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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cmfalconer - 10-23-2009

CommID: Commissar-Captain Alexi Karchov
Message Source: CPW Saratov - Thunder Bay Depot - Ontario
Message Target: SCRA Command
CC: Citizen Katz, Commissar Mendel - Toronto Station

A short report today. Due to the standing orders in Ontario, I've decided to move the Saratov to Ontario. Citizen Katz has faced too many attempts on his life, and the addition of a Coalition Storm Gunship in the area will hopefully make the so-called authorities in the area think twice.

On my way, I ran across an Outcast by the callsign [ESS][Convoy.001] travelling above the plane. I thought this curious and turned off-course to follow the vessel, hailing it along the way. After numerous attempts to stop the vessel through comms, I resorted to a chase and caught the vessel with a Cruise Disruptor. A quick scan of the vessel revealed exactly what I'd feared most.

[Image: ESS1.jpg][Image: ESS2.jpg]

I repeatedly Disrupted the vessel, but could not close to more than 1200m. Several more attempts to stop the vessel were made and ignored. At this point the ship was less than 2k from the Jumpgate to New York, so I opened fire with Pulses and Razors. I succeeded in bringing down the drug-peddler's shields down, but the Outcast jumped before more could be done.

I did not, however, pursue to the New York system, as it would be suicide at the moment, and I had another mission. I made it to the Ontario Jumphole and launched into the system. I broadcast in the clear searching out Citizen Katz, but another attempt on his lift left him recuperating in the Toronto Station med bay. I did, however, receive a hail from a Zoner Gunboat. The vessel was named
People's.Voice and seems to be sympathetic to the Coalition cause, if not affiliated with either the Liberty Revolutionary Front or any other group.

A short conversation ensued, mainly introductions, and it was found some Xeno Alliance vessels entered the system. Not wanting to risk combat, the
Saratov and the People's.Voice made it to Thunder Bay Depot, where the Junkers allowed both vessels safe dock.

Saratov is at the ready pending future developments with Katz and the Ontario System.

Commissar-Captain Alexi Karchov

Message Send...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Banza - 10-24-2009

Guten tag meine Damen und Herren!
There are a lot of things to report!
What was supposed to be a nice trip to Rheinland, a visit to some old places, and to chat to some old friends, turned out to be a bloodbath. Our first problems started as early as Omega Five, where our two men team, Her Alaric and me, ran into a group of Corsairs. Things didnt end well, for them comrades!

But, Rheinland was still far from us, so far away.

The plan was to visit the Munich system, my birthplace. A lot of my old friends are still living there under the fascist rule. But, I never had chance to see Munich space.

Lots of fireworks in Rheinland!

The Red Hessians are fighting with the fascists' soldiers on a daily basis! We had only enough time to refuel, and to resupply ourselves with ammunition. The people of Rheinland are rising!

Three gunboats and two fascist cruisers were sent after us!

laughter is heard over the communication channel

Together with our Hessian and VF comrades, we soon showed them the true power of our nation and our people. In another battle north of the New Berlin system in Hamburg. Our valiant troops are marching! Hessians attacked the Hamburg planetary perimeter. At that time, it was only slightly guarded, so we were able to hit it and run. Three out of four enemy fighters were destroyed! But alas. A Mine hit me! I had to eject! My fighter was completely destroyed. At least, they won't be getting any materials from it to study.

Two additions:
'Trip to Rheinland'
'Photos from Rheinland

<div align="right]Reporting out,
Viktor Heinz

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - jammi - 10-25-2009

CommID: Sub-Lieutenant Julio Quintillia
Message Source: Thunder Bay Depot - Ontario
Message Target: SCRA Command
CC: Ontario "back door"

Hola mis camaradas revolucionarios!
Today me and comrade Grigory Breznev set course from Zvezdny Gorodok to the Ontario system, at High Command's request. The will of the people shall succeed in throwing off the oppressive heel of their corrupt regime, but it always pays to have a back door out, I suppose. On a somewhat unrelated point, myself and Sub-Lieutenant Breznev seemed to get along fairly well, which just shows the healing properties of the Revolution! Even ex-Corsairs and Rhienlanders will happily work together to further the Red Dawn!

We did indeed find the route out, but it suffers from several... Complications. I'll summarize my findings below. Sub-headings for each system are linked to my map recordings.

