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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 09-30-2009

COMM ID: Lt. Alvin Katz SCRA
LOCATION: Baffin System

The past few days have been hectic.

I have run two separate patrol actions, the first exploring up into the Ontario/Alberta systems via California. Noting and logging the location of bases, spreading the word to a number of miners in the region.

The only thing of exceptional note on that particular run was an encounter with a LSF gunboat that forced me to withdraw from the system, a number of holes in my Partisan.

It is the second Patrol that is of note.

I proceeded out of Freeport 4 heading towards Liberty Space when I encountered a Rogue Pilot by the name of Kitty.

She had the gumption to sail right up behind my fighter in a lightly armed transport and call me an SCRA Dog ordinarily I would have responded by opening fire, but something about the boldness of this action made me stop and take note.

She was strangely receptive to communicating with me, after a long bout of verbal sparring. I learned a considerable amount about her, her disdain for Cardamine, for the slave trade and so forth and the fact that she is yearning for a cause.

These are the prime things that are looked for in a true revolutionary. I put her in contact with our LRF comrades, and gave her my word that should she choose to visit the Commissar of Recruitment when the time was right, that I would take her there personally. (Of course she knew that disappointing me, or the Commissar, in that interview could be terminal).

I have been closely researching the artifact issue, learning more about the Geneizuishou artifacts and of the Keepers/Bretonian/Junkers angle upon them. I actually managed to secure one of the artifacts in question, the Blue one, after my encounter with Kitty.

I pressed on into the Coronado system, planning to head up to Baffin for an exploratory/scouting mission. I was referred to something called a Goddess artifact and I wanted to see if it was connected to my intelligence mission.

My first encounter was with the rogues, a rather heavy firefight involving a pack of wolfhounds against my Partisan, a senior Rogue (Seamstress) observing and making comments upon how masterfully I was handling the situation, and how she appreciated a man who took charge.

I managed to get clear of the wolf-pack, the Seamstress dogging me. And knowing that I was severely out-gunned, I felt it prudent to rely upon the one weapon I have in abundance. Words.

Seamstress was receptive, more from the admiration of the fine piece of engineering that is my snub-fighter, inquiring if she might purchase it. Of course, I referred her to more senior officers.

An opportunity arose for me to discuss my mission to locate the GS-Artifacts, and surprisingly Madam Seamstress had just raided a Kusari pirate who had been carrying a large haul of artifacts. She was willing to examine the descriptions of the artifacts I was seeking, and found one that matched was willing to part with it for a token fee, and the promise that I would make it clear to my Commanding Officers, that Seamstress supports the Revolution, and will aid us if and when it is needed as a friend of the Coalition.

[Image: Untitled-1fs.jpg]

[Image: Untitled-2aa.jpg]

Business concluded, I proceeded up to the Baffin system a rather harrowing encounter that saw many new holes in my Paper-Tiger, she did, however, persevere, and we successfully reached our goal.

I am transmitting this from within the Baffin System, where I will proceed to try and locate this Goddess artifact and report back my findings.

Lt. Alvin Katz
лейтена́нт Элвин Кац

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Сириус Коалиции Революционера Армия


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 10-01-2009

COMM ID: Lt. Alvin Katz SCRA
LOCATION: Omega-52 Zvezdny Gorodok Звёздный городок
RE: After Action Report

Under Commander Bethunes orders I am to provide a detailed accounting of the 4 separate actions I took part in over the past two days since joining the CPW-Social.Credits crew.

The First action to report was a patrol mission to log jump holes and systems into the Social Credits computer. It was decided to do a full circumnavigation of the Sirius sectors starting in 0-11 and ending back in O-52.

The Patrol was uneventful, a few encounters with Kusari warships in Leeds that resulted in some damage to the vessel and the exhaustion of the onboard Battery and Bot supply. However stores were replenished from salvaging several wrecked fighters in the Tau systems. A strategy that would prove useful in encounter-4 detailed below.

