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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 09-11-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: qo6ss8.gif]

Ensign James Barret, I would like to inform you that you were temporarily removed from service because of your lack of activity in space. Probably you had your reasons to stop doing your duties but now is the time for you to return on the battlefield. Restore your current status as active member, write at least 4 new patrol reports, increase your time in space and then we will talk again about further promotion.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gruffalo - 09-11-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Lieutenant Lucas Alexander]
[Source: Battleship Derby]
[Priority: High]
[Subject: Leeds Patrol]

Good Evening.

After being released from Leeds Military Hospital, I done a quick patrol through New London and into Dublin where I came across the HMS New Mombass whose captain informed me that my help was needed at the other end of the Leeds jumphole. I swiftly proceeded though the jumphole and found that Lt Cdr Ree, Lt Clarke, Ens Walton and Ens Moore and a Bounty Hunter where engaged with 3 members of the Samarran Raiders, (SR-Lerdi, [color=#FF0000](SR-Adrian.Thrax
and (SR-Ansar alongside Anna.Prentice and Jade.Reaver.

I quickly engaged and focused fire on (SR-Adrian.Thrax when the Bounty Hunter elimated (SR-Ansar, Lt Clarke ordered us to focus our attention on (SR-Lerdi and after a ferocious dogfight, he retreated through the Dublin Jumphole. We then focused our attention on (SR-Adrian.Thrax who like his comrade, retreated through the Dublin Jumphole after the tide turned against him.

* Note - A Freelancer by the name of Kai:Mariko arrived halfway throughout the battle and joined the (SR in attacking us, recommend we get the BPA to investigate her actions today.

Ens Walton was enaged in a rather furious dogfight with Jade.Reaver, who retreated when we arrived to help Ens Walton. After the battle Lt Clarke questioned Anna.Prentice on her attack on BMM and USI ships in Dublin. She said it was complicated and that she was working for a third party. Lt Clarke arrested her and proceeded to take her to BPA Newgate.

During Lt Clarke's questioning of Miss Prentice, a KNF fighter, callsign [KNF]Si.Tenga.Shira appeared on our scanners. Lt Cdr Ree ordered Ens Moore and I to ascertain his motives. He predictably taunted us and scanned Planet Leeds. Lt Cdr Ree ordered Ens Moore to eliminate him and recover his blackbox so no vital information about Planet Leeds was stolen. However, my H-Fuel tanks were low and I was granted permission to dock on the Derby.

::Attached files::

Bretonia Prevails!

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Lieutenant Lucas Alexander.

[Ending Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - SMI-Great.Fox - 09-12-2011

PILOT ID: Captain Evyn & Lieutenant Commander Feya
LOCATION: Battleship Sherwood Forest--Harris Orbit--Tau 31
[Image: 2wmpgyp.jpg][Image: 2gtq1j7.jpg]

Feya: We are proud to announce that we have decided to move the Sherwood directly to Tau 31 to spearhead Operation Vidicator to the fullest extent....Despite several incursions with Reavers in the system, Kusari forces for the beginning moments of the operation, were almost non-existant...However once operations began to slow down, things began to pick up in our activities...

Evyn: The Sherwood is proud to claim the wrecks of 23 Destroyers, 38 Gunships, and over 200 fighter craft so far in the early stages of Vindicator in the Tau Front..And the number will increase as the following days to come.. My only worry is that with operations running round the clock, using stolen fuel from Kusari vessel wrecks, and lack of crew rotations, is the overall cost in the health of the crew from being pushed to their limit to serve the Crown..


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 09-12-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 2ch6ik5.gif]

Good day,
I am placing my report about the military actions of the operation "Attrition".

1th patrol: Yesterday I was on board of Dauntless with small escort squadron of two fighters and one destroyer. We were operating in Tau-31. On our way to the mentioned system we cleared approximately of 50 enemy ships from Stokes Mining station, battleship York and Ld-14. We then continued to Edinburgh and finaly we reached Tau-31. The place was quiet. Macduff provided good security that is why we moved directly to Leeds Jump Gate. From there we made a good score of enemy casualties, approximately 150 ships suffered defeat.

2nd patrol: Today I continuted the operation from the deck of Dauntless. With the escort of captain Lawrence Winter, on board of his destroyer Faringdon, for half an hour we killed another 60 ships, around Leeds Jump Gate. Tau-31 sector was cleared so I took command of Royal Sovereign stationed in the orbit of planet Leed. I moved to battleship York to resupply it with several war materials and then proceeded to Stokes Instalation. This time I decided to take the high ranked enemy pods in to the prison cells of Sovereign. You can find approximately 100 of them down in our intel. We defeated several battleship patrols and returned to planet Leeds for repairs where our patrol for this day ended.

The enemy casualties for these two days, from us, are approximately of 400 plus more uncounted numbers which were destroyed instantly from our long range guided missles.

Here I give you the intel from Sovereign's prison cells:
- Classified 1

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gruffalo - 09-12-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[Identification: Victor Irons]
[Location: HMS-Caledonia]
[Priority: High]
[Subject: Operation Attrition]

Good Afternoon.