[font=System]Ontario: Upon arrival in Ontario, we immediately set about scouting the system's contents. Moving from the St. Lawrence Ice Field to the Huron Ice Field, we discovered a jump hole to the Colorado system in empty space. I mentally set this aside as a potential route, but did not jump through. My assignment did not state that as my primary objective.

Continuing north, we got a visual on a Station in orbit of a small planet. Getting closer we found Thunder Bay (which I used for refueling) and the Libertonian held Fort Severn, which guarded a jump hole to the Alberta system. Moving in close to trial the station's guns, I noticed a multitude of EMP weaponry and standard station weapons. They didn't pose any real threat to our light fighters because they were too slow to hit us, but larger craft of warship size may face slightly larger problems. I noticed that other than the station itself, defences were non-existent, with no weapon platforms and patrols being conducted by the Navy in Defenders.

[font=System]Alberta: Upon jumping into Alberta, I was presented with a LPI Outpost - Red Deer Station. The weaponry was along the same grade of Fort Severn's but in a much smaller number. Proceeding onwards into a nearby asteroid field, we ran across several hostile patrols of Rogues. Following them back to their source, we discovered the Rogue asteroid-base Fort McMurray. That at least explains the LPI presence.

Finding nothing else of use, we left the asteroid field and proceeded to fly towards all the near-by planets for a quick scan. Nothing useful was found, but we picked up readings for the Yukon jump hole in open space near Planet Edmonton. The actual route from the Ontario to the Yukon jump hole would bypass the Rogue installation completely, so that shouldn't pose a problem.

[font=System]Yukon: Yukon is another underdeveloped back-water system. From jumping in a large planet with an orbiting installation is immediately clear. Going in for a closer look, we discovered it was a Zoner Freeport. That could be useful for refueling the fleet, but they didn't seem pleased to see us. Ignoring the Freeport we continued to scour the system until we found a jump hole to the Cassini system. Otherwise, the system was devoid of resources or anything of interest.

[font=System]Cassini: After the relatively quiet time we'd had before... Cassini was a hornet's nest of hostiles and overwhelming firepower. Upon jumping in, we were set upon by three Rogue Destroyers that had circled the hole in a guard position (marked as weapon platforms on the provided maps). There were also several wings of Wolfhouds and other assorted Rogue craft on patrol. After a short while of frenzied evasive flying, we managed to get out of range of the destroyer and lose our pursuers. We decided it would be best if we split up to present a smaller target.

I spotted a station to the system's right, while comrade Breznev spotted a large looking station in an asteroid field. The station I discovered was marked as San Quintin, which possessed simple station weaponry, which seemed to have several blind-spots. This is important, because the jump hole to Galileo was located right next to it, with a guard of another two Rogue Destroyers. At this point comrade Breznev reported that he's located the facility he'd spotted and that is was a massive shipyard. I proceeded to his location to have a look.

Despite the mission technically being completed with the discovery of the jump hole to Galileo, we decided it would be best to scout the rest of the system to ascertain Rogue military capacity. Upon arriving at the shipyard, which was reading as Terre Haute Shipyard, we came under fire from a sixth destroyer, which was guarding the station. We fell back out of it's range, then continued to patrol the field. We were approached by several patrols, some containing gunboat class craft. Our superior Coalition produced ships kept us out of their range though.

After a moment of searching, we spotted a tuely massive asteroid far below us. It might have rivaled the size of Cadiz itself. Our interest piqued, we moved in closer to have a look. On arrival we were fired on by a seventh Rogue Destroyer. It turns out the asteroid was indeed a station, picking up as Attica Station. Believing our job done, it was at this point that we returned to Ontario, back through the route we came. My own and comrade Breznev's light fighters may have made the trip on the merits of their agility, but I have a sinking feeling that anything bigger than a very heavy fighter is going to run into terminal trouble.

That concludes my report. I hope it's contents are of use.
Adios mi comrades!
~Sub Lieutenant Quintillia

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - jammi - 10-26-2009

CommID: Sub-Lieutenant Julio Quintillia
Message Source: Bounced through Sevastopol Depot - Omega 52
Message Target: SCRA Command
CC: UMBRELLA has been recovered

Hola mis camaradas revolucionarios!
After receiving new orders from High Command, I relocated from Thunder Bay - Ontario, to Ronneburg - Omega 5. From there I refueled and proceeded to CLASSIFIED I. The system was heavily defended, with numerous patrols interdicting my ship during my progress. The superior build quality of the Partisan meant I quickly outpaced these opponents, enabling me to escape unmolested. There were minimal stationary defences, although large energy residuals were detected emitting from the system's single large asteroid formation. Scouting this area was not inside my mission perimeters and would have been a needless risk that could have compromised my primary objective.

