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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Aingar - 08-31-2011

connection established
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upload report310881801.nfo
file found, streaming...

Source: Battleship Derby
ID: Lt. Alex Clarke

High Priority

I have received a mysterious messages today around 0900 hours, originating from vessels LH-Leviathan and Nacion.Maltesa,
containing [size=medium]Very
disturbing intel, suggesting that someone is spying on our borders at Manchester system, and that
an attack will follow, there is not much more I can tell, both messages were heavily affected by static and only a few words made it through.
Please refer to attached log for more reference.

<div align="right][color=#9999FF]Alex Clarke
[font=Courier New][color=#33FF33]file ended
upload log310881803.hpr
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heavy encryption protocols detected, processing...
decrypting successful: [color=#EEEEEE]#

no further additional data found
terminating transfer
logging out...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Aingar - 08-31-2011

connection established
password *********
access granted
upload report310881801.nfo
file found, streaming...

Source: Battleship Derby
ID: Lt. Alex Clarke

Med Priority


As I finished writing the latest report, and launched from Derby, I noticed Captain Clay was already engaged with three kusari chimaeras, I immediately engaged, HMS Longbow also showed up, but Captain Clay ordered it to stand by. After a few minutes kusarian Destroyer showed up, and Captain Clay ordered the Longbow to engage. In the meantime, we managed to get kusarians on the run, and Captain Evyn launched just in time to see one of kusari ships being shredded up to pieces, rest of fighters managed to flee, but destroyer was unable to escape thanks to Longbow.

I and Captain Clay sustained very low damage during the dogfight, so we and Captain Evyn and bomber "Drowzee" who also happened to launch, proceeded to neutralize the destroyer. Shortly after returning to Leeds, we've intercepted a Gallic fighter, which proved to be troublesome, as he kept intending to run for Liberty, BIS Agent followed him and dragged him back to Leeds, but despite our efforts, he escaped and headed to Stokes, Captains Clay and Evyn ordered a pursuit, and we catched him standing idle next to stokes, but suddenly he opened fire on us without any warning. He made a run for kusari battleship, seeking refuge, but he did not take into account that our wing was crazy enough to chase him there, resulting in *cough* "disabling" his ship.

Afterwards we've headed for dublin on a standard patrol mission, we've spotted few mollies, but they fled into safety of Arranmore. On the way back we received distress call from a trader that was being harrased just outside Leeds-Dublin Jump Hole, 20 seconds away from our position. We immediately ran for the jump hole, although I remained on Dublin side, in case the pirate would try to escape via the hole, but he went down shortly afterwards. We've regrouped at Derby and as we were about to check out the Cambridge, Ion storm prognosis was announced, we all docked on Derby and are currently standing down.

<span style="font-size:18pt;line-height:100%][color=#FFFF66]Post Scriptum:
The mysterious message I sent in previous message is being investigated by the BIS as we speak. I hope they will unveil this mystery in time, especcially with our preparations to launch a counter-offensive almost complete.

<div align="right][color=#9999FF]Alex Clarke
[font=Courier New][color=#33FF33]file ended
terminating transfer
logging out...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gruffalo - 08-31-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Ensign Lucas Alexander]
[Source: Battleship Derby]
[Priority: High]
[Subject: Skirmish in Leeds]

Good Afternoon.

I began a standard patrol of Leeds when Lt R Ree ordered me to stop and scan any ship coming in or to Stokes smelter. As it was quiet there was nothing pressing to report. Later, the HMS Black Prince joined us and shortly after, the HMS Dauntless led by Captain Clay. We came across a Junker, callsign Hobotan who was carrying Basic Alloys and Light Arms in a Pirate Transport. Lt Ree asked for his papers showing that he has permission to trade Light Arms within Bretonian Space. It turns out he didn't have a permit and as such, he was ordered to drop his Light Arms and pay a 3 million credit fine which he did.

Lt Clark joined us and Captain Clay suggested we go to Stokes Smelter, agreeing we arrived at Stokes and were immediately attacked by a Kusari Battleship Patrol, it was dispatched in quick order and we started attacking any supply convoys coming in from LD-14 or the Tau-31 Jump Gate. During our attack we destroyed at least 5 Kusari battleships and countless gunboats and destroyers. Fair to say I think we dealth the riceheads a blow today. We are one step closer to liberating Leeds.

