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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - Printable Version

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RE: Kaiserliche Reichswehr [KRW] - Recruitment - Kaiserliche Rheinwehr - 04-09-2020


[Image: g0HfwdH.png]
Source: Planet Stuttgart
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU1T-RK
Submitter: Großadmiral Karl-Heinz von Thielau
Recipant: All men and women willing to serve the Kaiserreich
Subject: Reports

Guten Abend Rheinländer,

The Rheinwehr now serves the Kaiser von Albrecht and we have been redesigned to the first Kaiserliche Rheinwehr.
All of you, you brave and proud man and women, can now join the forces of the great Rheinwehr once again!

What are you waiting for, lets get to work!


Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Karl-Heinz von Thielau
Großadmiral der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: BAksLYE.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [KRW] - Recruitment - Nika - 04-30-2020

Full name: Branwen Göbel.
Brief biography: Branwen is quite an oddity to observe in Rheinland: her mother's a native Rheinland citizen while her father's identity is mostly covered in mystery, though it can be inferred from her behavior that he originates from Mollys, although there is no other confirmation to this other than mere assumptions. His whereabouts are currently unknown either, though, some testimonies suggest that Arnall Göbel found his way into the ranks of Red Hessians.
Her mother never told her the truth, although, even in the young age Branwen assumed Sonja knew more than she would ever tell to her daughter; at the age of twenty their positive relations came to and end: Branwen, exhausted by constant deception, entered into a dispute with her mother - which eventually led the two of them to a fight in which Göbel lost her eye, never getting to replace it with even most simple prosthesis.
At the age of twenty five Branwen Göbel entered service in the Rheinland Military.
Age: 37 y.o.
Remarkable encounters as part of the Rheinwehr: None.

Reasons for joining the Kaiserliche Rheinwehr
There will be no loud words of patriotism and standing for just cause. This is just the only creed i am good for, as such - i shall go as far as my capabilities will bring me.


German knowledge level will not affect your application): Admittedly poor.

Can you speak english in a level high enough for a RP server?: Naturally.

Are you familiarized with the current conflicts in Rheinland? Outline them (copy/paste will mean inmediate and permanent rejection): Civil war between the Federal and Imperial governments, lasting conflicts with various outlawed elements (e.g. Corsairs, Red Hessians.)

Link to your reports: I don't think there are any.

Reason for joining?: I blame DarkStar for inviting me over, and myself for accepting the invitation.

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - Kaiserliche Rheinwehr - 04-30-2020

Source: Rheinland Militär Hauptquartier, Neu Berlin, Bundesrepublik Rheinland
Encryption: port RM-HC-R8C-RU7T-EMT
Submitter: Rekrutierungsoffizier Jakob von Schweighöfen
Recipant: Frau Branwen Göbel
Subject: Re: Bewerbung

Guten Tag Frau Göbel,

The Oberkommando has carefully studied your application, and has decided to ACCEPT it, and you are therefore being incorporated in Rheinland Military primary fleet under probation status with the rank of Soldatin. The Command of the Reserve fleet has already informed us of your competence and long service, therefore you are being seconded to the First Fleet; carry out your duties as you have to date, and you will no doubt bring yourself much honour!

You are hereby requested and required to report to the Rheinwehr Hauptamt für Kriegsdiensteinschreibung, Planet New Berlin for training and assignment - follow your flight Offiziers' instructions closely and they will bring you back to base safe, sound and victorious.

From now on, you are under probation status with the rank of Soldatin, hence your Bewerbung is accepted.

Rekrutierungsoffizier Jakob von Schweighöfen

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - SauronHimself - 05-01-2020

Full name: William Vale
Brief biography: Never knew where or when I was born, or who to at that matter. As far as I can look back I've been travelling from planet to planet from station to station on freighters. Sometimes as crew, sometimes as a stow away, living my childhood on the move.
Age: 21 (What I count myself to be)
Remarkable encounters as part of the Rheinwehr: None
Reasons for joining the Kaiserliche Rheinwehr
Its time I looked for a place to call home, and military service is the best and pretty much only way of becoming a part of something bigger, something I always aspired for.


