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Freeport 10's "Sylvania Dome" - Printable Version

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RE: Freeport 10's "Sylvania Dome" - Eduard - 08-07-2013

Robert made once again his appearance inside the lavishly green entrails of the Dome. He was very tense, and his face was burning red. He was agitated and exhausted.

His coursed was set with absolutely no hesitation towards the bar where he ordered a glass of red wine. He then went to occupy a nearby table, which, out of coincidence, was just nearby the newest character who entered these confines: Lux Ryder. But, Robert was oblivious to the world and characters around him.

He sat at the table, placed the glass in front of him, and supported his head on his left hand while the right one made a discreet errand of covering his face, all while his face was glancing downwards. He was trying to resist the maniacal desire to burst into laughter for some reason, and to top it off, he was exhausted

RE: Freeport 10's "Sylvania Dome" - Wolf Spirit - 08-07-2013

He tilted his head. "Well in some Corsair cultures, they shoot the host and eat him, Custos does sound quite Corsairy does it not, and generally when concerning a generic Order pilot as you might say, privacy is hardly a subject that you should be prohibiting, Besides if you were Lucifer I for one would have had been in a pickle onto who I was, Non-aggressive or not, there is only so much a tolerance of a tired PSTD afflicted pilot might take, maybe next time you will be more... careful with the liberates you take, in all honesty, I would last one day with you Ally or not, relying on you to live or not before I'd get trigger happy, It might have been kinder to... wait until I had finished with... Susan and had sent a message to my PDA system... Now I might ask that you kindly leave alone and if you want to talk make a scheduled time, as it is someone like me is jittery when unknown factors present themselves and continue to do so, so I ask in the kindest way possible given the fact of your intrusion... and the current mental state I am in, bugger off. and if you feel my actions are.. unwarranted you can always send word to my Fleet commanders who will likely court marshal me for one reason or another, either is threatening or shooting is solo'y reliant on you, That and I am getting quite hungry." With the rambling that seemed to on the tone of voice did reflect the wish for him leave although his threat to shoot him was only half hearted.... Kind of.

RE: Freeport 10's "Sylvania Dome" - Enkidu - 08-07-2013

Achille grinned like a barracuda. "Well said monsieur! I admire your sensitivity towards slightly suspect multiculturalist practices, but in Gallia, shooting, guillotining, shanking, or any other form of gristly murder directed at the host is considered mildly uncouth. However, I expect a man of your exceptional delicacy would know exactly when to keep his holster tight, oui? And as for the matter of my "buggering off", well..."

"...I assume the famed training you illustrious members of the Golanskian gang squad receive will inhibit whatever "trigger happy" tendencies your consciousness may provoke, no matter how much you wish it otherwise. But for you, sir, I will go. I wouldn't want to violate your machinations with my employee here now, would I..."

"...Oh, and sir (and madame of course), concerning the matter of the drinks. Exactly what liquor, beverage, spirit or otherwise may I entertain you with? A soothing Chateau De France, or a somewhat less sumptuous Sidewinder Fang, to suit those of the alternative pallet."

"...Whatever spikes your thirst, sir, in opposition to your gun".

RE: Freeport 10's "Sylvania Dome" - Wolf Spirit - 08-07-2013

Sighed moving two fingers of his to rub at his temples before looking to Achille and shook his head. "You know I think actually shooting you might actually prove a point. I never grew up in their and as to your words I do know the consequence but the satisfaction is looking better by the second of being the one to do so, You will find I do things spontaneously and out of spite, So if I might ask do you dare me to shoot you or not Achille?" He tilted his head to the side. "We dont require any refreshments unlike my Order comrades, I don't bury my life into a drink."

RE: Freeport 10's "Sylvania Dome" - Lythrilux - 08-07-2013

Lux took a sip of his water, he was due to go back out hunting soon. Criminal presence doesn't falter, and neither does he.
When he put his glass back down, he noticed Robert was sitting on the table next to him.
"Sup, Zones" He said eying Robert across the table.

RE: Freeport 10's "Sylvania Dome" - Sapo - 08-07-2013

Zack Masters strolled into Sylvania Dome, both hands in the pockets of his light summer jacket. Despite the artificially adjusted temperature always being within the humanly "comfort" zone, Zack always wore some sort of jacket. It had become a habit over the years.

He was in a pretty good mood, he was well integrated in the Commonwealth, it had been alot easier than he had initially thought, business was going pretty well, he had made more profit since joining the Commonwealth than he had in the last 2 years on his own so everything was going pretty well in his life.

He headed over to the bar, glancing around as he made his way to the counter, taking in the faces and general environment of the bar. He reached the counter and ordered his new favorite drink "Hello there, one rum, lots of ice, please"

He leaned up against the counter removing his hands from his pockets, looked over at his favorite cubicle in the corner to make sure it was empty, and it was. He liked that cubicle only because being positioned where it was, it was impossible for anyone to sneak up behind whomever was sitting there, and Zack liked that "Always make sure they never get the drop on you" he thought to himself.

