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(FO) The Order Central Communications (inRP) - Printable Version

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(FO) The Order Central Communications (inRP) - Constantine - 08-21-2012

...Transmission Terminated

(FO) The Order Central Communications (inRP) - Souvik - 08-22-2012

[Image: bem84.png]
[Image: 5a3wag.jpg]

[color=#FFFFFF][font=Lucida Console]*Transmission Received*

Me and Agent Tigris went out on a patrol today. We scouted some of the Omicrons
- Zeta, Delta, Kappa and Gamma. We
ended our patrol in Omega-41, and on our way back to Mu,
we thought about scouting Iota a bit. So we took the Iota
jumphole in Omicron Zeta, and explored a bit. We didn't encounter
anything worth mentioning, and from my opinion, it was actually somewhat depressing.

While we were patrolling, we had our gun-cams online most of the
times.We gathered intel on jumphole locations and base locations
(mostly corsair). I'm able to forward pictures if asked to. Both of
our opinions - It was a pretty standard patrol.

Agent Mellisa out.
[Image: 14tt3iv.png]

(FO) The Order Central Communications (inRP) - Mercarryn - 08-22-2012

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[Image: l7b058Wpsf.png]
Gut evening Damen and Herren. Commander Davids of Taskforce One Four One speaking.

I am sure you are waiting for zhe reports of interceptor wing about zhe reconnaissance mission int Bretonian Space.
Nun, here you are, both reports...uncensored:

Action report, Interceptor# Wrote:Commander Davids, this is your favourit interceptor-pilot reporting in. So, where do I start this little story now?
Ah, yes. Heard from those primariy, agents, that they were looking for some volunteers for a recon mission
into Bretonia. And yes, that mission sounded like fun....If someone had not let #9 out of the paddled cell again.

Anyway. Our recon team consisted at the beginning as follows:
  • Aaron Lemuria
  • Tigris Euphrates from the primary fleet
  • #9 from the paddled cell
  • The one and only Interceptor #5
Samual Kane was about to join us in Bretonia later on.

Our flight path was through the Omicrons, Omegas and then finally Cambridge. Sir, before I go on, I want
to say on this: Someone get the systemwide frequency on #9'ship disabled. I mean, really, it was pure luck
no hostile ships had found us. Though I made sure that there was no Core ship in Delta by asking system-wide.
Smart, eh?

Where was I? Ah, yeah. Well, when we finally entered Bretonia, the whole choas began.
First of all, #9 messing up with our patience by asking stupid questions about trade lanes. And then the best one:
Agent Eurphrated told us, that the base we were about to check out was behind in New Londong right on
the other side of the jumpgate connection. I somehow thought it was a bad idea to use the jumpgate, but
when did even anyone listen to my words? Never did anyone of course.

Ah well, they should have listend, because both Euphrates' and Lemuria's little Onuris fighters got shot right
away when entering New London. Too bad those little defense plattforms did not get #9 either. That would
have been of use to all of us.

Unfortunately, #9 survived with me and so we were both to tractor in the escape pods of the fellow agents,
get the needed intel and meet with Kane in high orbit of New London.

Regarding the base King's Cross. Quite heavily defended. Two Solaris plattforms right benath the jumpgate.
I suppose those were the ones that got Lemuria and Euphrates. 2 more plattforms with Cerberus turrets.
Looks like the Brets' expect to see some heavy action at the gate.

#9 went on with Kane to convince some civilians of our cause, while I headed for Omega-49 to get that
intel about the bases in New Londong to you.

I just hope that some stupid Bretonians blew up #9's ship. Would spare a paddled cell and me some nerves.

#5 signing off.

Ah, damnit, almost forgot to send you the needed records from the flight:

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Quote:9# Here.
This is the first report I made so ye, I hope I will do it good...

To begin with, uum...We began a recon mission together with members of the primary fleet, 5#, as well as
one of the new Task Force's assets, or member...Whatever!

We began our recon mission and headed to Bretonia.It was a long and silent way!I must say we all acted
like hardy proffesionals heheh!

Well...Going to the important stuff, we head to New London but 2 of us, meaning, the member of the
primary fleet Tigris Euphrates and our new rookie, got their ships eliminated because of the deadly weapon
platforms protecting a station and it's nearby Jump Gate.Me and 5 managed to rescue the escape pods.