After some time searching, I found the entrance to CLASSIFIED II. This contrasted from CLASSIFIED I in that there were heavy stationary defences, in addition to mobile patrols. This proved a far harder obstacle to circumvent. Eventually, I managed to lose all pursuers and outdistance all stationary defences. From there I found a discrete position where I moored to an asteroid to maintain a vigil on the UMBRELLA. I powered down, which in combination with the asteroid's scanner profile would have near enough made me invisible to anything save visual sweeps. After some time, I noted that there were fewer patrols than normal and made my move. The UMBRELLA was successfully retrieved, which had the side-effect of further enraging local defenders.

On escaping from CLASSIFIED I and II, I proceeded back to Omega 52 and set a course for Mykolaiv Research Station. There I complied with my standing orders to maintain a 10K distance from the station, where a freighter was dispatched to resupply me with oxygen and food. From there I proceeded to the Siberian Ice Field, where I'm currently awaiting further orders.

I'm in low power mode, and I've enough oxygen and food to last me a while. I'd prefer it if the UMBRELLA was picked up sooner rather than later though. Either way, the mission was a success. That's my second completed suicide mission in as many days.

That concludes my reports. Awaiting further orders.
Adios mi comrades!
~Sub Lieutenant Quintillia

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - jammi - 10-28-2009

CommID: Sub-Lieutenant Julio Quintillia
Message Source: Zvezdny Gorodok - Omega 52
Message Target: SCRA Command
CC: Omicron 94, Omicron 91, rogue Harvester unit

Hola mis camaradas revolucionarios!
Yesterday was... Busy to say the least. I set course for Omega 5 for my latest assignment, and my most dangerous yet. I was to scout out the militarised zones of Omicron 94 and Omicron 91. This would require me to pass through Omega 41 and Omicron Gamma, both of which are Corsair highways. Gamma in particular posing a exceptionally large threat as the Corsair home system.

Upon jumping into Gamma, I immediately dived to below the standard plain, so as to make detection harder. I'd already been provided with the location of the Omicron 94 jump hole, so I set a course, sweeping under the sun. By the time I'd been inside the system for just under a minute, defence forces were already mobilizing. Ignoring them, I continued to the coordinates I'd been given, proceeding to the standard plain once I had entered the Malvada Cloud. After that is was a short flight to the Omicron 94 jump hole, with no hostiles encountered.

Omicron 94: Immediately upon jumping into Omicron 94, you find yourself in a medium density asteroid field. This would probably limit the movement of large capitals, but should pose no issue to our own Typhoons. We could probably play this to our advantage, using our own mobility to strike at the defender's paralyzed Legates. A number of weapon platforms ring the jump hole, although they posed no significant problem to me. There were a number of Titan patrols which were trickier to lose.

Retreating into the field, I came across Tinos Outpost (1) which was again defended by a formation of four weapon platforms. From the amount of radio chatter I was detecting, I'd guess it was a communication relay station, although I couldn't say that with all certainty. If we were going to launch a raid on the system, I'd assume this station would have to be disabled to prevent defenders from calling for outside support. A wing of Revolution bombers would probably suffice.

With that done, I proceeded towards the large planet I could see directly ahead of me. I'd marked it as an area of importance due to the installation orbiting it. Drawing closer I saw that it was a shipyard complex, with a Praefect Cruiser in dry dock. Syros Shipyard (3) orbits around Planet Mykonos (which comrade Katz has told me a few jokes about) and is protected by multiple weapon platforms and patrols.

I spotted a third installation out towards the system's second sun, and upon drawing closer noticed a Osiris class battleship, the Delos (2), moored to it. It looked like a refueling platform, which led me to think that if we ever pushed to attack the system, we could perhaps disable or destroy the Delos by setting off an explosion on it.

From there, I moved to check the other large planet I could see, behind Planet Mykonos. Upon drawing near, I found it was Planet Santorini, which possessed an incredibly dense asteroid belt. Some of these rocks were of immense size. Flying through the belt, one of these asteroids and it's ring of weapon platforms opened fire on me. This was the rumoured Thira Colony (4). Locating Thira concluded my job, so I fell back towards the North Aegean Nebula, running across the Omicron 96 jump hole as I did so. This system contained no useful resources or points of interest, save a jump hole to Omicron 93.