German knowledge level will not affect your application): Barely any

Can you speak english in a level high enough for a RP server?: Yes

Are you familiarized with the current conflicts in Rheinland? Outline them (copy/paste will mean inmediate and permanent rejection): Honsetly not much, from what I saw there is a civil war going on, tho I haven't seen much action, and some hostilities with the rouge faction that are based around or in Rheinland space.

Link to your reports: None

Reason for joining?: My first role play character, trying to do something with it, and always liked Rheinland as a faction, missed the fact that I couldn't really be a part of it.

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - Kaiserliche Rheinwehr - 05-01-2020

Source: Rheinland Militär Hauptquartier, Neu Berlin, Kaiserreich Rheinland
Encryption: port RM-HC-R8C-RU7T-EMT
Submitter: Rekrutierungsoffizier Jakob von Schweighöfen
Recipant: Herr Willem Vale
Subject: Re: Bewerbung

Guten Tag Herr Vale,

The Oberkommando has carefully studied your application, and has decided to ACCEPT it, and you are therefore being incorporated in Rheinland Military primary fleet under probation status with the rank of Soldat. The Command of the Reserve fleet has already informed us of your competence and long service, therefore you are being seconded to the First Fleet; carry out your duties as you have to date, and you will no doubt bring yourself much honour!

You are hereby requested and required to report to the Rheinwehr Hauptamt für Kriegsdiensteinschreibung, Planet New Berlin for training and assignment - follow your flight Offiziers' instructions closely and they will bring you back to base safe, sound and victorious.

From now on, you are under probation status with the rank of Soldat, hence your Bewerbung is accepted.

Rekrutierungsoffizier Jakob von Schweighöfen

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - sajuuk111 - 05-03-2020

Full name: Sonje Treja
Brief biography: Born in New Berlin, had a reasonable teenage life. Dad's Waste Management Officer, mom's doing some trading. Simple... for... not so long. After the coup, my dad became a Federalist supporter. That's when i got into politics and all. I was always flying a Stargazer around Berlin, doing some errands here and there. Living a modest life. But. Federalists stole my father from me. He's brainwashed and i cant handle it anymore. I want to see him. I miss him, my mom miss him. We would like to see him whenever we can, unlike federal scums that kidnapped my father to oblivion. When i put my father in jail, i can see him anytime i want.
Age: 32
Remarkable encounters as part of the Rheinwehr: Sadly none.

Reasons for joining the Kaiserliche Rheinwehr
I want to get my father back. Simple! He was a lovely guy, i dont know what happened to him at all. When i achieve that, time and my assignments will tell. I'll pledge myself to glorius Rheinland, and... fight till i die.


German knowledge level will not affect your application): Very poor.

Can you speak english in a level high enough for a RP server?: Yes.

Are you familiarized with the current conflicts in Rheinland? Outline them (copy/paste will mean inmediate and permanent rejection): Civil war in Rheinland, Federals against the new Imperial Government, and against the GMG

Link to your reports: None.

Reason for joining?: Valkyrie, Donau, and Oder are my favourite ships. Rheinland is beautiful. And i enjoy rp.

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - Kaiserliche Rheinwehr - 05-04-2020

Source: Rheinland Militär Hauptquartier, Neu Berlin, Kaiserreich Rheinland
Encryption: port RM-HC-R8C-RU7T-EMT
Submitter: Rekrutierungsoffizier Jakob von Schweighöfen
Recipant: Frau Sonja Treja
Subject: Re: Bewerbung

Guten Tag Frau Treja,

The Oberkommando has carefully studied your application, and has decided to ACCEPT it, and you are therefore being incorporated in Rheinland Military primary fleet under probation status with the rank of Soldatin. The Command of the Reserve fleet has already informed us of your competence and long service, therefore you are being seconded to the First Fleet; carry out your duties as you have to date, and you will no doubt bring yourself much honour!

You are hereby requested and required to report to the Rheinwehr Hauptamt für Kriegsdiensteinschreibung, Planet New Berlin for training and assignment - follow your flight Offiziers' instructions closely and they will bring you back to base safe, sound and victorious.

From now on, you are under probation status with the rank of Soldatin, hence your Bewerbung is accepted.

Rekrutierungsoffizier Jakob von Schweighöfen

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [KRM] - Recruitment - Shad0WTF - 05-11-2020

Full name: Hans Schumacher
Brief biography: I was a born in Baden Baden. I had an okay childhood but I always admired my father. I always saw him flying glorious ships and he told me his stories about war. And he was the fastest pilot around here. Even though I wanted to join the military, my father always told me no. He always saw me as his little kid and told me I won't be able to handle being in the military. Recently, my father passed away while ensuring the success of the coup. He gave his life for this worthy cause...everything he had...his own life. I want to make him proud.
Age: 26
Remarkable encounters as part of the Rheinwehr: None, unfortunately.

Reasons for joining the Kaiserliche Rheinwehr
I want to make those who turned my family into a wreck pay. I don't care what comes into my way. From now on, my only cause will be honoring my father and my pledge to the Rheinland Military.


German knowledge level will not affect your application): A1 level, got some German lessons in university

Can you speak english in a level high enough for a RP server?: Yes.

Are you familiarized with the current conflicts in Rheinland? Outline them (copy/paste will mean inmediate and permanent rejection): I just know there was a coup in Rheinland and filthy Federalists are against this glorious cause.

Link to your reports: None.

Reason for joining?: I always loved Rheinland Military. We even had a clan in TF2 named after it with my friend. I would love to be a part of it and fly with the amazing Fafnir.

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [KRM] - Recruitment - Kaiserliche Rheinwehr - 05-12-2020

Source: Rheinland Militär Hauptquartier, Neu Berlin, Kaiserreich Rheinland
Encryption: port RM-HC-R8C-RU7T-EMT
Submitter: Rekrutierungsoffizier Jakob von Schweighöfen
Recipant: Herr Hans Schumacher
Subject: Re: Bewerbung

Guten Tag Herr Schumacher,

The Oberkommando has carefully studied your application, and has decided to ACCEPT it, and you are therefore being incorporated in Rheinland Military primary fleet under probation status with the rank of Soldat. The Command of the Reserve fleet has already informed us of your competence and long service, therefore you are being seconded to the First Fleet; carry out your duties as you have to date, and you will no doubt bring yourself much honour!

You are hereby requested and required to report to the Rheinwehr Hauptamt für Kriegsdiensteinschreibung, Planet New Berlin for training and assignment - follow your flight Offiziers' instructions closely and they will bring you back to base safe, sound and victorious.

From now on, you are under probation status with the rank of Soldat, hence your Bewerbung is accepted.

Rekrutierungsoffizier Jakob von Schweighöfen

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - Kaiserliche Rheinwehr - 05-16-2020

Source: Rheinland Militär Hauptquartier, Neu Berlin, Kaiserreich Rheinland
Encryption: port RM-HC-R8C-RU7T-EMT
Submitter: Rekrutierungsoffizier Jakob von Schweighöfen
Recipant: Herr Gaspar Bruckner
Subject: Re: Bewerbung

Guten Tag Herr Bruckner,

The Oberkommando has carefully studied your application, and has decided to ACCEPT it, and you are therefore being incorporated in Rheinland Military primary fleet under probation status with the rank of Soldat. The Command of the Reserve fleet has already informed us of your competence and long service, therefore you are being seconded to the First Fleet; carry out your duties as you have to date, and you will no doubt bring yourself much honour!

You are hereby requested and required to report to the Rheinwehr Hauptamt für Kriegsdiensteinschreibung, Planet New Berlin for training and assignment - follow your flight Offiziers' instructions closely and they will bring you back to base safe, sound and victorious.

From now on, you are under probation status with the rank of Soldat, hence your Bewerbung is accepted.

Rekrutierungsoffizier Jakob von Schweighöfen