Upon returning to O-5 I encountered Comrade-Lieuteant Heinz setting out on patrol. The Comrade was proceeding through the O-50 hole. The CPW-Social Credit gave escort as far as the O-5 system, where the Comrade-Lieutenant encountered a Senior member of the Reapers of Sirius, one Juan Zavala. Upon Comrade Heinzs request to allow him to engage one-on-one, I ordered the Gunboat to take station over the combat area and warn off any intruders. Allowing the two men to battle.

Comrade Heinz was victorious, succeeding in decimating the Reaper fighter, sending it in full retreat from the field.

Escort was given to Comrade Heinz back to base for repairs.

Patrol Two, under Commander Bethunes orders, was to interdict pirates in and around Liberty. We at first positioned ourselves in California, but the appearance of a trio of pirate gunboats (one Freelancer Blue.Raven, a Be.Good.At.It and a woman named Chana) forced us to re-evaluate our position and move to Bering.

We successfully interdicted the Bering trade lane, outside of the NFZ around the Freeport. Encountering a Pirate by the name of Foe.hammer, sending him fleeing from the system.

Finally we linked up with Comrade Heinz as he disseminated information to the citizenry of New Berlin as to the drunken behaviour of their Military.

Encounter-Three was with an OPG Bomber in O-50, proving the need for continued training on combat maneuvers. Comrade Razin and Commander-Commissar Luis Gellantra provided excellent instruction on Gunboat operations.

Encounter Four:

Switching to my Partisan Fighter, I was returning to Omega-52 via the Magellan system, when I encountered an LSF bomber outside of his jurisdiction. The flight recorder and gun cam photos of the resulting battle are provided. I only withdrew after the target linked up with a Liberty Heavy Battle Squadron in the California system, forcing me to withdraw.

Gun Cam

Encounter Five: upon distress call from Comrade Heinz, the CPW-Social Credit and Comrade Razin proceeded to New Berlin. I will leave the report to Comrade Heinz to detail the encounter.

Of particular note is both Comrade-Lieutenant Heinzs valour and superior flying in the O-50 system.

Lt. Alvin Katz
лейтена́нт Элвин Кац
CPW-Social Credit

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Сириус Коалиции Революционера Армия


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Andrew_Bonesovich - 10-02-2009

***Incoming transmission***
[Image: 2cfuydw.png]
***ID: Sub. Lt. Mikhail Petrov***
***Subject: Report of action***

Zdravstvuyte, comrades!

Yesterday, I was patrolling trough Omegas in my Partisan. When I've heard about our Hessian comrades fighting Rheinland Military ships in Stuttgart, I immediately headed there to see if theyre in need of help.

Hessians are very good pilots though, and when I arrived, only thing I could do was to watch them blasting the last RM ship to bits. I resumed my patrol afterwards.

In Omega 3, when I was about to jump into Bretonia (I was intending to spread some propaganda as always) a Mandalorian Mercenary came out of the gate just as I arrived. Most interesting thing was his origin. Petr Diordenko, sounded very Russian, though I didnt let my side feelings prevail and was about to shoot him. Then he mentioned he doesnt know what the glorious SCRA is!

I then started telling him what we fight for and why. He seemed very interested in it. More than any other mercenary I have encountered before actually (Usually it ends up as "Die Commie!"). I didnt record whole conversation, but the most interesting and important part will be uploaded.

[Image: 29frwu9.png]

Its a bit long... erm. Anyway, I feel like I may have "planted a seed". Lets see what will grow da? We might have another supporter. Or he can find out his filthy mercenary work is what he really wants and stay our enemy.

That should be all. Dasvidanya, comrades.

Sub. Lt. Mikhail Petrov

*** End of transmission ***

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 10-02-2009

COMM ID: Lt. Alvin Katz SCRA
LOCATION: Omega-52 Zvezdny Gorodok Звёздный городок

During the period, the CPW-Social.Credit, elements of the Fighter Corps, and the Marine Corps participated in Operation CLUTCH.

