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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 11-06-2009

COMM ID: Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz SCRA
LOCATION: Omega-52 Zvezdny Gorodok Звёздный городок

My standard duty report is as follows:

I departed from Zvezdny Gorodok to run a patrol and attend several meetings with Intelligence assets scattered throughout Sirius.

During the course of this patrol I encountered ZERO vessels directly, it seems the sight of the Social Credit on patrol is enough to deter them. However I did note a sizable concentration of vessels on the Long Range scanners congregating in and around the Liberty capital system.

I was contacted, while on patrol, by members of the Order who advised me of MM~ activity, and the Orders desire to assist us in our fight against them. It seems they consider the MM~ to be a common enemy. They also warned that the MM~ are employing new tactics of reinforced sorties.

All ships and fighters should be advised to be on the look-out for unconventional MM~ strategy, reporting duly anything that is out of the ordinary, or even a little peculiar about their behaviour.

Also of note is the fact that a group of Golden Chrysanthemums are showing undue interest in Omega-52 operations. Our spies in Kusari have alerted that they are making inquiries after our classified maneuvers, and are attempting to gain information on our ship classes and capabilities. I suspect an attack of some kind may be on the horizon. Again I urge caution to all pilots on patrol and raid missions to take additional care.

These are dangerous times we have found ourselves in, but we are not alone in our struggle. There are many that support the Coalition and our spies are everywhere feeding us with critical information that will allow us to stay one step ahead of those Counter-Revolutionaries that seek to undermine our goals.

For the Revolution!

Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz
Комисса́р-Командир Элвин Кац

CPW-Social Credit

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 11-07-2009

Comm. ID: Commodore Stanislaw Rokossowsky
Priority: Medium
Subject: Recent actions in Kusari

---Communications Opened---

Czesc, comrades.

I have received reports from Commander Maximilian about classified intelligence gathering in Kusari performed by himself, Commander Katz, and Captain Gellantra.

The non-classified social research into the Farmer's Alliance and Hogosha has confirmed existing intelligence that both organisations are entirely counter-revolutionary. A good job perfectly executed there, gentlemen.

The defence against a far superior Consortium assault force for classified reasons was also exemplary, Captain Gellantra going above and beyond the call of duty in engaging a Consortium cruiser and two bombers from the cockpit of his gunboat, the CPW-Borodino, with only Commander Maximilian's Partisan's assistance, buying time for the CPW-Social.Credit, containing important political figures, to escape unscathed.

Not only was a heroic rearguard performed, but the good Captain proved victorious, putting the enemy to flight against apparently insurmountable odds. A true hero.

For this action, he shall receive the Coalition's highest honour and decoration... the [color=#FFFF00]Star of Terra. Congratulations are most certainly in order.

This was not all that was performed in the service of the people, however. En route home, in Tau 23, the task force apparently came into contact with one 'Pride of Apollo', an Outcast bomber, attempting to rob hard-working proletarians, the local miners.

The task force would have none of it, so moved to engage this vessel, which was surprisingly aided by the MNS-Implosion, an Outcast battleship. However, the speed of the Captain's crew aboard the Borodino made short work of the bomber, destroying it swiftly, allowing the civilians, and the task force to escape home.

For this additional action, as well as various other actions in the past, he shall receive the Hero of the Revolution decoration. Two medals in one day's actions is nothing to be sniffed at, comrades. We should all endeavour to reach such heights of glory and heroism.

In addition, thanks to some extreme bravery and competence, Sub-Lieutenant Julio Quenitillia has been promoted to full Lieutenant. I would say that recommendations from Commander Katz played their part, but this would be a disservice to his fantastic service over the past few weeks, which fully earned the promotion on their own merit.

Keep up the good work, ladies and gentlemen. The people are watching.

Rokossowsky out!

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - horvat - 11-07-2009

---Incoming Transmission---

[color=#009900]Comm. ID:
Captain Luis Gellantra
To:Commodore Stanislaw Rokossowsky

I must thank everyone who trusted in me while i was still a rookie. I was a pilot that had only his will to help the people but no skills to back that up. Coalition made me what i am today. I do not crave for decorations although it's always nice to get one.

A wise man once said: "I am not afraid of death but of evil life". If i honestly believe in my goals i will give my life for those who can continue our work. I did a brave thing but so does every each and one Coalition pilot who sits into cockpit of his fighter to fight for our cause.

On a further notice I must thank Commander Maximilian for staying there with me and also i must thank Commander Katz for his brave soul and will to help us, but he was too valuable to be lost in that meaningless fight. I will wear my decorations proudly Comrades.


---End of Transmission---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 11-26-2009

COMM ID: Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz SCRA




we have all seven artifacts in our possession at this time. Additional security measures are being taken.

We had to travel into Gallia to secure it, encountering the FBG along the way as well as a minor scuffle with the GRN.

Mission accomplished.

Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz
Комисса́р-Командир Элвин Кац

CPW-Social Credit

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Сириус Коалиции Революционера Армия


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 11-29-2009

COMM ID: Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz SCRA
LOCATION: Commissar's Office, CPS-Velebit, Omega-52
TARGET ID: SCRA Command, Captain Luis Gellantra and Lt. Ymir Molotov

I have recovered, at some cost, Gallic Royal Navy Intelligence documents and currently have them aboard the CPS Velebit. I will be turning them over to Lt. Molotov to relay to Captain Gellantra at the earliest convenience. They will prove useful in conducting negotiations with the Council and Maquis forces in Gallia.

Also secured in the same operation was another Nomad Power Core, transferred to <CLASSIFIED> for <CLASSIFIED> research purposes.

Encountered were two hostile warships, the LNS-Frankfort in Colorado and the KNF-Ame.Personal.Yacht... the latter pursuing the Social Credit across New Tokyo, Honshu, Sigma 13 and Sigma 17 before finally breaking off to return to Kusari territory.

Last night, on patrol, Lt. Razin proved invaluable in a battle with a Corsair gunboat, as well as repeatedly going above and beyond the call of duty in escorting me to a meeting with the Zoners who claim to own Freeport 14.

There is a possibility, though remote, that we may be able to purchase the station. It currently suffers from being so remote and inaccessible that it is difficult to defend, and hard to supply. I will continue to follow up on this lead, in the hopes that it may pan out into something of interest.

The Social Credit is currently docked with the CPS Velebit, awaiting the next assignment, things are proceeding well.

For the Revolution!

Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz
Комисса́р-Командир Элвин Кац

CPW-Social Credit

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Сириус Коалиции Революционера Армия


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 11-30-2009

Transmission to: SCRA and LRF
Comm ID: Grand Admiral McIntosh

Comrades, I would like to announce that I have opened these means to our comrades in the Liberty Revolutionary Front, in order to foster a closer relationship between our two great movements.

In addition, Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz is awarded with the Cross of the Patriot, for going above and beyond the call of duty in his efforts in the name of the Revolution in Liberty. As well as Comrade Katz, I would like to extend this honor to Comrade Ben Warner and Comrade Lachlan Phoenix, of the LRF. Their dedication to the revolution in Liberty should be an inspiration to us all.

For the Revolution! McIntosh out.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 11-30-2009

Forwarded from SCRA Fighter Corps HQ
LOCATION: Omega-52 Zvezdny Gorodok Звёздный городок

SCRA Fighter Corps
Comm ID: Captain Totenkopt, Recon Squadron

Comrades, it has come to my attention that several of our most dedicated young pilots have reached the or surpassed the three month mark of their service in the name of the revolution. As is tradition, the following pilots are awarded the Crimson Vigil. Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz, Lieutenants Stenka Razin, Victor Heinz, Ymir Molotov, and Julio Quentillia

Congratulations Comrades. However, I have noticed a shortfall of reports recently. Any activities you perform in the service of the Revolution, you will report, or I will catch you and beat the reports out of you. Then, Ill turn your broken bodies over to Commander Weise, and he will have his way with you. Its not pretty, believe me. Youd much rather file more reports.

Im aware that you make verbal reports to your commanders. This is good, but your commanders are busy men, and they dont always have time to pass those reports on to me. Get in the habit of filing reports, and you will go far in the Coalition. Or, you can get raped. I think you all know what to do Comrades.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 12-01-2009

COMM ID: Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz SCRA
LOCATION: Omega-52 Zvezdny Gorodok Звёздный городок
TARGET ID: SCRA High Command

Armaments have been delivered as per orders. Operation concluded without any issues.

Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz
Комисса́р-Командир Элвин Кац

CPW-Social Credit

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 12-01-2009

COMM ID: CPS Velebit Comm-SAT one
LOCATION: Omega-52

Transmission to: SCRA
Comm ID: Admiral Kirk, SCRA Fleet Command

Comrades, today I have the pleasure of promoting a member of the Fighter Corps to a position of great responsibility. Lieutenant Gabriel Mao is hereby promoted to Lieutenant Commander, and in the event that our negotiations involving Freeport 14 are concluded successfully, shall be appointed Military District Commander. This is a position of great responsibility and trust, as we believe he shall perform his duties in the best traditions of the Coalition.

In Addition, the following pilots have been oddly absent from these means. I Require an update as to your position, current duities, and what you've been doing in the meantime. Should you not report within the next 48 hours, I am afraid that we will purge your names from the databases, and have the commissariat remove you from duty.

Sub-Lieutenant Alexandra Volkova - Pilgrimage
Sub-Lieutenant Heinrich Geusau - Zig
Sub-Lieutenant Vicenta Gonzales - Pieguy
Sub-Lieutenant Youri Alibiev - Herastean
Sub-Lieutenant Grigory Breznev - ACER SPACER
Lieutenant Viktor Sotskov -Athenian
Lieutenant Zachary Quirm - JakeSG
Lieutenant Nickolai Alaric - Tic
Commander Yue Fei - (CPW Great Wall) - Yue Fei

We are entering a new age in this war comrades. Lazyness will not be tolerated.

For the Revolution! Kirk out.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cobraSting - 12-01-2009

Connection Resumed...

My ship and I are ready for the expedition. Hopefully Cmdr. Gellantra will be freed up by later today and we can get the mission underway. I will prepare a detailed report about the journey and the results when we return.

Ymir Molotov

Connection on hold...