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SF Message Dump - Printable Version

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SF Message Dump - Firebird - 08-20-2007

Comm ID: Admiral Firebird
Directed To: SF Personnel

Peace in-light of a Common Enemy
The UOG have made contact with myself, and in-light of the threats posed by the Kusari Naval Forces have offered the following agreement which I find agreeable.

1. SF vessels will refrain from approaching within scanning range of Arranmore Station (15km - warning, 10k line of death so to speak), the only exception is for the interception of Kusari convoys bound for Omega-49 when the UOG are not present. Our patrols may continue around the Essex and Graves Station.

2. UOG will cease pirating activites within Bretonian space.

3. Both SF and UOG will work to combat the growing threat posed by the Kusari Navy.

The agreement is not binding to all members of the Mollys/BAF (ie. those outside of the SF's or UOG's command). The SSO if conducting business for the SF will abide by the same agreement as will SF's allies acting on our behalf (ie. the SF will not pay the SSO or other mercs for kills on members of the UOG unless with a well documented reason and cause).

I'll also mention that the kusari convoys are to remain a gunboat and smaller event (so far both the SF and KNF have held to that arrangement, lets try to maintain that please).

Other than that, upon confirmation by the UOG I'll be moving their status to unfriendly.

End of Transmission


Comm ID: Admiral Firebird
Directed To: SF Personnel

Another new fighter recruit joins the SF defense forces in Bretonia. SFF-Cosmik (**_Cosmik_**) will be assisting the Bretonia Guard. Welcome him into the SF and head on up to Cambridge Research Station for a round from Joanne. Heard the scientists there whipped up a new brew that should be interesting, just don't ask where it came from.

For the Queen and Bretonia.


End of Transmission

SF Message Dump - Equinox - 08-20-2007

Comm ID: Mark Hodson Comm handle (Silence)
Directed To: SF Command

Sorry for my absence, the SFDS-Intrepid i was flying was destroyed by Corsairs, my escape pod was tractored in by some junkers and i have only just returned to new London.

While i was recovering i over saw the construction of the SFBC-Intrepid, a fine ship, today it was completed and i did the usual setup (tag id), once she was ready i took her to T 31 to reinforce our forces and to do the in flight testing, she performed well and took out a nice number of there battleships and destroyers in the area, theres some images i took from the ships camera that i will upload now.

[Image: screen361.jpg]

[Image: screen359.jpg]

Once the navel forces where destroyed and the ship had been fully tested i headed back to Cambridge to resume my patrols of that sector. While traveling through Leeds i encounted 4 Molly ships, i received the report about not attacking them so i slowed down and observed them for awhile, to my astonishment they where killing our brothers and sisters, (attacking npc battleships, destroyers and GBs), i was unsure what to do at this point so i took some scans of them holding bretonion crew in there holds and left.

[Image: screen375.jpg]

I didn't no if this would count as them braking there agreement or not.

Also i was contacted by a new recruit SFF-Relentless (or something like that, cant remember), he needed setting up, i had limited funds but i managed to give him enough (6mill) to get a fighter, i also gave him some weapons i had on another ship so he is also up and ready to start serving the SF and the Queen.

Awaiting orders.

Message end.

SF Message Dump - Hyperion - 08-20-2007

Comm ID: Major Hyperion
To: SF command

Today, before we engaged baf ships(npc), one of youre pilots [SF]-SFF-Flyby has attacked us in cambrigge without reason - we only wanted to go to the omega systems - we had no choice we destroyed the attacking ship. So i think both sides needs to change few things.

...end transmission

SF Message Dump - Firebird - 08-20-2007

Comm ID: Admiral Firebird
To: Major Hyperion, SF Personnel

Roger, one suggestion, next time rather than helping Kusari's cause by attacking BAF ships in retaliation and making the situation worse, inform people to check their communiques. This applies equally to both sides.

End of Transmission

Added: 1000th post:wacko:

SF Message Dump - bluntpencil2001 - 08-20-2007

To: Admiral Firebird
Comm. ID: Captain Andrew Stuart

Message Begins//

Ahoy there, Admiral!

This is Captain Andrew Stuart of 'Her Majesty's Most Diligent Interdiction Wing'... or 'Queen Carina's Privateers' if you prefer.

I'm sending this communication as I organise my new wing to let you know that we are perfectly willing and able to respond to distress calls in Bretonia, as is our duty to Her Majesty, Queen Carina.

Also, we are able to take on missions involving forays into enemy space. Unfortunately, sometimes we may occasionally require funds to aid us in such tasks to cover the Privateers' upkeep. Contact me privately for details. When I'm off-duty from interdiction and trade disruption, I may personally offer your fighter pilots training sessions as well, since I'm personally of the opinion that your fighter squadrons are a touch green at present (although they are certainly of the right temperament and manner!) and need to catch up with the skill of the pilots of some of your larger ships.

It'll be a pleasure to advance the cause of Bretonia alongside yourself and the Sirius Federation, I'm sure!

-Stuart out!

//Message Ends

SF Message Dump - Wyvernhead - 08-21-2007

Comm ID: Commander Wyvernhead, SFBC Invincible
Transmitted From: Planet Harris, Tau-31
Directed To: Fleet Command, SF Personnel
Subject: SFBC Invincible battle ready

Reporting in that the SFBC Invincible has completed initial testing and is now considered battle ready. Her first assignment was in Tau-31 where the crew bravely defended Bretonia's right against the Kusari patrols, no serious problems where detected on board and all weapons have been optimised. Attached to this message are photos taken by the Space Imaging Probe BMM-SIP-A4.