Secure research Data from Sunderland Research station, and retrieve GZ-Artifact YELLOW. Proceed on to obtain data on following targets: GRIMSBY, CAPE WRATH, CARLAYLE, and SKYE. RETURN with data and Artifact to O-52.

1-1: After Penetration of Newcastle System, CPW-Social.Credit headed for Sunderland to begin Operation Phase One, moving to Phase Two once completed. FOW-1 held off superior numbers of BAF forces while Alpha team secured the artifact.

2-1: FOW-1 commenced Scanning Run of HMS Grimsby

3-1: Strike Team moved on to Cape Wrath Base and secured Data Scans

4-1: Strike Team moved on to Planet Carlaye and secured Data Scans

4-2: Strike Team encounters HMS Ark Royal and secured Data Scans
(N.B. not an objective, but a target of opportunity)

5-1: CPW-Social.Credit moved on to Skye Base and secured Data Scans

Mission completed a strategic withdrawal commenced with FOW-1 covering the CPW-Social.Credit’s EVAC with data and artifact through the Manchester Jump Hole.

Task Organization:
CPW-Social.Credit Mission Command/primary scout/marine breaching
FOW-1 Escort Duty/Secondary Scout/Interference
ALPHA TEAM Infiltration and recovery
MUPPET Computer Infiltration and Data Retrieval.

Call Signs:

STRIKE TEAM Commanders and Principle Staff:
CPW-SOCIAL.CREDIT Lt. Alvin Katz – Acting Commander
FOW-1 ESCORT Sub. Lt. Senka Razin
MARINE CO 1st Lt. Robert N Bloomstrand
TECHNICAL SPEC. Spec. Radoslav Malakai

There were no sector-wide Dark Matter Waves encountered.

Large open system with numerous asteroid fields, several nebulas, and a mine field.

288 Nanobots were consumed, as were 390 Shield Batteries.

Friday, 02 October.

8:16 pm. 2016 hours.
CPW-Social.Credit DUSTOFF from ZG in OMEGA-52. Rendezvous with FOW-1(Stenka Razin) in space.

Proceeded O-52 to O-5 to Cambridge to Leeds to Manchester to Newcastle.

Only encounter was in Leeds against a BAF Commander, NOT ENGAGED

8:45 pm. 2045 hours.
MUPPET initiates Computer interface using <CLASSIFIED> technology. Complete database download initiates

8:47 pm. 2047 hours.
GZ-Artifact YELLOW located in Sunderland storage depot. Apparently Artifact remains unidentified by BAF researchers.

8:48 pm. 2048 hours.
CPW-Social.Credit breaches Sunderland. ALPHA TEAM deploys.

8:53 pm. 2053 hours.
ALPHA TEAM secures GZ-Artifact YELLOW
DATABASE download completed.

8:55 pm. 2055 hours.
ALPHA TEAM extracted, CPW-Social.Credit DUSTOFF


9:02 pm 2102 hours
FOW-1 begins Recon run on HMS GRIMSBY solo

9:05 pm 2105 hours
FOW-1 concludes Recon run.




9:21 pm 2121 hours
CPW-Social Credit initiates scans of CAPE WRATH BASE. FOW-1 Flies Escort.


9:27 pm 2127 hours
CPW-Social.Credit initiates scans of CARLAYLE operations. FOW-1 Flies Escort.


9:30 pm 2130 hours
FOW-1 spots a BAF Battleship HMS ARK ROYAL. CPW-Social.Credit initiates scans as recon target of opportunity.

(N.B. Data indicates it is a new type of BAF Battleship with a unique payload.)


9:31 pm 2131 hours
FOW-1 breaks from escort position to attempt to hunt a BAF Commodore in a Templar Heavy Fighter that is in system. BAF|James.Hobart

9:32 pm 2132 hours
BAF|James.Hobart enlists the assistance of one BHG|Hellcat in the interception of the CPW-Social.Credit

9:40 pm 2140 hours
BHG|Hellcat locates and relays via open comm. CPW-Social.Credit’s position.

FOW-1 alters course to intercept them.

9:43 pm 2143 hours
CPW-Social.Credit initiates scans of SKYE BASE.


9:44 pm 2144 hours
BHG|Hellcat and BAF|Cmdre intercept and try to interdict the CPW-Social.Credit.

CPW-Social.Credit, carrying vital tactical data as well as GZ-Artifact YELLOW initiates evasive maneuvers and makes a run for the jumphole.

BHG|Hellcat and BAF|James.Hobart commence pursuit, but are 6.5k distant and unable to get a CD lock.

10:05 pm 2205 hours
CPW-Social.Credit initiates jump to Manchester, BAF and BHG pursue, FOW-1 follows shortly after.

10:06 pm 2206 hours
Due to Jumphole instability, all four ships arrive simultaneously. Combat begins, as CPW-Social.Credit continues to withdraw. FOW-1 commences interference run tying up both BHG and BAF long enough to allow CPW-Social.Credit to engage cruise engines.

10:07 pm 2207 hours
BAF|James.Hobart orders BHG to stop the CPW-Social.Credit at all costs.
FOW-1 shot down by BAF mine. However, BAF abandons pod in an effort to stop the CPW-Social.Credit from reaching the jumphole.

10:09 pm. 2209 hours.
CPW-Social.Credit reaches the Leeds jumphole, evading the BHG pursuers.

10:10 pm 2210 hours.
CPW-Social.Credit arrives in the Leeds system, executing a steep climb on maximum thrust to evade the BHG scanners before he can finish his jump. Maneuver successful.

10:11 pm 2211 hours.
BAF|James.Hobart calls off search, returning to base, as BHG vessel withdraws. CPW-Social.Credit clear to jump to Cambridge.

10:15 pm. 2215 hours.
CPW-Social.Credit departs CAMBRIDGE via O-5 jumphole

10:20 pm. 2220 hours.
CPW-Social.Credit arrives OMEGA-5

10:22 pm. 2223 hours.
CPW-Social.Credit departs OMEGA-5 via O-52 jumphole

10:22 pm. 2223 hours.
CPW-Social.Credit arrives OMEGA-52

10:24 pm. 2224 hours.
1) Why was a BHG vessel employed by BAF?
Unknown… perhaps desperation
2) Why was there a lack of aggressiveness?
Our mission was to secure data, and ensure that it was returned along with a vital artifact to Omega-52, not to wage war in Newcastle.
3) Why was FOW-1(Comrade Razin) covering the escape of a gunboat?
There was a tactical need to buy time, and Comrade Razin understood his duty and volunteered to buy time. An act of heroism that bought valuable time and allowed the mission to succeed.

10:30 pm. 2230 hours.
>DOCKED at Zvezdny Gorodok.



AGE: 21
HOME: JaingXi
BIRTH DATE: 798 07 12
RELIGION: Protestant

NOTE: this means we now have two of the Artifacts in our possession.

GZ-Artifact BLUE
GZ-Artifact YELLOW

Lt. Alvin Katz
лейтена́нт Элвин Кац
CPW-Social Credit

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Сириус Коалиции Революционера Армия


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Banza - 10-02-2009

Guten tag, comrades;

I really hate when I cant see my desk from all these papers. But I must admit, I cant way myself out of that mess. It is terrible mess, ja. But, it is good that I finally found this report that I wrote some time ago.

Location: Omega 11
Subject: Training Revolution fighters

I didnt plan to give tips that night, but you never know what might happen. Comrade Luis had asked me to check his latest toy, a Red Hessian fighter, Odin. Quite impressive. This ship is much, much faster than our fighters, but Luis was interested in checking Odin's performance in an actual battle.
Comrade Luis couldnt hold his breath for much longer. Soon, he commented Odin as a 'not so good as he did believed so' (thats a rather nice version of comment). I had to agree with comrade Luis opinion on Odin, Hessian fighter. That thing was build to catch all sort of mines and gun shoots.
After that disappointment for comrade Luis, he went right to Omega 52. I stayed around, to meet rather interesting comrade, a pilot of Red Hessian Army, Herr Baier. In a Odin.
He asked for a friendly duel, to see if he is up to match with Coalition pilots.
What happened next was a long training that lasted for two hours. In following link there is complete record of the communications.

Location, Omega 50
Subject: Corsairs at their best

Comrade Luis caught a nice fish that day. Corsairs, so busy with drinking, didnt even notice that they are being intercepted by Coalition gunboat Borodino, under command of comrade Luis. We had enough time to take some photos, but, not enough time to paint a red star on tail of Corsair gunboat. In following link, there is a complete record of communication with Corsair gunboat, once they noticed us.
[Image: 10hlwgg.jpg]
View from Borodino

Location, Omega 5
Subject: Corsairs at their best, Vol. II

Small Coalition raiding party entered Omega 5 with quite a simple task. To lower Corsair numbers to more acceptable levels. Operation was lead by Lieutenant Nickolai Alaric, and following pilots took place in this raid: Stenka Razin and comrade Petrov. After first successes, we had to retreat back to Omega 52, after we started to be outnumbered by four hostile to every friendly ship. Something for memory.

Viktor Heinz reporting out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 10-04-2009

COMM ID: Lt. Alvin Katz SCRA
LOCATION: Omega-52 Zvezdny Gorodok Звёздный городок

My standard duty report is as follows:

There were three separate actions that need reporting.

The first was an independent operation of the CPW-Social Credit to Crete to test the defensive countermeasures of the corsairs. They were found severely lacking, a well coordinated strike could render their entire operation into chaos.

I encountered a lost Golden Chrysanthemum Light Fighter engaged in a fight with a Corsair fighter both pilots panicked when they realized a Coalition warship was dropping down on them at full speed.

As commander of the operation, I decided that this was an opportunity that couldnt be missed, so I sent a threatening message over the Comms to the GC pilot.

Run now child, or I will catch you

Predictably she ran, screaming, the whole way to the nearest jump hole allowing us to chart it, and proceed through into the next system, where the operation was continued all the way to Omicron Minor. She has no idea how foolish she was in giving away all the jumphole routes she knew, and allowing us, with ease, to map them all.

Contact was made at this point with the Order Battleship Anubis. Considering the sensitive and highly encrypted data we recovered from Sunderland, plus our tentative alliance with the Order. We shared the data with the Order in the hopes that their decryption data could decode the data for us.

We proceeded under escort, to Toledo where the CPW-Social Credit was surrounded by a sizable armada of ships.

4 Battleships, 2 Battlecruisers, a Carrier and a pair of heavy fighters.

Anubis, 748-Arcopolis, Isis, <?Nightrider?>, Nomad-II, <Unknown>.

:: stands with hands on hips :: I had me trusty little gunboat, and you know what... I didn't feel like I had to compensate at all!

A decryption specialist from the 748 decrypted the data, files are downloadable for all senior officers. And more information was discovered about the GZ-Artifacts, including the possible location of one of them in a Nomad Lair.

The Order vessels Anubis, 748, and an Order heavy fighter the Seraphis, escorted the Social Credit to the Lair, which was apparently abandoned, save for some very active turrets. Commenting that, although they can secure the place, they have no equipment capable of breeching the outer airlock.

A task, sirs, that as you know, our Gunboats are preeminently designed for.

With the battleships weakening the hatch with heavy mortar fire, the Social Credit was able to punch through and into the lair. Our onboard marine team departing, bravely, into heavy radiation, to recover the GZ-Artifact. The base was not as deserted as the Order claimed, and our Marines met heavy resistance, out of the entire platoon, only one Marine was able to make it back to the Social Credit, but he had the Artifact in his possession.

Belly of the Beast

Returning to Omicron Minor, after an error with our navigational and communication systems rendered us lost in the clouds of Omicron-92 for some time. We discovered that there had been some kind of power shift in the Order

There were now almost a half dozen new Battleships, a Zoner capital class ship of immense size, a Junkers vessel. All of which seemed aligned to a secondary Order faction that were hostile to my presence. The Order Battleship 748 covered our tactical withdrawal to Omicron Delta.

We linked up with a Junker vessel Harvox who had, in the duration of our raid on the Nomad lair, made it to an auction on Beaumont base and purchased the four GZ-artifact on our behalf.

Currently FOUR GZ-Artifacts are now with our researchers undergoing testing to ascertain their function. We have the codenames : RED, YELLOW, BLUE, and GREEN.

As yet there are no further leads as to the location of any others, I will keep High Command apprised of developments.

After completion of this mission, Comrade Heinz, Comrade Medvedov and myself took to our fighters for a reconnaissance mission into Rheinland to scout out the battleships and provide guncam images of as many as we could.

These are provided. Of particular note is Comrade Heinzs sizable knowledge of RL territory, routes and military tactics.

Comm Logs





Lt. Alvin Katz
лейтена́нт Элвин Кац

CPW-Social Credit

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Сириус Коалиции Революционера Армия


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 10-04-2009

COMM ID: Liberty Revolutionary Front, Ben Warner, Intelligence Operative.
LOCATION: Bering, Pacifica Base
TARGET ID: SCRA Research and Development

Comrades, i apologize if this is not authorized, but i found something that may interest you, after being driven away by members of the Sirius Cartel and their allies i stumbled into a strange structure, it bore identical structual designs as that of earlier Dom-Kavosh discoveries.

It appears to have been damaged and inactive for a short time, however the curious thing about it is both a ship whose pilot seems to have died horrifically, bleeding out of his eyes, ears, nose and mouth, and the fact that it was located in a system close to Liberty Space called "Coronado", a major hub of Smuggler activity.

I took several 'Guncam' shots of the structure and the scanner's analysis of both the ship and structure, i hope that it will be of some use to you my Comrades.

Receiving Visual Transmission...Stand By.

End Guncam transmission

That is all i have on this structure, i hope it is of use to you and your research-team.

Long live the Revolution!

-End Transmission-

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 10-05-2009

COMM ID: Lt. Alvin Katz SCRA
LOCATION: Omega-52 Zvezdny Gorodok Звёздный городок

Todays missions involved moving assets back to O-52 for re-supply and refit.

The CPW-Social Credit is undergoing a Capital Ship Armour upgrade as per Commander Bethunes orders. And alternate weapons packages are being explored to maximize the ships potential following the orders of several Commissars who are eager to see the Social Credit maximize efficiency.

However, a strange communications chatter coming from the Orkney system has the Social Credit alter course and attempt to penetrate the minefield to investigate.

There were several incidents along the journey of seemingly malfunctioning Bomber class vessels randomly opening fire with their weaponry against anything larger than they were.

The Social Credit locked in two separate Bomber kills that were ineffective against the Credits anti-fighter Solaris cannons. These two kills arent worth logging, as they were swatted from the sky in moments.

The Languodoc system was harrowing, filled with lethal Geko class bombers that gave my gunnery crews a difficult time. We managed to elude these Council vessels by climbing above the plane, to assess the situation of the strange communications.

Credit vs the Beast

Unfortunately they were from an Order Command Carrier that was performing operations in the system, and wasnt too fond of the sudden appearance of a Coalition vessel. They opened fire with missile batteries, forcing the Credit to return fire. But our Anti-fighter configuration wasnt able to do more than tickle their shields, and after several minutes we were forced to withdraw. But it is important to note that there is something going on in Gallic territory, something to warrant a sizable and powerful Order presence up there.

The return journey to O-52 resulted in an encounter with a pirate vessel who panicked at our position guarding the O-5 jump hole, and they dropped their cargo of Artifacts when demanded. Quickly vowing that they would forsake a life of smuggling in favour of something less hazardous to their health. I think the Credit crew are bemused at being referred to as health hazards by smugglers.

Upon transit to O-5 we encountered a lone OPG-Rat by the name of Zer0, he refused to withdraw when ordered to do so, and so we opened fire upon him. The boy flew well, but had a wholly inadequate payload at his disposal, dropping mines at a rapid rate, mines that failed to damage Credits shields.

We hammered him with weapons fire, and forced him to run screaming and cursing all the way back to Omicron-Gamma.

Rat and the Katz

The Credit returned to his home berth, ready to serve the Coalition further after his well earned refit and the tender loving care of the maintenance crews.

It is, again, important to note that numerous people contacted me during the course of the journey to inquire about joining the SCRA, I replied that they should report to the LRF at Pacifica for training, and when they feel ready, and the Commissars were willing, they could make their way to our recruitment office and apply in person.

Lt. Alvin Katz
лейтена́нт Элвин Кац

CPW-Social Credit

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Сириус Коалиции Революционера Армия


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 10-07-2009

COMM ID: Lt. Alvin Katz SCRA

The vessel is, as per orders, in position and powered down. GZ-Artifacts are aboard, and awaiting transfer to the Research Vessel.

Inventory is as follows:


The Source of the RED was an auction on Beaumont Base, provided by Junker Harvox.
The Source of the GREEN was a Kusari government shipment intercepted by Rogue Seamstress.
The Source of the BLUE was a Nomad Lair raided by the CPW Social Credit and an Order Task Force.
The Source of the YELLOW was Sunderland Station, recovered by force by Stenka Razin and the Social Credit.
The Source of the VIOLET was LRF|Ben.Warner intercepted on a smuggling cargo.

ORANGE has been located and is currently in Order hands aboard a Battle Cruiser NORAD-II. (Location confirmed after the capture and interrogation of the pilot who sold it to the NORAD).

Lt. Alvin Katz
лейтена́нт Элвин Кац

CPW-Social Credit

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Сириус Коалиции Революционера Армия



We were able to get detailed scans of the Location in question.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 10-08-2009

To: [color=#FFFFFF]Lieutenant Alvin Katz
Comm. ID: Commodore Stanislaw Rokossowsky
Priority: High
Subject: Orders

---Communications Opened---

Good day, Operative Katz,

You are performing in an exemplary fashion, to be commended in the future, I assure you. Decorations may not be granted at present due to the clandestine nature of your operations, however, as I am sure you understand. However, you are to be promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, accompanied by a secondment to our intelligence division, which shall allow you some limited access to top secret information.

You shall also have Commissar Maria Havel assigned to the Social Credit as an advisor regarding your current operations and how they relate to foreign relations, various scientific studies, morale of the men and women of the Coalition et cetera. She has also trained extensively under the late Commodore Richthofen and Captain Totenkopt, both experts on that which you investigate. She will prove most useful in preventing any hostile infiltration of your crew by the classified enemy entities which you should by now be aware of.

Commissar Havel is not a naval officer, but a political one, so should not interfere with the running of the CPW-Social Credit, that task being fully delegated to yourself, but be aware that she shall speak with the utmost authority when regarding matters of strategic policy.

Also, some information on your assignment's control by High Command:

There has been some debate over the use of your discoveries. Some of us believe said discoveries to be far too dangerous to be put to use, potentially a devastating trap. Others believe that it is a potential superweapon, able to lay low the monsters we face.

A decision shall not be taken without a vast majority in High Command's agreement and consent, and even then, it shall not be decided via a single vote or discussion. This operation must be conducted in as careful a manner as possible, so at all times be prepared to destroy that which you have gathered. You may or may not receive orders on this.

You shall also immediately attend Grand Master Protocol intense training exercises under Commander Theodor Maximilian, with additional courses in Tangential Theory and Practice, which both contain various extremely effective methods of countering hostile mental assault. You will find that this may prove necessary against aforementioned classified entities. As needs must, we will trust in this superlative training in combination with your presumably iron will and steady aim.

Be careful who you trust, comrade.

Rokossowsky out.

---Communications Terminated--