[font=System]Omicron 91: On jumping into the system from Omicron 93, I found myself in a magma asteroid field. The heat and pressure began to slowly warp my hull, so I did my utmost to get out of the area as fast as I could. I left via the northern edge of the cloud, which presented me with a second cloud directly ahead. Entering the field (which turned out to be a dust cloud), I began to get anomalous contacts on my scanner. After a short while the interference cleared and I was directed towards a massive energy source. What I saw literally made my jaw drop.

Rhodes Shipyard (1) is probably the largest shipyard I have ever seen, or even heard of. There was a Legate in dry dock. I got as close as I could to run more scans before I was driven off by patrols and station fire. I think the Legate was still under construction, which accounted for it's lack of response. But then, I doubt even a Corsair Legate captain would fire while moored to it's own station.

With that done, I left the cloud, shaking off pursuing patrols fairly easily due to the scanner disrupting qualities the area possessed. From there I continued towards the only planet I could see, which turned out to be Planet Lesbos (which comrade Katz also told me a few jokes about). From there, I could see another station some distance away.

Upon closing the distance, I was shocked to discover the Corsairs had gained biodome capacity. There were three in total, attached to Barcelona Station (2). It might make a good assignment for our Revolution bombers to see if they can knock a few holes in these domes. The station was heavily defended by weapon platforms, mobile patrols and station defences. Believing I'd seen enough, I proceeded to a near-by asteroid field, where I found a third station. I couldn't see any real purpose to Alexandria Station (3) besides it simply being there. Because of that, I did a basic fly-by and left.

Heading towards what I believed to be the location of the jump hole back to Gamma, I spent a while blindly stumbling around the field looking for it. Eventually I picked up a battleship profile on my scanners and moved in closer to look. It was an Osiris, the Battleship Prox. Which neatly happened to be guarding the Gamma jump hole. Evading it's fire, and the fire of nearby weapon platforms, I jumped through.

Which left me 10k away from Crete and Tripoli, in plain sight of a lot of Corsairs and a Harvester... Gunning my engines, I retreated back towards Omega 52 with Harvester_72 in a Corsair gunboat, Tiger_Strike in a Corsair gunboat, Migel.Hernandez in a Praetorian and HAF-M-Espe also in a Praetorian hot on my heels. Managing to reach home turf without injury, I sat and waited for the fools to jump through after me, having already briefed the Eisner's commander on what was about to happen.

As they did, the Harvester went through some kind of malfunction and began to indiscriminately fire on the Corsairs, exclaiming "<:Assisting Coalition entity:>". There seemed to be some kind of personality struggle going on. At the time, all that meant to me was that there was one less set of guns firing on me. Not long later, the Eisner and the Harvester managed to lower Tiger_Strike's shields, which I mercilessly exploited by flying in tight orbits around him, dropping mines. Eventually one of the nukes must have hit something important because he exploded. Miguel followed him soon after when he flew into one of his own Nova Torpedoes.

This left the dysfunctional toaster and the HAF bomber pilot, who failed to hit me, while I failed to do much against his hull. This was the way for a long time, until the HAF pilot retreated back to Omega 5. Which left the toaster, which was sulking to itself a short distance from the Omega 5 Scrap Field. I tried to talk to it, where it turned out that the Harvester had created an almost human division of it's personality so it could learn to hate humans better. This sub-personality then somehow managed to suppress the main Harvester program and take control of the ship.

I managed to upload the "Heroes of the Revolution" module to it, to inform it of the Coalition and our goals. This seemed to influence it somewhat. At this point comrade Aliabiev arrived. Over time, I managed to convince it to trust me, to the point that it would agree to allow our scientists to study it. I told it we could establish a two-way data-link that would allow us to understand the way it works. I'm sure our scientists would appreciate being able to study it, even if it was just so they could have a look at a completely intact non-battle damaged Corsair gunboat. We could also stand to learn a lot about AI programming.

After this, I watched and waited until it left the system. It told me to contact Harvester_72 in the future, and inform my superiors of the day's events. The personality that had taken over the Harvester seemed to be tolerant of our goals, and have a dislike for the Corsairs. After this I returned back to Zvezdny.