[Image: invincible_training1.jpg]
[Image: invincible_training2.jpg]

End of Transmission

Comm ID: Cmdr. Wyvernhead
Directed To: Admiral Firebird

Sir, my apologies if I my use of the new soon-to-come navy ranks is unsanctioned. I know that Fleet Command hasn't finalised the new structure yet, but my guess is that the current proposal will not differ much from the final. And by the way, thank you for your trust in me by promoting me to Commander, my dedication will not falter, only our enemies will regret your decision.

End of Transmission

SF Message Dump - alance - 08-22-2007

=-> transmit <-=

To: group_SF_Roster
Fr: SF Cadet "Renegade"

Ahoy Gents,

Thanks to the help of the Intrepid a couple days back, I'm fully outfitted with an up-gunned Templar. I ran a pile of missions for the BAF and finally, after killing over 100 enemy fighters, earned a BAF ID transponder.

Fast forward to this message minus 15 minutes and you'd find me in Tau-31 stalking Kusari shipping. I popped a couple of transports then as I was heading back to the Leeds jump gate I ran into the beginnings of a rather large engagement. Half a dozen BAF fighters were intercepting a small Kusari interdiction squadron consisting of 2xChimera, 2xGB, and a DD.

The Chimeras were quickly dispatched and the Gunboats were soon holed as well. The Destroyer proved a bit harder to perforate, but in the end he too exchanged breathable air for cold hard vacuum. I didn't remember to switch on my gun pod until late in the fight, but here are a couple of stills from the footage:

[Image: TvsDD01_thumb.png] [Image: TvsDD02_thumb.png]

Two more waves of Chimera came to reinforce the beleaguered cap ships, but they were too late to have any effect on the outcome. With only a handful of SBs remaining, I jumped back to Leeds and retired to the battleship Derby for a few rounds of Newcastle Ale.

=-> end <-=

SF Message Dump - Cosmik - 08-22-2007

Comm ID : Cadet Cosmik
Directed To : Admiral Firebeird & SF crew

Hello everyone,

I'm Cosmik, I'm glad to be one of yours, and ready to serve the SF.

Btw, I'm all set up, BAF ailgnement and ID ok.;)

We'll meet in space. :cool:

End of transmission

SF Message Dump - Firebird - 08-24-2007

Comm ID : Admiral Firebird
Directed To : SF Personnel

With no disapproval from government officials, and actaully some support. The ranking system proposed previously is to now be put into practice. Promotions to be distributed as needed, and as an additional order of business I would like to nominate Kiggles to the rank of Commodore and thekillerppodl to the rank of Captain for time served and long experience in the SF. As with the new ranks, these nominations require a second show of support at the command level.

To refresh:

Combat Level
Cadet - Fighters Only (New member to Discovery)
Requirement for Next Rank: Has one SF fighter BAF Guard Friendly and tagged BAF or BAF Guard & 2 PvP encounter report (from the reports looking for some RP and good interactions with others, encounter can be as simple as scanning a bunch of passing traders or a full out battle, outcome of the report (win or loss, etc) would not be important, its the good interactions with others that is key)

Lieutenant - Gunboat and Down, No Bomber (Knows something about the operation of Discovery)
Requirement for Next Rank: Total of 3 or more PvP encounter reports (at least one as a battle) as a Lieutenant and all SF ships BAF Guard Friendly and BAF or BAF Guard tagged

Lieutenant Commander - Cruiser and Down, including Bomber (Knows something about the operation of Discovery and the SF)
Requirement for Next Rank: Total of 5 or more PvP encounter reports (at least two as a battle) as a Lieutenant Commander, all SF ships BAF Guard Friendly and BAF or BAF Guard tagged

Commander - Anything (Knows about the operation of Discovery and the SF, highest obtainable "grunt" rank)
Requirement for Next Rank: Desire to become more involved with SF background operations such as recruitment, storage, recommendation of two or more Captain+

Command Level Ranks
Captain - Anything (Involved in the background operations of the SF)
Requirement for Next Rank: Desire to become heavily involved with SF background operations and the well being of the faction, recommendation of two or more Commodore+

Commodore - Anything (Heavy decision and adminstrator for the SF)
Requirement for Next Rank: Desire to run a faction and recommendation of majority of SF members, step-down or removal of current admiral

Admiral - Anything (Held accountable for SF actions, End Descision Maker)

Current Members and Ranks
Admiral: Firebird
Commodores: Hyperwave22
Captains: Ant, Koolmo, Kiggles
Commanders: thekillerppodl, BILLY_THE_KID, Wyvernhead, Stratus, Kinda
Lieutenant Commanders: BestFlyerHere, Gemini_75, Ghost Pilot, Rabid_Oscar
Lieutenants: Spartan-248, Raven, Ghidora, Eofi
Cadet+ (looking for rep status, if good then promoted): AC Merc, Photuin, Kress, BlueBelly, Jonny, Freight, Hancer, MrSns, Equinox
Cadet: n0k0m, Dieter Schprokets, Silver_Valentine, Morrigan, **_Cosmik_**
Inactive?: Flinn, Lockhead

Note: The rank for entering Beta & the Bretonian Knights is increased to Lt. Commander. Furthermore, bomber's, since acquired from RM are limited to Lt. Command+.

End of Transmission

SF Message Dump - will ritson - 08-24-2007

To:admril Firebird
Comm ID: Commander Nelson

With the promotion comes a pay rise.

so drinks on me at CRS bar for a week

Commander Nelson