We met with Order member Samuel Kane and we gathered data of another station.Then, 5 had to leave for
some reasons and me and Kane, decided to convince some Bretonians about the Nomad threat.
We failed though....

To put an end to it, I'm now back in Mu, all safe and sound, ship still intact and whatever...
I'm going to eat some cookies, good bye!

PS:I left the attachments concerning the player stations below:


Nun, Overwatch, don't ever complain about any of your personell agents. You just do not have to deal
with such...indiviuals like I have to. But at least both had completed zheir job.

Davids out.

[Image: nyAKEg7wgK.png]

(FO) The Order Central Communications (inRP) - Cybertron - 08-25-2012

[color=#000000]---Commencing Transmision---
---Opening Video Feed---
---Comm ID:OCV-StormRage---
--Curently speaking:Cpt.Cyber--

Good day gents and ladys,High Command,

I am sorry if I am not authorized to write in this chanel,but this is very important event so I am here to represent it to you.

I will begin with the fact that after few attempts of building a base in Lost,BHG tryed again to do the same thing.


They built Avalon Station in Lost,maybe you were avare of that,and maybe not.Never the less,few man from Corsairs,Cerberus and Order,well I was the only one from Order,attempted and succeeded in destroying Avalon base in Lost.I joined them when I was coming back from my patrol,and I felt need to do some damage.

So when I got there,I founded two Corsair Dreads:ECG|Col.Dutzy and Destructor



They alredy started the attack,so on the point of my arrival the base alredy had only 23% of stocked fuel and repair material.

I didnt hesitate and I joined the fight.We had a several BHG attempts to make a distraction and incur us on them,but we stayed focused.

After a wile,the station fell in the eyes of our guns and we made a new glorious victory.


Later on we pulled back to Dellta and there we made a new encounter with BHG,and we stood ourself very good,and some of them fell the same way the station did.Unfortunatly I didnt make any gunshots.

Then we departed with our friends of the Corsair empire,so I headed my way home,to Mu.I invited Cerberus to come with me but they got intercepted by group of BHG,and unfortunatly I wasnt any near that site of events so i was helpless.

Well that would be almoust everything that I think its important for you to know.

Best wishes,Cyber out.

[color=#000000]---Terminating Transmision---
---Closing Video Feed---

(FO) The Order Central Communications (inRP) - Moreton - 09-05-2012

[Image: 1zohq84.png]
[Image: MalReynoldsFirefly.JPG]
Agent in Training Dan Moreton
As most of you have probably heard I have returned from Rhineland, I was captured by our old friend Eckhard.

I've spent the past week under isolation keep in a Rhineland prison station, yes I have been battered and bruised, but I'm fit to return to active duty, even our doctors agreed.

I have a small group of Rhinelander's to thank for my escape, they freed me and destroyed all information that had been stored on the stations computers. They refused Eckhard orders, and mutinied, and they each paid the ultimate sacrifice. I won't forget them soon.

There's matter more urgent that I have to talk about and report. Before my mission to Rhineland and my eventual capture, I was on a scouting mission in New York, to assess the strength and defences of Melbourne Station as a precaution encase Overwatch and High Command see fit that it should be destroyed.

[Image: screen88.jpg]

As you can see, even at 4K this station and it's platforms can pack a punch. I do, however have an idea of how we could breech the defences, but we'd need to work with our friends in the Liberty Rouges.

Only two ship classes would be needed, Light Fighters, and Bombers. Maybe some Very Heavy Fighters and Scylla cruisers in reserve to distract and defeat a possible counter attack.

The light fighters will go in ahead of the bombers, distracting the automated weapon systems. Not until the fighters are with in range of all the stations defences, I'd say about 0.5K should the bombers move to attack. This way the much faster light fighters will keep the automated defences distracted from the real threat.

Then our reserve forces will move, the reserves should engage the station only as long as there is no counter attack. Even with out the weapon platforms, the station could still pose a sizeable risk to any Scylla, so any Rogue cruiser should be cautiousness on approach.

It is my belief that while Melbourne Station offers no immediate threat to us, but it does threaten the security of Order pilots operating in Liberty and beyond and I would advise Overwatch to assess that risk before making a final decision on an attack at Melbourne.

On a personal note I would ask that the Samson AI is returned to my Onuris for combat duty, and that if there is any unclassified information on the whereabouts of Jake Night or Kara Wall that it is sent to me at once.