There were a few new faces in the place, people he hadn't met before, Robert was sitting alone at a table with a smugg look on his face, "I wonder what he's been amuzing himself with" he thought ,but the one thing that stuck out were the amount of security personnel in the Dome.

Security was always very tight at the Freeport, especially since they had to deal with people that were, in normal situations, mortal enemies. What he always admired was the way the security blended into the Bar and its surroundings. For anyone that didn't know any better, they were just guests like any others, having their drinks and chatting away. But Zack did know better, he had been living at Freeport 10 long enough to get to know most of the permanent staff, including the excellent security team.

The bartender put his drink on the counter and Zack picked it up and with a smile thanked the person and headed over to the corner cubicle, sat down and faced the rest of the bar. After taking a better look around he spotted Susan, she was with Achille and a man Zack had never seen before. Achille had a very uncomfortable look on his face, not normal to anyone that knew him and one could tell that the stranger was the source of his discomfort.

Zack let out a small chuckle, it was quite funny to see Achille in this type of situation once in a while, way out of his comfort zone. Zack adjusted himself on the immaculately upholstered seat, picked up his drink with his left hand, brought it to his lips and sipped at it. He held the glass up "Now, that is a damn fine drink..." he thought putting the glass back down on the table. He sat back as to make himself even more comfortable "...damn fine drink..." he thought once again, putting a small smile on his lips.

RE: Freeport 10's "Sylvania Dome" - JaaY - 08-07-2013

Sean. still tired because of his irregular sleep pattern, yawned while cleaning a shot glass with a rag. At the moment, the thing he had in mind the most was Susan. The only thing Susan saw in life was a goal, something she had to complete so she could finally die in peace. She didn't see all the joyfull and beautiful things in life. He sighed and rubbed his eyes.

Sirius was a strange place, filled with things that could not possibly be more mysterious and dangerous, and people who seemingly lost their hope. The only thing she was actually interested in were her studies. She tried to avoid social interaction by withdrawing back into herself. The more he thought about the things she said, the stranger them appeared to him. They somehow seemed kind of unrealistic...perhaps even fake.

When he finished cleaning the other glasses aswell, he leaned himself on the counter and let his glance wander at the tables.
He noticed Susan and Achille, talking to a man he never saw before. Then he discovered Zack, who was just about to sit down at his favourite place with a glass of his favourite drink, rum.
Sean took a look at his watch and noticed that it would take half another hour, until his shift would be over.
He yawned once more, drew himself up and waited for his shift to come to an end so he could finally get some rest.

RE: Freeport 10's "Sylvania Dome" - Eduard - 08-07-2013

Startled by the call, emitted from Lux' unsealed lips, Robert tilted his head upward and with an insidious and sharp smile, he started at Lux, the source of the call.

He adopted a more decent position, now that the laughter inside of him evaporated. He easily noticed how Lux looked at him; it was obvious that the call was addressed to him.

Avoiding no further, he took his glass of red wine, and approached the man in question.

" Bonjour " he said

" Would you permit me in providing you company at this reclusive table? " he inquired

RE: Freeport 10's "Sylvania Dome" - Enkidu - 08-07-2013

"...That, grunt, of course depends on your willingness to shoot me. You know my friend, your lack of moralism, common courtesy or indeed anything else remotely indicative of standardised socio-herarchical sanity bemuses me to the point of disdain. Let me be very clear my friend, you cannot walk into another's house and act belligerent to them, nor bullying with your peashooters, nor threatening with your egotism. If this was house space..." Achille's eyes glittered dangerously. "...I once had the extreme displeasure of personally, and rather closely, attending the great siege of the Courville, but I'm bloody sure you wouldn't have a clue exactly what I'm alluding to, now, would you, you being a Sirian?"

Achille stared blankly at the invader, rage brimming in his mind. "So what are you man, an imbecile? You come into our domain and insult us, me? Idiotic as it is intolerable" he seethed internally.

"...My friend, a certain Maltese associate of mine once said I had the luck of a gambler, so if you truely wish to shoot me... well, go ahead. Let's see how this reflects with hindsight, oui? Let's see what happens."

And Achille extended his arms and grinned, comfortable in the knowledge that the Order imbecile wouldn't dare try.

RE: Freeport 10's "Sylvania Dome" - Lythrilux - 08-07-2013

" Would you permit me in providing you company at this reclusive table? "
"Sure, why not" Lux said with a grin.
"So, I've heard this place belongs to a group of Zoners known as the Commonwealth, right?" He said as he took a drink from his glass.
"What do you do here? When I've been out hunting I've bumped into you once or twice. Though not much conversation was made".
He put his glass back down and checked his watch. Good, he didn't have to leave yet.
"So I was wondering if you could tell me who they are, Mister...?"