A few of the technicians have called me "The Corsair That Won't Die" after this successful end to a third suicide mission. The ones that don't like me, and the Rhienlanders, now call me "The Little Corsair That Could"... I've also gained a new callsign. Bad Panda. No idea where that one came from.

However you approach this, I'd say it was an overwhelming victory for the Coalition. Several dead Corsairs and plenty of information on several of their major systems.

That concludes my reports. Awaiting further orders.
Adios mi comrades!
~Sub Lieutenant Quintillia

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 10-29-2009

CommID: Citizen Katz
Message Source: Zvezdny Gorodok - Omega 52
Message Target: Sub-Lieutenant Julio 'Bad Panda' Quintillia
RE: Latest operations

Your operations of late have been exemplary. They are an example, in my opinion, of a promising officer.

However, I must serve a warning against volunteering for too many suicidal missions. Luck runs out, and skill will only carry you so far once met with overwhelming odds.

Keep up the excellent level of flying and rely upon your wing mates to help you against challenging mission profiles. Additional support can sometimes mean the difference between a suicidal mission you survive and a suicidal mission you return from in a box.


Eng Transmission

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cobraSting - 11-03-2009

Communications Origin: Lt. Ymir Molotov
Communications Subject: CLASSIFIED

To: High Command

I have performed and completed the requested reconnaissance. Attached are the evidences that were requested:
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I am awaiting more orders.

Ymir Molotov

Communications ended.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - pieguy259 - 11-03-2009

COMM ID: Sub-Lieutenant Vicenta Gonzalez
LOCATION: Zvezdny Gorodok

Hola, comrades! Today I successfully evaded Alliance detection and returned home to Omega-52 from Freeport 4, where I had been stranded for several weeks. My Partisan encountered no resistance as I moved through Magellan, Bretonia and Omega-5. Comrades, if this surveillance is the best the Alliance can throw at us, we could take Manhattan itself before the police knew we were in Liberty! Hah!

Excuse me for gloating, but not encountering even one routine patrol does give me reason.

Viva la Revolucion!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Herastean - 11-04-2009

Incoming data...uploaded
Sender : Sub-lieutenant Yuri Aliabiev
Sending place : Zhukovsky station
Object : Report


Greetings comrades, today I joined the CPW-International, the commissar-captain Karchov, the commander eugein Weise and the comrades Gellantra and Lanakov in their patrol. We started by a training, joined by the CPW-Karl Marx, i was charged to take down the fighters, I've been taken down one time by the comrade commissar karchov and a second time by the comrade commander Weise. After that train, the comrade commisar Karchov give me a Armor upgrade number 8 and I join them into their patrol to the desdren systems. On the way to O-5 jump hole, we meet an drunk hessian, after that the commandante check his identity, he give him an opportunity to got a visa, but the intruder was attacked by a patrol.We also encounter the same harvester that we saw few days ago, the number 74, in O-5. We was in dresden when the comrade commissar got an trouble with his gun and need to land. After discussing about the vodka price with comrade Lanakov, we leave the system and jump into the New Berlin system, after discussing with an Mandalorian Mercenary, the commandante lead us to the dresden jump gate and we post in ambush, waiting for theses military facists. We took down a wraith, I negotiate to got a bottle of vodka in reward, but I'm a little disappointed, i will only got the half, but it would be an honour to share vodka with my superiors. Few minutes later, 2 wraith, a bomber and a Gunboat attack us. I was taking down by the Bomber and need to eject, hopefully,. I've been tracted by one of my superiors, that's save my life. I now need to do my apologies to the Comrade Main engineer to lost one of his ship in battle and only do one kill. All the pictures i take with that ship and the vodka I was keeping for celebrate our victory was always in when I've been destroyed, fortunately, I always keep my cigars on me.

Long Live Revolution!
Sub-lieutenant Yuri Aliabiev over.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 11-05-2009

COMM ID: Commissar-Commander Katz
LOCATION: Classified
TARGET ID: SCRA High Command –Classified and encrypted -

After long deliberations, and for the good of the Coalition, I am accepting the reactivation to military status and the position of Commissar-Commander as offered.

I will continue to pursue Operation: Umbrella and report my findings directly to the High Command. It is better that something of this nature be handled correctly.

I have completed advanced training with Commander Maximilian and Captain Totenkopt and prepared to begin my investigation.

For the Revolution!

Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz

End Transmission