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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 12-02-2009

Establishing Connection...Stand by...

Communications Established.

Comm ID: Ben Warner, LRF Cell Leader.

To: SCRA Headquarters.

Subject: Field Tests of Coaliltion Armaments on LRF Ships.

This is Ben Warner, Liberty Revolutionary Front, we have equipped several of our ships with the provided weaponry and proceeded to conduct field-tests upon Liberty Navy Ships within the Texas System.

The most notable was an engagment between a pair of our own Eagle Recon and Attack Fighters and a Liberty Navy Gunboat.

During interdiction operations of Slaves and Cardamine within the Texas System we caught the notice of a Navy Gunboat

Without warning the captain of the ship opened fire, we defended ourselves from the Captains aggressive action and destroyed his ship using teammwork and careful timing of Screamer Mines to take his shields down, from there our missiles tore into his unmodified hull and decimated the ship, hitting the reactor core and causing a chain reaction that obliterated the ship.

[Image: sqqrrn.jpg]

[Image: nevomf.jpg]

That is all, aside from avoiding capture from multiple Navy Capital ships and avoiding the Police that was scouting for them.

The Weapons worked well with our tactics and are effective against Navy Forces.

That is all i have to report Comrades.

Long live the Revolution!

-End Transmission-

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tic - 12-02-2009

A young woman enteres a small room and hands a small envelope to a man sitting at the desk, lighted by a single desk lamp.

"I was told to give you this."

Alaric stretched out his arm and took the envelope. Once the woman left, he opened the envelope and read the text in it. Shortly after that, he took a pencil and started writing a reply.

"Dear admiral Kirk,

I am currently in the office 063, somewhere in the distant area of Zhukovsky, doing the paperwork. My 'missing from action' is a result of hours of work on endless skyscrapers of paper, and the end is not yet in sight. I will infrom you of my further progress as soon as I finish my work.


Nickolai Alaric."

He sealed the envelope and sent it to admiral Kirk.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Turkish - 12-02-2009

//SIGNAL ID: Gabriel Mao
//LOCATION: Omega-52
//TARGET ID: SCRA Senior Staff

My most esteemed superiors. It is my pleasure to accept this promotion with wamrth in my heart and blood on my hands. The trust and responsibility you invest in me by promoting me to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Again. Will not be misplaced.

I will serve the Coalition with every fibre of my being. I must get back to my duties now, so I will once more administer my thanks and depart.

Lt Cmdr. Gabriel Mao.

[font=Agency FB]


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 12-03-2009

Transmission to: SCRA Fighter Corps
Comm ID: Admiral Ty Kirk, SCRA Fleet Command

Comrades, it appears some of you have become derelict from your duties, and no longer feel any need to associate yourselves with the proper communications devices, or indeed with any member of the SCRA The following pilots are hereby removed from duty:

Sub-Lieutenant Alexandra Volkova
Sub-Lieutenant Heinrich Geusau
Sub-Lieutenant Vicenta Gonzales
Sub-Lieutenant Youri Alibiev
Sub-Lieutenant Grigory Breznev
Lieutenant Zachary Quirm
Commander Yue Fei

Your fighters will be confiscated, after the commissariat is done with the disposal of your bodies. Should you escape them, you will be hunted until the end of your days.

Any capital ships you command will have their crews purged, and then returned to the rightful service of the coalition.

For the Revolution! Kirk out.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - NixOlympica - 12-04-2009

Incomming transmission ...
ID: Alexandra Volkova, Bastille

Greetings comrade,

I'm reporting from Bastille prison system. I worked today for my comrades as Control in their mission to Kansas. We have found new stations and shipyards in these systems:


Duluth shipyard - Universal Shipyard
Saint Paul base - Universal Shipyard


Richmond station - Liberty Navy
Battleship Petersburg - Liberty Navy

In Kansas system we found habitable planet Wichita

They should have bigger Alcohol list here in Bastille bar:
[Image: screen12.jpg]
Fortunately they had some Vodka

After that we wanted to bring Mr. Holiday some medical things. But we met Ion storm.

