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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 09-22-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: Her Majesty Ship Leeds ]
[CommID: Commander Charles.Davis]
[Subject: Patrol Report and Secondary Fleet Officer Evyn Behavior]
[Encryption: High]
[Priority: High]

Establishing Video Uplink

[Image: 29998172131383dm725x.png]

First of all I will like to thank for the trust that is in trusted to me and I will try not to disappoint. I have taken the field commission of Her Majesty Ship Leeds witch has been transferred to the Primary fleet from the Bretonian Royal Fleet. The Leeds will act as my flag ship. Now to work. At exactly 2250 Hours SMT+2 I received a distress call from a Bretonian Patrol about a Kusarian Battleship. Well when I arrived on sight at 2300 hours I only saw 4 Kusarian fighters and 3 Bretonia fighters and 1 Merc that was working with us. And what I saw shocked me all of them where engaged in duels but before I managed to Contact Lt Commander Ree who was on sight his Templar got destroyed but his pod Recovered. I managed to Re organise the fight in a group battle. Witch was eventually fought At the Lane Between Stokes and Planet Leeds. At first it was 4 Against 3 with the Fighter supremacy for the KNF but after a Ion storm hit the odds were even.

3 Fighters against 3 Fighters. Our Force consisted from Myself a Volunteer from the Eagles His number was 501 and a Merc by the name of Shichigatsu. Well the fight was going well for us. We took no casualties and just as about to score the first kill. The Mollyes jumped in darn it wasn't expected and they engaged us first not the Kusarians but by a pure miracle the Kusarians turned and opened fire on the Mollyes I told my people to do the same. After of 5 mins brawl with the Mollyes. Disaster Stroke The Sherwood.Forest former BAF primary fleet vessel now in the reserve fleet. Came and Engaged the Mollyes with its Solaris Cannons. I told Captain Evyn To stand down. Her response was that I don't have the rank to order her. And she kept going firing missiles and solaris as she pleases.

I again told her to stand down this time with more insistent tone. She ignored me it seemed the Kusarians saw this and fall back leaving our 3 fighters and BS against the 2 Molly Heavy fighters . For the 3rd time I told Captain Evyn to stand down that we have the situation under control and there will be consequences of her actions. She told me the same thing she did when I order her the first time. That I dont have the rank to order her anything. The mollyes were eliminated I entered a discussion with Captain Evyn on how and why she ignored my order and did what she did. She told me I don't have the Rank to command battleships of the reserve force. I am under the impression that the Secondary fleet takes orders from all ranked BAF primary fleet members even Lts please do correct me if I am wrong or right.Now I ordered the Leeds to undock just in case because it seems Miss Evyn is out of her mind. Drew out a Direct the against the Leeds.

Why because she figured I was going to attack her. Still she is paranoid and I dough she will listen to any officer of the primary fleet orders. After I saw no hope of fixing the situation I took the recordings of the conversation and gun cams. Because we received a report for two Corsair Battleships at Planet Cambridge. As we went the battle wasent much of a something. But the corsairs managed to escape. We didn't had enough Fire power to beat them. Here are the Flight Recording and logs