This is my report about the Caledonia's actions in Operation Attrition. I began operating at Stokes last night alongside several fighters and captital ships. During that time we mangaged to destroy over 115 enemy ships. Including:
  • 17 Battleships.
  • 39 Destroyers
  • 7 Gunboats
  • 52 fighters
The Caledonia assisted in the destruction of countless more ships alongside other elements of the Armed Forces. The Caledonia will continue to her efforts in the Leeds System until and the crew will do the utmost to ensure Operation Attrition is a success.

:Attached Files:

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Captain Victor Irons.

[Transmission Terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Aingar - 09-13-2011

connection established
password *********
access granted
upload report130981802.nfo
file found, streaming...

Source: Battleship Derby
ID: Lt. Alex Clarke

High Priority
Topic: Operation Attrition


I have began to partake in operation Attrition around 0900 hours, and proceeded to cause as many deaths to the forces of kusari as possible, along the commander Ian Driscoll, [color=#EFEF55]destroying mainly snubcraft
, but we managed to [color=#EFEF55]destroy one battleship called Mononoki with the help of HMS Scarborough Scar and HMS Longbow. We kept up the fight until around 1200, scoring around 30 kills personally.

I had to land for mainteinance, which took longer than expected, and I re-launched at 1530, joining the task force under leadership of Captain Evyn, I helped with destruction of the Ministry member, which we had to chase from Stokes up to battleship Yamaguchi (Yes, we've had to break through the Tau 31 gate, was hell of a ride), but ended up in destroying his ship and retrieving the pilots he denied to return. I proceeded to return to Leeds and suggested that I withdraw from the main force, and hunt alone, it's a lot easier to ambush fighter pilots in asteroid field without destroyers and battleships around, no offense.

To be honest I can't really tell how many have I killed before Admiral Frasier made an entrance, but by the time he did, all of our battleships and destroyers have returned to Leeds for crew relief. We were down to one gunboat and several templars, besides the Admiral's Destroyer, which no-one would dare to send into the field. We noticed kusari officer engaged with a blood dragon between the LD14 and Stokes, and decided to leave them be, as the Derby long range sensors did not pick up any serious threats at the moment. Admiral ordered battleship York as the base of operations within Leeds. I suggested that we'll be more effective if we split up our forces and cover more ground *cough* I mean space, yes space, anyway: Admiral aprooved, and soon every pilot went hunting on his own.

Unfortunately there was an ambush we did not see coming: Within minutes KNF launched mass attack on our scattered forces, supplementing their forces with two reavers. Commander Clay got under fire and I was first to reach him and proceed to assist against a KNF officer and Reaver. Our pilots in other regions of system have been engaged by KNF forces as well, enough to say that this skirmish was system-wide and almost out-of control.

During our fight we received information about two elite KNF pilots killed despite taking our pilots by suprise, and that victorious forces will regroup with us to provide backup, in the meantime, an outcast by name Samantha has suddenly engaged both sides, and managed to score a mine hit on the already damaged Michael Clay's templar, and proceeded to tractor his pod afterwards, she engaged despite the neutrality between outcasts and bretonia. She refused to cease fire despite my warnings, and after receiving a few shots as a "no", I quickly requested comm transmission with an outcast Drednought MNS-Razorspine commander by the name of Sidious, who has the privilege of wandering around bretonia as he pleases, as long as he does not break any laws or work against the crown. He received transmission and assured to do his best resolve the situation. The Sidious has appeared as quickly as he promised to, and had a little "talk" with our dear Samantha, while i headed back into the battle.

During the prolonged skirmish more blood dragons and some of the privateers has made their presence in Leeds system, and despite blood dragons assistance with the KNF forces, privateers forces appeared to have some kind of grudge against the dragons. I tried to stop the bloodshed by asking the Admiral for intervention, but even his words were not enough to discourage privateers from the lust for revenge (I believe this matter should be investigated despite the fact that QCP are no longer part of the BAF). One QCP vessel has been destroyed, and no further losses were noted on both sides, in the mean time, remaining blood dragons have repelled the remaining KNF forces i was engaged with, and I along the other pilot, Cpt Woodrow I believe, chased the reaver and managed to destroy his vessel.

There was no visible hostile forces, although a mix of blood dragons, privateers, BPA, BAF and outcasts at the same time is an unusual sight to say the least. A BPA freighter has retrieved all pilots we captured, and all our forces have regrouped at York, Admiral Fraser resumed the operation, and just before I engaged the trade lane into LD-14 Field, we received a transmission from the outcasts. Samantha was reprimanded by her superiors and she released the cdr Clay pod to me, I personally transported him to York immediately, and received humble apologies from the outcasts, I proceeded to continue with the operation, while the outcast have departed.

No more serious incidents took place aside from a small raid into Tau 31, and warning from liberty navy vessel "Shero" about a smuggler that was propably headed for bretonia, which turned out to be a false alert. I signed off on Derby on 2025 hours

Personally I scored 223 snubcraft kills, around 200 of which took place in Leeds, rest of them in Tau-31, and one shared battleship kill.