Moreton signing off.
[Image: 2lutfzp.png]

(FO) The Order Central Communications (inRP) - Mercarryn - 09-05-2012

[Image: l7b058Wpsf.png]
Damen and Herren, especially those of zhe Science Division.

Doc Holliday just sent us ein transmission in which he confirms us, zhat ein first shipment of flora grow has
been delivered by him to Akabat. Sefegiru assured me, zhat zhis shipment indeed has arrived.
Thus, I do not think you need any evidence for zhis. Below you will find Doc Holliday's message:

' Wrote:*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc.Holliday
To: 141st

Twas an honor to deliver the Flora Gro to Akabat. I had a nice reception from you all. I can promise you this, I'll be back. It just takes awhile to get there is all.

Zhat would be all for now.

Davids out.

[Image: nyAKEg7wgK.png]

(FO) The Order Central Communications (inRP) - Moreton - 09-05-2012

[Image: 1zohq84.png]

[Image: MalReynoldsFirefly.JPG]

Agent in Training, Dan Moreton.

Today on patrol at at Freeport 11, and encountered some Corsairs hunting a group of Core vessels. I saw a most peculiar sight, a Liberty Siege Cruiser, carrying a Core IFF. No idea who it belonged to, Corsairs attacked and the poor ship withdrew before I could study further. The Corsairs then turned on an AI ship nearby destroying instantly. Apparently, some AI ships have been assisting Core vessels in combat. If this is true, then this is something to requires immediate research and investigation. I've had experience with AI ships in the Omicrons before and they've never showed any interest in aggression only scientific research. I suspect the Core are offering certain AI vessels Nomadic research materials in exchange for military assistance.

I recommend we contact Corsair and Zoner forces in the region, see if we can draw any light on this matter, Core and AI working together is good for nobody.


[Image: 2lutfzp.png]

(FO) The Order Central Communications (inRP) - Rodent - 09-08-2012

[Image: 1zohq84.png]

Bolevara here.

So Eckhard is still around. And somehow he's still playing the dual game. We'll have to put an
end to that. Anyways, Moreton...Better report on Thebes to get a thorough medical check up.
We wouldn't want any surprises from our old friend to sneak up on us...

Also, I'll confirm that at least some of the AI seem to be around Core vessels a lot. They
sport the "Haimen" designation. While there has been no major events between us and them,
and at least outwardly they seem peaceful...keep an eye on them.

Bolevara out.

[Image: 2lutfzp.png]

(FO) The Order Central Communications (inRP) - Moreton - 09-10-2012

[Image: 1zohq84.png]

[Image: MalReynoldsFirefly.JPG]

Agent in Training, Dan Moreton.

Today I found, outside Freeport 11 a most interesting pair of ships, I don't think I can really describe the conversation that took place, I have 27 stills from my guncams and audio logs.

What I first thought was a Core Liberty Dreadnought, turned out to be a 'ghost' ship. The other was a Samarran, apparently they're on good terms with the Outcasts, so it might be worth noting he was equipped with Corsair weapons. They might be grateful to hear of this. The Samarrans are apparently friends with the Nomads too.


More worrying developments...

At least this ghost-ship gave us some idea of why the attack on Minor was so quick, with so much force.

Unfortunately a heavy ion storm hit, and when power returned to my sensors and engines, they were gone.

I recommend these two ships are put on the 'capture or kill' list, they're obviously dangerous and most likely infested, but they do seem to hold valuable information.


[Image: 2lutfzp.png]

(FO) The Order Central Communications (inRP) - koske - 09-11-2012

[Image: 1zohq84.png]
[Image: Anna.Brown.jpg]
Greetings Ladies and Gentleman,

I'm reporting from the New York system, my current location is [color=#FF0000]classified even to the Order High Command. I need to be sure in my privacy. However, I have some news for you.

Security at Zone-21 is getting higher day by day. Liberty invested enormous amount of credits into this project: Melbourne Defense Facility

Facility itself is supported by six heavily armed weapon platforms with mixed type of the weapons against any type of ship. To be honest, I barely managed to bypass the security and platforms. At this moment I'm on safe and secure location.

One thing that I forgot to mention in my earlier report is about project we lead on the Kodiak Research Station.

