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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dieter Schprokets - 09-18-2011

[Image: James_Layton_Ralston.jpg]

To the occasional Gentlemen and Ladies of the Armed Forces

I am pleased to announce, that for effectiveness in combat, a certain Mister Ryan O'Dukes of the Bretonian Merchant Navy has been awarded the Courageous Action Medal.

I would that every Bretonian merchant destroyed as many enemy ships. We would already be in New Tokyo.

Trusting the above is sufficiently clear,

Fleet Admiral James Ralston.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Trim - 09-20-2011

----COMM ID: Robert Woodrow----

Afternoon all.

Last night myself and Walton met up at Planet New London for a patrol. We stumbled into Dublin and came across a two Molly pilots who were drunk as hell, not unusual. Anyway, they went for a fight, one of them was in a Bactrian, and the other in a Greyhound.

Walton took down the Bactrian with ease as I took care of the fighter.

Here's y'er proof.

Now, the second order of business is about my rank.

I'm applying for the rank of Captain, I have:
  • A total of 20 patrol reports, including this one
  • Over 190 flight hours in total
  • An attitude/precision/discipline level of 5
  • Trained 7 or so members thoroughly throughout my time here
  • A responsibility level of 2
  • A political interest level of one.
  • And finally I've been here on active duty for about 14 or so months.
With regards,

Commander Robert Woodrow.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Snow - 09-20-2011

*** Incoming Transmission ***
*** Opening Transmission..***

Pilot ID: Ens.David Crowley
Location: Battleship Essex
Subject: Patrol report

Good evening Admirals.

I started my patrol with joining up with Lt.Alex Clarke wich was talking with an BPA officer about somekind of scanner. I didnt ask any questions about the matter.
After sometime the BPA officer got an smuggler on this scanner of his.
The smuggler was an junker corvette with the callsign: Cabriolet-Dark.
He was found with nuclear warheads in his cargo, when confronted he decided to make a run for it.
He didnt get very far before his ship was destroyed by me, Lt.Clarke and BPA)Cst|Will.Wallace.
We destroyed the warheads on spot, we then stayed in Leeds to do some scanning.
And then a trader with the name Smith decided to ignore the BPA officers order to cut his engines for a cargo scan, so we began pursuing him. When he finally stoped it turned out he just had optroincs in his cargo, he the appologies for his behavior and was let free.
After this me and Lt.Clarke headed into the Dublin system, where we found two Gaians wich decided that it was better to leave the system rather then fight us.
I then got permission from Lt.Clarke to dock on Battleship Essex to do this report.


David Crowley signing out.

*** End of transmission ***

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gruffalo - 09-20-2011

[---Incoming Transmission---]
[---ID: Lieutenant Lucas Alexander---]
[---Source: Battleship Suffolk---]
[---Encryption: High---]
[---Priority: High---]
[---Subject: Patrol---]

[Image: 2ih4iuh.jpg]

Good Morning,

My report from this morning, I started my usual in Leeds, aside from a few traders, nothing was out of the ordinary and I continued my patrol into New London. Again, New London was clear. So I proceeded into Manchester where I came across two outcast gunboats, callsigns Juan.Corvas and [color=#FF0000]Enrico.Salada
. However, as soon as I entered scanner range they quickly fled in the direction of Cortez and long range scanners later picked them up in Coronado. There probably staging there attacks from there. I'll be keeping a closer eye on Manchester.

I quickly re-checked the New London system where a BMM miner, callsign God was in orbit of Planet New London, he thanked me for for my help the other day saving him from a Molly and gave a total of 1 million credits, saying that it should go towards the war effort. I'll be forwarding the credits to the amoury later this evening.

I headed back to the Suffolk and signed off.

* Unfortunately an Ion Storm hit shortly afterwords and fried my guncam, I'll see what the engineers on the Suffolk can do to save any information that is left.

Bretonia Prevails!

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Lieutenant Lucas Alexander.