BAF|Eagle-501: so
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: All fighters tearget is.Blodwyn.O'Driscoll.
BAF|Eagle-501: who are we fighting now?
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: molyes
BAF|Eagle-501: l bloodwyn
BAF|Eagle-501: bloodwyn
BAF|Eagle-501: I heard you kissed the emperor's legs
BAF|Eagle-501: is that true?
Rori.Cunningham: Oi don't realy understand why i can't shoot some kusarians inn'ere
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Honestly I don't see whats stopping you
Rori.Cunningham: Ma friends told me to not open foire for get honesty foit
Rori.Cunningham: But now i see all of dis pilots shoot to anywhere around
BAF|Eagle-501: cd
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: CD
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Hmm..Seems I better help out then Mister Cunningham
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: All gunners..Open fire on that gunship
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: NEGATIVE
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: Fprest stand down
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Your Ranks doesn't Allow you to do so
Rori.Cunningham: Yo had an order mr.Forest
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Mhmm..Fleet Admiral Ralston said..ANd quoting
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Wipe out all Mollies..
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: then get a fighter
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Negative Commander..
BAF|Eagle-501: what is this battleship doing
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: // STAND DOWN NOW
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Negative
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: COmmander..Only Captains and above can order a Battleship of her majesty to stand down
Rori.Cunningham: Dat pilot in big ship doesn't know "honesty" word. looks like dat
Death: Donie.O'Driscoll was killed by HMS-Sherwood.Forest (Gun)
BAF|Eagle-501: unhounored kill
BAF|Eagle-501: I apologize for the stupidity of this captain
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Is that so?..Mollies never showed honor
Donie.O'Driscoll: //thanks for trying to pull Sherwoods back
BAF|Eagle-501: I am returning home
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: ALl ships fall back
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: sorry lads
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Fine by me
BAF|Eagle-501: let Sherwood deal with the Mollys alone
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: // Whats Wrong with you
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: //Nothing why?
Shichigatsu: I'm getting rather facinated by your chain of command. If you get what I mean. *She tilted head.* Did we succeed?
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: // Oh really
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: You have a problem in how I run my ship?
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: Yes I do
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: This is the last thing I expected from you
BAF|Eagle-501: take care gents
BAF|Eagle-501: and lady
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: orry folks
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: I'm sorry COmmander..Did you not hear of the Governments orders in regards to my sister and I?
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: I know your discharged
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: and relived from duty
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: I'm afraid I can't accept that order
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: Well you have to
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Hmm..No..I dont
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: Yes you Will
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: This is High Command
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: Desision
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: And you will
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: fallow it
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: You Also fallow the Primary Fleet orders
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: Or should I remind you
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: Of
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: I'm sorry commander..But in this state..Your rank does not give you the ability to do so
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: I am a Member of the Primary Fleet you of the Reserve forces
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: You disobayed a Direct order
Traffic control alert: Shichigatsu has requested to dock
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: And I say again..Commander...
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Primary fleet or not..You rank does not give you the right to order this vessel in any way!
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: *facepalm* So what you got discharged
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: And you think you will do what ever you want
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Hmm..No..Actually
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: I'm not ordering my crew to do anything out of regards..
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: Oh yeah
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: What was that about
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: Shooting Heavy fighters in a Battleship
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: This is Anti protocol
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: Have you lost your sences
Gallow.Glass: Free Dublin! Free Mollys! FREE LOVE! Sing it wit' meee!
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Protocol?....Don't you dare question me in the states of protocol COmmander Davis!
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: I will
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: Cause it seems
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: you have forgoten them
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Hmm..So what protocol dictates into such actions into what just happened?
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: That we give a Fair fight
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: Hop on your bomber
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: i am
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: Evyn have you gone insane
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: Dont do this to yourself
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: be right out
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Im afraid I my disagree..How many times have we faced insurmountable Kusari odds..And then asked them-
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: for a fair fight?
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: It dosent matter
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: We must not be like them
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: If you start to become a problem
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: In the most uncertain of times..We must sometimes lay down our humanity for the right of the common good
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: Keeep here here
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: Hey Davis
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Oh wait..Thats right..I'm not fully human..
BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis: Hey Sinclair Guaess what we have here
Traffic control alert: BAF|Cdr.Charles.Davis has requested to dock
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: How are you doing sinclair..
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: *laughs* I trust him more than you
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: Now thats more like it
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Don't you even think it Davis..
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Don't you even dare...
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: Davis, what is going on?
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: Miss  Evyn here disobayed a Direct order
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: You fire a single shot from the HMS Leeds...
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: *sighs*
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: And shoot two Mollyes fighters with her Solaris turrents
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: *sighs*
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: And I swear I will defend my ship and its crew..
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: Woho, is that a threat? eh
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: That is my word..
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: I guess it is
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: It is not a threat..Commander Davis ordering the HMS Leeds to undock..Is the threat
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: So go right ahead COmmander Davis..
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: We have the right to undock whatever ships we want. We don't have to justify that infront of you
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Open fire..And so help me...God himself wont save you..
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: We are -not- going to open fire. So goddamnit calm down...
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: I wont bet ont hat But the Leeds is here to provide more Solid ground for my defence incase you go out of control
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: COmmander Davis seems to think otherwise
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Insanity is the new norm of life itself in Sirius..
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: We wont open fire on a Armed forces vessel
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Then why order the HMS Leeds to Undock?
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: She is Old she needs the sunshine
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Indeed..
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: Because you make a labil impression *sighs*
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: I still cant belive it that you YOU dod that
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: I'm actually quite calm Commander Sinclair..
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: Oh yes i'm sure you are... just telling us all the time that the Leeds is a threat here *sighs*
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: While actually you are the one here
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: Still Ignoring my orders yo stand down
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: First impressions Sinclair..First impressions..
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis to*
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Commander Davis..If you happened to be of a rank of a Captian..I would consider such..
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: However...Following protocol..You are not..
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: But I was the highest ranking officer on Field
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Regardless the fact stil lstands..
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: Witch maked me the Commanding Officer
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: You will follow our orders, even if it are the ones from an Ensign!
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: THere is not current operation..
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Why in then turn would you be the commanding officer?
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Are we under attack at this very moment?
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: I see no Kusari ships
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: No but we were 15 mins ago
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: No mollies..
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Not ever a corsair..
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: Then you egnored my orders
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: *sighs* Shut up! You know exactly what's going on Evyn. And you know too that there is always a commanding Officer
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Is that a pirate over there?...Bettter go check it out Davis
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: Even if there is no fight
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: SInclair..
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: You are the last person I would expect such talk from..
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: Sinclair keep your ground
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: And your the last person I expected tos ee such actions
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: I held you much higher in stature then that
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: *he facepalms*
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: I'm sorry commander Davis..But when the Government decides to call me a threat..
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: Arr... I'm usually a calm person. But there do exist people i can't stand if they're doing what he's doing right now
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Despite all that has happened against the enemies of Bretonia..
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: I feel a bit on nerved for such in calling me a direct threat..
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: ANd lies about such as well
BAF|HMS-Leeds: I honestly Feal betrayed
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: You got called a threat because you are obviously labil. And you still are as it seems
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: its a Shame actualy
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: Once so good member of the Armed forces my college
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: To speak and threthen me like that
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Obviously Labil...
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: I can't believe what Im hearing..
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Comm officer: [IND]Unrelenting.Profit. you entered our radar range submit your Id code and destination.
Shichigatsu: You hadn't included the sublte Kusarians, yet, kombanwa.
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: Once and honorable member and now seeing fall down. It's sad
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: Really sad
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: You know...Admiral Fraser also had this kind of situation
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Comm officer: We recived your tranmission
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: But he was a captian at that time..
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Just like me..
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: And he was considered a threat too
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: I wam very well of that situation
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: Don't you dare comparing your case with that one
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Fallen is on his way
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: finally
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Or really?...I see no reason why such cant be done so
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: ANy reason why I cant compare such?
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: I didn't think so...
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: Because they're not the same. Use your brain i know you have and think of what would have happened if thy were
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Not the same?..Please..Explain..
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: Use your own brain. I'm tired of such a baby
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Oh..I am using it..And in such Im finding your words to be empty and unfruitful in trying to make a valid debate..
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: Everything alright?
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Oh..And good day to you pilot..
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: Oh really Evyn tell me why all the other Captain from the Reserve forces Listen to All BAF officers
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: You how ever not ?
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: *sighs* Arr well. I'm really not in the mood to talk to someone like that right now. I'll wait for the Admiral
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Hmm...Let's see...Possilby due to an attack..
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Do you record everything ?
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: As you wish Commander SInclair..
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: i think i'm saving the logs. lemme check
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Fallen told us to record everythig
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: Evyn why did you disobayed my orders
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: err, where does it saves the logs to?
BAF|HMS-Leeds: My Documents>My Games>Freelancer
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: Evyn respond
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: yes i have the logs
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: I'm here..Just having tea..
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: though there are two legates outside cambridge
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: And reading a book..
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: War and Peace..You should read it sometime..
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: What you did was very discresefull
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: Again...
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis: In what normal mind you decided to engage two Molly Heavy fighters while they are being taken care of 3 templars
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: shall we leave him and go for the legates?
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: I only saw two..
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: Then learn to look
BAF|HMS-Leeds: I want him to Answer this quyestion and We are off then
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: I did..Two templars..and that pilot over trhere
HMS-Sherwood.Forest: Evyn: Which is a Switchblade..
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Aye still again its 3 fighters
Shichigatsu: Eventually.
BAF|HMS-Leeds: And you had to bump yourself to the fight
BAF|HMS-Leeds: Davis Sinclair we are done here
BAF|Cdr.J.SincIair: Aye. She obviously doesn't understand a thing

Davis out

Charles Davis
Bretonian Armed Forces

[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 09-23-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 95ves5.gif]

Commander Davis, you did well by listening to my orders and taking evidences of these wild actions. Reading that log file fills me with dissapointment and understanding. I am dissapointed of the actions of these ...pilots and I cant even imagine they were among us. Now I see and understand that our decission, to remove them from service, was more than necessary. I can but I wont quote few sentences of their speech which clearly shows the wild inside them.

We cant let their "disease" to spread across Her Majesty's Homeland and our Sovereign, that is why I give the following orders:
Due to the lack of discipline on the battlefield, leading to certain problems and cases which afflicted the reputation of Bretonian kingdom, I order: All ships of the primary fleet to keep taking evidences, as log files, everytime they encounter the ship "Sherwood Forest". If the captains of that independent ship continue to act as wild citizens of planet Gaia, I give permission to all pilots to destroy that vessel and return their crew and captains on planet New London, from where they will be judged for their crimes.

On these orders I place my seal.
Admiral Sir Firmus Piett
Commander of the West Fleets

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Snow - 09-23-2011

*** Incoming Transmission ***
*** Opening Transmission..***

Pilot ID: Ens.David Crowley
Location: Battleship Essex
Subject: Patrol report

My patrol began from Battleship Essex, i then joined up with Lt.Commander Alex Clarke at planet New London.
Where i was informed that we were hunting an Merc with the callsign: Maja. And i was sent to Kensington to stand guard, while doing so, she started speaking system wide and was obviusly after to kill some BAF.
I had gotten to order to mock her and make her location known. Can't say i did a good job at mocking her to be honest, not my strongest side. While we had our little chat over system coms, two more ensigns showed up and took positions to narrow her location.
Ens.Henry Moore suddenly got her on scanner range and we relocated to her location were we were given the order to kill. As we engaged her, she fled trough Dublin jumpgate and we chased her into Leeds where we was also attacked by an Silver.Reaver. After some time of chasing them around, we got the order to regroup at Planet leeds, we were then devided into patrol wings.
The one i was in consisted of Lt.Layla Clay and Ens.William Folge. We patroled the New London system and found it clear. We then continued to Manchester system, where everything was clear aswell.
We then headed back to Leeds, we scanned the area and found a pirate wich we chased into Dublin, unfortunatly he escaped.
While on our way to battleship Essex, we stumbeld upon a molly pilot with callsign: [M]-Inglorious.Bastard, who was engaging Ens.Henry Moore. Since Moore had the situation under control we didnt interfere with their fight. But when another Molly showed up with the callsign: [M]-Colleen.O´Finnegan, we entered the fight and destroyed Inglorius Bastard.
The other molly quicly fled the area. Leaving the system clear. I then docked on Battleship Essex.


David Crowley signing out.

*** End of transmission***

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - koske - 09-23-2011

[Image: bernardbrownINCbaf.png]
[Rank: Ensign]
[Subject: Patrol Report]

[font=Garamond]Good day ladies and gentleman, little time passed after I finished my training and I found myself in first patrol. In front of planet Leeds we found "SCRA" ships, I was in direct command of Cdr. Charles Davis when we attempted to take down their cruiser but unfortunately ship fled deep in to the rock field, our pilot launched missile to disrupt his engines but without any luck. "SCRA" had no chance against our force, their bomber support remained unprotected and I used situation to take one of them down. After several minutes passed and we were under attack by Kusari Empire, two fighters with one mercenary pilot. Also that situation was cleared but pilots managed to escape home, we were without disruptor missiles.