During our attack, we came across a Prison Liner broadcasting a Liberty Navy IFF, callsign Viking-Gralix. He ignored us and headed for the Tau-31 Jump Gate. We later came across a Freelancer flying a Renzu Corp fighter, I ordered him to stop inform us of his intentions. He claims he was doing missions out of the Battleship York. I told him to change his ship and doing missions out of the Derby or another Battleship not based in Leeds. Unfortunately during the attack my Templar sustained severe damage and some guncam images were lost. The ones posted are all the engineers on Planet Leeds managed to save.

::Attached Files::

Bretonia Prevails!

Ensign Lucas Alexander.

[Ending Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jim.Solo - 08-31-2011


Comm. ID: Ensign James (Jim) Barnes

Good Afternoon Sir!

I have been flying the Templar for a few weeks now and I have attended combat training sessions with Lieutenant Ree and Lieutenant Commander Sinclair.

I have flown on patrols and had to deal with the Reavers, Corsairs and rookie traders that don'€™t know the laws of Bretonia or the treaties with have with our neighbours in Reinland and Liberty.

I have flown on combat missions with Captain Clay; and although I have not lasted long in battle I believe I am learning valuable (and expensive) lessons about multiple bogie combat scenarios'€™.

I would therefore like to respectfully request that I be evaluated for the rank of Lieutenant.

Thank you Sir!


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Deneth Aleski - 09-01-2011


PRIORITY: [color=#3366FF]Low
ENCRYPTION: Standard (Protocol 2-TR)
IDENTIFICATION: Admiral Deneth Aleski
TARGET: Fleet Admiral Sir James Ralston (Cc: Admiralty Board, Bretonian Ministry of Defense)
SUBJECT: Resignation

To the Fleet Admiral of the Bretonian Armed Forces, members of the Admiralty Board, Minister and Deputy Minister of the Bretonian Ministry of Defense,

I hereby request to be relieved of my duties and responsibilities as Admiral of the BAF 11th Fleet. I relinquish rank, sword, Royal Commission as flag officer and any privileges such a position previously entailed.

I have given back my personal sidearm to the Quartermaster of the HMS-Grimsby, as per obligation set out by my enrollment contract, circa 817 A.S.

Wilhelm Deneth Aleski.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Aingar - 09-01-2011

connection established
password *********
access granted
upload report010981801.nfo
file found, streaming...

Source: Battleship Derby
ID: Lt. Alex Clarke

Low Priority

It was most quiet day yesterday, I have not encountered anyone hostile towards bretonia, but I did had one suprising encounter.

When I was patrolling Dublin, Mr.Torch have entered my scanner range, and before I got close enough to open fire, he apologized, and offered to pay his fine. Can't say I didn't felt shocked, after a short conversation he said it's his "hobby" to piss off certain people (including me and Captain Evyn). He paid his 3 million credits fine, and left the scanners range, mentioning that he is willing to help us in war agains kusari. I also managed to find a transport violating Essex NFZ, whose I fined for 2 million credits. I did not encountered anything worth mentioning afterwards.

The fines have been transferred to our armoury.

<div align="right][color=#9999FF]Alex Clarke
[font=Courier New][color=#33FF33]file ended
terminating transfer
logging out...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beunt - 09-01-2011

[incoming transmission]
[source......................Ensign Henry Walton]
[noise filtering............done]
[opening message]

*salutes* Evening officers,

So you know I'm no good at speeches and all and usually I let my navboard generate patrol reports for me but I, uh, somehow lost it. Along my ship *coughs* But more on that later.

I wont go into the detailed and chronogical list of events tonight so I'll go straight to the points :

Twice tonight the BDM broke in Bretonia sovereign space. The first contact was confirmed in Omega 3 though Battleship Norfolk scanners spotted the intruder in Cambridge. That's how Commander Clay, Lieutenant Clarke and uh, myself were assigned to this task in the first place. The second contact happened much later, in Leeds through Magellan. An officer from the primary LN warned me about that intrusion, captain Smith if I remember correctly. I got a brief contact, alas too brief to actually record it I'm affraid. All I'm sure is that he must have pissed the LN pretty much because the aforementioned captain Smith himself showed up in Leeds shortly after, after clearance of Commander Clay of course. Once there he paid a merc on the spot to track and down the intruder.