Volkova out

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 12-05-2009

COMM ID: Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz SCRA
LOCATION: Omega-52 Zvezdny Gorodok Звёздный городок
TARGET ID: SCRA High Command

I have to report that last nights operation was a success. Each individual Lt. Involved in the missions will post a report of their activities of the night before.

Today the Social Credit secured a number of Military Vehicles for on-going operations on the CPS-Velebit, as well as a supply of Nuclear warheads which will be installed on the CPS-Velebit as a Nuclear emergency failsafe. The control for this failsafe will reside with both myself and Commissar Harval, with a direct override from SCRA High Command.

Our science teams have assured me that the detonation should be enough to prevent any cataclysmic reaction from the CLASSIFIED.

Ben Warner and the LRF were instrumental in our securing of the munitions in question, and should be commended for continued support of our operations.

Thank you,

Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz
Комисса́р-Командир Элвин Кац

CPW-Social Credit

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - NixOlympica - 12-05-2009

[font=Impact]--Incoming transmission--
ID: SCRA Alexandra Volkova, СКРA Александра Волкова
Location: O-52, Zvezdny Gorodok, Звёздный городок
Target ID: SCRA High Command

Alexandra Volkova reporting back to duty. Thank you for transportation from Bastille back to Gorodok.

Volkova out

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - pieguy259 - 12-05-2009

COMM ID: Sub-Lieutenant Vicenta Gonzalez
LOCATION: Zvezdny Gorodok

OK. I told the mechanic, I told the couriers, I told the marines come to put a bullet in mi cabeza, and now I'm telling you. Vicenta Gonzalez is not a deserter.

When I came back from Magellan, I filed my report, and the minute I was done the comm unit fried in my Partisan. I took it to the mechanic, he said "You probably burnt it out yourself, flyboy". I told him to fix the damn comm unit already. Come back the next morning for my patrol, he's had the thing in storage all night 'cause he was at his cousin's bachelor party on Zhukovsky! He doesn't even give me a replacement. I keep sending it back to him, he keeps finding excuses not to fix it. "Oh, this transport has a screw loose in the captain's chair. Oh, today's my day off." Lazy son of a dog.

But, es no problem, right? 'Cause I file my reports every time I come off duty, put them in the message tubes. Yesterday, three marines bust down my door come to put a bullet in mi cabeza for deserting. I told them, "I'm not a deserter, I filed fifteen patrol reports!" I show them the copies I kept of the reports, they finally put down their blasters. We went straight to the forwarding room, and we found the traitorous swine who were supposed to be forwarding the reports shredding them as they came out of the tubes! I don't think I need to tell you, comrades, that those capitalist spies are no longer working in the forwarding room. We slaughtered them like the pigs they were. Then we went to the maintenance deck and executed the idiot who hadn't replaced my comm unit. He may have been a spy, he may have just been lazy, but either way he deserved to die.
Today, we have triumphed over those who would seek to undermine us from within, hermanos! For the Red Dawn!

As a side note, comrades, I took the Minsk out to pick up Commissar-Commander Katz's nuclear warheads today. Handed them over to him and got safely back to Gorodok. Now I must go and see if the new mechanic has replaced my comm unit.

Viva la revolucion!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - jammi - 12-05-2009

CommID: Lieutenant Julio Quintillia
Message Source: Cloppenburg - Bremen
Message Target: SCRA Command
CC: Ontario "back door"

Hola mis camaradas revolucionarios!
Early yesterday, I departed from Zvezdny Gorodok on orders of comrade-Commissar Katz. I was to sweep the Minnesota and Quebec systems for potential base locations, then relay the findings back to Command. Apparently I have quite a reputation as a scout now... I'm afraid to say, my hopes for a SCRA held installation in either system is gloomy at best. My findings can be found below.