"I spend most of my time in private room of Battleship Essex looking how our companies are working on that gold relaxing from first space fight in life, my own thoughts were indescribable to any other man in this ship. I didn't have much friends in my life so, it will be hard for me to create any friendship. I saw the red light with my sleepy and tired eyes, it was another alert. I heard people speaking it is close to this battleship somewhere near New London gate. I took my stuff and head to my ship."

We found Gallia small fleet in New London system deep hidden in the rock field already shooting on one Bretonian pilot. My commanding pilot was Cpt. Lawrence Winter, I acted on his order to assist friendly pilot. We cleared the field in several minutes and then I had to Essex to take rest from really hard day. I will upload evidence on today actions.

Evidence No.1: Open
Evidence No.2: Open
Evidence No.3: Open
Evidence No.4: Open

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Azan27 - 09-24-2011

Incoming Transmission...
Sender: Ensign Richard Hastings
Location: Planet Cambridge, Cambridge System
Message Beings...

Sirs and Madames,
Today was a good day for Bretonia. During a Patrol of the Dublin system, I encountered a strange ship on the edge of my scanner. The vessel was of Kusari design, so I went to investigate. Upon inspection, the pilot of the ship revealed himself to be some sort of Kusari nationalist, possibly a member of the "Hogosha" organization. He opened fire, so I returned the favor. His ship, however, had already sustained damage and as thus, I took it down in no time. Scrach one Kusari fighter. *smiles*

Unfortunatly, my ship's blackbox was damaged, so I was unable to collect evidence of the kill.

In other news, I've been saving up shore leave for some time... I think its about time that I used it. I'll be retiring to my estate on Cambridge for a short while, to try and relax. Serve well while I'm away.

God Save the Queen.

Message Ends...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gruffalo - 09-24-2011

[---Incoming Transmission---]
[---ID: Lieutenant Lucas Alexander---]
[---Source: Battleship Derby---]
[---Encryption: High---]
[---Priority: High---]
[---Subject: Patrol Report---]

[Image: 2ih4iuh.jpg]

Good Evening,

I began my patrol from the Battleship Suffolk, and upon arriving at Southampton Shipyard, a Lane Hacker Spyglass Battleship was in the proximity of the station, callsign [color=#FF0000]Jah-War As I entered his sensor range, he ran towards the Manchester Jump Gate and then to the Magellan Jump Hole, I followed him all the way to the Vespucci Jump Hole, where long range scanners indicated he docked.

I continued my patrol in Manchester where everything was clear, I then headed to New London and then Leeds where I enforced the blockade, however, no ships where coming to or from Stokes Smelter. So I then quickly checked Newcastle and seeing all was clear. I headed back to the Suffolk to sign off.

:Attached Files:

Bretonia Prevails!

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Lieutenant Lucas Alexander.

[--Ending Transmission---]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gruffalo - 09-26-2011

[---Incoming Transmission---]
[---ID: Lieutenant Lucas Alexander---]
[---Source: Battleship Derby---]
[---Encryption: High---]
[---Priority: High---]
[---Subject: Patrol Report---]

[Image: 2ih4iuh.jpg]

Good Evening,

I began my patrol from the Battleship Suffolk, quickly patrolled New London and then headed towards Leeds. At Leeds I enforced the blockade untill I came across a BMM miner, callsign God asking for an escort to Planet New London, I did that and then while on the trade lane from New London to Kensington, I came across a Mastodon transport callsign [color=#FF0000]Kupi_Krisu! being attacked by a Freelancer, callsign Anthony.Wilson. Wilson ignored my commands to cease fire so I engaged but the fled and entered the trade lane and cut it with mines before I could enter. I caught up with him at Somerset Asteroid Field. I chased him through the field and he then fled towards the trade lane, we then enaged at the trade lane to Kensington where he managed to outmaneuvere me and land a critical hit. I retreated and nearby BPA constables took over and chased him to Dubin where they lost him.