More are to follow tommorow, if my ship will be still in shape to fly.

Post Scriptum: I'd like to have my patrol reports number updated to 10 on our fleet roster. Thank you.

<div align="right]Alex Clarke
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logging out...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 09-13-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 2ch6ik5.gif]

Good day,
I continue my report about the military actions of the operation "Attrition".

3rd patrol: Today I moved away from orbit of planet Leeds and proceeded to York battlefield and Stokes Installation. This time we removed approximately of 50 capital ships as well as 80 escort fighters. Half of the pods were transfered to Newgate station and the prisoners are now resting in the cells.
During our patrol we have encountered a lone kusarian, probably a scout and few samura traders, and miners which quickly spread to hide near Nagasaki. Other guests to Bretonia were three outcast maltese knights. They were with two gunboats and a sabre acting as an escort wing. On their way to bretonia they have encountered several kusari patrols and inprisoned some of their pilots. In act of friendship they gave us these pods and in return received permission to dock on planet Leeds for quick repair. Then they moved to hunt down corsairs.
That is all for today, I will continue to inform you of further kusari casualties.

The enemy casualties for today, are exactly 130 .

Here I give you the intel of the enemy casualties:
- Classified 1
- Classified 2

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Aingar - 09-13-2011

connection established
password *********
access granted
upload report130981802.nfo
file found, streaming...

Source: Battleship Derby
ID: Lt. Alex Clarke

High Priority
Topic: Operation Attrition


I have started my patrol duty on 1230 hours.

I've made my way into the tau-31 and proceeded with the operation protocols. All went smooth, with HMS-Thunderstorm guarding the Leeds gate for any smugglers and reinforcements that might have tried to rejoin with already severely weakened Leeds garrisons. There was one short skirmish with elite KNF officer, Tenji Shira I believe, which ended in him fleeing to the leeds. Other than that, nothing worth noticing.

I finished my patrol on 1500 hours

Today I scored 133 snubcraft kills, all of them taking place in Tau-31, which sums up with my previous report to total of 356.

More are to follow tommorow, if my ship will be still in shape to fly.

Post Scriptum: I'd like to have my patrol reports number updated to 10 on our fleet roster. Thank you.

<div align="right][color=#9999FF]Alex Clarke
[font=Courier New][color=#33FF33]file ended
upload guncam015215.vid
Heavy encoding detected, comencing high security protocols...
files received, decrypting...
decrypting successful: [color=#CCCCCC]###

terminating transfer
logging out...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gruffalo - 09-13-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Lieutenant Lucas Alexander]
[Source: Battleship York]
[Priority: High]
[Subject: Operation Attrition]

Good Evening.

I am here to report that i've killed 103 snubfighters since the beginning of Operation Attrition. All battles took place in Leeds. All captured pilots have been transferred to BPA Newgate. Of course, I will continue to destroy Kusari fighters until Operation Attrition is a success.

::Attached files::

Bretonia Prevails!

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Lieutenant Lucas Alexander.

[Ending Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 09-14-2011

***Incommng Transmission***
***From:Battleship Macduff***
***Subject:Ill Report .Lt.Cdr.Renoktu-Ree***
Sir Admiral,

our Emergency Team had located a ship with name Thunderstorm,which was under heavy attack by
some enemy units.We got a call on our Emergency Communication channel from the Pilot of this ship.
The ID was Lieutenant Commander Renoktu-Ree.

We send immediately our Rescue Team,but it was to late,they just culd tractor his escape pod.
The vital status of the Lt.Cdr.Ree is very critical,sir.

*medical report from the chief physician*


Medical Data Files:

-He lost much blood,and lost almost a leg.
**(a Plasma projectile hit the leg)**

-He got Fractures on leg,arms and head
**(from the hull when Ree used the escape pod,the hull was deformed)**

-A heavy concussion.
**(After the colision with the ships hull)**

Our Medical bots rebuild the leg almost.
That wasnt the main problem...Well sir im sorry to say this but Lt.Cdr.Ree fall into a coma,from the
hard hit on the head...

The vital status are critical still at the moment,the night will show us if Lt.Cdr.Ree win this fight...

The Rescue team found the blackbox from the ship.

*The Captain send Visual Files*

*Incoming Data*
*Decrypting..... *
*Press>>ENTER<<for Download*
*Press>>ENTER<<for Download*

And...we found a Personelly Datapad.

*Sending Files*

"If someone find this and read,then im death or almost death...Im under hard attack...I lost my shields...
i dont knoe from where they comes they are everywhere...they are everywhere!!!...the ships hull is aa nt breeeath...
the air ...almost g g o ne...tryyy innng to o ooo ....sorry Clay...i will miss the weddiiiing...iiiiiits soo colllld...OH MY GOOOOOOOD!....."
*Silence*.....end of transmission*

*the Captain of Macduff got a cold shower over the back*

we will do more then our best to save hims life,we will report soon again sir.
We need to wait.

Thats all Sir,

Macduff transmission end