew including myself were disbanded to other Military units or given Leave to go free like myself. I had seen too many years of Murder and Pillaging by the Outcasts and was deeply saddened by what I had been forced to do for which the only other way out was Death! Wanting tio make amenze and I began defending civilians that were being attacked by Outcasts marauding the Tau 23 Debris fields Hailing me as a Traitor I am now on Malta's HitList for what I see as Honorable deeds protecting the Helpless!. Soon after I went to Kyushu and found refuge on Tsushima Depot Outside
Planet Aso where an elderly lady Gave me Bed'N'Board in exchange for working long hours in Her Laundry Parlour.
I did not like my time there on Tsushima Depot as I was not respected by kusari Natives who called me a ''GaiJin'' meaning Outsider. the thing is I had been a GaiJin all my life even the Outcasts saw me as one for I never took the Drug they were all so addicted to being Cardamine, they said you will never be a true outcast no matter how good a pilot you are until you taste the ''Orange Dream'' well if that meant messing up my health then it was not the Dream for me. But I do believe Kusari is there People fight for the innocent and Helpless as I have Done and Live by respect and Honour as I do. the old lady on Tsushima said you will gain much respect and will be seen as Kusarian if you give your Life for the Emperor and defend all that is true and Good.
So I make this Application to the Kusari Naval Forces that I maybe become a Pilot with the KNF so I May give my life to defend the Emperor and the People of Kusari.

Name: Diablo
Age: 24
Height: 192Cm
Weight: 75Kg
Build: Muscular
Born: Sigma 13 on Yanagi Depot
Parents: Dead
Aims: to Defend the Innocent, Uphold Honor and Pledge Allegiance to the Emperor
Abilities: Elite fighter pilot on many VHF Craft from the Border Worlds to Civilian VHFs.Unique Knowledge of Weapon systems, Survival Tactics and Advanced Knowledge of Criminal Psychology. I have thousands of Hours Of Flight time and have +500 Hours Combat Time.
Dislikes: Outcasts, and pirate Factions that Affiliate with them, Terrorists and Liers.

End Transmission