[font=System]Minnesota: The way to Minnesota can be found through Texas, but even from here, I began to have doubts from the system's viability as a staging point. The jump hole was protected by no fewer than eight (possibly more) weapon platforms, each with inbuilt sensor relays.

Evading their fire was no trouble at all for my Partisan, but the transports and freighters required to shuttle the resources required for construction would face grave danger. Upon jumping through, these problems were compounded by Moorhead Station, which looked to me like a refueling point. The advance warning from the Navy weapon platforms meant a Navy wing of Guardians had already been scrambled to meet me. I shook them off in the ice field that encompasses the entire system.

Throughout the system, there are numerous 'corridors' that have been cleared of asteroids and lined with Nav Beacons. Following these paths, I discovered another two permenant structures. The Universal Shipping run Saint Paul base, and Duluth Shipyard. With comrade-Commissar Katz's permission, I interdicted a Universal patrol and took a prisoner, to enquire as to Universal's activities in the system. He told me the bases were finaced by a group known as the 'KoF', but didn't seem to know much else. I suited him up, then dropped him on a patrol path on the edge of Duluth's weapon range.

Between Duluth and Sait Paul, there was a long range sensor relay that was probably either coordinating Navy actions within the system, letting them know where I was, or streaming communication between the two stations. I decided to cause trouble and destroy it, regardless of what it was doing.

After that, I followed the final corridor, and came under fire from the Liberty Dreadnought Minneapolis, which had been stationed by the Quebeck jump hole. Continuting to evade it's fire, I jumped through.

[font=System]Quebeck: Quebeck appears to be largely barren, with no natural cover in the form of asteroid fields or nebulae. Three planets and one moon orbit the system's sun. The jump hole to Minnesota was undefended, with neither patrols or weapon platforms being present, at that time.

Proceeding further into the system, I discovered the jumphole to New Hampshire behind Planet Montreal. It was also guarded by the Battleship Alma. There isn't really much to say about Quebeck... It's mostly lifeless.


In summary, I'd say that neither system is appropriate for a construction site. Any construction convoys proceeding through Minnesota would be destroyed either before, or immediately after jumping in. Coupled with high Navy activity around both the system's entry points and the undetected infiltration of the system would become impossible. Patrols would simply trace our route, then destroy out structures as they found them.

Equally, Quebeck offers similarly dismal prospects. There are no solar objects we can use for cover, save for the planets themselves. While hiding in a planet's sensor-shadow might conceal us from the Alma, it's mobile patrols would find us, because of how close all three of the planets are. Not to mention they'd be informed of any convoy's approach, should they miraculously survive the journy through Minnesota.

I already checked through New Hamshire and Bremen too. Both systems are even harder to get through than Minnesota, because they are warzones between Rhienland and Liberty. If we are to increase our operations in those systems, I'd advise we simply strengthen our ties with the Bundsuchuh further, and use Cloppenburg in Bremen and launch snub craft from there. They were most obliging when I asked for a bunk.

Final note; I discovered something that our scientists may be interested in, and may want to find again in Omega 3.

That concludes my report. I hope it's contents are of use.
Adios mi comrades!
~Lieutenant Quintillia

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 12-06-2009

COMM ID: Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz SCRA
LOCATION: Omega-52 Zvezdny Gorodok Звёздный городок
TARGET ID: SCRA High Command

Training today consited of two Insurgent fighters, one Revolution Bomber and the Gunboat Social Credit.

Commander Bethune was in command of the training mission in the R-Bomber.
Lt. Commander Gabriel Mao and Lt. Stenka Razin were flying escort and I was in Command of the Soc.

Training mission was a resounding success, with much learned and applied tactics shared.

Lt. Razin earned his call sign Freshly Oiled Weasel again proving the difficulty in scoring a hit on his fighter.

Bethune is an effective tutor, and schooled all of us well.

Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz
Комисса́р-Командир Элвин Кац

CPW-Social Credit

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса