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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - The Banger Grim - 09-30-2011

[Image: Bangerloch.png]
The signal fades in, showing a seated & hooded figure in front of the camera as the shadow behind him begins to speak:

"The value of one's life is ultimately determined by the worth one places upon it by way of the choices one makes during the short time they are alloted"

The prisoners hood is removed and the camera zooms in on the face of a captured BAF officer, covered in defiant blood and sweat.

"This one chose...poorly."

With no fanfare, the protests of the angry Bretonian patriot are quickly drowned within in the gurgle of blood that escapes through the fresh slit across his throat.

"It's not Gaia that bleeds"

::Transmission cut at the source::

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 10-01-2011

>Opening Security Channel
>Enter Security Code:""""""
>Please Wait.....................
>Security Channel Open / Very High Encryption
>Source:Battleship Essex
>Transponder ID:Lieutenant Commander Renoktu-Ree
>Video and Voice:Enabled
>Upload Uplink....

_________/*INCOMING TRANSMISSION*\__________
[Image: ff-reno.jpg]

Salutes*Sir Admirals,

im sending this on the security channel couse i got very important Data Files.
This Files are TOP SECRET categorie.
I have these Files on my ships Black Box,i cant send them couse i disabled all transmission channels,to keep this files save from viruses and hacker,and i guess the files itself sending location data,couse since i got them on my board with open trasmission systems,i had still enemys on my back,
This Meassage i send from the Battleship Essex,the commander said this will be save.

Sir Admirals,i request a High Level Escort for this Files,to bring them to New London HQ.
I will Trade this files to one of our Admirals.
And i give you my word,this files are important for bretonia,and dont ask me how i got them,lets say i got my skills Sir.
Please Contact me via comms to Essex,i wait here for your answer sirs.

Salutes* Sir!
For Queen and Bretonia,

LtCdr.Renoktu-Ree out
**********************************************************************************************TRANSMISSION TERMINATED********************

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gruffalo - 10-01-2011

[---Incoming Transmission---]
[---ID: Lieutenant Lucas Alexander---]
[---Source: Battleship Norfolk---]
[---Encryption: High---]
[---Priority: Medium---]
[---Subject: Patrol Report---]

[Image: t7bqt1.png]

Good Evening,

A report from this morning, I began my patrol from the Battleship Derby and after patrolling Leeds and finding nothing other than the odd trader. I continued my patrol through Edinburgh, where once again everything was quiet. From there I headed to Dublin where I came across the odd trader and miner, suprisingly, there was no Molly nor any Pirate activity in the system.

From Dublin, I continued my patrol into New London where I came across a trader, callsign [color=#FF0000]SS|Olympia
who informed me that there was someone causing some ruckus in Manchester. Well, I headed to Manchester and came across a civillian, callsign BomberBob who was disrupting traffic at Birmingham Station by cutting the trade lanes.

He refused to heed my warnings to stop and fled towards Cortez, I eventually caught up with him at Planet Curacao, where he promptly proceeded to fly into the Planet, Planetary control assured me that the wreckage landed in the Ocean.

After that, I headed back through Manchester and quickly patrolled Cambridge before signing off on the Battleship Norfolk.

:Attached Files:

Bretonia Prevails!

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Lieutenant Lucas Alexander.

[--Ending Transmission---]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gruffalo - 10-02-2011

[---Incoming Transmission---]
[---ID: Lieutenant Lucas Alexander---]
[---Source: Battleship Dauntless---]
[---Encryption: High---]
[---Priority: Medium---]
[---Subject: Combat in Dublin---]

[Image: t7bqt1.png]

Good Evening,

I began my patrol today by launching from the Battleship Suffolk, where I was told by Admiral Francis to immediately head to Dublin as the Mollys had launched an attack against Graves Station, I made with all haste to Dublin and saw 3 Molly Gunboats, callsigns, [color=#FF0000][M]-Charles
, [color=#FF0000][M]-My.Little.Bus
and [M]-Max.O'reilly. We focused fire on [M]-My.Little.Bus and we eventually took him down. We unfortunatley lost Lt Folge to [M]-Josh.Valentine. Admiral Piett onboard the HMS Dauntless arrived to provide assistance if necessary. We then focused fire on [M]-Max.O'reilly and he went down after feebly trying to flee. However, our resident parasites, the Reavers, callsigns, arrived spouting their usual nonsense.

Cdre Clay ordered the Reavers to leave, but of course, with their peasant mindset, they refused, and then proceeded to open fire on myself. Cdre Clay ordered us to engage and focus fire on Jade.Reaver. However, the Reavers, as ever, were using a Repair Ship, callsign Dodger to keep themselves supplied. Eventually, the Reavers were gaining the upper-hand due to the influx of Mercs who chose to help the Reavers, two of which was Manhattan.Dragon and Rosalie.Schmitt. Lt Layla Clay was taken out of action by Jade.Reaver, howver, the Dauntless tractored in her escape pod.

Shortly afterwards, we were loosing ground due to the superior numbers against us, in adittion, to the Repair Ship supplying the enemy forces. I eventually succumbed and my Templar was put out of action by Jade.Reaver. The Dauntless safely tractored my escape pod. I will strive to do better next time.

:Attached Files:

Bretonia Prevails!

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Lieutenant Lucas Alexander.

[---Ending Transmission---]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - stardust47 - 10-03-2011

[Image: baftrans1.png]
Target: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff
Subject: Report for Today
Sirs, today I found myself being contacted by a secondary fleet vessel near the Dublin Jumpgate in New London. Upon arrival, I discovered the presence of a Samura ship. After engaging, my Neural Net systems failed and I was forced to eject.
After being recovered and taken back to the Derby I did a patrol of Manchester and Cambridge. Nothing of interest apart from the capture of several Molly pirates.
Guncam images availible upon request.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dieter Schprokets - 10-05-2011

[Image: James_Layton_Ralston.jpg]

Flag Officers and Pilots of the Bretonian Armed Forces

It has come to my attention that the renegade Mercenary codenamed Silver Reaver is responsible for the deaths of as many of our pilots as an entire enemy squadron.

The Crown's response to this extraordinary and unsatisfactory situation is to order an extrajudical death sentence for this individual.

This means, unlike a lawful enemy combatant, taking this person prisoner is precluded, in favour of simply killing them.

Trusting the above is sufficiently clear,

Fleet Admiral James Ralston.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gruffalo - 10-06-2011

[---Incoming Transmission---]
[---ID: Lieutenant Lucas Alexander---]
[---Source: Battleship Essex---]
[---Encryption: High---]
[---Priority: Medium---]
[---Subject: Patrol---]

[Image: t7bqt1.png]

Good Evening,

A report from this morning, I began my patrol by launching from New London, after being assigned my new Templar. After sweeping all the trade lanes, I headed to Leeds, where I came across two traders. Callsigns [color=#FF0000]SS|Olympia
and [color=#FF0000]SS|Tiresius
, who wished to transport Refugees from Leeds to the Port Jackson colony on Planet Gran Canaria in Omega 49. I informed them that what they were doing was fine, and thanked them for helping some of the less fortunate on Leeds.

After that, I decided to check the Dublin system where I came across an Outcast, callsign Enrico.Salada. When I enquired as to what a Outcast Gunboat was doing in Dublin, he responded very rudely and then decided to open fire upon me. I responed likewise and eventually destroyed after he tried to flee towards Leeds.

With that over, I decided to dock on the Essex and sign off.

*Guncam images are available, just a slight problem in uploading them to BAF secured NeuralNet.

:Attached Files:

Bretonia Prevails!

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Lieutenant Lucas Alexander.

[---Ending Transmission---]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Aingar - 10-06-2011

failed, retry attempt 1 of 10...
failed, retry attempt 2 of 10...
failed, retry attempt 3 of 10...
failed, retry attempt 4 of 10...
connected, 80% signal loss.
Switching to analog transmission.
Sending ship system status:
We(&ons system: 100% cap#acit%, unp$wered
Life-support: 50% c^pacity, opera!ing on auxillary power.
Pr0;ul&sion systems: 70% capacity, unpowered
Po@er sy/'tems: lost
Transmitting last log...

I have to preserve power, so I'll make this quick, during standard patrol routine over a week ago my power core exploded on my way back to Essex, I'm drifting toward it ever since, I couldn't establish a connection earlier due to need to conserve the power cells.

As to the core meltdown I believe it's due to extreme stress it took during operation Attrition.Thankfully I looted some water and synth paste off the molly ships I destroyed shortly before the failure, so you don't need to worry about me.

I honestly cannot tell when I'll reach the Essex scanners, might be tommorow, might take another week, I can't really tell, don't look for me, my ship is not sending any signatures, and finding an unpowered ship in open space is just not worth it.

I'm looking forward to see you again folks, Clarke out.

[color=#33FF33]terminating transfer
logging out...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - stardust47 - 10-07-2011

[Image: baftrans1.png]
Target: Bretonia Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff
Subject: Report for today

Earlier today, I got in my fighter and headed to Leeds to meet up with Captain Winters. He was at Stokes Mining Station investigating a Reaver sighting and ordered me to stay behind at the planet. While I was there, the President of USI flew past on his way to Edinburgh. After a while, Wannabe.Reaver flew past. I pursued him up to Stokes where he docked with the station before I oculd get a shot at him. MEanwhile, Winters was fighting Bieber.Reaver. After Winters' ship was destroyed, I engaged. Unfortunately, my ship was blown up as well. I was recovered by a patrol and am now onboard the Derby.
Guncam images available on request.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - stardust47 - 10-08-2011

[Image: baftrans1.png]
Target: Bretonia Armed Forces Defence Intelligence Staff
Subject: Report for Today

Dear Sirs,
As you will no doubt be aware, I was involved in the recent skirmish with Reaver and Molly forces near the Battleship Essex. I was able to destroy a Molly Barghest (Guncam) but unfortunately, I was the first of our ships to go down.

I have also noticed that I may meet the requirements for promotion to Lieutenant:
4 patrol reports since my return,
13 hours of flight time,
A good level of attitude.