After some emergency repairs at the Battleship Suffolk, I headed for Newcastle to continue my patrol where I came across a Gaian Gunboat, callsign Gaia's.Communist heading into Leeds through the Leeds Jump Gate. I chased him all the way to Planet Leeds when he took the trade lane to the New London Jumpgate, the BPA had set a trap on the other side so I decided to call it a day and sign off on the Derby, as my Templar was in dire need of serious repairs.

:Attached Files:

Bretonia Prevails!

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Lieutenant Lucas Alexander.

[--Ending Transmission---]


As this is my 15th official report. I hereby request to be promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander as I believe I have fufilled the criteria:
  • 24 hours of flight time recorded on Templar.
  • 7 hours of flight time recorded on Challenger.
  • Attitude of 3.
  • 15 official reports.
  • One month of national service.
  • Good knowledge of Bretonian Laws and Treaties.
In addition, I have assisted in training one ensign, participated in assisting other elements of the Armed Forces in repelling the NECROSIS on September 4th, and scored 511 kills during Operation Attrition.

***Postscript ended***

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 09-26-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 16idte9.gif]

Lieutenant Lucas Alexander, you are doing quick progress in the armed forces and because of that you will be rewarded. Right now the office of the lieutenant commanders is full but once a spot is free you will take it. I am increasing your discipline level to 4 because of your good actions. Continue to do your duty well and make us proud.

Admiral Sir Firmus Piett
Commander of the West Fleets

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kopesh - 09-29-2011

ID:Lieutenant William Folge

SUBJECT:Cardamine transport

Greetings ladies and gentlemen.
Three or four days ago I met near Southampton shipyard a mercenary called Maja.I immediately remember he was a evil mercenary who attacked civilians and BAF in the past,so I wanted to arrest him.Because he refused,I opened fire.
[Image: maja.jpg]
But he ran like a coward towards Trafalgar base and docked.Then I returned to regular patrool and found nothing hostile in Bretonia,so I went to sleep.

Today I undocked from Planet Leeds ,where I encountered a molly callsign [M]-Holy.Spork.He had a pirate transport,carrying Cardamine.I asked him to drop it,but he refused.
[Image: card.jpg]

I engaged him,and after some time he called for help from another molly,this time a gunboat.Then by miracle I met 2 bounty hunters who helped me with those scums.They held off the gunboat,so I could take care of the transport.
Simultaneously,2 KNF's were in system,rattling about us being useless.They engaged me,while I had that molly transport on my head.I prioritised the transport first and then the Kusarians.After some time,one bounty hunter was destroyed,and the molly gunboat was back on my head.So I was outnumbered like 5 to 1,but I didn;t give up at all.When the transport was extremely damaged and needed only afew more shoots,one KNF gunned me down while my ship's engines got destroyed when the transport hit them.
I really feel extremely sorry about not doing my best ,but it seems now that some Bretonians will get poisoned by that cardamine.Bad from me.Again,I am sorry.
Those KNF's were just a pest that were next on my list of extermination,but now I failed to destroy them.

I solemnly promise that next time I will not leave any KNF fighter alive.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - koske - 09-29-2011

[Image: bernardbrownINCbaf.png]
[Rank: Ensign]
[Subject: Patrol Report]

[font=Garamond]Salutes Admirals!
I have to report latest news from Dublin system. Group of Mollys made lot of mess there, I was with lawful mercenary Ronald Greer and I step forward to oppose them. In the mean time they got heavy support and I had two fighters with me, both were skilled enough for making their day difficult. I will not talk much about battle itself because it was stressful for me to remember every detail of fight, I just looked how to defeat enemy and survive.

I will upload evidence of the fight and then I will leave to my room at Essex, the rest is something I need.

Evidence No.1: Open
Evidence No.2: Open
Evidence No.3: Open
Evidence No.4: Open