Uploading necessary information(s) on Kodiak Station:

Quote:Kodiak Research Complex was constructed in 803 A.S., as a large fully equipped and self-sufficient facility led by the Liberty Security Force. The station was initially built inside an old ice asteroid, to study what the Slomon K'Hara and the Daam-K'vosh left after the brief Nomad war. Most of the artifacts left over by these races were never studied completely or deeply by any organization beside The Order. The Valhalla Project was also restarted, although no details have ever been made public.

Until 817 A.S, the location and existence of the facility was classified. Only high ranking military officers and some members of the government knew about the complex. Punishment for disclosure of any information related to the station was long term imprisonment on Prison Fairbanks in Alaska. Nowadays, the base is more well known among naval officers, but is still secret to the public and access to the station is still heavily restricted to LSF and Navy personnel only.

Kodiak Research Complex is equipped with a large range of technologies and sections to run tests in multiple different environments. It also has the facilities to manufacture some prototype ships based on new research designs. The station has all the necessary equipment to survive on its own for more than six months, thus creating less suspicion about supply ships heading to unknown locations.

Project Name: HBN-403 (Human Body Nanomachine)
Project Lead: Doctor J-Wilkins
Project Supported By: Liberty Government, LSF Director (Anna Brown)

Nanomachine is the general term for a machine ranging in size from one micrometer (one-thousandth of a millimeter) to one nanometer (one-millionth of a millimeter) using MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) technology. An example of a nanomachine would be a protein aggregate resembling the structure of a man-made motor using biomolecules such as DNA, proteins, and resins as parts.

First-generation nanomachines:

In February 819, during the Alaska incident, doctor J-Wilkins injected nanomachines into Anna Brown's body, which included: a nanomachine to supply and administer adrenalin, nutrients, sugar, nootropics, and benzedrine; a nanomachine to recharge a Codec's battery. Nanomachines also made it possible to restrict the host's actions, such as shooting a gun, and to stimulate the host's muscle fibers using ciliary motility. They could be manipulated to reduce the effects of disease, though they were unable to directly administer specific medicines. These nanomachines could also be recharged via a person's body heat, although they will end up lost if the person injected was bleeding. The first-generation nanomachines, however, have a serious side effect: If they are injected into a person, they also have a chance with having a negative interference with someone's heart, especially if the person injected had suffered from rapid aging, as was what happened to Anna Brown.

The project didn't stop here, we made some modifications and as a result we had our first test subject.

Second-generation nanomachines:

Two months later, the second-generation nanomachines were injected into the body of Johnathan Toledo, who successfully carried out a solo infiltration. These nanomachines were more advanced and their simultaneous function as network terminals had been further enhanced. They also handled tasks such as remotely hacking into terminals and nodes connected to Liberty Shell's operational support network, communication inside the body, the dynamic creation of hallucinations through intracranial nanomachines, and the checking and remote management of VS (vital signs). The number of people with nanomachines implanted had also increased, and almost everyone involved with the LSF or under their direct control had nanomachines implanted in their bodies. The Codec during this time was also primarily made up of these nanomachines, and users when in communication with others using the Codec also appeared outwardly silent due to speaking in a nano-based language. One interesting medical function of this generation was that they could effectively replace the use of bandages.

The nanomachines were still limited to very important tasks. Nanomachines functioned as a fail-safe system between the president of the Liberty and the nuclear launch button as well as VIP-communication system between the president and his Secret service detail known as LSF.

In addition to the multitude of military nanomachines there existed a wide variety of medical and commercial nanomachines that were available to the public.

Doctor J-Wilkins underwent nanomachine treatment for her terminal cancer. Although unable to heal his completely, they had the effect of stopping or greatly slowing down the progress of the cancer allowing him to lead a normal life. David Hale was equipped with a variety that allowed him to rapidly heal from any injury including gun shots and drowning. However, a flaw with the nanomachines is that they need to be continuously operating in order to benefit the user in its healing properties: If the user of these nanomachines shut down and end up reactivating around the same time the user experiences a mortal wound, the nanomachines, while still maintaining their function of rapid healing, will cause unbearable pain to the user in the process.

A "fat burning" nanomachine also existed according to a 819. TV commercial, which supposedly amplified a person's workout, though the importance of remaining hydrated was also stressed.

Anna Brown
The Order
[Image: 2lutfzp.png]