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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - jammi - 12-12-2009

COMM ID: Lieutenant Julio Quintillia
LOCATION: Omega-52 Zvezdny Gorodok
TARGET ID: SCRA High Command, Lt. Mikhail "Beagle" Petrov

Hola comrade Petrov.
Contrary to popular belief, our Partisans are suitable for the job at hand, always have been and will continue to be until High command indicates otherwise. This will most likely be some point next year when it is widely believed our next generation of ships will be prototype tested.

In the meantime, it is recommended that you do the most yourself to amend any teething troubles found with your craft. Suggestions include pulling rank on the technicians to fast track armour enhancers and the addition of advanced sensor relayers with blackout technology. The former shouldn't strictly speaking be necessary, but the latter is essential.

You must rely on the elements of natural cover you can find to accomplish your missions, amigo. Stick to sensor masking nebulae, asteroid fields and phenomena. If all else fails, fall back to the predictability of stupidity - the enemies of the Revolution generally think in planar terms. Play this to your advantage. If no cover is available in a particular hotspot, aim up or down and fly off the plane, then dampen your sensors to reduce your radar profile. Risky? Si, but they will be much harder pressed to find you. I used this method to great effect while scouting Omicron Gamma, 91, 93, 94 and 96.

Your Partisan's agility will be your final defence - if you are having to rely on your ship to save you, rather than your wit to evade your pursuers, you are in a dire situation. At the end of the day, it is not your duty to fight a war of attrition. The recon and support wing is there to provide intelligence and run deep space sabotage. Flee from overwhelming odds to continue your mission. Rely on your craft's agility and speed to confound your enemies, then retreat to safe ground. We attack from the mist, then disappear before our enemies can rally against us. This doctrine fits the Partisan perfectly.

Addendum: The Order's Commodore Dangen has been contacted regarding field work on Op. UMBRELLA. A Order scout will probably be supplied as a guide.

For the Revolution, comrade. For the Revolution.
~Lieutenant Julio Quintillia

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Belco - 12-13-2009

COMM ID: Lieutenant Stenka Razin
LOCATION: Omega-52 Zvezdny Gorodok - libary, terminal 14 (the one with the sticky keys)
TARGET ID: SCRA High Command

I'd like to report having moved into a Revolution Bomber after my Insurgent suffered significant hull corrosion as part of extended operations in the Omega-41 system. The Bomber has been fitted with a brace of Nova Torpedoes and full armament of high energy bomber cannons.

Flight tests of the Bomber were undertaken yesterday, as escort to commissar Katz. After a brief test of the KSD-C9902's weapon systems and flight handling, Increased prescience of Bretonia Armed Forces called for an incursion into the Leeds system.

Upon entering the system, Scanner contacts read a single BAF officer and two Auxiliary Armed Forces pilots in Havok Bombers who, after some threats, insults against the queen, calls for revolt, quickly retreated on my approach upon the planet Leeds.

After ensuring the security of Bretonian airspace from further armed forces oppression, we made back to Omega 52, encountering a wing of Benitez holding position around Cadiz Base.

Shots were traded between myself and one Rodrigo Benitez flying a Praetorian while the other Corsairs and Coalition pilots looked on at the duel.

I'm afraid after almost 45 minutes of combat, neither ship had sustained any significant hull damage and a cease fire was called between the two parties, with the SCRA retreating back to 52 for refit and repairs.

Command, these Benitez harbor some excellent pilots amongst them, flying with a skill not typical of your average corsair and i recommend keeping a close eye on any further operations they conduct near coalition space.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Shagohad - 12-13-2009

*****BEGIN UPLOAD*****
*****OMEGA 5 SYSTEM*****
*****TO SIRIUS COALITION REVOLUTIONARY ARMY COMMAND: Comrade Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz*****


Greetings, Comrade Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz,

I send this transmission in order to inform you that I have completed the task you assigned with an included bonus from yesterday: Scans of The Brotherhood's [secret] shipyard known as Rhodes. The means of which this base was kept secret is rather preposterous. There was not even sufficient vessels guarding the station. It was also apparent that they were not informed of my renegade status. This shipyard is the main construction site for vessels of Legate, Praefect, and Osiris class. An incomplete Legate and Prafect can be seen still in dry-dock.

After jumping back to Omicron Gamma (Reason for retreat being a distress signal from a L.O.S.T vessel) I was ambushed by a Legate. It rendered my gun cam inoperable after 3.471926462315 seconds of combat which ensued immediately after my reentering of real space; which I retreated from and safely returned to Omega-52.

Today, I reactivated my systems and proceeded to Omicron-Gamma to perform the required scans that you had requested of me: A Praefect and a Legate class Corsair capital ship. Upon jumping into Gamma, no resistance was met. After activating stealth drives and boosting my scanners, I approached planet Crete and was eventually rewarded with a large fleet of Corsair vessels, three of which were a Praefect and two Legates. The L.O.S.T-Hades, the Legate, ignored me as I approached for the scans. The HAF-C-Tiger_Claw was the Prafect that had fallen victim to my scanners. After probing it, I activated my inertialess drives and headed back to Omega-52. I entered a dormant state outside of the jump hole to the Coalition system.

For the Revolution!

-Comrade Viatcheslav.


Rhodes shipyard:
Image 1.
Image 2.
Image 3.
Image 4.
Image 5.

Image 1.
Image 2.
Image 3.
Image 4.
Image 5.
Image 6.

Image 1.
Image 2.
Image 3.
Image 4.
Image 5.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Banza - 12-16-2009

...Incoming Transmission
Subject: Operation Winged Buffalo

Tag comrades!
Heinz reporting from 'Subject system'

Our subject is one of Border World system, far from control of any House. That is what makes this system lair of 'all kind'.
[Image: axzcbs.jpg]
The system is actually split into two. One is composed of heavy dense ice/rock/something else asteroid field, which is part of the much larger Barrier Ice Field. From what I saw, this pass is mainly used for smugglers coming in or out of Liberty space. Scanners and navigational systems are limited in this sector of the Subject system, good enough for Ambush roles.

The other part of this system is in open space style, with three planets rotating around a star in the system, classified as a Green Dwarf.

1st planet - codenamed Purple - is a large hydrogen-helium gas giant. It has unusually large amounts of Nitrogen in the upper atmosphere, which glow purple when ionized by solar wind. Planet 'Purple' is orbited by five large moons, almost planet sized. Reason for large amount of moons is probably the massive 'Purple' gravity.
Purple moons:
1.2- codenamed - Yellow - is a seemingly ordinary, barren rock moon, composed of Silicates with deposits of various light metals with no atmosphere. Space surrounding Yellow is heavily radiated and produces strong electromagnetic interference preventing detailed analysis and exploration of the surface.
1.3- codenamed - Yellowish - has a trace atmosphere of Carbon Dioxide and Helium. The surface is mainly composed of Silica laced with iron oxides, indicating the moon had oxygeneted atmosphere at some point in the past. Given the relative youth of 'Subject system' star and significant gravity well of Yellowish, the atmosphere loss must have occurred very quickly, possibly the result of an extremely cataclysmic event.
1.4- codenamed - Vulcan - is a terrostrail moon with a thin atmosphere of Carbon Dioxide and Argon. The surface is scorching hot and mainly composed of Iron with deposits of Nickel. Vulcan is tide locked to the Purple, forcing the moon to forever face the 'Subject system' star.
1.5- codenamed - Vulcan Zwei - is a terrestrail moon with a thin atmosphere composed of nitrogen and krypton. Its frigid surface is composed of vast Copper deposits covered by layers of sodium oxide dust.
1.6- codenamed - Frozen - Intels unknow. Frozen is only moon with docking ring. Closer photos were unavable becouse heavy presence of IMG patrols. Unknow population.
[Image: b6vcc2.jpg]

2nd planet - codenamed - Mars - is a large, berren desert world with a trace atmosphere of krypton and xenon. The surface is frigid, and mainly composed of silicates with deposits of magnesium, aluminum, and other light metals. In the far orbit of Mars, we found an interesting phenomenon: an unstable jump hole.
[Image: 15gpnpc.jpg]

3rd planet - codenamed - Blue - is a lush world that is seemingly ideal for human population, with vast seas and wide equatorial band of humid tropical terrain. In the orbit of Blue, we located a DSE base, codenamed Target XY. DSE is a well known Liberty company, specialized in building trade lanes, and docking rings. It is suspected that the Liberty company is building, or exploring possibility of building, docking rings and landing gears.
[Image: 1zqsq3l.jpg]

Subject system ice field, analysis:
A proper test for pilot navigational skills, and for scanners. Clear visibility is only 1 and a half Ks.
Inside the field, we found a dockable base, codenamed Target. Defenses on the stations are dozens of civilian turrets, protecting most of Targets angles.
The station is made by tree docking rings, which are connected to the main body of the Target.
Target isnt protect by any kind of weapon platforms, and Target turrets can deliver only limited damage to our attack vessels.
[Image: 2reocv4.jpg]
Population of Subject system is mainly IMG, DSE, Freelancers, Rogues, smugglers, and criminals.
We still haven't made contact with the Criminal codenamed 'Funny Walker'. Complete report about 'Funny Walker' can be expected in few days.

In additional, I am sending letters of Gdansk crew to their family onboard Starbase. I didnt have time to inspect every crew member letter, so that will be job for Starbase sensors.

Commanding officer, Lt. Commander Viktor Heinz

For the People!

...End Transmission

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 12-17-2009

COMM ID: Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz SCRA
LOCATION: Omega-52 Zvezdny Gorodok Звёздный городок

Be it so noted that Lt. Pavel Medvedov has been seconded to Military Intelligence for the purpose of assisting in the Classified UMBRELLA project.

He will operate out of the CPS-Velebit for the duration of the mission receiving any and all intelligence data pertaining to the operation, advising the command staff and the Commissars on site as to the dangers of the CLASSIFIED research.

His experience in matters of a classified nature make him ideally suited to the role. He will commence Grand Master Protocol training, and Transingental theory training under Commander Maximillian and report directly to Commissar Harval for regular psyche evaluations.

This secondment is temporary, pending approval to permanent status from High Command.

Thank you,

Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz
Комисса́р-Командир Элвин Кац

CPW-Social Credit

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 12-20-2009

COMM ID: Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz SCRA
LOCATION: Omega-52 Zvezdny Gorodok Звёздный городок

Operation Torn Barrier

Mission Successful

Mandalorian Mercenaries AND the Joker’s Thugs were decimated by our superior pilots, and Barrier Gate station was struck by our bomber wings, rendering damage to the station.

Co-ordination of the battle was handled by

Myself Commissar-Commander Katz on the CPW-Social Credit
(Bomber and Gunship wing)
Lt. Commander Victor Heinz in his Insurgent fighter.
(Light and Very Heavy Fighter Wing)

Of especial note are the actions of Mikhail Tarasov whose calm and intelligent combat training kept the younger Lieutenants in line, and maintained battle order.

Lt. Commander Hienz wishes that it be known that Lt. Mikhail Petrov flew with distinction, and skill, he is recommended for a high distinction of honour.

Also Lt. Alexandra.Volkova and Lt. Julio Quinteillia both flying Revolution bombers, who are awarded the EAGLE’S EYE medal for exceptional Sniper ability with their heavy weapons, succeeding, with expert team work, in the utter destruction of an enemy vessel inside of the first second of the battle.

May all our aims be as steady as yours.

We have, again, won a terrific victory at astounding odds, proving that the Fighter Corps, and the SCRA, and our Great Leader, are the unstoppable fist of the People!


Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz
Комисса́р-Командир Элвин Кац

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 12-20-2009

To: Lieutenant Mikhail Petrov
Comm. ID: Commissar-Commander Katz
Priority: Medium
Subject: Decoration

---Communications Opened---

Good day, Operative Petrov,

I have been receiving good reports from your superior, Lieutenant Commander Heinz. Due to this Grand Admiral MacIntosh has decided that you are to be awarded a 'Hero of the Revolution' decoration for your courage in the face of the enemy.

You and your Partisan fighter serve as a reminder to us all of what it takes to be a member of the fighter corps!

Good luck out there, Lieutenant Petrov.

Katz out.

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - jammi - 12-20-2009

COMM ID: Lieutenant Julio "Bad Panda" Quinteillia, SCRA
LOCATION: Magellan, ??? - open space.
TARGET ID: SCRA High Command

Hola comrades.
Today we struck a decisive victory against the assorted forces of the Mandalorian Mercenaries, Outcasts, Liberty Navy, various Freelancers and most importantly the Joker and his band of thugs. The battle was initiated at first with our forces mustering in Cortez at the Coronado jump hole alongside the Joker's men who had been deceived into believeing they were to fight alongside us.