Which leads to a question that puzzled me : is the LN allowed to pay someone to wage its war in our own territories against intruders we that are supposed to take care of ourself, while, uh, being itself an intruder in our land although being given clearance for that, and, urrr. I'll let commander Clay sort that matter out, eheh. Anyway, the kartoffelns are indeed sneaking in our yard. Well, I know the LSF did the same and the KPT, curse them, still do it daily anyway. But that's no reason to be happy with it, eh ? Next time I'll bring you a nice camshot if I can, I swear *spits on the floor*

So, what else ? Oh yes, we got, uh, beaten by a full assault wing of two chimeras. And a random bystander jumped in the fight in the later part. Nothing new I'm affraid, but it seems those ones were using horn vipers. I tell you, the bloody Krauts kept whining at the high command before the war for the very same reason when we traded tech with Liberty. Eheh, perhaps the BDM guys sneaked in to check if they works well when mounted on chimmies. And I tell you more, if no further notice comes after this log, I'll check if splitters mounted on templars work well on odins. Eheh.

In the mean time I've seen countless traders and miners flying by the outskirts of Leeds with little to no bots. is that a new trend or what ? I say it's a very, very bad thing my good sirs if I may speak. You know in my former, uh, occupations, such fools were nothing but a blessing to ol' pirate of me. But now that I wear this uniform, heck, they are just a pain in the **** - of I beg your pardon sirs. Honestly by endangering their life in order to spare a few credits, they make our task even harder. Eheh, we should arrest, force to dock and buy bots any trader/miner flying the war zone naked, don't you think ? Uh ? *coughs* in my humble opinion I mean.

Ah, and a last thing, LNS|Braveheart should contact you shortly to share intels regarding former Joker thugs, trying to burry their past under false identities. But they didn't forget their old habits, because they started rampaging the LNS again, so I was told. I don't have details yet but I hope you'll get them via the proper channels soon.

Uh, that must be all. So I leave you to your business my good sirs, the battleplan for the raid on LD-14 must consume most of your time by now after all.


Walton, out

[End of transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Mychalitzo - 09-02-2011

...Incoming Transmission...
...Sender ID: Commander Michael Clay...
...Subject: CONFIDENTIAL - Evidence...

As Ensign Walton has mentioned, we encountered a Kusari vessel armed with Rheinland weaponry and I hereby give you the evidence.


That would be all, Clay out.

...End of Transmission...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jam - 09-04-2011

--[Incoming Transmittion]--
Sender ID: Captain John Clay
Priority: Medium
Subject: Training session
Report Begin
Yesterday, we managed to organize a large training session in Salisbury. First were duels, then group fights. I dueled Ensign Cooper, and Commodore Piett.

Now to the more important part. I led Lieutenant Clarke and Ensign Cooper into a 3 on 3 fight, against Commander Michael Clay, Captain Lawrence and Commodore Piett. My knights fought bravely, and my team managed to win the fight. Only I was not blown up. These are the training session results.

For Bretonia, and for the Queen!
Clay out.

End of Report

--[Transmittion Terminated]--

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Mychalitzo - 09-04-2011

...Incoming Transmission...
...Sender ID: Commander Michael Clay...
...Subject: Promotion Request...

Good day gentlemen,
I would hereby like to request a promotion to the next rank, as this would give me new opportunities to serve my homeland. According to documentation, I have 13 reports and 263 flight hours on duty. As for responsibility for my actions, I have never commited anything what would later come out as a harm. Even the recent permission to the LN to chase a BDM into our space was given by me, because I had all men engaged with KNF and still I didnt want to let BDM fly freely in our space, especially after the Omega skirmish. I consider my attitude towards duty good... Armed Forces are my life now. I have also contributed to QCA by a few training sessions of new recruits and will pay high attention to any fresh or potential additions to our ranks. Lastly, the length of my active duty is 10 months, could have been more, but injuries prevented it to be.

That would be all, I humbly expect your decision.
Clay out.

...End of Transmission...