[--Ending Transmission---]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 09-21-2011

[Image: london-bridge-hospital.jpg]
*Incoming Transmission
*Sender ID:Lt.Cdr.R.Ree
*Source:New London Hospital
*Subject:Vital Status

.:**Video Uplink**:.

[Image: ill2.jpg]

Greetings Sir´s,
how you can see im alive,they told me i was fall in a coma.
I lost some of my memories couse the hard hit on my head,all what i knoe its,i was in a fight somewhere in the taus.

The Commander of the Macduff send me with a transport to New London,there i woke up yesterday.
My leg hurt stil yet but the doc said there will be no problem to fly my ship,but i shuld rest it for a while.
Well all in one,the doc said i got much luck and its a wonder how fast my Vital Status goes up.

So i will be alright soon again,cant wait to fly,i dont like Hospitals...Doc told me in a few days i can go.

Lt.Cdr.Renoktu-Ree out.

.:**Transmission End**:.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Aingar - 09-22-2011

connection established
password *********
access granted
upload report130981802.nfo
file found, streaming...

Source: Battleship Derby
ID: Lt. Alex Clarke

High Priority
Topic: Operation Attrition


Dear admiralty,

I'd like to request promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, basing on following service record:

211 hours, including 38 on Challenger Bomber,
One month of active duty,
11 Reports including this one,
Helped two ensigns to raise their combat flight skills and optimize their ship loadouts.
Good knowledge of Bretonia laws and treaties

List of notable achievements:
- ~1350 kills during Operation Attrition ( I'm awaiting the medal awarding ceremony, as many others I imagine)
- Repelled invasion of unknown vessels on Dublin on September 6th
- Took part in action against Necrosis on September 4th
- Took part in major scouting operation on LD-14 on August 27th

My record is not perfect, however, as shown during the diversion action within Omega 7 on September 7th, I've led a 3 fighter squadron into the system to provide distraction to pirate ships in the area, allowing our merchant navy transport to pass into Snowdown unharmed, in which we succeeded.

Unfortunately I did it without consulting the Rheinland authorities beforehand, basing only on Lt.Cdr Ree authorization. Admiral Piett assured me that what I did was the right thing, and while I agree, I cannot say that I've done everything in my power to prevent long-term repercussions on already fragile Rheinland-Bretonia relations.

I'm sure your decision regarding me will be the right one.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

<div align="right][color=#9999FF]Alex Clarke
[font=Courier New][color=#33FF33]file ended
terminating transfer
logging out...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 09-22-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 95ves5.gif]

Commander Robert Woodrow, you are known member of the armed forces with excellent status so far:
- 190 hours of Flight Time
- 20 patrol reports
- Inspiration combat trainings passed
- Bomber training passed
- Example, 7 members trained
- Responsibility level of 2
- National Duty over 14 months of service
- Excellent level of attitude (5)
That is why you are granted the rank of [color=#CC33CC]Captain
without hesitation.

Lieutenant Commander Charles Davis, your old application to be promoted to [color=#339999]Commander is granted.

Lieutenant Commander Johnathan Sinclair, your old application to be promoted to [color=#339999]Commander is granted.

Lieutenant Alex Clarke, so far in your career you have achieved:
- 114 hours of Flight Time
- 10 patrol reports
- Bomber training passed
- Example, 2 members trained
- Good level of attitude (3)
That is why you are granted the rank of [color=#00CCCC]Lieutenant Commander
without hesitation.

Congratulations to the members above. Take your new positions with the responsiblity you have shown so far and keep making us proud of your actions.

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - stardust47 - 09-22-2011

[Image: baftrans1.png]

Subject: Re-Instatement and Today's Report

Dear Sirs,
Today I was finally able to get back out flying. As soon as I had joined up with Lt.Cmdr Clarke, I was immediately directed to Southampton Shipyard to deal with a hostile ship with the callsign Maja. Eventually, myself and Ensigns Moore and Crowley were ordered to the Jump Gate to Dublin. After engaging Maja, we chased her into the system and over to the Leeds jump hole. After she escaped through that, we found Silver Reaver on the other side. Soon, we were joined by more fighters but were forced to break off as she escaped into Cambridge. After regrouping at the Derby, I was given permission to sign off.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gruffalo - 09-22-2011

[---Incoming Transmission---]
[---ID: Lieutenant Lucas Alexander---]
[---Source: Battleship Suffolk---]
[---Encryption: High---]
[---Priority: High---]
[---Subject: Encounter in Leeds and Patrol Report---]

[Image: 2ih4iuh.jpg]

Good Afternoon,

I began my patrol by launching from the Suffolk, where I encountered Lt Cdr Clarke above New London. Lt Cdr Clarke informed me that he and some Ensigns where chasing a know criminal. known as [color=#FF0000]Maja was at the New London Jump Gate in Dublin and told me to head to the Dublin Jump Hole in new London and from there on the New London Jump Gate in Dublin to head her off. I did so but by the time I arrived at the Jump Hole and entered Dublin. Maja was already in combat with Ensigns Crowley, Moore and

Maja quickly escaped through the Leeds Jump Hole and we pursued. On the otherside a Reaver. callsign Silver Reaver, joined us and in the ensuing chaos. Maja managed to slip away. We engaged the Reaver and predictably, she ran. Cowards, just like the rest of their little group of cretins. Anyway, we all headed back to the Derby. Another Reaver joined us, callsign Shortbus Reaver and taunted us on the System comms, trying and failing to compensate for somethig I assume. We refused to rise to their taunts and they left in a huff. Lt Cdr Clarke then split us into 2 groups. One would take care of a pirate near Leeds, callsign Dread.Red and then patrol New London, Cambridge and Manchester, the other group. Consisting of myself, Lt Cdr Clarke and Ens Moore would patrol Edinburgh and Dublin.

We quickly patrolled both Edinburgh and Dublin, encountering no enemies and we rendezvoused at the Essex in Dublin. There Lt Cdr Clarke left, and I did shortly after, as I needed to do some paperwork on the Suffolk. As I left however, a Molly appeared in Dublin. However, he was alone and posed no threat to us.

:Attached Files:

Bretonia Prevails!

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Lieutenant Lucas Alexander.

[--Ending Transmission---]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kopesh - 09-22-2011

COMM ID:William Folge
Greetings ladies and gentlemen,this is an older report.
3 days ago me and lt Clarke were patrooling Dublin and met a molly.Lt clarke authorised me to vaporise him,so I engaged.The fight was anything but hard,untill he called for help.Another molly called Blodwin O Driscoll came to his aid.Our reserve ensign stepped in to tip the ballance.I softened up Blodwin for our ensign,and had some akirmitches with the other molly.After some time he flew away,and then we focused on Blodwin.I am proud to say we beat him,me having the last shot.

For today,we did some patrools,and after some time I broke off our squadron and went solo for patrooling.I met a mercenary called Maja ,who got attacked by lt Clarke earlier thia day for,engaged with a bounty hunter.The hunter needed help so I joined and asked him kindly to step out of battle.After a short time,the mercenary took alot of beating from me ,while he did some extremely minor scratches to my ship.When he ran out of nanovots,he ran away.Obviously he wasn't a match for my eagle and for my superiour bretonian experience.I purauited him,but lost him.
Afterwards I met a kusari explorer carrying unidentified life forms and black market munitions.I asked him to drop it,but he had a strange voice and refused to comply.I radioed for help and engaged him.After 5 minutes lt Clarke came to my aid and killed that ship.since the fight was over,i went to Norfolk for repairs.

As a final note,I would like to request my promotion again.2 weeks have passed since our Admiral has issued a trial of 1 week for me and in this time I tried to do my best and actually listen to my superiours.Now I know where I did wrong and did my best to correct my behaviour.
