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SCRA Recruitment Centre - Printable Version

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Coalition Recruitment Thread - Osilon - 09-03-2010

Teresa sat the copy of the Katz Manifesto on the table next to her, after reading it again, having read it more than twenty times over the previous three days. She looked over at the calendar, and stood, walking through the ship to the Commissar's office she had visited three days previous.


Teresa opened the door to the waiting room, stepping inside and taking a seat. She had unconsciously taken the Manifesto copy she had been given, and as she sat, she started reading it again as she waited.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Malenka - 09-03-2010

A rusty old Mafic pulled in the docking bay of the Trotsky. The Mafic had no guns, only a Supernova Antimatter Cannon, and a mine dropper.

A brunette pulled through the Mafic and stood for the regular weapon search. She then made her way to the recruitment office. She sat down in the lobby with the other applicants, waiting for their turn.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Yuveraj Khan - 09-04-2010

Commissar Khan's fingers rested against his temple as he looked at the young man across from him. Debating what to do, and how to handle him in a way that would provide some kind of relief for all the guilt and shame he was carrying.

Guilt killed people, shame killed people. The Coalition could spare none.

The threat of constant attack by the blind and ignorant left little option but to make cold, hard warriors. It was the only way that they could survive the innumerous foes that would be hurled up against them.

Khan new the price of failure...

JiangXi had felt the price of failure.

"I don't believe in terminal failure," Khan said quietly, his eyes glancing up at the youth. "There must always be a chance for redemption... some times redemption is found in your children, some times it is found in your deeds, other times in a single word said at the right time, to the right person..."

He extended a hand, as Alicia placed the recruitment package into his hand.

"Fill this out, return it to Alicia, and maybe you will have earned your chance at redemption... but be warned... A partisan is a cruel mistress, and she will get your soul in the divorce."

He gestured out.

Alicia cleared her throat, "They're back..."

Khan nodded his head, motioning to the soldiers. "Remove the furniture... leave the table and the gun."

He watched as they complied, hefting the setee and the chair out of the room, leaving Khan to stand facing the door, the heavy pistol sitting on its small table before him.

His face changed, the lines appearing again, and his jaw setting.

His body language became more rigid, as he coiled like an adder ready to strike.

"Send in the first returnee," Khan said, his voice deathly quiet.

Alicia complied hurrying out to point at the first person she saw and motioning them inside.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Saronsen - 09-04-2010

Mikhail looked up, a quick waving motion drawing his attention. A woman was having him go into the Comissars office. He nodded, pocketing his datapad, and he stepped in quickly.

He blinked, noticing a different feeling in the room, something more tense. He nodded respectfully to the Commisar. "Good to see you again, comrade. I've seen quite a bit in my few days away." He stood quietly and patiently, waiting for his response, perhaps questioning what he had seen, and felt. His eyes traveled around the room, noting that nearly all of the furniture had been removed, save for the large handgun, and a table. He wrote it off in his mind, and remained quiet.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Foochow - 09-04-2010

Vladimir finally decided about the questions, he threw empty cup of tea and went for another one. He sat and he waited to hear his name again.

He was looking around the waiting room. In the mean time he took some magazines...

Coalition Recruitment Thread - NixOlympica - 09-04-2010

Katya saw that man who entered room before her was leaving and secretary told first who was back from their mission to go in. She stood up but before she went to door someone was rushing in. She grinned and sat down again.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - arvg - 09-05-2010

Captain Ricardo Alvarez, still in his flight suit, his heavy leather jacket thrown over it, and his peaked cap at a roguish angle marched past the receptionist and into Khan's office.

Noting the look of protest on Khan's face, Alvarez silenced him with a raised gloved hand.

"Excusa, mi hermano, but this man here, he was on my wing earlier today, he helped the Blue Trolls score a great victory over the Cretians. I know this man, and I know his spirit and heart lies with us. I would consider it a great service, homes, if you would give him the paperwork and get him out onto my line, where I can use him, si?"

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Yuveraj Khan - 09-05-2010

Khan's eyes twitched.

Captain Alvarez was a Hero of the Revolution, Captain of the Havana and his reputation was becoming legendary in the Resurgent Coalition for being methodical, merciless to his enemies, and most importantly, victorious.

Rumour had it that he had turned down flag rank on two separate occasions for the honour of standing on the line and fighting the enemy. Khan knew better than to say no to a man like him.

"Of course, Comrade Captain," he said, producing the paperwork and handing it across to Mikhail.

He watched Alvarez and Mikhail depart the room, pursing his lips and steepling his fingers.

"Next," he said quietly, dangerous now that he was angry.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - NixOlympica - 09-05-2010

Katya heard "Next" and entered room. First what she noticed was that all furniture was out. Therefore she kept standing and said "Comissar, I'm back from my challenge."

She waited for his reply.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - manolo - 09-05-2010

***Incoming Transmition***
***Pacifica Base-Bering system***
**Message from Comrade Jurij***

Zdravstvuite comradi...I want to ask for new mision.Since my trainer Ben Warner left LRF, i feel rusty here.If commisariat have next mision for me, i will be glad to do it.
Meanwhile i infiltrate new organisation.Scouting, and reciving intel from them.They usualy operate in Liberty space....