Jumping into Coronado, our scanners were clear, so the fighter detachment of our task force ranged ahead to find the Mandalorians, while Red Squadron hung behind as a support supplement. When we found the gathered forces of the Mandalorians, the fighter detachment again moved forward as a screen, while the two gunships and bombers of Red Squadron hung back. Because the Mandalorians were clustered so closely together, comrade Volkova decided we should use our heavy ordinance to break up their formation. I fired a single shot from my antimatter cannon, and she launched a Nova torpedo. The antimatter destroyed one of the Mandalorian's shield conduits, and the explosion from the Nova torpedo detonated his ship. We were fairly pleased.

As the fight continued, the Mandalorians were systemattically destroyed, followed by us turning on the Joker and his tools. They were slowly erradicated as well. Over time three different Outcasts arrived and were dispatched; one from the {SOB} and two from the 101st. Numerous Freelancers also attacked our forces and were destroyed as well as, inexplicably, a Liberty Navy cruiser. About an hour into the fight, comrade Volkova was forced to eject. I picked her up then continued the fight.

Shortly after the cruiser's arrival, I was forced to pull out due to extensive damage. From the scene of the battle, I slingshotted around the sun and back into the Barrier Ice Field to carry out the assignment I had been given upon the battle's success as a bomber officer. Proceeding towards Barrier Gate, I readied my weapons for an attack run. Here is an extract from the transmission the Zoners received:

Here are the guncam shots of the weapons run itself. Superior SCRA forces had just decimated the Joker and the majority of his Thugs, so I broke away from the main engagement to initiate a bombing run on their home base.

With the majority of the defenders either destroyed or still preoccupied by the continuing battle with the SCRA's aces, I successfully completed two separate attack runs on various components of the station with my antimatter cannon.

[Image: screen399.jpg]
Opening run on an exterior docking module.

[Image: screen404.jpg]
Secondary run strikes docking bay entrance.

Once the bombing run was completed, with no hostiles encountered, I retreated back towards the Cortez jumphole. After giving our friendly forces the good news that the run was a success, I jumped through and set course for Magellan.

For the Revolution!
~Lieutenant Julio Quinteillia

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - NixOlympica - 12-21-2009

[font=Arial Black]
ID: SCRA Alexandra "Jail Bird" Volkova, СКРA Александра "заключенный птица" Волкова
Location: O-52, Zvezdny Gorodok, Звёздный городок
Target ID: SCRA High Command

Greetings comrades!

Today we have gained the glorious victory! We have eliminated all enemy targets one by one. People army always wins! We are not afraid from Mandalorian Mercenaries or Joker and his thug band.

Battle started when we have met Joker and his thugs at Coronado jumphole in Cortez. We left him in the belief that he is fighting on our side. Not for long.

Jumping into Coronado didn't show hostile activy at jump hole. So we have sent our Red Squandron to find them. They found their small group of fighters not far from us. We have moved there and after rain of Cruise Distruptor missiles we have decided to send them our gifts too.

I have sent them Red Gift (Nova Torpedo) as sign of Red Dawn and comrade Quinteillia sent them Blue Gift (Shot from antimatter cannon) as sign of people we are fighting for. Blue Gift took down shield one of their fighter and detonation from my Red Gift made from his ship just dust in space. This is power of People Army! It was also my first shutdown in SCRA!

[Image: Firstkill.jpg]

After that we started in elimination of Mandalorians one by one. I and I have achieved another shutdown that day. My Red Gifts blew up next Mandalorian. I knew we will drink lot of Vodka this evening.

[Image: Secondkill.jpg]

Then we started taking off Joker and his thugs from the sky. Joker and his Dental gunboat was first target. After hour my ship was too damaged so I was forced to eject myself but Julio cought me and transported me back to Gorodok after battle.

There I got message that we have eliminated all enemy forces and that we have got medals.

I will wear Eagle's eye with pride.


Volkova out

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 12-23-2009

COMM ID: Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz SCRA
LOCATION: Omega-52 Zvezdny Gorodok Звёздный городок
TARGET ID: Heinz, Volkova, Quinteillia

I need the name of the intruder in Omega-52 that was engaged by Quinteillia and run off by the Gdansk and Soc. his awarness of our classified operations makes it imperative that I have his name.

The Social Credit's data recorder logs were corrupted and I have no record of the conversation, but I would appreciate that I receive a transcript as soon as possible.


Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz
Комисса́р-Командир Элвин Кац

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса